january 7 bulletin

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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church update


London @ Worship Sabbath School

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.

The Triune God

Jude 1:20-21

Superintendent: Alex Golovenko Musician: Alex Golovenko

Praise Leader: Golovenko Boys Next Week: Super: Chris Bassaragh

Worship Hour

Song and Praise………………………………………..……..Pat Carter

Hymn of Praise……No.344……..I Love Your Kingdom, Lord

Intercessory Prayer…………………..……………Alex Golovenko

Praying for New leaders / Revival & Transformation

Next Week Praying for Passion for Evangelism; Religious Liberty

Offering Appeal….......Church Budget…....Edwin Onyango

Children Story……………………….……………Stepan Golovenko

Special Music…………............................................Band

Scripture Reading…..Revelation 1: 10-20…..Natalia Bartosz

“Christ Empowering leadership for Church today.”

Pastor Alex Golovenko

Song of Commitment...........No.625…………Higher Ground

Benediction..................................................Clara Baptiste

Sunset this Sabbath 5:07 pm Next week 5:14 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to:



1. The AV Department now has a Radio frequency for the hearing inpared. For info please speak to AV personael.

2. For the benefit of those who cannot be with us in person, our programs are video recorded and web broadcast.

3. Pathfinders meeting tomorrow at 10 am. Be ready for physical exercise, and bookwork.

4. Two Ministry Orientation meetings are scheduled for newly elected and continuing officers of our church. TODAY: Sabbath, January 7 at 5 pm, and next Sunday January 15, 2012 at 5 pm. If you are involved in any ministry, volunteer to serve on behalf of our church, please attend one of these meetings. These alternative dates are set to accommodate your schedules and make this training available for all who serve. Elder Clara Baptiste and pastor Alex Golovenko will facilitate both sessions, informing of church vision, values, strategy, resource, and dialoguing with all volunteers about effectiveness of our service.

5. Please note that all citrus fruit must be pre-ordered. Sunday, January 8th. is the last date to order. Fruits would be delivered on Sunday, January 22, 2012. A minimum order is required for the truck to deliver at the Church.

6. Calling all table tennis (ping pong) players! In January we are starting a table tennis club a t the church on Sunday afternoons (specific time to be determined). Players of all skill levels are welcomed and basic instruction will be provided. If you are interested, please sign the clipboard circulating or talk to Ajit Gaikwad or Don Topper

7. Inviting ALL to our mid-week church service. Starting in the new year we will have the second church service weekly on Wednesday nights at 7 pm. Pastor Alex Golovenko will lead with a series of sermons on “Fruit of the Spirit – the Love.” The mid-week service will give more opportunities to elders and deacons to develop their preaching gifts. A sign-up sheet for preaching opportunities is available at the front bulletin board.

8. Swimming and Games evening at the Boys and Girls Club Sunday January 22nd from 5-7:30 p.m. Plan to bring your family and friends.

9. First general church potluck of the new year to be held on Sabbath January 28th. Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Feel free to bring additional items from any category. A-C Salad/Raw vegetables, D-F Bread/Bun, G-I Main course/Casserole, J-M Cooked vegetable/Soup, N-R Dessert/ Fruit, S-Z Drink/Juice.

10. Seventh–day Adventist believers in Waterloo are inviting members of the London church for a historic Sabbath, January 21 when their congregation will be organized as a Church. The ceremony will begin at 2 pm at the Emmanuel United Church, 22 Bridgeport Road West, Waterloo. Celebration in Song will be followed by a banquet. Please R.S.V.P to pastor Edwin Emerson by either phone 519-589-1633, 519-342-5181 or email: earkemerson@yahoo.com ; or eemerson@adventistontario.org

11. Annual Budget Business meeting will take place January 21 at 6 pm in the fellowship hall. All departments, please submit your budget requests to the treasurer Edwin Onyango.

12. The Sabbath School Council meeting will take place next Sabbath, January 14 at 5 pm. Leaders of ALL Sabbath School departments are to be present as we will discuss format of classes and development of outreach for 2012. Pastor Alex is overseeing Sabbath School development this year.

13. Men’s ministry breakfast and first meeting will take place next Sunday, January 15 at 8:30 am. The discussion book is “A Place for us guys.” How do guys, men, fit into church today? What is our place and role in family and society? We are also preparing for a weekend out together with author Chuck Burkeen in June.

14. By your request! Prophecy Seminar DVD set is available for $15 at AV booth. Make your donations addressed to “Evangelism.” 7 presentations by pastor Golovenko are recorded on 3 DVDs, presenting the Big Picture of Biblical Prophecies and connecting Daniel and Revelation.

15. Church Board meeting will take place Monday, January 9 at 6:30 pm at the fellowship hall. Please provide your agenda items either to the first elder Clara Baptiste, Clerk Kusum Gaikwad, or to pastor Alex Golovenko.

16. Ontario Conference President Mansfield Edwards will host a meeting on Strategy and growth for the Western district at our church on Sunday, February 12 at 9:30 am. Lunch will be provided at noon. All leaders and members of church board are invited to attend this meeting. It is vital that we be clear regarding the intended direction of our Conference and the goals we are working towards.

17. Pick up your copy of January 2012 Newsletter with schedules and updates on local happenings.

18. Report of the Worship Committee The Worship Committee in collaboration with other supporting ministries will endeavour to: Intentionally provide an atmosphere wherein all worshippers will have an encounter with God, and leave motivated to make disciples for the Kingdom. Ensure the safety of all members, especially our children. Continuously monitor and balance the flow of the worship service, and evaluate our effectiveness. Clearly convey expectations to those who are asked to serve encourage all participants to strive for excellence

19. Today & Next Sabbath: A Relationship Enhancement Seminar 2 – 5 pm. Discover secrets of Christ’s transforming power! Pack your lunch and spend first two Sabbaths in the New Year growing spiritually. We want you to experience daily Christ’s power and love instead of the limitations and failure of trying to tough it out on our own steam. 8 sessions will be presented on January 7 & 14 at the Sanctuary.

Happy Birthday Jan 7 Barry Beckles Jan 10 Lilly Somers Jan 7 Maria Keim Jan 10 Sofia Gaspar

Jan 7 Casey Dawson Jan 12 Lois Kantor

Jan 10 Marilyn Nicotera Jan 15 Anatoli Golovenko

Jan 10 Trevor Palmateer Jan 15 Betty Haskell

Praying for the World Project Egypt, Eritrea, Estonia, Faeroe Islands, Ethiopia

We continue praying for all the nations of the world. This coming week we

turn to one of the largest populations in Africa – Egypt. Today, Sunday &

Monday we will pray for 85 million people living in that land of the Bible stories.

Adventists had been working in Egypt for decades with a little impact. Only

750 believers are present in the whole country, many are foreign missionaries.

Since 1954 our church operates Nile Union Academy, boarding school trains

135 students from Egypt and Sudan.

Christianity had been present in Egypt from the earliest witness of apostles.

The strongest Christian presence has been maintained by the Coptic Orthodox

church. However their attitude toward evangelical developments is not the

most accepting. Pray for revival and reformation of true Christianity there.

Majority of population are Muslims, and in view of recent political developments

much prayer is needed that Islam will not take over militantly, but freedom for

Christian witness would remain. Egypt is a multicultural country and has the

largest in the world presence of Gypsies. Pray for openness to the Gospel

among these nomadic people. Special prayer is needed for the Upper Egypt

Nubian region, Christian until 17th century, when it was forcefully islamisized,

the people need to rediscover their Christian roots.

Tuesday we will pray for Eritrea, independent from Ethiopia for 20 years,

the wound of civil war are fresh. Coptic Christianity is very defensive of both,

Islam and Evangelical churches. Among 5 million there are about 500

Adventists only, whereas in Ethiopia Adventist church counts nearly 200,000.

The ethnic allegiance make conversion difficult.

On Friday we will begin three days of Prayer for 85 million of people in

Ethiopia, the land that claims strong Christian heritage and even Sabbath-

keeping roots, but in need of revival and spiritual reawakening.

Wednesday we will lift in prayer Estonia. A former Soviet republic that

gained independence 20 years ago and is focused on rediscovering national

identity, disconnection from anything Russian. Adventist church with its

Russian roots there is also under challenges, even as other evangelical

churches are growing. Pray for wisdom for church leaders to navigate in the

pluralistic materialistic postmodern environment.

Faroe Islands are autonomous self-governing territory north of Denmark,

striving for more independence. Adventist presence is relatively similar to the

rest of continental Europe 1:1000. Pray for the revival among nominal

Christians. And pray for the single church of 60 believers in Torshavn. As you

are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the

harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

In service of the Great Shepherd, pastor Alex Golovenko

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