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“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to

Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the One Who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star when it rose

and have come to worship Him.” Matthew 2:2

January 2015

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015

Monday Evening Worship

resumes on January 5,

2015 at 6:30 PM

I don’t know about you, but during my life, I have made many New Year’s res-olutions. Everything from losing weight; exercising on a daily basis; spending more time with family and friends; read-ing one new book a month; cleaning out the basement, and on and on my well in-tentioned resolutions go. However, usually by February 28th, I have given up on them all. Perhaps I had too many resolutions. Or maybe they were the wrong ones. Or maybe I shouldn’t have given up within two months. Who knows?! You probably have had similar expe-riences, which is why “New Year’s Resolu-tions” have become somewhat of a stand-ing joke in our country. Treadmills that collect dust are just one silent testimony to good intentions going out the window. I’m hoping this new year of 2015 might be different. This year, I’m focusing on just one or two things that are achievable. Perhaps 2015 will be different than 2014. Now when it comes to your mem-

bership at Divine Redeemer, I am bold to ask you to prayerfully con-sider the following “spiritual resolu-tions” for 2015. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Just check off one or two that you feel would be somewhat of a “stretch” for you, but still within the realm of being achievable. To keep your spiritual resolution(s) alive throughout 2015, I encourage you to tear off the bottom of this page and post it on your fridge door or on the mirror in your bathroom…two places where you will see it on a daily basis. That might be just the reminder you need to keep spiri-tually healthy in 2015. May our gracious Lord bless your commitment as you resolve, with the help of His Holy Spirit, to take your spirituality to a new level for 2015.

Pastor Jeff Schubert


New Year Resolution Revisited

2015 New Year SPIRITUAL Resolutions

❑ Pray for your church, your community, and your world daily.

❑ Worship regularly and faithfully at Divine Redeemer

❑ Learn more about God’s Word through personal and group Bible study

❑ Volunteer for Servant Saturdays and leadership opportunities

❑ Support the mission and ministry of Divine Redeemer Church & School

❑ Serve others through acts of love and kindness as you are led by God

❑ Witness your faith boldly and courageously at work and at home

❑ Suggest new and exciting ministries to your church leaders

❑ Home Fellowship Groups – Join a group or better yet, start one of your own

(Tear Off) This month’s volunteer-ing opportunities are listed below. Can you help?

- Volunteers are need-ed to make coffee for the Fellowship Hour. (We have a NEW Coffeemaker!

- Volunteers to work the Divine Boutique. Train-ing is provided.

- Ushers and Greeters for all church services.

Contact Doris Egan at 262-367-8400, ext. 101 or doris.egan@drlc.org.


LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 3

“Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-13 Once again, Divine Redeemer has made the commitment to support some of our synod’s seminary students in three important ways. First, through Concordia Seminary’s (St. Louis) Adopt-A-Student program, during the months of January and February we will be sponsoring three students -- Marissa Arndt, Samuel Hand-schke, and Aaron Sterling. While Marissa continues to prepare for the Deaconess Ministry, both Sam and Aaron are in their first year of the Master of Divinity program which will lead to ordination. Through the Adopt-A-Student program we are able to help reduce the cost of tuition as they continue their ongoing theological train-ing/education. As I shared last year, the Adopt-A-Stu-

dent program was a great blessing to me personally while attending the seminary back in 2002. Shelley and I still talk about how much greater the financial burden would have been had it not been for the support of local congregations working through this program; and I’m certain that Marissa, Sam, and Aaron will feel the same. A second way that we support our sem-inarians is through the Christmas Angel Trees. Once again, through the gen-erous gifts that you gave, the Outreach Team was able to send 95 Christmas Cards filled with gift cards and words of encouragement to our seminary students who are currently single. Like last year, there’s no doubt that they have been well received. Last, but certainly not least, we also have the ongoing opportunity to pray for these men and women who are following God’s call into various areas of ministry – as pastors and deaconesses. Please continue to pray that God would give each of them all that they need for each and every day, and that the Holy Spirit would

continue to lead them, grow them, and prepare them for all that He has planned. If you are further interested in taking part in the St. Louis Sem-inary’s Adopt-A-Student program, you can find more information at http://www.csl.edu/friends/adopt-a-student/. Thanks again for your ongoing mission support!

Pastor Kurt

Mission of


If you would like to become part of the Outreach team, contact Cheryl Maas at 262-670-0572. We’d love to have you join us!

Mission Support for January & February:Students attending Concordia Seminary — St. Louis


“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” ~ Matthew 5:13 The DR Outreach Team wishes to thank all of those who took time to plan and participate in our Salt of the Earth community outreach event on Saturday, Decem-ber 6. Through the efforts of various Outreach Team members, and in coordina-tion with our Ministry to Men Team, we were able to hand out 140 ten pound bags of rock salt while inviting peo-ple to check us out here at Divine Redeemer. We also wish to thank Greg and Jane Howe for allowing us to do this at Culver’s. This is not the first time the Howes have allowed us to reach out to those who are heading into Culver’s for a meal, and we are blessed to have this as an opportunity to get to know our neighbors. If you would like to take part in a future community outreach event, watch for de-tails in future editions of Life-lines. We would love to have more and more of our broth-ers and sisters join us as we live as Salt of the Earth.

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 4

We ask all parents whose children will be baptized to attend a one session baptism information class. The next class will be held on Wednesday, January 21 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Call Gail Arnold to register: 262-367-8400 or e-mail her at gail.arnold@drlc.org. Childcare is avail-able upon request.

Baptism Information


It was at some point during the sec-ond concert that an overwhelming feeling of wonder and gratitude came over me. I realized what a thrill it is to have the priv-ilege and opportunity to direct such a di-versely talented group of musicians and singers. And I was having fun! I also realized that I am so blessed to have this experience. I am humbled and awe-struck

that the Lord worked wonders and placed me at Divine Redeemer for His purpose. As Pastor Jeff mentioned in his earlier

email, there are times in the ministry that are challenging and disheartening, but you have given me a precious gift. Your music has lightened my heart and reminded me once again why we do ministry. The Spirit works through us and our efforts despite our flaws to touch the hearts and souls of those people around us. I cannot believe that our concerts are

over—simply cannot be-lieve it. So many hours spent in preparation. Thank you for being a part of the mystery that is the work of the Holy Spirit. You are blessed to be a blessing to me, to Divine Redeemer, to the people whose hearts you reached with the mes-

sage of our Savior’s birth. With gratitude to the Lord, for you!

Heidi K. Graf, Director of Music Ministries

My Dear Musicians, Singers & Friends,Shop The Divine

Boutique There are still a few beau-tiful olive wood carvings from Bethlehem left in stock in The Divine Boutique. All of the carvings are reasonably priced and a great addition to any collection. Proceeds from our sales help the struggling Palestinian Christians in Isra-el. There are praying hands, Jesus with children, candle-sticks, and nativities. We also offer gift certifi-cates. There are gifts for any occasion! The store is open 8 AM to 4 PM weekdays as well as Sunday mornings from 8 AM to 11:45 AM.

“What are you passionate about?” On Sunday, January 18, we will have another opportunity to hear from a guest speaker. This time, it will be one of our very own – Mr. David Bahr, as he zeroes in on an important topic for all Christ-followers: “What are you passionate about?” Dave has served as a Lutheran high school teacher since 1987, and he has been teaching and coaching at Lake Country Lu-theran High School since 2003 – where he has dedicated his life to living out his faith in Jesus while leading our younger brothers and sisters in Christ to do the same. Dave has also received a number of distinguished awards and achievements as a teacher and coach over the years: Presidential Award for Excellence in Science & Mathematics Teaching Fort Wayne Lutheran Schools Teacher of the Year Indiana District Teacher of the Year Kohl Educational Fellowship South Wisconsin District Teacher of the Year

Regional Baseball Coach of the Year Conference Coach of the Year Head Coach for LCLHS Baseball – State Runner-Up – 2013 Head Coach for LCLHS Baseball – State Champions – 2014 Without a doubt, these are all great achievements, but Dave’s greatest asset is the faith that he has been given to live and share on a daily basis at LCL and here at Di-vine Redeemer (as an Elder, a Pastoral As-sistant, a Bible Study leader, and facilitator and teacher of our 7th Grade Confirmation classes). We are blessed that God has brought Dave and his family to serve in our midst, and we look forward to his message based on Luke 15 – “What are you passionate about?”

What’s Happening in Worship?

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 5

PARKER JOHN LANGParents: Travis & Michelle

LangBorn: 9/23/2014

Baptized: 11/30/2014


Another Successful Breakfast with the King Wow! What an event! What great dec-orations! What great acting, costumes, and script! What a wonderful breakfast! You rang the bell once again. THANK YOU, to all involved, from the bottom of my heart. This Breakfast With the King was even better than the first one last year, and the first one was awesome! I understand that you (Amy Bronner) borrowed a lot of the items from Elmbrook Church. I really liked the various “stations” that featured the food, crafts, art, and so forth of Bethlehem. The tax collectors, soldiers, and the “enforced tax payments” were a wonderful idea. Well done and thank you again to all involved! I look forward to next year. Pastor Jeff

The Sunday morning classes offered are:BETHEL BIBLE STUDY

(Prayer Room) A 2-year in-depth

journey through the BibleCHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS

(Fellowship Hall) A study and defense

of our essential Christian beliefs

Anyone is welcome anytime!

SENIOR CONNECTION The Divine Redeemer Senior Connection Bible class meets on Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Starting Thursday, January 8, we will be studying the book of Daniel. So please come and join us for Bible study, fellow-ship and treats. In December the group had our Christmas Luncheon and the food and fellowship was great. We also went to the Fireside for the Fireside Christmas show and every-one had an excellent meal and show.

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 6

platform speakers · breakout sessions · music worship

Pete Briscoe BRYAN LORITTS Afshin Ziafat OSCAR MURIU Steve Sonderman STEVE FARRAR

ticket sales begin November 15 at 8am cstat www.menwithnoregrets.org




Contact Bruce Lesniak at 262-337-3307 or bruster1@wi.rr.com for additional information on

attending this great conference.

Men’s Retreat 2015 The men of our congregation have been invited to be participants in the 15th annual Men’s Retreat at the Holiday Inn in Manitowoc on February 20-22, 2015. The retreat is planned by 3 congregations in the South Wis-consin District of our LCMS. The 3 churches are Our Redeemer in Wauwatosa, First Immanuel in Cedarburg, and Divine Redeemer in Hartland. The theme for this year’s retreat is, “The Samson Syndrome.” The life of Samson has a lot to say to men living in today’s culture. Samson was hand picked by God to lead his peo-ple in a revolt against the hated Philistines. Instead of leading his people, Samson was a selfish playboy who squandered his talents. Samson did what the people in his day did. God intended Samson (and His followers today) to elevate their mindset from the ways of the world and not follow what everyone else was doing. The author of the book, ”The Samson Syndrome”, lists twelve tendencies that led to Samson’s downfall and are still around today in our culture. At the retreat you will look at these tendencies and the problems they bring to men in our culture today. You will receive spe-cific, positive suggestions on how to overcome each tendency and learn how be faithful followers of the Lord. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT! See the registration forms at the Welcome Centers in the Narthex and the Cafeteria. Contact Jim Berg at 414-462-5871 with any questions.

New Member Classes Begin in January Becoming a member of Divine Re-deemer is easy. Join us for an 8-week course where we delve into what it means to be a Lutheran and a member of Divine Redeemer. We will use Lutheranism 101 as our course guide as well as the book, I am A Church Member. Lutheranism 101 will examine our Lutheran beliefs and their heritage using a fresh and unique approach. If you are a lifelong Lutheran searching for more information or are new to the Lutheran Church, we will help you understand what we believe, why we believe what we be-lieve and how faith can apply to your life. Get ready for an easy conversational style NEW MEMBER COURSE with short arti-cles, side-bar features, and some humor. You are on your way to creating a solid Lu-

theran foundation with Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church. Being a member of Divine Redeem-er is more than merely having a church to belong to. This course will help you find a way of committing to the work God is doing in you. Join us as we help you understand the importance of the Body of Christ and how to discover an attitude that makes the difference in your life. We are excited to have you or some-one you know become a member of Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School. Call the church office to sign up now and join us in January on the dates listed be-low from 6:30-8:30 PM: Thursday, January 8 Thursday, January 15 Thursday, January 22

Thursday, January 29 Thursday, February 5 Thursday, February 12 Thursday, February 19 Thursday, February 26We meet in the Fellowship Hall. If you have a question or need ad-ditional information, contact either Pastor Jeff at jeff.schubert@drlc.org or Pastor Kurt at kurt.wenzelburger@drlc.org.


LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 7

Operation Christmas Child Recap Seeing children’s faces light up when they receive shoe box gifts is a joy that will never grow old for me. God has blessed Operation Christmas Child beyond anything we ever imag-ined. This Samaritan’s Purse outreach would not be possible without the faithful prayers and unwavering commitment of individuals, families, churches and groups throughout the United States. Millions of children are hearing the Good News of the Savior in our follow-up discipleship programs overseas, and many are coming to faith in Jesus Christ. I was blessed last week to have met Franklin Graham in Minneapolis personally. What an honor to have met him. Our final shoe box count from our packing party on November 22 at Divine Redeemer was 9,850. At the processing Center in Minneapolis alone we went through 706,000 shoe boxes. Thank you for making an eternal difference in these precious lives, “for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.“ (Mathew 19:14b NIV) God bless you. We will be having a follow up meeting Tuesday, January 20 at 6:30 PM in the Media Center. Since our packing party is getting so big, which is awesome, we would like to re-cruit more committees working together instead of one person on each committee. So if you are interested in helping please come to our meeting on January 20. If you have any questions you can call me at 414-254-3651 or terrywilliams100@hotmail.com.

Terry and Dennis Williams and the 2014 Operation Christmas Child Committee at Divine Redeemer would like to thank the following individuals, stores, companies, businesses, dentists and banks for their con-tributions: Dennis J. Abere, D.D.S., Accompany of Kids, Albrecht’s Sentry Food, Anchor Bank-Brookfield, Lars and Joan Ander-son, James and Terry Anderson, Anton’s Salon & Spa, Associated Bank-Brookfield, Associated Bank-Oconomowoc, BMO Harris Bank-Delafield, Bailey Family Dental, Bark River Dental Group, Bill Graham’s Golf Shop, Ben Franklin Crafts, Brennan’s Markets, Books & Company, Burghardt Sporting Goods, Buck Rub Outfitters LTD, Camp Luther, Chris & Company Salon, Cloud 9 Dentistry, Country Springs Hotel, Crossmark Graphics, Inc., Delafield Hotel, Divine Redeemer Bookstore, Divine Redeemer Youth Group and Church Members, Chris Domack, Costco Wholesale, Crystal Farms, Culver’s-Hartland, Ebert’s Greenhouse Village, Elliott Ace Hardware, Festa Italiana, Margo Fieseler, First Bank Financial Centre-Hartland, First Federal Savings Bank of Wisconsin-Waukesha, Foundations Bank-Pewaukee, Judie Frank, Fred Astaire Dance Studios, Frito-Lay, , Daniel Garlock, German Fest Milwaukee, Inc., Steven Gilbert, Graasch Foods, Pam Gray, Green Bay Packers, Guaranty Bank-Pewaukee, Harley-Davidson Museum, Hartland Lube, Hartland Music Inc., Hilton Garden Inn-Oconomowoc, Holiday Inn Express-Delafield, Holt Dental, Innova Disc Golf, Intercon-tinental Milwaukee, Ixonia Community Bank, Jelly Belly Candy Company, Knollwood Farm, Kohl’s Department Store-Sussex, Kohl’s Department Store-Menomonee Falls, Dr. Michael Kowalski, Lake Country Reporter, Andy Kroemer, Landmark Credit Union-Hart-land, Landmark Credit Union-Waukesha, Drs. Leaman, Setnicar & Piacsek, SC, Lick-A-Dee Splitz-Three Lakes, Marriott Milwaukee West, Eunice Mattes, McDonald’s Restaurants-Brookfield, McDonald’s Restaurants-Delafield, McDonald’s Restaurants-Waukesha, Milwaukee Admirals, Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, Milwaukee Bucks, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Milwaukee Wave, Noo-dles & Company-Pewaukee, Noodles & Company-Pewaukee, Natalie Noone-Nashville, TN, Office Depot Corporate Office, Office Depot-Brookfield, Office Depot-Pewaukee, Office Max-Brookfield, Office Max-Delafield, Office Max-Franklin, Office Max-Menomonee Falls, Office Max-Rhinelander, Office Max, Wauwatosa, Jane Orlopp, Olympia Resort, PDQ Food Stores-Delafield, PNC-Waukesha, Dale and Patricia Peck , Perkins Restaurant & Bakery, Pewaukee Dental, Pick ‘n Save-Hartland, Pick ‘n Save-Ryan St. Pewaukee, Pick ‘n Save-Capitol Dr. Pewaukee, Piggly Wiggly-Hartland, Polish Fest, ProBuColls, PureFUN!, Inc.-Lawrenceville, GA, Racine Dan-ish Kringles, Racquetball Warehouse-San Luis Obispo, CA, Reichl Orthodontics, Road America, Sausage Haus Meat & Deli, Pastor Jeffery Schubert, Schwefel’s Restaurant, Skarr & Schrubbe, D.D.S., Skylight Music Theatre, Spring City Aviation, Stefan’s Soccer Supply, Ruth Sternemann, Kay Struebing, Summerfest-Milwaukee World Festival, Inc., Sunset Playhouse, Inc., Sunstar Americas Inc.-Chicago, Il, Supply Time-Norwich, CT, Target Stores-Delafield, Target Stores, Menomonee Falls, Target Stores-New Berlin, Tar-get Stores-Kossow Rd. Waukesha, Tess Oral Health, Tewes Corporation, The Home Depot-Delafield, The Home Depot-Waukesha, The Montage-Delafield, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, To the Pointe, Tobin’s Fine Gifts, TOWELHUB.COM-Atlanta, GA, Town Bank-Hartland, U.S. Bank-Delafield, United Textile Supply LLC, Verlo Mattress Factory-Delafield, Walmart-New Berlin, Walmart-Pe-waukee, Waukesha Co. Dept. of Parks and Land Use, Waukesha Sports Cards, Waukesha State Bank, Weissgerber’s Golden Mast Restaurant, Weissgerber’s Seven Seas Restaurant, Wisconsin Harley-Davidson-Oconomowoc, Pastor Kurt Wenzelburger, Wood-man’s Corporate Offices, and all others who volunteered time and made monetary donations.



Divine Redeemer Luther-an Church and School will once again host the annual Passionate Believer’s Con-ference in January 2015. Join DR in welcoming over 350 guests to our campus. Also, join us that day and attend many of the work-shops. Register today!

Equipping lay leaders and pastors for engaging their communities with the Gospel.WHEN: Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015TIME: 8:00 AM Registration The 8th annual Passionate Believers Conference is where church workers and members enjoy coming together to learn what’s new in the South Wis-consin District and gain a bet-ter understanding of our dis-trict’s ministry. Keynote speaker will be Mike Zimmer who serves the Northern Illinois District as a Mission Facilitator and will talk about Revelation 22:2, “For the healing of the nations.” Visit http://swd.lcms.org to download a detailed bro-chure of presentations and presenters, along with the con-ference agenda. REGISTER today!

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 8

January  2015  

G4G  Purpose  Statement:    Empowered  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  the  Women’s  Ministry  of  DRLC  will  provide  opportunities  for  us  to  grow  in  our  relationship  with  Jesus,  serve  others  with  our  time  and  talents,  pray  for  the  needs  of  our  sisters,  and  gather  to  connect  as  girlfriends  for  God.  

Thank you to the following table hostesses for making Christmas by Candlelight

such a beautiful event!

Corinne Merten & Pat Geerdts Jean Pordon

Doris Egan & Pam Gray Stacy Bader

Sherry Jennings Kathy Ziska Lori Anacker

Nancy Niedziela Renee Bielawa Jennifer Kleba

Dawn Ray & Jackie Mengel Dawn Kolafa Cheri Konkel

Dee Dee Wille & Barb Uttech Gail Blundon

P.J. Weissenborn Colleen Donnelly-Schneck

Kari Molnau & Amber Curtis Ann Marie Hahn, Donna Hahn, & Arlene Adams

Lisa Schraufnagel Becky Kolbow

Samantha Tietgen Darlene Rosenquist

Donna Gerndt

“Christmas  by  Candlelight”  We  had  another  wonderful  Christmas  by  Candlelight  event  with  over  260  women!    We  are  so  thankful  to  our  speaker,  our  musicians,  and  our  table  hostesses!      

                               This  month….  “Renew  &  Refresh”    On  Saturday,  January  24th,  we’ll  be  hosting  a  morning  called  “Renew  &  Refresh”  from  9-­‐11:30  in  the  Media  Center.    The  morning  will  begin  with  a  Serenity  Stretch,  led  by  Laura  Wilkins.    She  describes  this  as  “a  class  which  combines  elements  of  yoga  with  classic  balance  and  flexibility  training  for  a  refreshingly  serene  experience.”  Following  the  stretch,  we  will  continue  with  a  continental  breakfast  and  close  the  morning  with  connecting  with  our  Creator.    Please  RSVP  to  karen.lippert@drlc.org.    Next  month….  “Winter  Getaway”    

 Our  annual  Winter  Getaway  is  February  28-­‐March  2nd.    Mark  your  calendars!    It  will  be  held  at  Lake  Lawn  Resort  in  Delavan,  WI.    (This  is  quite  close  to  Lake  Geneva.)    Rachel  Inouye  will  be  our  speaker  on  the  topic,  “Life  is  a  Vapor:  Capture  It.”    This  is  a  wonderful  weekend  of  retreating  to  connect  with  God  and  other  girlfriends!    There  will  be  worship,  large  group  sessions,  small  group  discussion,  and  PLENTY  of  free  time  to  enjoy  the  Lake  Geneva  area.    You  will  come  away  refreshed!    You  need  to  register  by  January  31st!    For  the  first  time,  you  can  register  and  submit  payment  on-­‐line!  (Financial  aid  is  available!)  

January 2015Sunday





1 New Year’s Day

No SchoolChurch Offices Closed

2 No School6:30 PM Wedding Rehearsal

32:30 PM Wedding

4 8:00 AM Worship Service - Church9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym9:15 AM Adult Bible Study, Kids Connection, Confirmation Classes10:30 AM Worship Service - Church10:30 AM Worship Service - Gym

59:00 AM Women’s Bible Study5:30 PM Zumba (offsite)6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study6:30 PM Monday Evening Worship Service

66:30 AM Men’s Bible Study6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal7:00 PM Dartball

76:30 AM Women’s Bible Study9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study2:00 PM Women’s Bible Study5:30 PM Zumba5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Men’s Basketball

89:00 AM MOCHA9:30 AM Senior Connection6:30 PM New Member Class

97:00 PM Ignite Gathering 10

118:00 AM Worship Service - Church9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym9:15 AM Adult Bible Study, Kids Connection, Confirmation Classes10:30 AM Worship Service - Church10:30 AM Worship Service - Gym

129:00 AM Women’s Bible Study5:30 PM Zumba (offsite)6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study6:30 PM Monday Evening Worship Service

136:30 AM Men’s Bible Study5:00 PM DRLS Night at Culvers6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal7:00 PM Dartball

146:30 AM Women’s Bible Study9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study2:00 PM Women’s Bible Study5:30 PM Zumba5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study6:30 PM DRLS Early Childhood Parent Info Night6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Men’s Basketball

15 9:00 AM MOCHA9:30 AM Senior Connection6:30 PM New Member Class

16 DRLS End of Second Quarter

178:00 AM Mission University

188:00 AM Worship Service - Church9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym9:15 AM Adult Bible Study, Kids Connection, Confirmation Classes10:30 AM Worship Service - Church10:30 AM Worship Service - Gym

19 No School5:30 PM Zumba (offsite)6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study6:30 PM Monday Evening Worship Service

206:30 AM Men’s Bible Study6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal7:00 PM Dartball

216:30 AM Women’s Bible Study9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study2:00 PM Women’s Bible Study5:30 PM Zumba5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study6:30 PM Baptism Info Class6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Men’s Basketball

229:00 AM MOCHA9:30 AM Senior Connection6:30 PM New Member Class

23 7:00 PM Ignite Gathering

24 9:00 AM Girlfriends 4 God: “BE STILL - Renew & Refresh” event

258:00 AM Worship Service - Church9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym10:30 AM Worship Service - Church10:30 AM Worship Service - Gym5:30 PM Winter Wonderland Dinner & Silent Auction

269:00 AM Women’s Bible Study5:30 PM Zumba (offsite)6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study6:30 PM Monday Evening Worship Service

276:30 AM Men’s Bible Study6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal7:00 PM Dartball

286:30 AM Women’s Bible Study9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study11:30 AM Step Up to 5 K Day2:00 PM Women’s Bible Study5:30 PM Zumba5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study7:00 PM Men’s Basketball

29 9:00 AM MOCHA9:30 AM Senior Connection6:30 PM New Member Class

3031 8:00 AM Passionate Believer’s Conference

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 10

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 11


Where: Youthworks Location in Denver, Colorado When: July 24-August 1, 2015Who is eligible: 7th-12th grade youth and friends (based on 2015-16 grade levels)

Cost: TBD

Three major fundraisers: Winter Wonderland Dinner and Silent Auction Sunday, 1/25/15; Easter Breakfast Sunday, 4/5/15 Rummage Sale Saturday, 5/9/15.

Next meeting: Sunday, January 11 11:45 AM in the Media Center.


youth and their friends that will include music, games, fellowship, Bible study and fun! Ignite Jan-uary News: January 9, from 7-9 PM at the Ignite Youth House and January 23 at the Youth House. Boys bring snacks for all to share and girls bring drinks (soda, water, juice, etc) for all to share.

8TH-12TH GRADE FUSION OPEN YOUTH HOUSE GAME NIGHTS - Sun-days, January 4, 11 and 18 from 6:30-8:30 PM. This is a safe place to hang out together with friends for a Bible Study, video games, board games, table games and more as we prepare for the week to come.

DR YOUTH MINISTRY LEADERSHIP TEAM DINNER AT DR YOUTH HOUSE Sunday, January 18 from 5-6:30 PM at the DR Youth House for ongoing ministry

planning for the Jr High Ignite and Senior High Fusion groups. Students and Adults are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information contact DCE Andy Kroemer at andrew.kroemer@drlc.org. At this meeting we will also talk about a possibility of a Sunday morning High School Bible Study once or more a month.

YOUTH MISSION TRIP Just a reminder that we still have room on our Youth Mission Trip to Denver, Colorado July 24-August 1, 2015 and the final deadline to sign-up is Sunday, January 11, 2015. This is a great opportunity to grow in your faith, serve others in God’s name and grow closer to other DR students. 1. Sign up by turning in a $100 trip deposit and providing contact information for the student participating. Jan 11 will be the final sign-up deadline for the trip. . 2. Students going into 7th grade in the fall of 2015 through college students are eligible for this trip. 3. Non-member students are eligible to attend the trip. 4. Mission Trip fundraising goal to reduce costs per student-$400 for whole trip or less depending on participation. (Total trip costs before fundraisers is $815.) 5. Orange Mission Trip information packets are available outside of my office. 6. The next Mission trip meeting will be Sunday January 11 at 11:45 AM in the Media Center. 7. Whitewater rafting trip on the way back from Denver.

CHURCH LAY READER OPPORTUNITY: We are continuing to look for anyone interested in being Lay Readers for Sunday morning sanctuary church services. You would be put on a schedule and responsible for reading the first two readings for that Sunday. You would be given the read-ings for review well in advance for practice and review. If interested please contact Andy Kroemer at andrew.kroemer@drlc.org for more details and open dates.

Winter Wonderland Dinner and Silent Auction - See page 10 for details of how to reserve your spot!


Youth Event Communications/Updates If you are interested in receiving text message updates for upcoming Divine Redeemer youth events you may sign-up for the 9th-12th grade events at trunc.us/6Erw29 and for the 6th-8th grade events at trunc.us/Ag707i. You may also email Andy Kroemer at andrew.kroemer@drlc.org with your name, phone number and phone service provider (ex: Verizon, T-mobile, etc.)


Youth fundraiser — Aluminum Can Collection Step 1: Collect and bag aluminum cans; Step 2: *Contact Andy

Kroemer or the church office to set up a drop off day and time; Step 3: Drop off your bags of cans by the garage at the DR Youth House. DR youth and adults will take it from there! We will be taking them to Waukesha Iron and Metal for recycling and earning approximately .

70¢ per lb. The funds collected will benefit the 2015 youth mission trip.

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 12

Whenever someone wishes a “Happy New Year”, it is filled with hopes of joy-filled, ex-citing, and eventful days ahead. These same sen-timents are at the fore-front of Divine Redeemer Lutheran School’s Open House and 2015 regis-tration events scheduled in January and February. Divine Redeemer Luther-an School strives to open its doors and to welcome anyone looking for a high quality, Christian education set in an en-vironment built strongly on the grace, mercy, and beliefs of Jesus Christ. With this as its empha-sis, Divine Redeemer Lu-theran School continues to establish itself as one of the premier, private, Christian grade schools in the Lake Country area. It purposefully nurtures relationships between parents, teachers, stu-dents and staff, and truly makes a difference in the lives of its members. ->

D.eaR. Diary...

The mission of Divine Redeemer Lutheran School in partnership with parents is...

providing all students with a highquality, Christ-centered education while nurturing and equipping them to meet life’s challenges and opportunities as

faithful servants of Jesus Christ.

Divine Redeemer Lutheran School has always been a school with a reputation of strong academics, beautiful surroundings, tal-ented and dedicated teachers and staff, and incredible relationships with its families. The school climate at Divine Redeemer Lutheran School is one that nurtures students, encour-ages them to build on their God-given talents and to utilize them to become strong Christian leaders. At a time when many schools are no longer able to offer extra-curricular programs, Divine Redeemer Lutheran School knows the importance of presenting students with oppor-tunities to excel in areas of academics, ath-

letics, leadership, and the Fine Arts. Did you know that Divine Redeemer Lutheran School offers its’ students Fine Art experiences like an eight-drum drum line, band, music class, art, Spirit Singers, musicals, chapel musicians, and choirs. This past Christmas the choirs of Divine Redeemer Lutheran School celebrat-ed our Lords birth through song. Choirs and instrumental groups from five year old Kin-dergarten through eighth grade packed a full gymnasium and inspired everyone present to remember the meaning and importance of the Christmas season.

Divine Redeemer Lutheran School Offers Students Outstanding Fine Art Opportunities

LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org January 2015 13

Consider any one of the following events to take place during January and February. You are always welcome at Divine Re-deemer Lutheran School.• January 5 School classes resume• January 9 Geography Bee/ 5th – 8th grade• January 14 Early Childhood Parent Information Night at 6:30 – 8 PM school media/Library. This event is for any parents interested in their child attending DR’s 2-year- old Eaglet – 5-year-old Kindergarten programs in fall 2015. • January 15 Spelling Bees for grades 3rd & 4th & 5th – 8th grades• January 16 End of Second Quarter• January 19 Record Day/ NO SCHOOL• January 28 “Step Up to 5K Day” at 11:30 AM-2:30 PM. This event is a parent & child classroom experience for those interested in their child attending DR’s 5-Year- Old Kindergarten program in fall 2015. Pre-registration is required.• February 5 & 17- School Open House for any prospective parent for grades 1 – 8 for fall 2015. Stop in anytime 8 AM – 8 PM.

The faculty and staff of

Divine Redeemer Lutheran

Church and School

wish you the gift of faith,

the blessings of hope and the

peace of a personal

relationship with Jesus Christ.

Happy New Year !

Youth Ministry Adopt a US Soldier Unit UPDATEThank you to all who donated and helped box up items for the DR Youth Ministry Adopt A US Soldier Unit. Here is a portion of an email that was sent by the lead-er thanking us for all that we did for them: --->

Hello Mr. Kroemer, I pray that this reaches you in the greatest of health. We have received your letters and boxes and I wanted to say THANK YOU very much!! All of the soldiers were taken aback and it was very appreciated. I thank you for your prayers and patri-otism and hope that we have done as much for you and your families as you’ve done for us. To the Children: We soldiers are very proud of you and thank you for your patriotism. We Americans must stick together so that our future is secured and in the graces of GOD’s blessings. It does our hearts good to see that you are in school learning and doing well. Keep up the good work, learn as much as you can, and stay in school. Your families are truly blessed to have such good citizens as yourself. We enjoyed all of your letters and drawings.

Well thank you again and hope to hear from you soon.Sincerely, SFC Murphy and the soldiers of the 15th Sustainment Brigade


PAIDHartland WI

Permit No. 5731385 W. Hill Road, Hartland, WI 53029262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org

School: 262-367-3664 Day Care: 262-367-2972

Address Service Requested

Pastoral Staff Jeffery S. Schubert Kurt WenzelburgerChief Operating Officer Ed EldridgeSchool Principal Michael OldenburgSupport Staff Administrative Assistant Gail Arnold Business Manager Renee Kandler Director of Communications Ruth Sternemann Director of Day Care Kathy Monis Director of Maintenance Jim Suchocki Director of Music Heidi K. Graf Director of Volunteer Services Doris Egan Director of Women’s Ministry Karen Lippert Director of Youth Ministry Andy Kroemer School Admissions Counselor Tracey Markut School Secretary/School Nurse Sandy BrownPart-Time Support Staff Assistant Business Manager Karen Nipko Kids Connection Kate Jendusa School Counselor Kathy L’Heureux

Church Office Phone: 262-367-8400 School Office Phone: 262-367-3664 Daycare Phone: 262-367-2972 Website: www.drlc.org

School Faculty 8th Grade Dale Kleba Jim Braun 7th Grade Dottie Avery Mike Stollenwerk 6th Grade Micah Baganz Becky Rohde 5th Grade Mary Kuehl Karli Beck 4th Grade Jennifer Boris Kathy Ziska 3rd Grade Nancy Bretzmann Jennifer Stollenwerk 2nd Grade Julie Chudada Kathy Oldenburg 1st Grade Heidi Bauer Karen Depenbrok Kindergarten - Full Day Denise Adler Paula Lamp 4-Yr Old Kindergarten Lynn Cox Cindy Stoltmann Linda Wortman Pre-school Amber Curtis Kari Molnau Dawn Weber Physical Education Terri Anderson Art Neva Conlon Spanish Language Carol Garuz Band Erica Rosebrock Music Pam Truax Computer Manya Suchy

Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School Staff

Worship Service TimesSundays~ 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Traditional Worship in the Church ~ 9:15 AM & 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship in the Gym~ 9:15 AM Adult Bible Study, Kids Connection, Confirmation~ 7:45 - 11:45 AM Nursery is Available for Children The nursery is closed Labor Day WeekendMondays~ 6:30 PM Monday Evening Worship Services

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