janhit jagran : a newspaper asks its readers to be ... · 95 iran 56.82 96 tajikistan 56.49 97...

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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Janhit Jagran : A newspaper asks its readers to be Unreasonable

Campaign Presentation

We’re on the cusp of major economic transformation that could make us a US$10tr economy over the coming two decades.

We’re on the cusp of major economic transformation that could make us a US$10tr economy over the coming two decades.

We’re ready to fly – to break new ground by deploying solutions for rapid, sustainable, and resource-efficient growth….a belief that small steps by millions of people can culminate in a giant leap forward for their nation…a ‘once-in-a-lifetime opportunity’ to lift millions into prosperity….and a state of mind focused on possibilities.

We’re on the cusp of major economic transformation that could make us a US$10tr economy over the coming two decades.

We’re ready to fly – to break new ground by deploying solutions for rapid, sustainable, and resource-efficient growth….a belief that small steps by millions of people can culminate in a giant leap forward for their nation…a ‘once-in-a-lifetime opportunity’ to lift millions into prosperity….and a state of mind focused on possibilities.

The growth boosts per capita income that will improve the quality of life for a billion+ citizens. This would be the largest national development effort any democracy has ever attempted. .

But, does GDP define social progress ?

Michael Green of Social Progress Imperative says GDP isn’t the best way to measure good society. His alternative? The Social Progress Index, which measures basic human needs and opportunity. India ranks a lowly 101 out of 133 countries on Social Progress Index.

Rank Country Social Progress

Index 2015

1 Norway 88.36

2 Sweden 88.06

3 Switzerland 87.97

4 Iceland 87.62

5 New Zealand 87.08

6 Canada 86.89

7 Finland 86.75

8 Denmark 86.63

9 Netherlands 86.5

10 Australia 86.42

Rank Country Social Progress

Index 2015

92 China 59.07

93 Kyrgyzstan 58.58

94 Ghana 58.29

95 Iran 56.82

96 Tajikistan 56.49

97 Senegal 56.46

98 Nepal 55.33

99 Cambodia 53.96

100 Bangladesh 53.39

101 India 53.06

India needs a reset

Indians are optimistic about the future and feel this personal and collective power. They believe it’s time for a reset. They want to make an economic and social difference….they are looking for new, solutions to address unmet needs….they are feeling informed and empowered to demand and drive change. Citizen organizations are pushing to ensure that economic growth is accompanied by equally valuable improvements in human development

The need for unreasonable people

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

George Bernard Shaw ”

People Power

…it’s people and their actions that will help strengthen the democracy from within

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, India

The catalyst for the Reset : Dainik Jagran

Society needed its citizens to address its thorniest problems, through “disruptive, transformative innovation”.

Dainik Jagran had to play the lead role in catalyzing this


The genesis of Janhit Jagran

Janhit Jagran encouraged millions of Indians to take small steps that could culminate in a giant leap forward for the nation, to come forward with ideas that could have a transformative impact on the worlds’ largest democracy.

Hence the campaign idea “There will be as many mornings as the number of Suns”. The campaign was a clarion call to all the “suns” to rise and create as many new mornings.

We took the lead in bringing about the change we wished to see.

Specific Goal Invite individuals to submit an

idea that solves a societal challenge

Images from on ground work

Experts conducting Workshops

Audiences at the Workshops

Audiences with questions

GRASSROOT CONNECT – Village heads from 50 districts assembled in one location with the District Magistrate to deliberate challenges at grassroot levels, and discuss innovative solutions

Editorial Snapshots

The Grand prize Winner receiving her trophy from the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi

The other winners receiving their trophies from the Home Minister of India, Mr Rajnath Singh




Results Building a movement - beyond ink

We created an ecosystem

Civil Society

Our Readers

Social Entrepreneurs

Social Change

Stimulate &


Educate &



Honor winners

& bring the idea to life

4 stages of the Programme


2 3


Editorial articles on the campaign were carried. These profiled people doing exemplary work in social service, case studies of innovative solutions to tackle social problems, and expert columns.

26 seminars held at campuses across 15 cities. Experts spoke about issues, challenges and possible solutions. Social entrepreneurs shared their stories. Participants worked on live case studies and arrived at solutions

GRASSROOT CONNECT – Village heads from 50 districts assembled in one location with the District Magistrate to deliberate challenges at grassroot levels, and discuss innovative solutions

2662 project entries received from across 50 cities

10000+ phone calls received on the helpline

The Grand Prize winner was awarded by the Prime Minister and given a startup fund of INR 1 mn to implement the idea

6 other awardees were honored by the Home Minister

Research reaffirmed our conviction : Positive impact on Brand

Expectations from Media Brand Brand Association for the expectations from media brand (Row %)

Dainik Jagran Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3

Capture social issues 50 39 20 41

It has social impact 45 28 14 36

Takes on relevant issues 42 27 17 29

QT1a Could you please look at this SHOWCARD and tell me what are the expectations from a media brand? QT1b For each of the statement coded in QT1 a, please take a look at this SHOWCARD and tell me which brand do you associate most?

Source : Brand Study ‘Oct 15

Research reaffirmed our conviction : Positive impact on Brand


21.2 18.1


Dainik Jagran Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3

Brand Top of Mind Recall

Figs in % Source : Brand Study ‘Oct 15

The winner is currently implementing a pilot project on eradicating food waste

Bringing about social change : This was the biggest victory for the campaign. We were able to help sow the seeds for social change.

Our society is on the threshold of the fourth stage of how it addresses its thorniest problems. In stage one, caring for people was largely left to families and charities. In the second stage, the government tackled poverty eradication. In stage three the state tried to foster partnerships with the private sector. In the fourth stage government is encouraging responsible citizens to deliver “disruptive, transformative innovation”. The journey for Janhit Jagran has just begun….we will continue to inspire and enable people to be the change they wish to see….

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