james cooke standing start solutions business profile

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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James Cooke business profile for World Ready and World Safe as part of Standing Start Solutions


James T. Cooke Managing Owner



Tel +44 7813299039

Companies House No. 7218025

Standing Start Solutions Ltd

World Ready ● Designed to coach, mentor and train managers & teams in the skills and key success factors underpinning modern service sector Operations Management ● The target audience will be Operations Directors, Managers and Executives in the private, public and voluntary service sector ● World Ready uses the unique experience and skills I built up over 33 years of policing London, which underpin high quality service Operations Management:

● Building bottom up responsiveness to customer needs ● The pivotal translation of strategy to operational delivery ● Building high performance teams ● Resolving personnel confl ict situations ● Exemplary planning and organising ● Attention to detail, prioritisation and sequencing of actions ● Using Joint ventures and partnerships to maximise market opportunities

● Work shops, self study products and individual face to face/skype sessions will be used to teach and coach these skills ● DISC psychometric profi ling provided to assess individual and team personality traits ● An assortment of case studies drawn from my career will be used to illustrate the sessions and bring them to life acting as a discussion/analysis focal point ● Clients will complete the sessions and self help products with a heightened sense of awareness, confi dence and focus on what matters to get things moving and completed to a high standard

A highly experienced and skilled Operations Manager in the public sector having had a distinguished police career with Scotland Yard. Specialising in risk management, developing high performance teams and making projects/operations happen from a standing start.

The Art and Science of Making Things Happen

Icecutter1 Channel

World Safe

● Established to use my extensive knowledge of London and risk management expertise

whilst providing highly personalised protection services to visiting VIP’s and their families

● The target client group will be high profi le VIP’s visiting London as tourists, business

purposes, offi cial government business or as dignatories

In particular I will:

◦ Plan and organise individual visits which meet exacting standards of security

◦ Meet and escort the client and/or family members to various locations associated

with work and leisure activity

◦ Conduct a full risk assessment process to the visit including location, personal

and route security considerations

◦ Give the visitor my unique perspective on London built up over 33 years of

policing and living in the capital as a Chief Inspector at Scotland Yard

◦ Give the visitor a greater level of knowledge around aspects of London’s social

history whilst chaperoning them

◦ Utilise my extensive police and business network to ensure the visit uses up to

date information and back up expertise where required

● I have Security Industry Authority (SIA) Close Protection accreditation. Trained by

Clearwater Special Projects, one of the Worlds top close protection training providers

● My services will generally be provided on a solo basis meeting the low-medium risk

category of work but team cover will be arranged where necessary.

DISC Certifi edPersonality Profi ler

MSc and DMS Operations Management

Certifi ed First Aider at Work

CELTA English Language Teacher

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