jack borden jb471909_junit

Post on 20-May-2015






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JUnitUnit Testing Framework

Jack BordenCS4561

In the mid-90’s, Kent Beck developed the first xUnit test tool for Smalltalk.

Beck and Gamma created JUnit on an airplane.

Junit has become the standard tool for Test-Driven development in Java.

Junit is now a part of many java IDEs including: Eclipse

Xunit tools have been developed for other language paradigms

History of JUnit

Cactus: Test framework for unit testing server-side java code. Cactus lowers the cost of writing tests for server-side code. (uses Junit)

Abbot: Java GUI unit testing and functional testing. Provides methods to reproduce user actions and examine the state of GUI componnents

JunitPref: Collection of Junit test decorators used to measure the performance and scalability of functionality contained within existing Junit Tests

Comparisons to Other Tools

DbUnit: Extension of Junit, targeted for database-driven projects that put your database into a known state between test runs.

XMLunit: Extension of Junit for xml

StrutsTestCase: Extension of Junit Testcase class that allows testing of individual action objects with or without a running servlet engine.


Comparisons with Other Tools (cont)

Junit is a very reliable unit testing framework.

Over 30% of all GitHub projects use Junit.

Using Junit will help to optimize software components.

Junit is free to use.

Junit framework is quite handy and will help to make your projects run smoother and faster.

Sustainability, Performance, & Pricing

Because Junit is a free testing framework software, there is no downside to using it.

Junit will only help to make your projects better, there really is no downside to using it besides having to code test scases.

Benefit / Cost Analysis

Junit is an open source framework

Provides annotation to identify test methods

Provides assertions for testing expected results

Provides test runners for running tests

Junit tests allow you to write code faster, increasing quality


Junit is simple.

Junit tests can be run automatically, which allows for immediate feedback.

Junit tests can be organized into test suites containing test cases.

Junit shows test progress, green if pass & red for fail.

Features (cont)

Unit Test Case tests another part of code and sees if it works as expected

Two outcomes: One pass, One fail, must be declared.

Unit Test Case

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU9DmFa45rc (Java)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9aSPeGkHmA (eclipse)


Updating eclipse drivers, or checking regularly at Junit.org will ensure the latest drivers are updated for Junit


Eclipse is offered on a wide variety of operating systems.

With Junit already included in Eclipse software, anyone is able to access this great tool.


Create a file with functions to test: The picture below describes a simple calculator.

Junit Example using Eclipse

Create a new Junit class: When creating, Eclipse will automatically add the new class to your projects build path

Create a Test Suite file to test each junit function:

Provide values for each testing function:◦ assertEquals(“result”,120,

tester.sum(48,72));◦ 120 = the value to test against

48 + 72

Junit Example using Eclipse (cont)

Create a main class to implement the Junit test suite.

Junit Example using Eclipse (cont)

Simply click debug as Junit, and if your test suite passes all test cases, you will see a green bar indicating that your functions are working properly

Debugging with Junit

GitHub. "JUnit." JUnit. GitHub, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

Javasource. "Open Source Testing Tools in Java." Open Source Testing Tools in Java. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

"Junit." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

Tutorialspoint. "Tutorials Point - Simply Easy Learning." JUnit Overview. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

Works Cited

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