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Post on 22-Nov-2020






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••• ;;z;.,/.£:1". rM~s~Gresham,·45, I John Gresham, 52,- 'Rev. Hartin, 86, 1 rs, frdll __ "tll••

Glenn Rites Held ' Dies Following an .rDies at Hospital 'Ridgeway Native, Dies at HospitalII I I /9'~ Dies i C I bi /~.A,t· Jp.nkms·ville Ii Extended Illness I .Tohn Ivy Gresham. 52. of Simp- es In 0 y;mortla 'Mrs. Rosa Tennain Hollis. 72.

. ,.,.. J di-edW'-.•...esd . A" :t I" died at the Fairfield _County Mem-. r '1.$~ so., . =n11 • ;ay mornm~, ••.r>rtl'l 7, Jenkinsville (Special) - James Mrs. Myrtle Lee Bairefoot Gresh-, 1;;. m the F'adrfield Coiunty Me- The Rev. William McCantS Har.. erial Hospital at 7 o'clock Sunday'Gladney Glenn, 59. died at his am, 45. died at her home Tuesday, mom Hospita~ after a! sud<fen ill- tin. 86. of RidgewayJ!ed at a Co- evening atter a tWGdays illness.

'd t W t 1.' W h afternoon 'after Sl'X and one-half ness, lumbia hospital Sat ~ay morning She . was born' ~m. ,WlIlDSOOro.rest en 1 n ena cnee, as ., f He 'was \.__ ! 'J C t after several months illness. He was daughter of the late Benlamtn G.Jan. 19, after suffering a heart years of Jinlger:in:gillness. .' 'iNnll an ones .oun y.

Ga., the son of Mrs. Sallie Mercer born January 1. 1873 in Ridgeway. Tennant and Rosannah Boydattack. J .~ . .She was .born at Pe~on. daugh- Gresham and, the .late John Harris He was a kin of the late Franc~ Tenannt. She was a member of

I He was a native of Fairfield ter of the late JosephlOe Morgan Gresham. He was an: ernpkl!yee of I Rhine Hartin and the Rev. Hillliard Sion PresbyterJan Church.County. son of the late David L. and George W. Bairefoot, and re-I.the B and S Motor Service on Co-, ,Hartin,.'He was a member of the She was the widow (if Dm J.Glenn. Sr.• and! Clara Yarborough tired from the United States Rub- il'l.lmbi~ Ro:ad. un.tiihis retirement Ridgeway Baptist Church, Hollis, Winnsboro magistrate. whoGlenn. He was the. owner' of an ber ~o. in December, 1952. She due to ll1n<ess. died in 1952.

auto repair shop in Washington. attended the First Church of the, Sumvors include an ooQPted He received his A.B. and M.A. Survivors include one daughter,i Survivors include two .slsters, Nazarene, and was a member of diautglhter.M!issBarbara Whdte; his from FUrman University. attended lV'Jss Sarah Katharine Hollis ofMrs. Vivian Jeter and Miss Kitty:' the Baptist Shut Ins Club. .mother, of Winnsb<>ro;four -slsters, John Hopkins University, and Was the home; one niece, whom sheGleim of Jenkinsville, two broth- Survivors include her husband. Mrs. Fannie Connor and Mrs.Myr~ a graduate of the Louisville Semi- raised. Mrs. J. Edwin Stevenson,ers, John M. Glenn 01 Jenkins- otha Berry Gresham of the Itis Bairefoot. both ofWJnns1,»ro..Mrs. ary. For many year's, hewas a pas- end one sister, Mrs. Johnnie T.ville' and' Henry Y. Glenn of Sa- home and one adopted son John- .Pearl Foutz Blackstock and Mrs. tor of the Welch Neck Baptist Stover of Winnsboro.:vannah Ga' n WIut of Winnsboro" three [Carrie Lane of West Columbia. and Church at Society Hilt. F\lneral services were conduct-I . Fune;al ~erviCes were conducf. .~ ;: 'I1 En! i w· :four brothers, Bennie. Bill and!Otha H ht H d C 11 ed at 4 o'clock Tuesday after-ed at 3 p.m. Monday. Jan. 26; ~_ S'M rs·,c~· •B'00110 GofIDf'!llSf-[Gresham, ;all of Winnsboro,. and! . e taug f at owar 0 .ege, noon from the SiGn Presbyterian

Ifr th GI f mil ld I.:IUro, rs. ame e e 0 T G __,1.._. 'f F """'h G BIrmingham. AI,a.. Carson-Newman 'Ch by h asto th Revom e enn a y resIenceG'lb t M Estell Mil f I ommy resnsm 0 or".,.,"· a.' " t. urch er p r. e .near Jenkinsville by the Rev. J. 1 err, and rs, . e es 0 . fOO€lrail'services were ~dueted University, Jef4e~S(}nCity. Tenn.. Robert E. Smith. Interment wasIH. Reed, pastor of the Little Riv.er Batesburg; ~ree broth~rs. the at 4 p.m, ThurSd~ from the PU. and Maxton Ju~or Coll~ge. Max- _in the Prcsbyt~rian Cemetery.Baptist Church. assisted by the Rev. Tom Brurefoot of Wmnsboro. grim HOliness ciburoh by the Rev. t?D: N. C. He retired abou. 20 years Active pallbearers were sixRev. L. K. Martin. Burial was in Manuel Baircloot of Ehrhardt aad R. E,. SmiJ."th. assisted by the Rev. ago. nephews: Gene Stover. ErwinGlenn Family Cemetery. Grady Bairefoot of Darlington. Ho'wfar;d Smith. Interment fol1owedl Survivors include his widow. Mrs. cathcart. Woodward Hollis. Jr .•Active pallbearers were six FlUneral services will, be condiuct- in the Winnsboro Mills Cemetery. I Ruth Lewis Hartin; a daughter. Otto Ray. Jr., MarcUs Ray and

nephews. ed at 4 p:m..Thursday from the l- Active paHbearersr were C1ar4tOO' Miss Frances Virginia Hartin. Co- l1lY:SS'esRay.M G.' d 86' First Church of the Nazarene by Bairefoot," W. R· B&refoot. Ulrry' 'lumbia; a niece. Mrs. J. Wes Wilks. . T;be honorary escort 'was com.rs. or on" Re Bairefoot Cliff ;"1 0" Jft._A..I " .•• of the I"'~ d d ofthe v. E. N. Gunter and the UWJ. • ',or... aver. 'al11=< Columbia, and a nephew. S. E. Har- 'POS"", . e u,Q'O an eaeens:Winnsboro Native, Rev. J. H. Ellenburg. IFer~S\l'n·.'and lames White. The tin. Sion' Pres!>~~ll!! __~Ilr£b~ .•••o~.' . , . Interment will be in Winnsboro hooorary esqOrt. was composed! of , . • . of Lancaster; S-sn Lewis c.Dies in Rome, Ga. Mills Cemetery. Alvin -Jeffers, King Slcipper. Joe Services were held. at 4 0 clock Still, Jr., of Portsmouth. Va.; Er.

/1/1901 A ti Ilb ill b . Beckham. Gary F. Blass. Sr.• Pres- ' ~unday. afternoon at Ridgeway Bap- vin It Cathcart.' C.R.M., ofMrs. Jessie Jennings Gordon. 86. c we, pa earers WI e SIX too WilS>On•. W., C. Waters. Alvin . tist Churchconduated by the Rey., Charleston; Mr. and Mrs. au.

l.ilied early Monday in a hospital in nep~ws: W. T. Bairefoot, Larry BrillSOltand Bill Raiines'. J. W. Gardner. Interment was in Ray, Jr .• Mr. and Mrs. J. W. RarRome. Ga., where she had been a Bair foot. James White. Clarence -J R H d' Aimwell Cemetery, Ridgeway. and Marcus Ray: all of Colum.patient for a few days. She had' Bairefoot, Bud Ferguson and cur.l • • en erson Active pallbearers were Joseph bia; Mrs. C. B. Kelly of ~~een in declining )health for some ford Oliver. I Dies in Charlotte Orumpton, Ja\nes Edmunds, Verlin Wood; Gene stover of Ricb'!'OPlttune. M H " 32' Brother of Winnsboro Man Barnett, Ellis Perry, Robert Thom- Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles (:at&.Mrs. Gordon was the daughter of ~ rs~- arrlS, , Was. Noted Cartoontst." as and Jack Boyd. cart of Whitmire; a.I)(j Mrs.'~

I,the late Captain and Mrs. Robert 'Dies inCohnnbia CHARLOTTE'.AUG. ' i'?~1Jaines J E. HimUm. / J 'MV'~ ofH·Camdenllis,'30"IH. Jennings of Winnsboro, and was. • .. ..,. rs 0

Rutledge Henderson, ST.. 62, 'Of W·· bore N ti· • ,the last member of two well known Mrs Chrl·stl·neHarrl's 32 of 5""'" mns ro a ve. . '.. ""'''' 2409 Charlotte Dr.. died Friday in . Dies as ResultFairfield County families. Main sf,' Columbia, died Sunday

a local hospital. Mr. Henderson OJ t Ii- . f 90Funera]sel'vices 'were to 'be eon- morning at the Columbia Hospital was sales manager, vice-president] i es a .~:e_".o Tram· -Car Crash. . , 1 ~ ,. " .' following an illness of several d b f th bo d f d"

ducted fr0m the First MethO,QJs~years. 1/1 t;./)'t/ an a mem er 0 e aro 0 1- News was received 'at Bates~ 11... s?JfChUr'chiuRome on Tuesday. ! Mrs. Harris was Born May 25. rectors of Parks-Cramer Co. burg Friday of the tleath of Joseph Mrs. Maedee Rutland Hollis. 30.SUrviving are her' husband.J. p.927. in Fai~field CounLy,the daugh. As a young man Mr.' Henderson! Edward Hinnant. 90. at the home of died at the Fairfield County Me-

t f Mr d·Mr F k H H atttained national prominence as a his son. Dr. John F. Hinnant. at mortal Hospital Friday morningBailey ,G~rd(!)n.;a daughter. Miss er 0 : ~n s. ran. . ar-W 11 "'- 11.. f W b cartoonist. his, work appearing in 'C•.••.eoteague, Va.. where he .M;ft"'e (Christmas Day) of injuries re-Leenorah Gordon; a son. Jennings e. 'Ull~ma ": rom,. inns oro., w:u"" ~

IGordon. .two. .grandchildren._ and she had lived' m Columbia for the I many metropolitan as well as local his home since the death of I,~ ceived in an auto-train wreck Thur.;:~several great-gtandchildrtm. and a \past 12 years .. She wa~ a member, publications. In middle life he be- wife, Mr. Mary Cornelia Hite Hin-"day night. at a crossing just southnumber of nieces. and nephews. of Cre,scent ~ilI Baptist Church. 1 came associated with the Parks- nant. II/ I 'l'!:'-R :..Win~boro City limits.

. . . . ., Survivors mclude her parents, i Cramer Engineering Department Mr. Hinnant had been in failing Mrs. Hollis was born in Wims-t Mrs.,Ruth Hartin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Harwell where he was instrumental in de- health for several years. He was 'boro.' dau~ter of Mrs. Jennie Lowe'

'J .• " ,"-, .,,, of Columbia one daughter Miss veloping certain of that company's born in Winnsborc, SOn of Capt. Rutland and the late Benjamm Rut-O(Ridg~way,Dies Betty Jean; Harris 'or' Col~mbia; inovations in the humidifying field! Jolm Alexander Hinnant and land. She was a member of the

A'· ril ,'S·""ce" .; I bi lone son. W~llie C. Harris, Jr .• of which applied to the textile indus- Margaret Elizabeth Willingham Hin- Sion Presbyterian Church. where.P '" ,p urn 1a Co1'Ulmbia:f011r sisters, Miss JO-J try both here ~nd abroad, nant. He moved to BatesibUIlgsoon She was a primary department Sun~MrsRuthLmviS' ~ 76 ·ttow sephine Hru:well• Miss Robbie Ann He was known in North Carolina after he was married in 1897. He day School teacher, and was eh~-

• '" •.•• Wi! • Harwell. ~ss Mary Harwell. and as an excellent amateur golfer. w.as an employee of the Batesburg an. of Circle No.5. a Brownie(If ~e Rev::W

illiianMcCants' Hartin Mrs. ;Etllel Medley, all of Colum- . winning many cups and honors. Post OOice and was the first city Scout leader and a member of the

of Rid!geWiay.dliedearly Wedn~ .•bia: four brothers -Frank H Har- Mr. Henderson also enjoyed hunt- mail carrier out of that office. Mr, Winnsboro Woman's Olub. 'April 8~ .·i1rna,Columbia .nursing well, Jr.. of Ridgeway. Charles Ing, having pursued that sport ar- Hinnant was a member of the Bates-I Survivors ~incfu<:mhel' -irusband"home;, Harwell. Wesley L. Harwell, apd] dently in both Carolinas. burg Baptist Church and a former Thomas Woodward. ~ollis. Jr .• e~dShe was nom in Chatham. Va.• :7'. '1..Harwell; ·1 of ('fult'limbia;"and- ; '.. 'deacon two children Patricia Ann Hollis

...l1 ~ of th U· ., . He was born 10 Spartanburg. the . ·w d d H ill 11'1and was a gra\!lua~e e nrvers- a number OL other r-elatives. f D J R' H d 'H" In addition to his son survivors and Thomas 00 Wad' 0 S. •it _J! Vi' ,,",n; where -,'-- was a .. son 0 r. . . en erson.. 1S J I d • all _£ Wl·nnsboro'.one sister. Mrs.1y 'lJL 1lTI.,:.......:a •• '1.1... ~' , mother was Ida Margaret Briggs me u e two daughters. Mrs. Ruth ~1 •

music major. She taught music iIn\ . '. .1:!i.mLant.Wooten of HamJet. N. C. Deeite Walker of Winnsboro, and.yit~a and in South Carolina and' ,oMfDClareldndondC~~tY'F M;S. ~i~.and Mrs. M.arian Hinnant Pet»ee OfJtwo brothers. Leonard Rutland ofwas: teaching in SOCietyHili at the cIIonaf w~n, b"v,rs. °rser .acs·- Carthage; NlC.; nine, grandehil- Milton, Fla., and John T. Rutland

' ,we 0 mns oro a e cousm . ' . I· altime of her marriage to the late D·' C I bi '.' dren andse.ven great-grapdchIldren; of Warmlck, Va.; her paternRev. Mr.Hm-tin. leS, ~ urn 1a ': Mr. Henderson was a. member of and two brothers. Fleteller E. Hin-: grandmother. Mrs. Nettie RutlandMrs. Har,tin was Ia member of t. ;the Covenant PresbytenaN., ChurCh,/nant of Columbia and JOhn.H Hin-lof Winnsboro and 12 nieces and

Ridgeway ~aptis;t Ohurch. Mrs. Cora Mae, Newman HOOd'!My.ers Park County Club and the t f E t 'll An t1i b' th ph5~. of. 5502 Fairfield Ro?d. Calum~.Chamber of Commerce. Otterbien nAanJo("uMaikwve.:)e·Hinno"••etr di:ed°erat•ineF.,.~wersal·services were conductedSurviVing are a daughter. Miss bla died Tuesday mornmg at her ,. t"ll Oh', h' I " '. au • _ •••.• •

F1'ances Vk;gi;niaHartin. Columbia; , . 1/.""" College. Wes erVl e. 10. was IS the Fairfield Memorial Hospital last Sunday afternoon from the SionanJd a number of nieces a1l'd De- ;hrone. /01 1 alma mater. summer .. ,; , Presbyterian Church by her past0r.phews. . . I She,was born m RiC'hlaIl;dCounty. Survivors include his wife; two After a brief funeral service in the Rev. Robert E. Smith. IntermentGraveside-servides were hel~. in the daughter Of J()h~ Rlley ~ew- daughters. Mrs. John E. Wood. Ch" t was in the Oakland Cemetery in

Aim w e 11 cemetery. lli,digeway. man and the late Ehzabeth Wilson Miss Carol Henderson both of to the Batesburg Funer8I Home on Winnsboro.Thursd'ay atternoon at 4 o·clock. Newman: She w.as a member, Ofl Charlotte; a son, James R. Hend- Saturday. Final services were con- Active pallbearers were' EdwincondJuctedby the. Rev. J. W. Gard- EauOIaIl'e Baptlst Ohurcb. ' Lerson. Jr .• of Norfolk, Va.; three ducted from the funeral home of /stevensen. Joe M~Fadd~n, Frank'

Surviving are her h'llSband. Ollie Ibrothers. Lours W. Henderson ofj.2 p.m. Sunday by Dr. L. E. Smitfi. McFadden. w.. T. Reid. Budd'l!.~~ti~ '~nbearers wer~ LooiSl N. H~~;' a daughter. ~rs. Dorothy:l Florence. Sr'.c.. Russell S. Hend- iInterment was in the Batesbur~ Brooks. Grady McDaniel. The hon-Coleman. Baxter Jones. Jilseph Sturlde. two gr~chIldren. W~- e~son of Wmnsboro. Thomas ~. 'Cemetery. oJ,:,aryescort was c.omposedof J. B.

,'1~n, VerJi Barnett. Ellis Per- man Rus~ell SturkIe and Val~rIe, Henderson of Charlotte; two SIS- Hegler. Hamp McLendon. John• ;.(.()lobert Thomas,' Lee Sturlcie; her. father. John RileYfters. Mrs. Margaret R Ross of Deacons of the First BaptiSt Cathcart •. Tommy Hinson. M. E .

.,., ~wman; a. SISter. Mrs. Alma 'Charlotte and Mrs. Robert J. In~Church served as pallbearers. ~.~!i, tick. Enle$t Walk.Thornton. Wmns'boro; seven bro..l gram of Avondale Estates. Ga.' . er. Paul Biigman. Albert Edenfield>~,~~~:y~_~ewman. Murphy New·, , . Dean:So s Dr. R. R..McMeek-


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