its change management initiative change management overview & training the remedy team november -...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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ITS Change Management Initiative Change Management Overview & Training The Remedy Team November - December, 2008 TechnologyProcess People Slide 2 2 Why Are We Here? What is Change Management? Change Management Goals What is a Service? Are Our Services Interdependent? What is a Change? How Will We Track Change? Types of Changes - Distinct Process Flow for Each ITS Change Plan Demo & Hands-On Next Steps Questions. ITS Change Management Initiative Slide 3 3 ITS Change Management Initiative Why Are We Here?? Slide 4 4 ITS Change Management Initiative 3 ITS Initiatives Change Management Configuration Management Service Catalog Slide 5 5 ITS Change Management Initiative Incident Management Problem Management Change Management Configuration Management Release Management Service Desk Change Coordinator Training for ITS Change Plan Service Support Service Delivery Service Level Management Availability Management Capacity Management Svc Continuity Management Financial Management Customers Documenting All Changes Increased Communications Planning & Risk Assessment Prioritization Change Approvals Continual Improvement Service Catalog Configuration Management Define and documents all devices provided by an organization Incorporates Service Level Requirements detailed in SLAs between service providers and customers Includes relevant CI information Identify, control, maintain and verify Versions of Configuration Items Map the relationships between Cis Support other Service Mgmt processes Accurate Impact Assessment for CM Slide 6 6 ITS IT Service Management Initiative Change Management Service Catalog Configuration Management Customers Service Component Items Configuration Updates Service Component Relationships Service Mgrs Change Management, Configuration Management, Service Catalog Service & CI Relationships Incident/Problem Mgmt Service Request Mgmt Improved Risk Assessment Service Oriented Change Mgmt Reconciliation Slide 7 7 ITS Change Management Initiative What is Change Management? Slide 8 8 ITS Change Management Initiative ITIL Definition of Change Management A standard methodology for the control of change achieved by requesting, categorizing, planning,scheduling, implementing, and reviewing changes to the IT infrastructure. Request Planning Approval Implementation Review Planning Change Objectives Prioritization: Impact vs. Urgency Risk Assessment Rollback Plan Communication Planning Pre-Change Testing Slide 9 9 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Management Goals Slide 10 10 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Management Goals Decrease Unplanned Service Outages Increase Communications Internally and & Externally Develop Consistent Processes to Manage Change across ITS Develop a Forward Schedule of Changes (FSC) Continual Process Improvement through KPI Metrics Reporting Slide 11 11 ITS Change Management Initiative What is a Service? Slide 12 12 ITS Change Management Initiative Service Definition A service is a means of delivering value to a customer by facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve without ownership of specific costs and risks. ITIL Service Design An IT Service is constructed from a combination of IT assets: Infrastructure Applications Data People Slide 13 13 ITS Change Management Initiative ARS Application Server AFS Network Sun Hardware LDAP Oracle Database Web Server Apache/ Tomcat RFS Service Dependencies: Why Changes Affect more than you think. CC Monitoring Service Services Desktop Support Services Slide 14 14 ITS Change Management Initiative What is a Change? Slide 15 15 ITS Change Management Initiative What is a Change? Hardware*: Installation, modification, removal or relocation of equipment used to support a service, excluding pc, peripherals and mobile devices. Software*: Installation, patching, upgrading or removal of software products including operating systems, access methods, databases, commercial applications and internally developed packages and utilities on hardware excluding pcs, peripherals and mobile devices. Application: Application changes moving to production as well as integration of new and removal of old application components. Schedule Changes: Requests for creation, revision, or deletion to job schedules, back-up schedules or other regularly scheduled jobs managed by ITS. All changes to a CI from a known to unknown state that could impact the customer including any of the following: Slide 16 16 ITS Change Management Initiative Slide 17 17 ITS Change Management Initiative Service Component Relationships Slide 18 18 ITS Change Management Initiative 5 Minute Break Slide 19 19 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Name: Descriptive name given to a change. A best-practice in choosing a name would include the Service affected and a specific component being changed. [Ex: Remedy Change Plan Enhancement: Priority & Priority Weight Deployment ] Change Date: The Date the proposed change is to be implemented. Do not type in a date. Please select the menu to the right of the field to select a date using the calendar. Change Time: The Time the proposed change is to be implemented. Slide 20 20 ITS Change Management Initiative Schedule of Changes Change Plan Calendar The Change Plan Calendar can assist you in choosing an appropriate Change Date for your request. After selecting the Change Date field, select the View Calendar button from the left side of the application window. The Change Plan Calendar will open, displaying any Change Plans currently scheduled for the date you have chosen. You can refine your search by choosing alternate Beginning/Ending Dates and Status values and selecting the Search button. Slide 21 21 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Plan Status: This field enforces automation workflow when working on a change. The following values are available: Pending: The default status when submitting a new CP. Pending indicates that the CP has not been approved by all approvers including the CRT. On Hold: Places a change request in a Hold state. By placing a Change Plan On Hold, the CP is not being worked on and may be waiting for additional resources or other changes with higher Priority values. More Information: Additional information has been requested by the approver to make an informed decision about approving the Change Plan. Rejected: This status is set when an approver rejects the Change Plan. Scheduling conflicts, resource limitations, etc may cause a Change Plan to be rejected. Approved: This status is automatically set when all approvers, including the CRT approvals are met for a Change Plan. After a CP has a Change Plan Status of Approved, the Change Notice can be sent from within the application, although a Change Notice may be sent at anytime after a new Change Plan is submitted. Completed: This status indicated that the change indicated within the CP has been implemented. Status can be set automatically when submitting a FOLLOWUP Change Notice within the CP application Closed: After a CP has not been modified for 7 days, the Change Plan Status will be automatically changed from Completed to Closed. This value is not available to users as an option. Slide 22 22 ITS Change Management Initiative Impact + Urgency = Priority Urgency: A measure of how time- sensitive the change is to affect IT services consumed by faculty, staff, and students at the university. The Urgency reflects the time available for repair or avoidance before the impact is felt. Impact: A measure of the effect the change is having or might have on IT services consumed by faculty, staff, and students at the university. Slide 23 23 ITS Change Management Initiative Priority & Priority Score Matrix ImpactImpact WtUrgencyUrgency WtPriorityPriority Wt 4 Minor04 Low0Low0 4 Minor03 Medium10Medium10 4 Minor02 High15Medium15 4 Minor01 Critical20High20 3 Moderate34 Low0Low3 3 Moderate33 Medium10Medium13 3 Moderate32 High15High18 3 Moderate31 Critical20High23 2 Significant54 Low0Low5 2 Significant53 Medium10Medium15 2 Significant52 High15High20 2 Significant51 Critical20Critical25 1 Extensive94 Low0Low9 1 Extensive93 Medium10High19 1 Extensive92 High15Critical24 1 Extensive91 Critical20Critical29 Impact + Urgency = Priority Matrix Slide 24 24 ITS Change Management Initiative PriorityPriority Definition Critical Involves ITS resources from multiple ITS divisions Critical complexity requiring technical coordination from multiple groups Critical risk to system availability Complex implementation and back-out, back-out likely to extend implementation window Postponing implementation will place the organization at significant risk Potential high impact to the SLA High Involves ITS resources from more than two group or crosses ITS divisions High complexity requiring technical coordination from multiple groups High risk to system availability Complex implementation and back-out, back-out likely to extend implementation window Potential high impact to the SLA Medium Involves IT resources from more than one ITS group Significant complexity requiring technical coordination from one or more groups Moderate risk to system availability during business hours or outage in non-bus. Hrs Some complexity to implement and back-out wont extend implementation window Affect application, data or server security Impacts SLA Low Involves IT resources from one group within the same ITS division Low complexity and no technical coordination required Low risk to service availability, especially outside of business hours Easy implementation and minimal back-out required No impact to SLA Usually documented as a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Slide 25 25 ITS Change Management Initiative PriorityITS Global Approval Threshold Critical Requires CAB Approval AVC Level Approval Required Manager Level Approval Required Technical Peer Review Required Dependent Service Owner Approval Required High Requires CAB Approval AVC Level Approval Required Manager Level Approval Required Technical Peer Review Required Dependent Service Owner Approval Required Medium May not require CAB Approval Manager Level Approval Required Technical Peer Review Required Dependent Service Owners Approval May be Required Low* (Standard) No CAP Approval required May require Technical Peer Review No Dependent Service Owner Approval Required Reserved for Standard, Pre-Approved Changes * Standard Changes must be defined within each organization before this change can be implemented without CAB or Peer/Mgmt Approval. Slide 26 26 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Plan People Change Owner: The individual responsible for implementing a change. The Change Plan defaults to the user opening the Change Plan as the Change Owner. Change Requester: The individual asking for the change. Every Planned Approvers: Change Plan defaults to include a Change Review Team (CRT) approval. This body has yet to be formed, but the intent is to make this approval visible through the change process to be incorporated at a later date. Division approvals are also included within this process and must meet with all approvals prior to a change being implemented. Personnel Involved: All of the IT professionals involved with the success of the change. Think of this field as your rolodex. If management needed to know who to contact about details for a particular change, this field would contain the appropriate contacts. Stakeholders: Consumers of the IT service being affected by the change. This field may contain broad values such as all faculty, staff and students or more specific groups or individuals Slide 27 27 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Plan Detail Services Affected: This field should contain a listing of the high-level services, specific hardware, applications, databases and other core components being affected by the change. Objective: This field should contain a detail account of what will be accomplished from the implementation of the change. Be as detailed as possible, because your Change Plans will have visibility across the organization. Management approvals, CTS approvals, ServiceDesk and Security will all be tasked with evaluating your change, approving changes and prioritizing the change against many other changes proposed within ITS. The change process can grind to a halt if there are questions about exactly what is being changed. Prerequisites: What preparations must be undertaken to begin the planning and execution process. Communication Requirements: This step is key in promoting a culture change within ITS. Nearly all change affects our customers in some fashion whether we realize it or not. Many services are interdependent and can have a cascading effect if a change is made without properly communicating the change across an organization that manages centralized services. The Change Plan automatically notifies the ServiceDesk (IT Response Center) and Security for all planned changes. Change Notices can be sent from within the Change Plan notifying the campus community. List a detailed description of who has been communicated with and how? Slide 28 28 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Plan Detail Pre-Change Testing Successful testing plans should be completed for all High and Critical Priority changes. Failure to properly test and verify a change can have an immediate and potentially negative impact on our customers. A best-practice for Pre-Change Testing would include a checklist of all possible scenarios which the customer would likely face after the change was implemented and what the intended results should be for a given change. Change Procedure Change Procedure is best defined as a list of the steps to accomplish a change. Sometimes detailed procedures may require an attached document to be saved in the place of typing out a list within the field. Simply reference the Attachment field below if you r procedure is documented in an attachment. Risk Assessment Proper Risk Assessment is part of any change within the IT environment. Potential risks to service levels and impacts to other related services must be taken into account prior to implementing any change. Secondarily, every Change Plan must include a rollback plan in the event that the change fails. This should include all steps required to return the configuration item back to a pre-change known state, thus restoring the service. Successful testing plans should be completed for all High and Critical Priority changes. Failure to properly test and verify a change can have an immediate and potentially negative impact on our customers. A best-practice for Pre-Change Testing would include a checklist of all possible scenarios which the customer would likely face after the change was implemented and what the intended results should be for a given change. Post-Change Testing. A best-practice for Post-Change Testing would include a checklist of all possible scenarios which the customer would likely face after the change was implemented and what the intended results should be for a given change. Slide 29 29 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Log & Attachments Change Log The Change Log field is a secure diary field similar to the WorkLog in the UNC Request for Service. This field will always display a timestamp along with the Onyen of the person who added the entry. Email communications and other changes to the Change Plan are added as entries in the Change Log along with all Approval information. Attachments The ITS Change Plan includes the ability to attach up to 3 files, 1mb in size. Within the Windows client, to add an attachment, right-click within the Attachment field. Select Add to browse your computer for a file to add. Always save your request to add the file to an existing Change Plan. For MidTier users, select the Add button browse your computer to add a file. The Attachments label above the field will be displayed in Red to indicate there are stored attachments. Slide 30 30 ITS Change Management Initiative Finding Your Changes & Approvals MyChange Plans This flashboard graph will display all active Unplanned and Planned Changes by Status. Rollover each graph to view the number and Status of Change Plans where you are the Change Owner. Click on a column to view the actual changes and make updates. MyApprovals This Flashboard graph will display all active Change Plan Approvals where you are the approver by Status. Click on a column to view the approvals and make updates. Slide 31 31 ITS Change Management Initiative Need Help or Have a Suggestion? Change Plan Feedback The Change Plan incorporates a simple feedback mechanism to allow users to ask questions or make suggestions on future enhancements to the application. Select the Submit Feedback button from the lower left side of the application window. A Change Plan Feedback window will open allowing you to provide your feedback. Feedback is submitted to REMEDY-ADMIN in the form of an RFS ticket that includes the specific Change Plan associated with the feedback and contact information from the user. Slide 32 32 ITS Change Management Initiative Templates To use a template: Highlight a Change Plan from the table. The application will load the specific information from the Change Plan below. Approvers, Personnel Involved and the Change Requester cannot be edited from this tab, but may be modified after selecting the Apply Template button. By default all values are checked to be used in the new change. Uncheck any information that you do not want used in the new change Modify any checked values that may need to be changed, such as the Change Name Select the Apply Template button to use the information in your new Change Plan. The application will create the listed Personnel Involved, Change Requester and Approvers, including the creation of approval notifications that will be sent when the Change Plan is saved. Slide 33 33 ITS Change Management Initiative Approvals John Godehn has requested your approval for the Change Plan listed below. Change Plan : Update to service monitor - update portal poller to record elapsed time to database requires your approval. Change Plan #: 942 Change Date : 08/05/08 00:00:00 Change Time : 10:30:00 Priority : Medium Objective : Update to service monitor - update portal poller to record elapsed time to database Action Required: Please access your approval by selecting the Change Plan Approval URL below. Login with your onyen & password. Select either the Approve, Reject* or More Information* button to convey your response. *Completion of the Explanation field is required to Reject or request More Information from the Change Owner. Key information is displayed below the Change Plan Information banner. Select the 'View Change Plan Details' button to access all information related to the change. Select the Logout button to exit the approval. Change Plan URL: : view?F536870997%3D942?536870945%3D%24Change%20Plan%20ID%24%20 %3D%20'Sys-Int-RequestID' CHANGE PLAN APPROVAL: Update to service monitor - update portal poller to record elapsed time to database, Change Type: Planned, Owner: John Godehn, Change Date: 08/05/08 00:00:00, Priority: Medium Slide 34 34 ITS Change Management Initiative Approvals Slide 35 35 ITS Change Management Initiative Approvals: More Information When a Change Plan is submitted, approval notifications are sent to all approvers. If a Change Plan approver is unsure about approving the request, they can request addition information by choosing the More Information button within the approval form. Providing a specific request to the Change Owner by completing the Explanation field and selecting More Information will email the Change Owner with the request. When the Change Owner selects the Change Plan URL within the email notification, they can access the Change Plan. The Change Plan Status is automatically updated to More Information. An Approval Dialog button will also become visible to allow the Change Owner to view the request for more information and to provide a response. Slide 36 36 ITS Change Management Initiative Approval Dialog Slide 37 37 ITS Change Management Initiative Change Notices Submitted From the ITS Change Plan Slide 38 38 ITS Change Management Initiative Follow-up Change Notice Auto-Closure Slide 39 39 ITS Change Management Initiative Hands-On with the ITS Change Plan Login to the Remedy Client Open the Request for Service Change Your Primary Group to ITS- REMEDY-TRAINING Please let me know if you are unable to. Slide 40 40 ITS Change Management Initiative Questions? Slide 41 The END

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