issn 0739-4934 newsletter hisfory of science socie1y · professor matthias dorries of the...

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ISSN 0739-4934


VOLUME 34 NUMBER 4 October 2005

Announcing Pharos

By Jay Malone, Executive Director

Members will find inside this Newsletter a new publication: Pharos: Stories in History of

Science. Pharos, a title suggested by Bruce Hunt, chair of our Committee on Publications, draws on the imagery of the lighthouse in ancient Alexan­dria. Conceived as a way to reach beyond our pro­fessional community, to introduce corporations, foundations, and the intelligent reader to the histo­ry of science, Pharos contains interviews that address a wide range of issues in our field - from Bigfoot to Einstein. Therefore, it was designed to stand as a separate publication that can be sent to those who might be interested in supporting the history of science. The need for such a publication became apparent as we approached foundations and individuals in support of our NEH Challenge Grant. Those who were unaware of the History of Science Society and our work, wanted something that explained what we do. Indeed, Pharos can be seen as a fundamental attempt to fulfill our mis­sion: to foster interest in the history of science.

Of course, we believe that professional histori­ans of science will also enjoy these stories. All of the articles were crafted by Michal Meyer, a history of science graduate student at the University of Florida whose journalistic expertise has improved the Newsletter beyond measure. Pharos was her idea, a byproduct of her interviews with HSS members that plumbed a dimension in our field not covered in other HSS publications, a conversational dimension that added a layer of meaning to how practitioners think about their subjects, thus revealing fascinating insights into individuals who populate the history of science. Her vision and the need to produce a publi­cation that could introduce potential supporters to our field are joined in Pharos.


SOCIE1Y The Bakken Beckons

Our annual meeting's Friday night reception will be held from 7 p.m. at the elegant Bakken Llbrary and Museum of Electricity in Life on Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis. Located in a recently-€Xpanded Tudor mansion surrounded by medicinal gardens, The Bakken holds the world's leading collection of rare books and scientific instruments on tl1e his­tory of electricity and its role in medicine and tile life sciences. The exhibits combine history with hands-on displays, and feature themes from electric fish to the cardiac pacemaker to Frankenstein. Be sure to visit the "Electricity Party" exhib­it where you can charge up a Leyden jar and shock your colleagues. It promises to be an electrifying evening! After the reception, attendees are invited to the Committee on Education workshop, "Recreating the Past: Teaching through Historical Simulation," which will also be at The Bakken. Tickets for the reception are required ($7 each) and trans­portation will be provided to and from the Hyatt Regency, our conference hotel.

If you enjoy Pharos and would like to see (and contribute to) future issues, or if you believe it is not the best use of HSS resources, I hope that you will contact me ( It is my hope that we can create a venue that en-courages the wider public to learn more about the history of sci­ence, a venue in which our members can share their research in a less formal context than is avail­able through Osiris and /sis. The only way that such a publication can succeed is if our members con­tribute to its contents.

Contents News and Inquiries 3 Jobs 4 Awards, Honors, and Appointments 5 Future Meetings 6 Grants, Fellowships, and Prizes 7 Isis Books Received 8 HSS Employment Survey 12 Dissertations 14 NEH Donors 15 Suzanne J. Levinson Prize 16

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005



HISTORY OF SCIENCE in Florence and the publisher LEO S. 0LSCHKI

are pleased to announce that, starting with 2005, the individ­ual members of the HISTORY OF

SCIENCE SocIETY will be granted a discount on their subscription to Nuncius. Journal <.?f the History of Science (http:/ /www.imss. istituto/ nuncius/) and to Galilreana. Journal qf Galilean Studies (http:/ /moro. 9000/ galilaeana/) of 30% for a single journal and 35% for both. Furthermore the entire collection of Nuncius ( 1986-2005) is also available at a discounted price of € 1.360,00 (rather than€ 1.700,00),post free.

For further i1iformation please contact ELISABETTA CALUSI TEL +39 055 65 JO 684 •FAX +J9 055 65 JO 214

LEO s. 0LsCHKI * Pl!BLISHER http:/ /' 0

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Professor and Chair Department of History Iowa State University, one of the nation's leading land-grant institutions, is seeking a senior scholar with strong teaching skills, a distinguished research record, and administrative skills Lo lead its history department.

Iowa State is a member of the prestigious AAU and is a Carnegie Foundation Doctoral/Research University-Extensive. More than 6,000 faculty and staff serve the 26,000 students on the Ames, Iowa campus. Visit us at Ames is nationally ranked for its exceptional quality of life.

· The chair will serve as an advocate for a growing department. It has a doctoral program in history of technology and science and one in rural and agricultural history.

The successful candidate will have a doctorate in history or a related discipline and may be a specialist in any field within the discipline. Appointment will be made at the rank of professor. The university wants to fill the position by July 1, 2006.

Applications and nominations for this position should be mailed to Chair, Search Committee, Department of History, Iowa State University, 603 Ross Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-1202. To guarantee consideration, applications must be received by November 15. Applications must include a cover letter, vitae, and contact informa­tion for three references. Committee chair Dr. Dawn Bratsch-Prince, 515 294-4046, is the contact for questions about this position.

Iowa State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

History of Science Society Executive Office

Postal Address PO Box 117360 University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-7360

Physical Address 3310 Turlington Hall University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611

Phone: 352-392-1677 Fax: 352-392-2795

E-mail: Web site:

Subscription Inquiries: ISIS and HSS Newsletter Please contact the University of Chicago Press directly, at:; 877-705-1878/877-705-1879 (phone/fax), toll free for U.S. and Canada.

Or write University of Chicago Press, Subscription Fulfillment Manager, PO Box 37005, Chicago, IL



Please notify both the HSS Executive Office and the University of Chicago Press at the above addresses.

USS Newsletter

Editorial Policies, Advertising, and Submissions

The History of Science Society Newsletter is published in January, April, July, and October, and sent to all individual members of the Society; those who reside outside of North America pay an additional $5 annually to cover a portion of airmail charges. The Newsletter is available to nonmembers and institutions for $25 a year.

The Newsletter is edited and de>ktop published in the Executive Office on an Apple system using Microsoft Word and Quark. The fonnat and editorial policies are detennined by the Executive Director in consultation with the Committee on Publications and the Society Editor All advertising copy must be submitted in electronic fonn. Advertisements are accepted on a space-available basis only, and the Society reserves the right not to accept a submi&5ion. The rates are as follows: Full page (9 x 7.5''), $400; Horiwntal or Vertical Half page (4.5 x 7.5"), $220; Quarter page (3 x 5"), $ll0. The deadline for insertion orders and camera-ready copy is six weeks prior to the month of publication (e.g., 20 November for the January Newsletter) and should be sent to the attention of the HSS Executive Office at the above addres.s. The deadline for news, announcements, and job/fel­lowship/ prize listings is finn: The first of the month prior to the month of pub­lication. Long items (feature stories) should be submitted six weeks prior to the month of publication as e-mail file attachments or on a 3.5'' disk (along with a hard copy). Please send all material to the attention of Michal Meyer at the HSS address above (e-mail or disk appreciated).

© 2005 by the History of Science Society

News and Inquiries CD-ROM: 21st International Congress of History of Science Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of History of Science (Mexico City) are now available on CD-ROM. Science and Cultural Diversity was the general theme of the 21st ICHS in 2001. In this framework 1,000 specialists from more than SO countries discussed the relationship among science, medi­cine, technology, and cultures throughout the world, from ancient times to the present. Anyone interested in acquiring this CD-ROM should go to:

New Web Partnership Brings Nuclear Information to Citizens, Educators Launched as a nuclear information clearing house, "Nuclear Pathways" has four sites providing access to information covering issues from the scientific to the philosophical, from the historical to the ethical. For more information visit

Women's Studies Resources A listserv about Women's Studies resources at the University of Wisconsin is available, and it includes information on women and science and technology. The home page of the UW System Women's Studies Librarian is WomensStudies/.

Changes to NSF Science and Society Program The NSF Science and Technology Studies Program and the NSF Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science, and Technology (SDEST) Program no

Lone Star Historians of Science By Bruce Hunt

The Lone Star History of Science Group held its 18th annual meeting on 8 April 2005 at the University of Texas in Austin. Hosted by Bruce Hunt, the speaker was Professor Matthias Dorries of the Universite Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France.

Professor Dorries spoke on "Laboratory Earth: Volcanism, Climate, and the Origins of Global Science." Taking the eruption of the volcano Krakatau in the Dutch East Indies in 1883 as his starting point, he traced how this massive explo­sion had truly global implications, staging a natural 'experiment' that in effect turned the entire earth into a vast laboratory As it happened, the catastrophe occurred just as the growth of colonial bureaucracies, the establishment of transoceanic telegraphic communications, the standardization of measure­ments, and the world-wide diffusion of science made it possible for such an event to become a global subject.

After Professor Dorries's talk and some spirited discussion, the group headed off to enjoy dinner and further conversation. Among those at this year's meeting were Jose Bach, Ludy Benjamin, Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, Elizabeth Hedrick, Bruce Hunt, Steve Kirkpatrick, Abigail Lustig, Ruben Martinez, Elizabeth Green Musselman, Ioanna Semendeferi, Karl Stephan, and Anthony Stranges.

Each spring, the Lone Star Group draws together historians of science, tech­nology, and medicine from around Texas and the Southwest to discuss their shared interests and enjoy a friendly dinner. The group's next meeting will be hosted in April 2006 by Professor Elizabeth Green Musselman of Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. Anyone interested in attending should contact her at

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

longer exist under those titles. The new, consolidated program title is Science and Society (S&S), which can be found on the NSF Web site at funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5324&org=SBE&from=home.

The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online A major three-year grant by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) has been awarded to James Secord (Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge) and Janet Browne (Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, University College London) to create a comprehensive scholarly collection of Charles Darwin's published and unpublished writings (barring correspondence), on the World Wide Web. For more information, please visit

Royal College of Science and Technology in Nigeria Welcomes Book Donations The Royal College of Science and Technology in Lagos, Nigeria, would be grateful to receive donations in the form of books and/or journals from the following fields: Statistics, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Petroleum Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Mineral Sciences, Medicines, Anatomy, Surgery, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Emergency Medicines, Dictionaries, Pediatrics, Physiology, Pharmacology, Anaesthesia, Geography, other vocational/trade books, general reading books, and encyclopedias. Kindly direct all boxes to: Dr. McNally Chibuzor, Dean, Royal College of Science and Technology, College Park, PO Box 74961, Victoria Island, Lagos 101007-74961,

In the First Person Database In the First Person is a new library index that lets users perform in-depth field and keyword searches across all letters, diaries, oral histories, memoirs, and autobiographies within scholarly materials that are freely available on the Web and Alexander Street databases. Updated quarterly, it is available at: http:/ /

College of Physicians of Philadelphia Section on Medical History - Events The schedule of events is available on the HSS Web site at: profession/news/index.html.

Grant for Wellcome Trust Centre Extended The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College London is pleased to announce that the Governors of the Wellcome Trust recently voted to extend its core grant for another five years, beginning October 2005. For more information, please visit:

History of Medicine and Public Health in Latin America The Web site "Observat6rio Hist6ria e Saude," organized by the Casa Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz, has useful information in Portuguese and Spanish on the History of Medicine and Public Health in Latin America. The Web site is available at:

Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies Seeks Articles The Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto is developing an off-print


History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

collection for off-prints, lectures, and other pamphlets dealing with the histoiy of the European Middle Ages in all its aspects. Members of HSS are invited to deposit copies of their articles and similar material for the use of future scholars, particularly mate­rial from publications not normally associated with the Middle Ages. Send to Ron B. Thomson, PIMS, 59 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto ON, Canada M5S 2C4.

NewNuncius Nunciw; -journal of the History of Science is appearing with a renewed editorial board, a new layout and a new structure: httpJ / istituto/nuncius/. (See special offer to HSS members on page 2)

National Library of Medicine: Online Syllabus Archive In the next few months, all contributors to the Web site whose syllabi are dated 2003 and older will be approached for updates. Current contributors and scholars interested in making new contributions may send updated syllabi in any format to Ameenah Shakir via e-mail at For more information, please visit:

New Web Site: Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists A new Web site, "Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono­Biographical Sketches," provides about 250 profiles of leading naturalists of the past. It can be accessed at:

"Science et Empires" Conference Held in Beijing A symposium co-hosted by Sciences et Empires was held in Beijing. A printed ver­sion of the report will appear in the next issue of the Bulletin of the Pacific Circle. The next International Congress for the Histoiy of Science will meet in Budapest, Hungary. The tentative dates for this meeting are 26-31July2009.

Seeking Panelists for 2006 WHA Conference The theme is Gender, Identity, and Technology in the West, 1850-1905. Respond by July 21, 20o6 to Mark S. Anderson, 234 UCB, Hellems, Room 204, Department of Histoiy, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309. E-mail: marks_ander­

History of Psychiatry - Special Issue on Emil Kraepelin's 20th-Century Legacy History of Psyc/Jiatry plans to publish a special issue on the legacy of Emil Kraepelin's work. Although Kraepelin decidedly shaped 20th-centuiy psychiatiy, his legacy has rarely been studied. For further information contact Eric]. Engstrom at eric.eng<>


In Memoriam

Leroy Earl "Roy" Page died June 15, 2005. Born in 1930, Roy had been a long-time member of the History Department at Kansas State University. He earned the BS degree in geology at the University of Arkansas (1951), then another BS and a Master's in Chemical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma (1958), and then the PhD in history of science at the University of Oklahoma in 1963 under Duane Roller. He taught at OU and at Monteith College (of Wayne State University) before taking a position at KSU in 1969 in the history of science. The family has designated the Leroy E. and Mary Sullivan Page Fund in the KSU History Department - to support graduate student study and travel - for memorial contributions.

Jobs The following announcements have been edited for space. For full descrip­tions and for the latest announcements, please visit http:llhsson­ The Society does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of any item, and interested persons should verifj; all details. Those who wish to publish a job announcement should send an electronic version of the posting to

The Department of History at Case Western Reserve University invites applications for a tenure-track position in history of science, technology, environ­ment, or medicine, to begin August 2oo6. Rank is open, although beginning assistant professor is preferred. Ph.D. should be in hand by August 2oo6. Send c.v., four letters of reference, and a cover letter by 15 November to: Professor Alan Rocke, Chair of the Department of Histoiy, CWRU, Cleveland, OH 44lo6. E-mail:

Iowa State University seeks history department chair. (see ad on page 2)

The· University of Pennsylvania Department of the History and Sociology of Science seeks to appoint an Assistant Professor in the social, cultur­al, and/or historical dimensions of health and illness, to begin 1July2oo6. Ph.D. in anthropology, sociology, histoiy, or related discipline required. Send c.v., cover letter and three letters of recommendation to the chair of the search committee, Professor Steven Feierman, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, 249 S. 36th Street, Suite 303, Philadelphia PA 19104. The search committee will begin read­ing files on October 1, 2005 and will continue reading until a candidate is chosen.

Drew University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in history of science, to begin fall 2oo6. Desirable sub-fields include modem science and technology. Please send a letter of application, c.v., and at least three reference letters to: Jonathan Rose, Chair, History of Science Search, Department of History, Drew University, Madison, NJ 07940. Applications should be received by 15 October 2005 in time for preliminary interviews at the HSS annual meeting, 3-6 November in Minneapolis. For more information, please visit: and grad/index.php.

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science announces the position of 1 Head of Junior R~arch Group for the term 1March2oo6 to 28 February 2011. The

position is ranked at the W2 level in the German system, corresponding to associate pro­feror in the U.S. Submitc.v., re;earch proposal (750words maximum), and three letters of recommendation by 15 October 2005 to: Max-Planck-Institut fur Wissenschafts­geschicht.e, Abt. Personal I NWG, Wilhelmst:ra£e 44, 10117 Berlin, Germany.

The Hixon Forum of ffanrey Mudd College announces a search for Hixon-Rigg<> Visiting Professors for 2oo6-2007 and for 2007-2008. They seek scholars currently in tenure track positions at any rank and in any discipline associated with Science, Technology and Society. The Professorship resides in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Hixon Forum Web Site is at Please address inquiries or nominations to: Professor Richard Olson, The Hixon Forum, Harvey Mudd College, 301 East Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711. E-mail:

University of Puget Sound seeks to appoint full-time, tenure-line Assistant Professor position; begins Fall Term 2006. For complete job description and applica­tion procedures, visit Applications must be received by October 21, 2005. The University of Puget Sound is an equal opportunity, affir­mative action educator/employer.

. 0

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

Awards, Honors, and Appointments The recipients of the Stannard Award 2005, sponsored by the University of Kansas, are Anne van Ardsall, for her article, "Reading Medieval Texts with an Open Mind," and Tanja Pommerening, for her article, "Altagyptische Rezepturen metrologisch neu interpretiert."

Ronald Calinger has received the James E. Doman Memorial Teacher of the Year Award at the Catholic University of America for 2005.

Fran~ois Charette has been awarded the DHS Prize for Young Scholars in the category Islamic Civilization for a dissertation entitled "Mathematical Instrumentation in Fourteenth-Century Egypt and Syria."

Jim Fleming, Colby College, has been named the Charles A. Llndbergh Chair in Aerospace History at the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum for 2005-o6.

Yves Gingras is the recipient of the Gerard-Parizeau Prize 2005, which recognizes his "exceptional work and social engagement in the development of the field of his­tory of science in Quebec." Yves Gingras has also been named, in November 2004, Canada Research Chair in History and Sociology of Science.

The winner of the 2005 Krumbhaar Award, a medical history essay contest for medical students attending school in Eastern Pennsylvania or New Jersey, is Adam Lipworth, for his essay, "The Waksman Campaign: Dr. Selman Waksman's Struggle to Preserve His Heroic Image through a Bitter Credit Dispute over Streptomycin." Casey Halpern was awarded an honorable mention for his essay, "Rhetoric and Medicine in Antiquity."

Steven J. Livesey has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant to do research at the Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes and Laboratoire de Medievistique Occidentale de Paris, l'Universite de Paris I during the 2005-2006 academic year.

Gregg Mitman has been named the William Coleman Professor of the History of Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

At the XX!! International Congress of History of Science, which met in Beijing in July, Ronald L. Numbers was elected president of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science/Division of History of Science and Technology, 2005-2009.

Maria Portuondo has joined the University of Florida as an Assistant Professor in history. She is currently working on a book tentatively titled "Secret Science: Cosmography and the New World."

Londa Schiebinger has been awarded the 2005 Alf Andrew Heggoy Book Prize from the French Colonial Historical Society for her Plants and Empire: Colonial Bioprospecting in the Atlantic World and the 2005 J. Worth Estes Prize for the History of Pharmacology from the American Association for the History of Medicine for her "Feminist History of Colonial Science."

Pamela H. Smith has accepted a history professorship at Columbia University.

Martha H. Verbrugge delivered the John R. Betts Distinguished Lecture at the 2005 annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport History. The title of her address was "Active Bodies: Where the History of Science and Sport History Meet."

Francis C. Wood Institute for the History of Medicine qf the College of Physicians Announces the lf'inner:s qf its 2005-2006 Resident Research Fellowships:

Foundation Fellowships (Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine) - Kimberly Jensen, History, Western Oregon University - Susan Rishworth, Archivist and librarian, American College of Surgeons Womens Committee Fellowships (Women's Committee of the College of Physicians) -Paul Berman, Physician in private practice, Amherst, Massachusetts - Anna Narissa Dhody, College of Physicians. - Nancy Bercaw, History, University of Mississippi - Stephanie Patterson Gilbert, American Studies, Penn State Harrisburg Wood Fellowships - Sally Carraher, Anthropology, Louisiana State University -John Carson, History, University of Michigan - Annemarie E. Hamlin, English, La Sierra University - Meegan Kennedy, English, Florida State University - Marni Kessler, Art History, University of Kansas - Sarah Knott, History, Indiana University - Christopher Lawrence, History of Medicine, University College London - Peter Mitchell, English, University of Wales Lampeter - Carroll Ferguson Nardone, English, Sam Houston State University - Patricia Olynyk, Art, University of Michigan - Helena Pycior, History, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Emmanuel Raymundo, American Studies, Yale University - Nina Reid-Maroney, History, University of Windsor - Ronald Suarez, Psychiatry resident, Albert Einstein Hospital, Philadelphia - Holly Tucker, French & Italian, Vanderbilt University

Andrew W. Mellon Travel Fellowship Program University of Oklahoma Augmented by a recent $300,000 endowment by the Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Travel Fellowship Program assists scholars outside the central Oklahoma region to make use of the History of Science Collections. Proposals from scholars at both predoctoral and postdoctoral levels are welcome. Deadlines for applications are October 15 (for research conducted between January 1 and June 30) and February 15 (for research conducted between July 1 and December 30), with decisions announced within one month.

For information, please contact: The University of Oklahoma The Andrew W. Mellon Travel Fellowship Program Bizzell Library 401 West Brooks, Room 521 Norman, OK 73019-0528 E-mail: or

Application materials and additional information can also be obtained at our Web site:


History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

Future Meetings The following announcements have been edited/or space. For full descriptions and the latest announcements, please visit our Web site ( The Society does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of any item; interested persons should verify all details. Those who wish to publish a future meeting announcement should send an electronic version of the posting to

Calls for Papers Philosophy of Science Association's Biennial Meeting, 2006: Proposals deadline: 1 December 2005. Proposals must be submitted at

Empire, Borderlands and Border Cultures. California State University Stanislaus, 16-18 March 2oo6. Deadline 1 November 2005. One page vitas and proposals should be sent to: Betsy Eudey (, or Arnold Schmidt (

Philosophy and Historiography. Robinson College, Cambridge, U.K., 3-5 April 2006. Send abstract (max. 500 words) to Cristina Chimisso or Michael Beaney by 31 October 2005; historio/historio.htm.

Remaking Boston: The City and Environmental Change Over the Centuries. The Massachusetts Historical Society invites proposals for a conference on the environ­mental history of Boston to be held 4-6 May 2006. Deadline is 15 January 2006. For questions please contact Conrad E. Wright at

The Society for Ancient Medicine invites submissions for a panel proposed for the 79th annual meeting of the American Association for the Histoiy of Medicine, to be held in Halifax. Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-7 May 2oo6;

Philosophies of Technology: Bacon and his Contemporaries. Frankfurt am Main, 7-8 July 2oo6. Send title, abstract, and bibliographical information by 1 November 2005 to one of the following: Gisela Engel,; Nicole C. Karafyllis,; Claus Zittel,

Health and Medicine in History: East-West Exchange.Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2-4 November 2006. Abstract deadline: 30 November 2005. E-mail:

Upcoming Conferences Who needs scientific instruments? Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, The Netherlands, 19-22 October 2005.

Global Health Histories. National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, 2-4 November 2005.

Technology of the Ships of Trafalgar. Madrid and Cadiz, Spain 3-5 November 2005;

Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting will be held in Minneapolis, MN 3-6 November 2005;

USS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 3-6 November 2005;

The 16th Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics, 4-6 November 2005, Ecole Normale Superieur, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris;

Medicalisation of Spaces, Spaces of Medicalisation. University of Kent, 12 November 2005.

Nursing History - Profession and Practice, 18 November 2005;

First Meeting for Postgraduate Students in History of Science, Valencia, 18-20 November 2005;


The Role of Women in the History of Geology, 28 November 2005 at the Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London;

The Mind Project: Intersections of Philosophy, Human Science, and Humanities in the journal Mind, 1876-1920. Virginia Tech, 2-4 December 2005; faculty/staley/ MIND/MINDconfweb.htm.

Biomedicine in the 1\ventieth Century: Practices, Policies, and Politics. Lister Hill Auditorium, NIH campus, Bethesda, Maiyland, 5-6 December 2005.

Between Workshop and Laboratory: Research and Innovation in the Electrical Industry since the Mid-Nineteenth Century. Mulhouse, 8-9 December 2005.

Women in Medicine and Medicine for Women from Antiquity to Early Modem Tunes. Haifa, Israel, 3-5 January 2006.

First Conference on History of Medicine in Southeast Asia. Siem Reap, Cambodia, 9-10 January 2006;

Eighth Annual Meeting: Southern Association for History of Medicine and Science. San Antonio, 24-25 February 2006.

APS: History of Physics and Astronomy, 13-17 March 2006, Baltimore, MD; 25 April 2006, Dallas, TX; meeVMAR06/ and meeVAPR06!.

The European Social Science History Association Conference will be held in Amsterdam, 22-25 March 2006;

Race, Pharmaceuticals, and Medical Technology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts, 7-8 April 2006.

Con/texts of Invention: A Working Conference of the Society for Critical Exchange. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 20-22 April 2006.

American Association for the History of Medicine Annual Meeting. Halifax. Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-7 May 2006;

Second Plenary Conference of the Tensions of Europe Network will be held in Lappeenranta, Finland, 25-28 May 2oo6;

Historical Perspectives on "Erklaren" and "Verstehen." Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 9-11 June 2006.

ISHPS. Ecole normale superieure, Paris, France, 14-18 June 2006; activites/hopos2oo6/indexhopos.html.

The Society for the Social History of Medicine: "Practices and Representations of Health: Historical Perspectives." University of Warwick, 28-30 June 2006.

International Conference on the History of Alchemy and Chymistry. Philadelphia, 19-22 July 20o6.;/alchemy/index.html.

Society for the History of Natural History. 21-24 September, 2006, McGill University, Montreal Canada;

Grants, Fellowships, and lbe following announcements have been edited for spam. For f ult descriptions and for the latest announcements, please visit our Web site (http:!lhssonline. org). lbe Society does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of any item, and potential applicants should veriJY all details, especially closing dates, with the organization or foundation of interest. lbose who wish to publish a grant, fellowship, or prize announament should send an electron­ic version of the posting to

Bakken Library The Bakken Library and Museum offers Visiting Research Fellowships and Research Travel Grants for research in its collection relating to the history of electricity and magnet­ism with a focus on their roles in the life sciences and medicine. Travel Grants up to a maximum of $500 (domestic) and $750 (foreign) are to help defray the expenses of trav­el, subsistence, and other direct costs of conducting research at The Bakken. Minimum period of residence is one week. For further information: Elizabeth Ihrig, librarian, The Bakken library and Museum, 3537 7.enith Avenue So., Minneapolis, MN., 55416, tel (612) 926-3878 ext. 227, fax (612) 927-7265, e-mail Web site:; click on "library" or "Research."

The Victor and Joy Wouk Grant-in-Aid Program

California Institute of Technology Grants-in-Aid offers research assistance of up to $2000 for work in the Papers of Victor Wouk in the Caltech Archives. The Maurice A. Biol Archives Fund and other designated funds offer research assistance up to $1500 to use the collections of the Caltech Archives. Applications will be accepted from students -working towards a graduate degree - or from established scholars. Please consult the Archives' Web page: Applications are reviewed quarterly: on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year.

The University of Oklahoma Travel Fellowship Program

The Andrew W Mellon Travel Fellowship Program helps visitors to make use of the University's History of Science Collections. Proposals from scholars at both predoctoral and postdoctoral levels will be evaluated continuously upon receipt, and funds awarded shortly after the decision is made. For information, please contact: University of Oklahoma, The AndrewW Mellon Travel Fellowship Program, Bizzell library, 401 West Brooks, Room 521, Norman, OK 73019-0528, e-mail: or Web site: (Please see ad on page 5.)

BSHS Singer and Slade Prizes The Singer Prize, of up to £300, is awarded by the BSHS every two years to the writer of an unpublished essay based on original research into any aspect of the history of science, technology or medicine. The Prize is intended for younger scholars or recent entrants into the profession. Essays on offer or in press are not eligible. Candidates must be registered for a postgraduate degree or have been awarded such in the two years prior to the closing date. Essays must not exceed 8,000 words (including footnotes following the style guide­lines in the British journal for the Histary of Sdena), must be fully documented, type­written with double-line spacing, and submitted in English. Deadline 15 December 2005. The Slade Prize of £300 is awarded biennially to the writer of an essay (published or unpublished) that makes the best critical study of an episode in the history of science focused on conceptual innovation or scientific methodology. Entry is open to people of any age or nationality. Entries should have been published or written in the two years prior to 15 December 2005. Essays should not exceed 10,000 words in length (excluding footnotes) and must be accompanied by an abstract of 500 words. Three copies of the essay and abstract should be sent to arrive not later than 15 December 2005. Essays should not bear any reference to the author, either by name or department. Submissions by e-mail v.ill not be accepted. Entries for both prizes should be sent to: BSHS Secretary, Dr. Sally Horrocks, School of Historical Studies, Leicester University, Leicester, LEl 7RH. Enquiries only by e-mail to For more information, please visit

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

Chemical Heritage Foundation BECKMAN CENTER FOR THE HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY 2006-2007 Fellowships

Academic Year 2006-2007 Opportunities Deadline: 15 January 2006

Gordon Cain Fellowship The Cain Fellowship is open to Ph.D. scholars who plan to conduct historical research on the development of the chemical industries. The outcome of this research should further public understanding of the relationship between technology, policy, management. and entrepreneurship and shed light on the complex development of modern society and commerce. The Cain Fellow will also organize a one-day conference.

John C. Haas Fellowship The Haas Fellowship is open to Ph.D. scholars whose projects will enhance public understanding of the chemical industries in relation to societal, environmental, health, and safety issues. Two Fellowships offered.

Charles C. Price Fellowship The Price Fellowship is open to scholars pursuing research on the history of the chemical sciences and technologies. Preference is given to applicants with projects on the history of polymers; however. scholars interested in other fields are also encouraged to apply. The Charles C. Price Fellowship was created by friends and admirers of Professor Price.

Summer 2006 Opportunities Deadline: 15 February 2006

Roy G. Neville Fellowship The Roy G. Neville Fellowship is open to historians of science, technology, and allied fields. as well as to historians of the book and print culture. bibliographers. and librarians. who will make use of the Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library. The Neville collection contains approximately 5,()()() titles dating from the 15th to the 19th centuries and covering all aspects of the history of chemistry and allied fields. Two Fellowships offered.

Societe de Chimie Industrielle (American Section) Fellowship

The Societe Fellowship is designed to stimulate public understanding of the chemical industries. Applications are encouraged from writers, journalists, educators. and historians of science. technology, or business. The fellow will spend three months in residence at CHF during the summer of 2006.

Glenn E. and Barbara Hodsdon Ullyot Scholarship The Ullyot Scholarship sponsors historical research that promotes public understanding of the chemical sciences. Applications are invited from scholars, graduate students, science writers, and journalists. The fellow will spend a minimum of two months in residence at CHF during the summer of 2006.

Research Travel Grants The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry offers travel grants for research in CHFs Othmer Library of Chemical History and CHF' s historical archives and instrument and art collections. See our Web site or contact for details.

Send inquiries and applications to: Fellowship Coordinator, Chemical Heritage Foundation, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-2702 Phone: 215-925-2222 Fax: 215-925-6195 e-mail:


History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

Grants in Aid for History of Modem Physics The Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics has a program of grants-in-aid for research in the history of modem physics and allied scienre; and their social interactions. Grants can be up to $2,000 each and will be given only to reimburse expenses for travel and subsistence to use the resourre; of the Center's Niels Bohr Library in College Park, Maryland, or expenses including travel and subsistence to tape-record oral history interview.> or microfilm archival materials, with a copy for deposit in the Library: Applicants should either be working toward a graduate degree in the history of science (please include a letter of reference from a thesis adviser), or show a record of publication in the field. To apply, send a vitae, a letter of no more than two pages describ­ing your research project, and a brief budget showing the expenses for which support is requested to: Spencer Weart, Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740. E-mail: Phone: (301) 209-3174. Fax: (301) 209-0&l2. The deadlines for receipt of applications are 15 April and 15 November of each year.

INA Grant-in-Aid Program The International Neuropsychophannacology Archives (INA) announre; the availability of grants of up to $1,500 to support research at the INA at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Archives, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S. Applications must include a hard copy of: a one-page description of the project, with specific reference to the archival collections to be consulted; detailed budge~ applicant's c.v.; one letter of recom­mendation from a scholar familiar with the applicant's work. Grants will be given four times a year. Deadlines are:l March, 1 June, 1 September, 1 December. Completed appli­cations should be sent by the deadline to: INA Grant-in-Aid Program, do CINP Central. Office, Hi08 17th Avenue South, Nashville, TN, 37212, U.S.

The Marc-Auguste Pictet Prize This Prne, principally intended for a young researcher, will reward a significant unpub­lished or recent contribution to the history of science. The Priz,e is endowed with an amount of Sfr. 12,000, and may be shared. Application is open to both Swiss and foreign candidates at university level. Notification of candidature should be sent by 31 December 2005 to the following address: President de la SPHN, Museum d'Histoire naturelle, Case postale 6434, CH-1211 GENEVE 6, Switzerland. 1\vo full copies of the work, accompanied by a summary and a c.v should be submitted. The texts may be written in French, Gennan, Italian or English. In the last three instanre;, the summary should be translated into French and be approximately 12 pages in length, i.e. 4,000 words or about 20,000 characters. Theme for the 2oo6 Prire: "History of the relationships of mathematics with other scienre; and techniques." The work submitted must deal with the history of mathe­matics from the perspective of its applications to and/or exchanges with other disciplines.


Student Essay Prize in the History of Medicine and Public Health The New York Academy of Medicine invites entries for the second annual New York Academy of Medicine Student Essay Prire for the best unpublished essay by a gradu­ate student in a medical, public health, or nursing program in the U.S. The winner will receive $500, and the winning essay will be reviewed for possible publication in the journal of Urban Health. Essays should be approximately 2,000 to 3,000 words long, and should follow the guidelines in the journal's instructions for authors at The postmark deadline is 4 April 2oo6. For more infonnation, please visit

Jerry Stannard Memorial Award Competition for 2006 The Department of History at the University of Kansas announces the 2006 competition for the annual award in honor of the late Professor Jerry Stannard. Each year a cash award will be made to the author of an outstanding published or unpub­lished scholarly study. In 2oo6 the award will be $1,000. The competition is open to graduate students and to recent recipients of a doctoral degree (the Ph.D. degree or an equivalent), conferred not more than five years before the competition deadline. Entries must be received no later than 15 February 2oo6. The award will be announced on or about 15 May 2oo6. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Stannard Award Committee, Att: Professor Victor Bailey, Department of History - University of Kansas, Wescoe Hall, 1445 Jayhawk Blvd. Room 3001, Lawrence, KS 66o45-7590 USA.

2006 Cheiron Book Prize Eligible works for the prne include outstanding monographs in the history of the social/ behavioral/human scienre;, published during the period 1 January 2002 through 31 December 2005. 1\vo copies of each entry must be received by the committee chair by 31 October 2005. Final page proofs may be used for books to be published after 31 October and before 1 January 2oo6. The author of the winning book will receive $500 plus up to $300 in travel expenses to attend the 2oo6 Annual Meeting of Cheiron, where the prire will be awarded. 1\vo copies, clearly labeled "2oo6 Cheiron Book Prire," must be mailed direct­ly to: John Carson (Committee Chair), Cheiron Book Prire, Department of History, 1029 Tisch Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003.

Society for the Social History of Medicine 2005 Roy Porter Student Essay Prize Competition

This prire will be awarded to the best original, unpublished essay in the social history of medicine submitted to the competition as judged by the SSHM's assessment panel. The competition is open to undergraduate and post-graduate students in full or part-time education. The winner will be awarded £500.00, and his or her entry may be published in the journal Social History of Medicine. Further details at

Prior to the publication of each Newsletter, the HSS Executive Office receives from the Isis Editorial Office a list of books received by that office for potential review. This list appears here quarterly; it is not compiled from the annual Current Bibliography. You may also view this list and prior lists online at

Adarns,Vmcanne; Pigg, Stacy Leigh (Editors). Stx in Development: Science, Stxuality, and Morality in Global Perspective. x+342 pp. illus., index. Durham NC: Duke Univerisity Press. $23.95 (paper). 0822334917.

Averroes (Ibn Rushd). Averroes (Ibn Rushd). Commentaire moyen a fa RMtorique d'Aristote. Edition cri­tique du te.xte arabe et traduction fraru;aise. Volume JJl' Commentaire du c:ommenatire. Edited by Maroun Aouad. Textes et Traditions. x+501pp., tables, bib!., index. Paris: Librairie Philosophique j Vrin, 2002. Edited by Maroun Aouad. Textes et Traditions. 352 pp., bib!. Paris: Llbrairie Philosophique]. Vrin, 2002.

Ayres, Peter. Harry Marshall Ward and the Fungal


7bread of Death. Saint Paul, MN: APS Press, 2005. $79 (cloth). 089054333.

Baker, H. Kent; Powell, Gary E. Understanding Financial Management: A Practical Guide. xiv+481 pp. figs., tables, index. Vennont: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. $44.95 (paper). o631231005.

Barnes, Ethne. Diseases and Human Evolu!Um. xii + 484 pp., bib!., index. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2005. $29 (cloth). 082633o657.

Barth, Fredrik; Gingrich, Andre; Parkin, Robert; Silverman, Sydel. One Discipline, Four Ways: British, German, French, andAmerimn Anthrrpology. xx+ 36o pp.

index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. $52.50. 0-226-03829-7.

Beretta, Marco (Editor). l.avoisier in Perspective -Proceedings of the International Symposium. (Abhundlungen und Berichte, Neue Folge, Band 21.) 213 pp., figs., tables, index. Munchen: Deutsches Museum, 2005. 3924183074.

Bok, Chip. 7be Recent History ef the United States in Political Cartoons. vii+ 291 pp., Ohio: The University of Akron Press, 2005. $26 (paper). 1931968128.

Bonnet, Charles. Systemtheorie und Philosophie organ­isierter KOrper. Ostwalds Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften,

Band 297. 161 pp. illus., figs., bib!., index. Frankfurt:Verlag Harri Deut5ch, 2005. € 17.80 (paper). 3817132972.

Bosch, Mineke. Aletta Jambs 1854-1929: Een onwrik­baar geloof in rechtvaardigbeid. 819 pp., illus., bibl., index. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans, 2005. €37 (cloth). 9050186572.

Bowerbank, Sylvia. speaking for Nature: Women and Ecologies of !Jarly Modern England xii + 287 pp., illus., notes, index. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. $49.95 (cloth). 0801878721.

Biichel, Jochen. Psychologie der Materie. Vorstellungen und Bildmuster van der Assimilation von Nabrung im 17. und 18. jh. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung cks paracel­sismis. 284 pp., figs., app., bib!. Wurzburg: Ktinigshausen &

Neumann, 2005. € 39.80 (cloth). 3826o28457.

Calaprice, Alice. 7be Einstein Almanac. xvii + 17 4 pp., illus., bibl., index. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. $24.95 (cloth). 0801880211.

Chang, Hasok. Inventing Temperature: Measurement and Scientific Progrms. xviii + 286 pp., figs., bib!., index. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. $49.95 (cloth). 0195171276.

Cartwright, John A.; Baker, Brian. Literature in Science: Social Impact and Interaction. Science and Society Series. Xxi+471pp.illus., apps., bibls., index. Calfomia: ABC­CLIO, 2005. $75 (cloth). 185109458x.

Cody, Lisa Foreman. Birthing the Nation: Sex, Sciena!, and the Conception of Eighteenth-Century Britons. xx+ 353pp. Figs., bib!., index. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. $99.00 (cloth). 0199268649.

Cohen, Martin. Wittgenstein s Beetle and Other Classic Jbougbt F.xperlments. ix + 135 pp., figs., index. Malden: Blackwell Publishers, 2004. $40 (cloth). 1405121912.

Collini, Silvia; Vannoni, Antonella Les Instrudtons Scientifiques Pour Les Veyageurs. 344 pp. figs., bib!. Paris: rnannattan, 2005. 30 €(paper). 9782747586504.

Conway, Erik M. High-Speed Dreams: NAS4 and the Technopolitics of Supersonic Transportation, 1945-1999. xvii + 369 pp., index. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, $49.95 (cloth). 080188067X.

Cooley, Ronald W. 'Full of all knouledge': George Herberts Country Parson and Early Modern Social Disrourse (Mental and Cultural World of Tudor and Stuart England). 238 pp., index, bibl. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. $53 (cloth). 0802037232.

Cormack, Bradin; Mazzio, Carla Book Use, Book 7beory 1500-1700. xi + 124 pp. illus. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. $15 (paper). 0943056349.

Craig, Patricia. Centennial History of the Carnegie Institution of Washington: Volume IV: 7be Department of Plant Biology. x + 281 pp. illus., bibl., index. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. $81 (cloth). 0521830818.

Cuddington, Kim; Beisner, Beatrix (Editors).

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005 Ecological Paradigms /JJst: Routes of 7beory Change. Theoretical Ecology Series. xxiv + 435 pp., figs., apps., index. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. $79.95 (cloth). 0120884593.

Daly, Jeanne. Evidence-Based Medicine and the Search for a Science of Clinical Gare. xi+275 pp. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. $65 (cloth). 0-520-24316-1.

Darby, Robert. A Surgical Temptation: The Demonimtion of Foreskin and the Rise of Circumcision in Britain. xi+374pp. Index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. $35.00 (cloth). 0226136450.

Debus, Allen G. (Editor). Alchemy and !Jarly Modern Chemistry: Papers from Ambix. Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry. xv + 543 pp., app. Huddersfield: Jeremy Mills Publishing Limited, 2004. £33 (paper). 0954648412.

Delone, B. N. The 51. Petersburg School of Number Jbeory. Translated by Robert Bums. History of Mathematics, Volume 26. xv + 278 pp., illus., figs., bibl., index. Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2005. $59 (cloth). 0821834576.

di Palo, Lucia Le Recherclxis physiologiques sur la vie et la mart de Franrois Xavier Bichat. Un lessim fisiologico. 224 pp. apps., biblio., index. Italy: Cacucci Editore, 2005. €25 (paper) 884223989.

Dobson, Geoffrey P. A Chaos of Delight: Science, Religion and Myth and the Shaping of Western Jbougbt. ix+ 478 pp., figs., bib!., index. London: Equinox Publishing, 2005. $27.95, £15.99 (cloth). 1845530195.

Duffin, Jacalyn (Editor). Clio in the Clinic: Doctors' Stories of Using History in Medical Practice. xxii + 334 pp., illus., bibls., index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. $35 (paper). 0802037984.

Duffin, Jacalyn. Lovers and Livers: Disease Concepts in History. 229 pp., illus., tables., figs., app., bib!., index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. $55 (cloth). 0-8020-8748-5.

Edson, E.; Savage-Smith, E. (Editors). Medieval Views of the Cosmos. Foreword by Terry Jones. 128 pp. illus. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. $28. 1-85124-184-1.

Edwards, John. 7be Geeks of War: The Secretive Labs and Brilliant Minds behind Tbmonvws Warfare Technologies. xvii + 221 pp., index. New York: American Management Association, 2005. $24 (cloth). 0814408524.

Elder, Donald C.; James, George S. (Editors). History of Rocketry and Astronautics. AAS History Series, Volume 26. (Based on papers presented at the Thirty-First History Symposium of the International Academy of Astronautics, Turin, Italy, 1997.) xviii + 412 pp., illus., index. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, 2005. 0877035180.

Evaus, Chris; Ryden, GOran (Editors). 7be Industrial Revolution in Iron: '/be Impact of British Coal Technology in Nineteenth-Century Europe. ix + 200 pp., figs., tables, bib!., index. Burlington: Ashgate, 2005. 075463390.

Announcing The Francis Bacon Award in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

The California Institute of Technology and the Francis Bacon Foundation are pleased to request nominations for the Francis Bacon Award in the history of science, the history of technology, or his­torically-engaged philosophy of science.

The Francis Bacon Prize Offered biennially in the amount of $20,000, the Prize will be awarded to an outstanding scholar whose work continues to have a substantial impact on any of the three fields.

Please send nominations by December 1, 2005 to: Sanja Ilic Secretary to the Bacon Committee MIC 101-40 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 Email:

Please include: A letter of nomination, one page maximum per nominee, which addresses the candidate's qualifica­tions and potential. Please include the nominee's contact infonuation and a copy of the nominee's c.v.


History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

Falah, Ghazi-Walid; Nagel, Caroline. Geographies of Muslim Women. Gender, Religion, and Space. viii + 337 pp. illus., figs., bibl., index. New York: Guilford Press, 2005. $30 (paper). 1572301341.

Feynman, Michelle (Editor). Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: 7be lRtters of Richard P. Feynman. xxiii +486pp. Foreword, Illus., index. New York: Basic Books, 2005. $26. 07382-06369

Fleissner, Erwin. Vttal Harmonies: Molecular Biokigy and Our Shared Humanity. xiii + 166 pp. index., bibl. New York: Columbia Universiy Press, 2004. $35 (hardcover). 0231131127

Forrester, Jean Fernel. On the Hidden Causes of 7bings: Forms, Souls, and Occult Diseases in Renaissanc;e Medicine. vii+ 779 pp. bib!., index. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005. $232 (cloth). 9004141286.

Freudenthal, Gad. Sdence in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions. Variorum Collected Studies Series. xix + 370pp. Index. Vermont: Ashgate Publishing, 2005. 0860789527.

Freyhofer, Horst H. 7be Nuremberg Mediall Trial: lbe Holocaust and the Origin of the Nuremberg Medical Code. (Studies in Modem European History, volume 53.) viii + 209 pp., illus., bib!., index. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2004. $35.95 (paper). 0820467979.

FiiSl, Wilhelm. Oskar von Miller 1855 - 1934. Eine Biographie. 452pp. Germany: C. H. Beck Verlag, 2005. 29.90 (cloth). 3406529003.

Furgoni, Chiara. Books, Banks, Buttons and Other Inventions from the Middle Ages. Translated by William McCuaig. xiv + 178 pp., illus., bib!., index. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003. $19 (paper). 0231128134.

Gerofsky, Susan. A Man lRft AlbUf]uerque Heading &Jst: Word Problems as Genre in Mathematics Education. (Extreme Teaching: Rigorous Texts for Troubled Times, vol. 5.) ix + 170 pp., table, bib!., index. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2004. $29.95 (paper). 082045823

Godin, Benoit. Measurement and Statistics on Science and Technology: 1920 to the Present. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Series. Xx+360pp. apps., index. Routledge, 2004. 0415341043.

Goldstein, Jan. 7be Revolutionary Sdf Politics and Psyche in Franc;e, 1750-1850. xiv+414 pp. illus., index. Cambridge/ London: Harvard University Press. $45 (cloth). o6740168o7

Golinski, Jan. Making Natural Knowledge. Constructivism and the History of Science. 368 pp., illus., figs., bib!., index. Originally published in 1998. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2005. $25 (paper). 0226302318.

Greenspan, Nancy Thorndike. The End of the Certain World: The Life and Scienc;e of Max Born. The Nobel Physicist Wbo Ignited the Quantum Revolution. x + 374 pp., illus., bib!., index. New York: Basic Books, 2005. $26.95 (cloth). 0-7382-0693-8.


Gregori, Giovanni P. Relativity, f)uanta. Gravitation and Cosmology: A Discussion on the Cognitive Process in lbeoretical Physics. 219 pp. figs., index. Italy: Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences, 2005.

Groeben, Christiane; Kaasch, Joachim; Kaasch, Michael (Editors). Stdtten biologischer Forschungl Places of Biological Research. Beitrage zur 12. Jahrestagung der DGGTB in Neapel 2003. 418 pp., bibls., index. Berlin: Verlag fur Wissenschaft und Bildung, 2005. €34 (paper). 3861353903

Grosz, Elizabeth. J!me Travels: Feminism, Nature, Power. Next Wave: New Directions in Women's Studies.) viii + 257 pp., bib!., index. Durham/London: Duke University Press, 2005. $22.95 (paper). 0822335662.

Grunden, Walter E. Secret Weapons and World War II: japan in the Shadow of Big Science. xi + 335 pp., bib!., index. Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2005. $39.95 (cloth). 07oo613838

Hadlock, Charles R. (Editor). Mathematics in Service to the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in the Mathematical Sciences. MM Notes #66. xiv + 264 pp., Washington: The Mathematical Asoociation of America, 2005. $48 (paper). 0883851768.

Hayter, Charles. An Element of Hope: Radium and the Response to Cancer in Canada, 1900-1940. (McGill-Queens Asoociated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society, Volume 22.) xiv + 273 pp., illus., bib!., index. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2005 $70 (cloth). 07735282695

Herbert, Sandra. Charles Darwin, Geokigist. xx + 485 pp., iilus., figs., apps., bib!., index. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005. $35.95 (cloth). 0-8014-4348-2

Ihsanoglu, Ekmeleddin. Science, Technology and Learning in the Ottoman Empire: Western Influence, Local Institutions, and the Transfer of Knowledge. (Variorum Collected Studies Series.) xiv + 338 pp., index. Burlington: Ashgate, 2004. 0860789241.

Ironside, Pamela M. (Editor). Beyond Method· Phikisopbical Conversations in Healthcare Research and Scholarship. Interpretive Studies in Healthcare and the Human Sciences, Volume 4. xix + 308 pp., index. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2005. $6o (cloth); 24.95 (paper). 0299208249.

Jones, Margaret. Health Policy in Britain s Model Cokiny: Ceykin (1900-1948). xv+ 305 pp. tables, illus., apps., bibls., index. (New Perspectives in South Asian History.) Andhra Pradesh, India: Orient Longman, 2004. $33 (cloth). 81-250-2759-9.

Jorland, Gerard; Opine!, Annick; Weisz, George (Editors). Body Counts: Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociokigical Perspective. x + 417 pp., index. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005. $80 (cloth). 077352925.

Keller, Olivier. Aux origines de la geometrie. Le

Pateolithifjue et le monde des chasseurs-cueilleurs. Prehistoire des Sciences. 233pp. Pref., Biblio., index. Paris: Vuibert, 2004. 2711753700.

King, D. A. (Editor). In Synchrony with the Heavens: Studies in Astronomical Timekeeping and Instrumentation in Medieval Islamic Civilization. Volume 2: Instruments of Mass Calculation. lxxvi + 1066 pp. figs., apps., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005. 900414188X.

Kleeberg, Bernhard. Theophysis: Ernst Haeckels Philosophie des Naturganzen. viii + 324 pp., figs., bib!., indexes. Koln: BOhlau Wien Ges.m.b.H. & Co.KG, 2005. €39.90 (cloth). 3412173045.

Knight, David M.; Eddy, Matthew D. (Editors). Science and Beliefs: From Natural Philosophy to Natural Science, 1700-1900. Science, Technology and Culture, 1700 -1945. xiv + 272 pp., figs., index. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005. $94.95 (cloth). 0754639967.

Kojenikov, Alexei B. Stalin s Great Science: 7be Times and Adventures of Saviet Physicists. History of Modem Physical Sciences, Vol. 2. icdi + 360 pp., ills., bib!., indexes. London: Imperial College Press, 2004. 1860944205.

Kozak, Jan T.; Moreira, Victor S.; Oldroyd, David R. Iconography of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake. 82 pp. illus., app., bib!., index. Prague: Geophysical Institute of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2005. €25 (cloth). 8023943901.

Krementsov, Nikolai. International Science Between the World Wars: The Case of Genetics. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Series. xvii+ 186 pp. illus., index. London: Routledge, 2004. 0415350603

Labarta, A.; Marinez Gazquez, J.; McVaugh, M.R.; Jacquart, D.; Cifuentes, L. (Editors). Translatio Libri Albruzale de Medincinis Simp/icibus. Amaldi de Villanova Opera Medica Omnia. 625 pp., app., bib!., indexes. Barcelona: Publicacions de la universitat de Barcelona, 2004. 55 (paper) 8497792408.

Laughlin, Robert. A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Doum. xvii + 254 pp., illus., index. New York: Basic Books, 2005. $26 (cloth). 0-465-03828-X.

Low, Morris (Editor). Building a Modem japan: Science, Technokigy, and Medicine in the Meij'i Era and Beyond. xiv + 242 pp., illus., index. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. $65 (cloth). 1403968322.

Liitzen, Jesper. Mechanistic Images in Geometric Form: Heinrich Hertz's Principles of Mechanics. xiii + illus., app., bib!., index. Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 2005. 0198567375

Maas, Barro. William Stanley jevons and the Making of Modern Economics. (Historical Perspectives on Modem Economics.) xxii + 330 pp., illus., bib!., index. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. $100.95 (cloth) 0521827124.


1 I

McMullin, Eman (Editor). Jhe Church and Galileo. Studies in Science and the Hwnanities from the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values. xiii + 319 pp., bib!., index. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Pre&5, 2005. $60 (cloth). 0268o34842.

Meadows, Jack. Jhe Victorian Scientist: Jhe Growth of a Professkm. vi + 202 pp., apps., index. London: The British Library, 2004. $35 (cloth). 0712308946.

Mehrling, Perry. Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Iden of Finance. xv + 374 pp. bib!., index. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. $29.95 (cloth). 0471457329.

Meskens, Ad. Joannes Della Faille sj. Mathematics, Modesty and Missed Opportunities. 177 pp. illus., figs., bibls., index. Rome/Bruxelles: Insitut Historique Beige de Rome, 2005. (paper). 9074461530.

Metzl, Jonathan M.; Poirier, SuWUle (Editors). Dijf erence and Identity: A special Issue Qf Literature and Medicine. xiii + 207 pp., figs. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Pres.~, 2005. $19.95 (paper). 0801882052.

Millones Figueroa, Luis; Ledezma, Domingo (Editors). El saber de las jesuitas historias naturales y el Nuevo Mundo. 349 pp. illus., index. Spain: Iberoamericana, 2005. € 28.00 (paper). 8484892018

Mollan, Charles (Editor). Science and Ireland- Value for Society. xix+ 294pp. Illus., index. Ireland: The Royal Dublin Society, 2005 $40.00 (cloth). 0860270505.

Morgan, Edmund S. Jhe Genuine Article. A Historian Looks at Early America. xi + 315 pp. index. New York/London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2004. $15.95 (paper). 0393327140.

Moses, Simone. Alt und Krank: Altere Patienten in der Medizinischen Klinik der Universitat Tubingen zur Zeit der Entstehung der Geriatrie 1880 bis 1914. Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte. 277 pp., figs., tables, bib!., index. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. €36 (cloth). 3515086544

Miiller-Strahl, Gerhard. Zell- Jheorien organischer Materie. 225 pp., index. Paderborn: mentis Verlag, 2004. € 34 (paper). 3897851792.

Norberg, Arthur L. Computers and Commerce. A Study of Technology and Management at Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company, Engineering Research Associates, and Remington Rand, 1946-1957 x + 347 pp. figs., index. Cambridge/London: The MIT Press, 2005 $40 (cloth). 026214090X.

Nunn, Hillary M. Staging Anatomies: Dissection and Spectade in F,arly Stuart Tragedy. Literacy and Scientific Cultures of Early Modernity. viii + 231 pp., figs., bib!., index. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2005. $89.95 (cloth). 0754633993.

Pama, Marco. Newton et !es Origines de I 'Analyse: 1664-1666. xvii+548pp. figs., bibls., indexes. Paris: Librarie Albert Blanchard, 2005 €65 (paper). 2853672301

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005 Pieters, Toine. Inteiferon: 7he Science and Selling of a Mirade Drug. Routledge Studies in the Histoty of Science, Technology and Medicine Series. xiv+264pp. Index, figs., tables. London: Routledge, 2005. 0415342465.

Plotkin, J. M. (Editor). Hausdorff on Ordered Sets. History of Mathematics: Sources. Volume 25. xviii + 322 pp., app., bib!. Providence: American Mathematical Society; London: London Mathematical Society, 2005. (paper). 0821837885

Pursell, Carroll (Editor). A Hammer in Jheir Hands. A Documentary History of Technology and the African­American F.xperience. xviii+ 397 pp. illus., figs.,, table, index. Cambridge/London: The MIT Press, 2005. $40 (cloth). 9780262162258.

Rafinesque, C. S. A C. S. Rafinesque Anthology. Edited by Charles Boewe. viii + 271 pp., illus., indexes. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2005. $45 (cloth). 0786421479.

Rayer, Pierre-Francois Olive. The History of Albuminous Nephritis. Translated by Diana Berty and Stewart Cameron. viii + 114 pp., illus., bib!., apps., index. London: The Wellcome Trust Centre for the Histoty of Medicine at UCL, 2005. $50 (cloth). 0854840982.

Reardon, Jenny. Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance in an Age of Genomics. Formation Series. xii + 237 pp., apps., bib!., index. Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Pre&5, 2004. $55, £35.95 (cloth); $17.95, £11.95 (paper). 0-691-11856-6.

Reill, Peter Hans. Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment. x + 388 pp. bib!., index. Berkeley: University of California Pre&5, 2005 $55 (cloth). 0520-24135-5.

Rodolfi, Anna. fl Cbncetto Di Materia Nell'Opera Di Alberto Magno. xx + 214 pp., bib!., index. Firenze: Edizioni Del Galluzzo, 2004. (paper). 8884501261.

Rosen, Robert. Life Itself: A Comprehensive Inquiry into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication Qf Life. xviii + 285 pp., figs., index. New York: Columbia University Pre&5, 2005. $22 (paper). 0231075650.

Rothenberg, David; Pryor, Wandee J. (Editors). Writing the Future: Progress and Evolution. xvii+250 pp. illus. Cambridge: .\\IT Press, 2004. $34.95 (cloth). 0262182351.

Rothschild, Joan. 7he Dream Qf the Perfect Child. x + 343 pp., bib!., index. Bloomington: Indiana University Pre&5, 2005. $24 (paper). 0253217601

Ryckman, Thomas. 7he Reign Qf Relatit1ty: PhilosoplJy in PIJysics 1915-1925. ix + 317 pp., apps., index. Oxford University Pre&5, 2005. $6o (cloth). 0195177177.

Saiber, Arielle. Giordano Bruno and the Geometry of Language. Literary and Scientific Cultures of Early Modernity. xvi + 183 pp., figs., bib!., index. Burlington: Ashgate, 2005. $79.95 (cloth). 0754633217.

Sanitt, Nigel (Editor). Motivating Science: Science

Communication from a Philosophical, Educational and Cultural Perspective. x + 237 pp. Luton: The Pantaneto Pre&5, 2005. £13.95 (paper). 0-9549780-0-5.

Schiefsky, Mark J. Hippocrates On Ancient Medicine. Translated with Introduction and Commentary. Ancient ~Yudies in Medicine, vol. 128. John Scarborough; Philip]. van der Eijk; Ann Hanson; Nancy Siraisi (editors). xiii+ 415 pp. apps., indexes. The Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishing, 2005. $165 (cloth). 9004137580.

Schmuhl, Hans-Walter. Grenziiberschreitungen: Das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut fiir Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik, 1927-1945. Geschichte der Kaiser­Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismis, Band 9. 597 pp., bib!., index. Gottingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2005. €35 (paper). 3892447993

Schneider, Eric D.; Sagan, Dorion. Into the Cool: Energy Flow 7hermody.namics and Life. xviii +362 pp. intro., apps., index. Chicago: University of Chicago Pre&5, 2005. $30.00 (cloth) 0226739368

Serfati, Michel. La revolution symbolique. La constitu­tion de l 'ecriture symbolique matbematique. (Transphilosophiques). Foreword by Jacques Bouveresse. ix + 427 pp., illus., bib!. Paris: Editions Petre, 2005. 2847430067.

Spear, Robert J. Jhe Great Gy{Jliy Moth War: A History of the First Campaign in Massachusetts to Eradicate the Gypsy Moth, 1890-1901. xv + 308 pp., illus., bib!., index. Amherst/Boston: University of Massachusettes Press, 2005. $34.95 (cloth). 1558494790.

Steinle, Friedrich. F.xplorative F.xperimente: Ampere, Faraday und die Urspriinge der Elektrodynamik. Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Boethius Band 50. 450 pp., apps., tables., bib!., index. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. €80 (hardcover). 3515081852.

Stem, Alexandra Minna. Eugenic Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in Modern America. xiv + 347 pp., illus., bib!., index. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2005 $24.95 (paper); $60 (cloth)


Beginning in 2006, the History of Science Society will add a new benefit to all member­ships: the latest volume of Osiris. Founded in 1936 by George Sarton, and re-launched by the HSS in 1985, this annual thematic journal highlights recent research on significant themes in the history of science. The paper edition of Osiris, Volume 21, "Historical Perspectives on Science, Technology, and International Affairs," will mail late summer 2006.


History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

USS Employ·ment Survey Report, 2004·2005 Cornelia C. Lambert, University of Oklahoma

This is a report on the results of the 2004-2005 HSS Employment Survey. The information provided concerns searches for positions beginning in or

around Autumn 2005. While we received 41 surveys, only 36 were filled out to completion. Since some of the surveys indicated multiple hires, we have a total of 42 hires from which to calculate trends in hiring in HP/STM.

The results are usually divided into four categories: 1) HP/STM was the primary area of expertise; 2) HP/STM was a supporting or secondary area of expertise; 3) HP/STM was one of several possible areas of expertise; or 4) HP/STM did not factor at all in the job search. The job searches featured this year fall into Categories I and III only. It is important to note that the HSS office tries to post only those jobs where HP/STM is an expressed area of inter­est, which helps explain the absence of Category IV positions.

Of the 20 job searches in Category I, there were 28 hires, taking into account one search which is still open and multiple hires for three searches. Of these, 7 were permanent and 21 were temporary positions. Females were awarded 3 of the 7 permanent positions, or 43%. Of the 21 temporary posi­tions, females were awarded 8 (38%) and males 13 (62%).

Of the 14 hires in Category III jobs (in which HP/STM was one of several possible areas of expertise), 3 were permanent and 11 were temporary. All three permanent positions in this category were awarded to female candidates. Six out of the 11 temporary positions were given to and accepted by female appli­cants, for a percentage of 55%. 1\vo positions in this category were left open, and one was filled though the gender of the successful candidate is unknown.

Overall, 20 of the 42 positions were filled (for which gender is known) by female applicants, or 48%. This is a more equitable showing compared to the last two years, in which females consistently received only 37-37.5% of job offers. In a brief overview of permanent, Category I jobs, it appears that women are maintaining a healthy presence in tenure-track positions.

Only two hires were described as having minority status as defined by their respective hiring institutions. Both of these were female.

As most surveys indicated searches for permanent, Category I positions, most comments came from the directors of these searches as well. Complaints about the difficulty of posting to the HSS Web site, and for calls for an online survey, far outweighed instructive comments about the status of gender equity in our field. Nevertheless, useful comments fell into two general categories: strength of candidate pools and range of competence. First, to one respondent, the field of candidates from HP/STM programs was "well-prepared," but "not very diverse." Another wrote that he or she has "seen more and more success­ful candidates with training in sociology and anthropology of science and medicine. Need more candidates with rigorous training in intellectual history of recent science."

The comments from those for whom HP /STM training was less important

Historians of Chemistry Dinner for Historians of Chemistry and the Chemical Industries

Thursday, November 3, 8:30 pm at Brit's Pub, 1110 Nicollet Mall

(If you have not paid in advance@ $40 ($20 for graduate students), contact Mary Ellen Bowden, Arthur Daemmrich, or Gabriella Petrick").


were perhaps the most helpful. One had "some difficulty in locating a scholar with sufficient range to teach in a history department at a liberal arts college." He or she added: "Many of the candidates emerging from History of Science programs did not seem comfortable teaching in a history department. Their training was too narrow .... [P]rograms should train graduate students to work from a history department. This must be kept in mind when preparing job letters, selecting research topics, etc." Another stated, "We weren't really looking for a history of science candidate - she was our only one, and was a happy surprise."

Despite the call for historians of science to be prepared to teach in history departments, applicants are finding this transfer difficult. Wrote one, "I asked the chairs of search committees whether, given my qualifications, my applica­tion would be taken seriously. I received a few most helpful responses, about 50% of which suggested I submit. There were also a pair of very rude answers. I think it is fair for a historian of science to request such information from search committees that are seeking an assistant professor of history."

Applicants are reportedly facing other discriminatory situations. One voiced her opinion that "search committee members are not trained to elimi­nate bias against independent scholars, women," and those trained in foreign countries. Similarly, another applicant felt as though she were being over­looked on account of her gender and race (white). She wrote, "It is discourag­ing to not even be considered for a teaching position unless you are a minority or male, especially in history."

Applicants report, as they did last year, that many candidate searches are simply "set ups"; mock searches for which an insider had already been cho­sen. One candidate even reported that during his/her interview "members of the search committee could be overheard wondering why someone interviews for a job which belongs to an insider." Even when searches are legitimate, they are described as unfair: "No cattle-call job interviewing at tables. Even a cafe is better," wrote one. "It is unnecessary for every search committee to request letters of recommendation from all applicants," opined another. Yet another applicant wrote that during his/her campus interview "the director of the hiring unit admitted not recalling my CV and talked instead about his recent bypass." Clearly, interview practices, nerve-wracking to begin with, should be treated with more care.

Look for improvements to the survey in the coming year. Please send rec­ommendations and comments about the survey to Cornelia Lambert, Department of the History of Science, Physical Sciences 628, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019-0315; or by email to Thanks to the Women's Caucus for its continued support of this project.

Early Science Interest Group Infonnal Dinner The Early Science Interest Group will meet informally for dinner on Thursday 3 November at 8:30 p.m. at Brit's Pub, 1110 Nicollet Mall. If you would like to join us, please email Liba Taub ( by Monday 31 October, putting 'Early Science' in the subject line, so that we can let Brit's know how many places to set. Everyone is welcome to join us.

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

USS Employment Survey Tables, 2004-2005


Job Description Total # of Atwlicants Successful Candidate Permanent: Back- Advertising Rank Offered Male/Female Gender, Minority,

ground Media Degree, Date, Field

f University College London S, P, D 5, 8 AST 45: 38, 7 F, no, PhD, 2002, HP/STM Haverford College s 1, 3, 6 AST 65:-,- M, no, PhD, 2004, HP/STM University of California - Davis S, T, P,D 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 ASC 81: 65, 16 M, no, PhD, 1995, HP/STM Chemical Heritage Foundation S, T, PH, D 6,8 0 8: 6, 2 M, no, PhD, 2004, HP/STM University of Florida S,D 1, 4, 5, 6 AST 58: 30, 28 F, yes, PhD, 2005, HPSTM Wichita State University S, P,D 3, 4, 6 FP -.-,- M, no, PhD, -, HP/STM University of Alberta M,D 6, 7, 8 AST 20: 6, 14 F, no, no,-, HP/STM

Job Description Total # of Atwlicants Successful Candidate Temporary Back- Advertising Rank Offered Male/Female Gender, Minority,

ground Media Degree, Date, Field

Rice University D 1, 2, 5, 6 L 6: 2,4 M, no, PhD, 1999, HP/STM University. of Wisconsin - Madison M,D 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AST 12: 4,8 F, no, no,-, History University of King's College S, T,P,D 2,8 TF -.-,- M, no, PhD, 2003, HP/STM King's College Institute Of Psychiatry M,A, D 5, 8 0 24: 4+, 15+ F, - , no, 2004, E Johns Hopkins University s 1,3,5,6 PD 13: 9, 4 M, no, PhD, 2004, HP/STM Dartmouth College S,P 2, 4, 8 PD 25: 15, 10 M, no, PhD,-, HP/STM Dartmouth College S,P 2,4,8 PD 25: 15, 10 M, no, PhD,-, HP/STM Dartmouth College S,P 2, 4, 8 PD 25: 15, 10 F, no, PhD,-, HP/STM Dartmouth College S,P 2, 4, 8 PD 25: 15, 10 F, no, PhD, -, HP/STM National Institute of Health S, T, or M; P; D 8 0 5: 2, 3 M, no, PhD, 1988, HP/STM National Institute of Health S, T, or M; P; D 8 0 5: 2, 3 F, no, PhD, 2005, HP/STM National Institute of Health S, T, or M; P; D 8 0 5: 2, 3 F, no, no,-, HP/STM National Maritime Museum S, D 8 0 5: 3, 2 M, no, PhD, -, -University of Queensland D 8 PD 27: 13, 14 M, no, PhD, -, -Max Planck Institute S, D 5,6,8 PD 61: 50, 11 M, no, PhD, 2005, -Haifa University/ Max Planck Institute s, p 2,8 PD 8: 6, 2 M, no, PhD,-, PHI Medical Museion, Copenhagen S, T,M, MU,D 4, 5, 6, 8 PD 11:7,4 M, no, PhD, -, -Medical Museion, Copenhagen S, T,M, MU,D 4, 5, 6, 8 PD 11: 7, 4 M, no, PhD,-, -Medical Museion, Copenhagen S, T,M, MU, D 4, 5,6,8 PD 11: 7, 4 F, no, PhD, -, -Medical Museion, Copenhagen S, T, M, MU, D 4, 5, 6, 8 PD 11: 7, 4 F, no, PhD, -, -Massachusetts Institute of Technology M,D 2, 5,6 PD 6: 3, 3 M, no, PhD, 2000, H


Job Description Total # of Applicants Successful Candidate Permanent: Back- Advertising Rank Offered Male/Female Gender, Minority,

ground Media Degree, Date, Field

California State - Fullerton S,D 3, 4, 5, 6 AST 62: 42, 20 F, no, PhD, 2003, HP/STM University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire D 3,8 AST 20: 13, 7 F, yes, no, -, HP/STM University of Minnesota Law School D 3, 5,8 0 44: 19. 15 F, no, JD., 2003, Law


History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

Job Description Temporary:

York University Harvey Mudd College Montana State University Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute Industrial Heritage and Archaeology

University of Chicago


DESIRED BACKGROUND: A Archival Training, Experience B BA only

Back- Advertising ground Media

S, T, P, D 4, 5, 6, 8 D 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 S,D 1, 2, 5 S, D 5, 6, 8 S, D 5, 6, 8 S, D 5, 6, 8 S,D 5,6,8 S, D 5, 6, 8 S, D 5, 6, 8 T, W, PH, D 2, 6, 8

D 6,8

Rank Offered

TF \/}'



Total # of Applicants Male/Female

29: 22, 7 40: 15, 25 17: 10, 7 42: 30, 12 80: 39, 41 80: 39, 41 80: 39, 41 80: 39, 41 80: 39, 41 8: 6, 2

45: 25, 20

RANK: ASC Associate Professor AST Assistant Professor FP Full Professor L Lecturer

Successful Candidate Gender, Minority, Degree, Date, Field

M, no, no, HP/STM F, no, PhD, 1995, Physics M, no, PhD, 2003, Geog. F, no, PhD, 2003, Art Hist. F, no, PhD,-, -F, no, PhD, -, -F, no, PhD, -, -M, no, PhD, -, -M, no, PhD, -, -M, no, PhD, 2005, Historical Archaeology F, no, PhD, 2003, H

D Ph.D. or equivalent in hand at time of starting position LIB Librarian

E European Culture 0 Other

H History PD Post Doctorate

MU Museum Training, Experience TF Temporary Faculty

M Training in History of Medicine VF Visiting Faculty


0 Other specific training 1 AHA Perspectives

P Training in Philosophy of Science 2 SHOT Newsletter

PH Public History 3 Chronicle of Higher Education

PHI Philosophy 4 HSS Newsletter

S Training in History of Science 5 HSS Web site

STS Training on Sci, Tech, and Society 6 H-Net, or other electronic media

W Ability to teach American or Western History Survey 7 AAHM Newsletter T Training in History of Technology 8 Other

No (clear) reply

Dissertations List '!he list bekrw reflects inform.a/km provided by Dr. Jonathon Brien (only dissertatkm tit/&; placed in Dissertatkm Abstracts are included) and others and was current as of I June 2005. Plmse send any missing titles to Due to space ronsiderations we are unable to run the romplete list this month.

Allender-Hagedorn, Susan. "Arguing the Genome: A Topology of the Argumentation behind the Construction of the Human Genome Project." Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2001, 280 pages. 3157769.

Bleecker, Julian C. 'The Reality Effect of Technoscience." University of California, Santa Cruz, 2004, 183 pages. 3157631.

Buckley, Michael George. "Green Passages: Literary Natural History in Pre-Darwinian America." The Pennsylvania State University, 2004, 309 pages. 3147592.

Carlisle, Linda V. "Elizabeth Packard and Boundaries of Gender, Religion, and Sanity in Nineteenth-Century America." Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2004, 532 pages. 3147118.

Carlson, Laurie Winn. "William ]. Spillman: Scientific Agriculture in the Progressive Era." Washington State University, 2004, 277 pages. 3147842.


Collier, James H. "The Structure of Meta-scientific Claims: Toward a Philosophy of Science and Technology Studies." Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1998, 148 pages. 3158405.

Danneskiod-Samsoe, Jakob Frederik. "Muses and Patrons: Cultures of Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century Scandinavia." Lunds Universite~ 2004, 510 pages. C818187.

Dawson, Paul Louis. "Luis de Florez and the Special Devices Division." The George Washington University, 2005, 331 pages. 3158505.

Dowell, Annond. "How tD Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: Quantum Infonnation, Quantum Computation, and the Philosophy of Physics." University of Pittsburgh, 2004, 127 pages. 3159049.

Eslava, Edgar. "Quantum Measurement and Time Metaphysics: Towards a Temporal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics."

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2004, 224 pages. 3147117.

Gomez, Leila G. "On Naturalists and Archeologists in South America (1880-1940) William Henry Hudson and Hiram Bingham: Imperial Encounters and National Canon Fonnation." The Johns Hopkins University, 2005, 337 pages. 3155619.

Grandi, Giovanni Battista. 'Thomas Reid's Theory of Vision." The University of Western Ontario (Canada), 2004, 199 pages. NQ96820.

Grund, Peter Jonas. "Misticall Wonles and Names Infinite": An Edition of Humfrey Lock's Treatise on Alchemy, with an Introduction, Explanatory Notes and Glossary" Uppsala Universitet, 2004, 365 pages. CSl 7812.

Hartimo, Mitja "Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology and the Development of Mathematics in the Late Nineteenth Century" BostDn University, 2005, 238 pages. 3157377.

I t

History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

Donors to NEU Challenge Fund

Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation The Furumoto Research Foundation Charles C. Gillispie*

Anonymous Michele L. Aldrich Joan Cadden* Richard Creath

& Jane Maienschein

Clark A. Elliott+ Judith & David Goodstein

Anonymous Renato Acampora Douglas Allchin Katharine Anderson Peder Anker Toby Appel Wilbur Applebaum Adam]. Apt Jean-Francois Auger Jose Bach Lawrence Badash Donald deB. Beaver Jean Beetschen Alan Beyerchen John Blackmore Ann Blair Muriel Blaisdell Angela Boernke-Vallou Patrick Boner James]. Bono Stephen G. Brush* Joe D. Burchfield Richard Burkhardt Leslie]. Burlingame Ronald Calinger Ken Caneva Peggy Champlin Hasak Chang David Channell H. Floris Cohen

* Officers' Incentive Fund + In honor of Robert E. Schofield Please send corrections to

{As of 1September2005) Thank You!

Sarton Circle ($2,500 and Above)

John C. Greene* Margaret]. Osler* Llsbet Rausing Trust

Council of Friends of the Society ($1,000 - $ 2,499)

Virginia P. Dawson+ Sally Gregory Kohlstedt*

River Branch Foundation David Rockefeller Laurence S. Rockefeller Fund M. Vrrginia & John w SeIVa;*

Charlene Joseph Fruton Bernard Llghtrnan* & Michael M. Sokal*+ Frederick Gregory* Robert Multhauf*

N.G. Coley

Gerald Holton* Shinzo Kohjiya

Loren Graham Susan Lindee

Jonathan Coopersmith Angela N. H. Creager Paul]. Croce Lorraine]. Daston Joseph W. Dauben Peter R. Dear Allen G. Debus RonaldDoel M. Eddy Guy Emery Judith & Jonathon Erlen Raymond E. Fancher Anne Fausto-Sterling Javier Fernandez Tom & Uma Ferrell Klaus Fischer Robert Marc Friedman Elizabeth Garber+ Janet Bell Garber Patsy Gerstner+ Neal Gillespie Mary Louise Gleason Jan Golinski Sara S. Gronim Anita Guerrini

& Michael Osborne Stanley Guralnick Martin Gutzwiller Beth HaGath

John A. Neu Mary Jo & Robert Nye* John A. Popplestone

Sustaining Members ($500 - $999)

John Michel Alan Rocke

Contributors (Up to $<199) Roger Hahn Bert Hansen Katherine Haramundanis Jon M. Harkne;s Joseph E. Harmon John L. Heilbron Javier Herrero Fernandez Bruce Hevly EIWin Hiebert* Anne Hiskes David A. Hollinger Roderick Home Karl and Sally Hutbauer Bruce]. Hunt Margaret Jacob Derek Jensen Victor]. Katz Peggy Kidwell William Kimler Ann La Berge Shoshi Lavinghouse Bruce V Lewenstein Albert C. Lewis David Lindberg* William & Marie Longton Kenneth M. Ludmerer Elizabet Lunbeck Pamela E. Mack* Robert]. Malone Michael Massouh +

James E. McClellan III Stephen C. McCluskey Everett I. Mendelsohn Margaret 0. Meredith Ronald E. Mickens Nancy]. Nersessian Sheila Counce Nicklas Lynn K. Nyhart Marilyn Ogilvie Naomi Oreskes Leonello Paoloni John Parascandola Diane B. Paul Philip]. Pauly James A. Pittman Theodore Porter John K. Pribram Karen Rader Sylwester Ratowt Karen &James Reeds Robert]. Richards Robin E. Rider George Rosenstein Marc Rothenberg James Ruffner Andrea Rusnock

& Paul Lucier Ken Saito Morton L. Schagrin Robert & Mary-Peale Schofield

Heinrich & Eve von Staden Arnold W Thackray* Spencer Wear! Thomas R. Williams

Edward G. Ruestow Michael Shank Nancy G. Siraisi

James A. Secord Joie R. Shackelford Alan E. Shapiro Hilary A. Smith Laurence D. Smith Pamela H. Smith Scott Spear Darwin H. Stapleton Peter F. Stevens Jam es E. Strick Edith D. Sylla* Kenneth L. Taylor David Topper+ Roger D. Turner A. Bowdoin Van Riper Je;sica Wang Joan Warnow-Blewett Ruth Wattenberg Eleanor Webster Marjorie K. Webster Charles Weiner+ Frederick Weinstein Robert Weinstock Stephen Weldon Robert Westman Karin E. Wetmore Roger L. Williams L. Pearce & Sylvia I. Williams Eri Yagi Toshihiro Yamada


History of Science Society Newsletter October 2005

The Suzanne J. Levinson Prize Suzanne Levinson brought enthusiasm to whatever she did, and she delved into a

wide range of things over the years. "How many people do you know," asks her husband, "who've taught both university students and four year olds and was equal­ly enthusiastic about both."

Suzanne was born on 26 June 1928 and died 3 May 2003. To honor the memory of his wife, Mark Levinson has established the Suzanne]. Levinson Prize for a book in the history of the life sciences and natural history. The biennial prize, worth $1 ,000, will be awarded for the first time in 2006. Levinson previously endowed a prize with SHOT in memory of his parents, the Samuel Eleazar and Rose Tartakow Levinson Prize intended for a student paper which is to be submitted for publication

= and concerns a technological matter examined within the ~ = context of intellectual or social history. "t ...

Apart from the general biology focus, Levinson would -'f especially like to see books dealing with the theory of evolu- ~ tion. "Suzanne" he says, "had a strong lifelong interest in

of the way through a degree in history. In 1957, she returned to Brooklyn College and earned a degree in biology, which included a history-of-science course taught by Carl Boyer, and then went on to graduate study after encouragement by two of her profes­sors. More than a decade and two children later, the biology department at McMaster University, where Mark was a professor, faced a shortage of graduate students who

could teach biology. Suzanne was hired as a demonstrator, and three years later became the senior demonstrator. Later she earned qualifications in early childhood education and switched to teaching children.

Suzanne and Mark met during the Korean War, when Mark was at home on a weekend pass. "I went to a dance and concert with a friend. I wasn't much of a dancer, nor was Suzanne, but we met." The two discussed an obscure novel they had both read, a terrible one, says Levinson. "Both of us decided that evening that the other one was the one we were going to marry. We didn't tell each other tha~ of course, until much later, but we'd fallen in love that night."

In 1990, when Levinson retired from the University of Maine, the couple moved to Washington. "We had decided long before that we would retire to the Pacific

that. " He has no preferences as to whether the book should speak to a scholarly or popular audience. A popular book, though, should not be trivial. "Good popular books on sci­ence are hard to come by; nonsense is easy to come by. I'd like to see something sufficiently sophisticated to interest the academic who doesn't know anything about the subject."

Suzanne Levinson standing by the family library. Northwest, where it never gets hot and humid, a pleasant discovery made during our time at Oregon State

Suzanne Levinson had wide reading tastes and a library of 8,(XX) volumes to satisfy that taste. "Both she and!," says Levinson, "thought that if you have an interest in something and you see a book on it then you pick it up." In addition to books found in garage sales, in library fund raisers, and bookshops, Suzanne had her professional library of books on biology and early childhood education.

Suzanne's interest in biology came late. Her education was disrupted by iU health, and she dropped out of her undergraduate education at age 20, three quarters

University in 1960 and 1961," says Levinson. There Suzanne put her botanical knowledge and enthusiasm to use in their garden, which still flourishes, while her husband focused on the history of aeronautics, writing book reviews, both scholarly and popular. In addition Mark has organized archival collections for the University of Washington and, especially, for the Museum of Flight in Seattle.

A forn1al announcement of the Suzanne]. Levinson Prize will be made at the 2005 HSS Meeting in Minneapolis.

The University of Chicago Press P.O. Box 37005



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