israeli whole capital is occult masonic shrine, like washington dc

Post on 30-May-2018






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8/9/2019 ISRAELI Whole Capital is Occult Masonic Shrine, Like Washington DC 1/3

8/9/2019 ISRAELI Whole Capital is Occult Masonic Shrine, Like Washington DC 2/3

8/9/2019 ISRAELI Whole Capital is Occult Masonic Shrine, Like Washington DC 3/3

Please heed the call to get under the blood's atonement, or you will soon face the wrath of God. The real

ONE. It is soooo sad that these people have trampled their evil upon the Holy Nation. We can only rest in

the assurance that the true Messiah who came first to redeem, will come again and cause mankind to live

out the Torah of the Lord, which are the laws of the universe. No Israeli Supreme Court will ever be able to

do what He will and may it be soon and even in our days.

Reversed Cross and TEMPLARs 20.Apr.2005 08:53

Space Monkey! link

 Wasn't one of the apostles crucifixified on an upsidedown cross, due to, i believe, his own request not to be

martytized in the same manner as the savior (as that wouldnt be kosher). I mean, Im sure thats made up,

but maybe all those crazy satanists (they must exist somewhere) are really just way into that one apostle.

Paul? I dunno. Cant remember.

Interesting that; the whole Cross being a symbol of Death sometimes and Life sometimes. According to

who you talk to. The Egyptian cross, or Ankh i think is supposed to be about fertility (male and female?).

And then there's the peace symbol with the "upsidedown broken cross" or according to Nordic-Nazi symbol

fetishists the inverted tree Yggdrasil which would symbolize death in that form (it appears next to the death

date on SS graves, thus making the peace sign symbolize death too!!!!?!?!?!). You can see how this sort of 

vaguery connects to "proof" of Marx's plot to hypnotize sixties youth into pushing for nuclear disarmament

(you think I'm exagerating). And then when the good ol USA gets rid of its Nukes the ZOG whips out its

secret stash and kills everyone oh on!!!

Oh, and a note about the Templars. Supposedly in their rituals "initiates" had to step on and spit on the

cross (supposedly this ritual was adopted by the Masons) thus being all satanicy. Of course, anyone who's

anyone knows the Knights O the templar were super christian, so what's the deal? Apparently one theory is

that they did this to simulate the kind of heretical actions they would be forced to perform if captured by the

enemy. I dont know if they practiced this to get good at pretending to desert Templardom thus sparing their 

lives or what, but I read it on the internet so it has a 50% chance of being true! Just like God! Wow!

"Mysterious" Origin of the Freemasons 20.Apr.2005 09:03

Space monkey link Oh yeah, the deal about Freemasons. Guess how they started out...they were....dun dun dun...masons!

Sure, they had this whole "secrets from the builders of the temple of solomon" thing going, but they werent

this big abstract fraternity, yet. In fact, they were a lot more like a Union for the trade of masonry. This is

probably the real reason all those hardline righties hated it back when and invented a whole buncha

lokshen about how they were evil and satanic and about how all their symbols were evil and satanic. On the

one hand though many of their symbols were gnostic and oriented toward the idea of enlightenment. Of 

course, the Catholic church (tentacle #12 in the Illuminati) never really liked them Gnostic Christians who

believed that procreation was evil but sex for pleasure was ok.

So, back to the freemasons. How they did they become just a buncha business men and "upright citizens"?

Well, because of their whole "Solomons temple" gig they DID have lotsa cool rituals and stuff. This attracted

interest from mostly bourgeois outsiders who bought their way into the organization. Notice the differencebetween the modern phenomena of Scientology which was set up as a scam to be like this from its


So yeah, it happened just like that. In fact, another organization, called the Freegardeners (No I'm not

making this up) who were a sort of well...union of garderners! Eventually their bourgeois clients whos

gardens they tended became interested in their rituals too! According to some reports the numbers of the

freegarderners actually rivaled that of the freemasons at one point! Though they've pretty much died out

completely since.

FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET 20.Apr.2005 09:06

Honkey Space Monkey link

 Oh yeah, the idea that the The Evil Conspiracy wants to reduce populations is the biggest joke in the world

ever. Out of control population growth creates poverty among the masses and plenty of human resources

for the unending wars. This is how "they" maintain control. Geez! There's already a huge outnumbering of 

slaves to masters capable of overthrowing "them", we dont need more numbers! The only reason the righty

conspiracy theorists tack this on to their theory is to offer further proof that Left-wingers (in favor of birth

control, get it?) are involved. What a freaking joke, too bad its on them. (I actually almost fell for this one

awhile back. I mean...the christians keep breeding like rabbits while the secular institution keeps pitching

birth control to the inner cities...gotta stop the spread of that.... Ahhh FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET!!!!!


NIHILISM = The Stupid lie 20.Apr.2005 09:43

Grand Master Space Monkey link

 So yeah, just to say something conclusive or whatever:

Oh no, EVIL! Evil out there! Darkness VS Light etc! Shouldn't we all

be loving enough to escape from this struggling dichotomy for 

at least a little while, if for nothing else, our own sakes! The Bad and

the Good are BOTH inside us my friends (incidentally Bad and Good

are out there too) and there is probably never gonna come some

purging time where GodMan comes and cuts the Bad part of us

from the Good part of us and leaves only the Yin and not the Yang.But it's okay because "Bad" isn't really bad....but "Good" is in fact

literally Good (without quotation marks). And "Bad" is also Good.

You see, they just aren't getting along, so they hate eachother and

try to exist independantly from eachother leading to all kinds of 

"imbalance" or "order" or "disorder" that results in life destroying

addictions etc.

It's not a choice between Absolutist Dogma and Nihilism! That's just

another "false" dichotomy. The Opposite of a Great Lie is often another 

Great Lie. Just like the opposite of a great truth can be another great

truth. (This opposed to little truths like "the sun is bigger than the moon"

of which the opposite is not true)

I'm not saying we should all go spiritual and meditate on a mountain for 

the rest of our lives, I'm saying we should try to "be the change we wish

to see in the world." But if all your are expecting is some sort of apocalyptic

tragedy in which the entire world is decimated you will only eat your 

own soul in the process of this grim expectation. You might even end

up a Nihilist like the Straussians! Woe is the nihilist for he has no


Now, maybe the masons or other "friendly societies" were/are in fact groups

who mean/meant to bring positive change before they were infested with

paranoid schizophrenics afraid of their own shadow.

I think a good metaphor is the Good Society which evil men from the outside

see as an insitutional threat so they penetrate it at all levels to gain power 

for themselves and so corrupt the original goals of the society. You could

say the American government was like this. Or you could say it was a plot

by wealthy land owners from the beggining, whatever. At some point someone

had a vision, and then a second later someone came along and called them

a HERETIC and a bunch of people came and nailed them to a tree.

International Masonic Directory-Norway - http://masons.

start4all.com30.Oct.2005 00:24

Roald Atle Furre - link

 More than 6100 Masonic and Related shortcuts to Masonry

http://masons.start4all.comis a resource for everybody of this forum - I think this web is Great and it is

also included in the Directory under Israel 

+47 55162308


Good Job 07.Nov.2005 19:32

One Voice link

 Don't worry about the negative feedback you may receive... They didn't believe Jeremiah either!

Reverse the incomming letters - "up to date" 05.Dec.2005 23:51

RAF link

 It is easier to read this forum if the Webmaster(s) reverse the incomming letters - the latest on top !!!!! Just a

Suggestion !? 

55 162308


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