island for sale in state of pará

Post on 18-May-2015



Real Estate



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Wonderful island for sale in the State of Pará. Excellent real estate investment in the purchase of an area of 1. 520 hectares for the price of a mansion in another country. The distance of the island for the continent, a villa of fishermen, is of 1.5 km, it can be arrived of ship in only 15 minutes. Salinópolis, to 12 km of the villa of fishermen is tied by paved highway and he/she is the principal tourist pole of the State of Pará, being visited during the period of high station for more than 400.000 people. The Island has 09 km of beautiful unexplored beaches, of fine sands. Tropical climate, strong winds; the ecology of this magnificent place was always priority, preserving flora, fauna and swamps. The island has a great tourist potential, with expedition’s contemplatives, walks of kayaks, motorboats, ships, as well as the practice of the surf. Your soil, as characteristic of the area where is placed, is appropriate for the creation of animals, organic agriculture, creation of fish and oysters. Experiences were made with the buffalos, creation and sheep, being obtained good results. The fishing is a point to be considered, the amount and the variety of fish in the area are big. The place possesses a wood house, two chalets, ship, has a snack, some cattle heads and some horses. Decorating the beautiful landscape, a great variety of fruitful trees complements all the natural beauty of the property. Solar energy and artesian wells turn the gentle place, making possible comfort without attacking to the environment. Sale value: R$ 5,000,000.00 (five million Real), approximately U $2,810,000.00 (two million eight hundred and ten thousand North American dollars);


Island for sale in the Atlantic Ocean - State of Pará - Brazil:

Location and Area Territorial 

• The State of Pará is cut by the line of Ecuador; located between the parallel 2N and 5S and meridians 56 and 48 W.Gr. It is limited with States of Amapá, Mato Grosso, Amazonas, Tocantins, Roraima, Maranhão, with the Atlantic Ocean and with Guyana. He/she becomes separated in 143 municipal districts presenting hot and humid climate, with distributed rains. Your dear population is of six million inhabitants in a total area of 1,253,164.5 km².

The State of Pará:

History, Settlement and colonization.

• Invaded several times by Dutchmen and English in the beginning of the century XVI in search of seeds as: urucum, guarana and pepper; he/she had your initiate occupation in 1616 for Portuguese with the foundation of the Fort of the Stable later denominated Fort of the Castle and originating the city of Belem.

• Seeking an improvement in the defense of the coast and in the contacts with the metropolis, the territory started to do part of the province of Maranhão and Grain-Pará tends in view that the relationships with the capital of the colony–Salvador–they were hindered by the marine current.

• During the century XVII, the farming’s of coffee, rice, sugar-cane, cocoa and tobacco, as well as, the cattle farms brought prosperity to the area. Coincidentally, in 1774 it happened the stagnation of the economy and the integration (Maranhão and Grain-Pará) it was undone.

• The exploration of the eraser in the end of the century XIX impelled the economy again developing the north area. However, during the century XIX, movements against Portugal appeared, as for instance, Cabanagem in 1835, move this that got to decree the independence and to install a new government in Belém.

Geomorphology and topography; 

Amazon plain

• Composed by surfaces of firm earth and cultivated plain; The cultivated plain are formations accumulative of sand and clay, happens in the parts more drops of the bed of the river Amazonas, could be considered recent, because, constantly they receive depositions, staying flooded in the floods. The firm lands calls of low Amazon plateau also present medium altitudes of 100m; your soils are sandy and they are characterized by the strips formed in the portions north and south of the cultivated plain.

Plateau of Guyana

• He/she locates to the north of the Amazon Plain with altitudes that increase in the sense north of the state, reaching 906 meters in the Mountain of Acari.

Brazilian plateau

• He/she/you is in the south portion of the Amazon Plain, with altitudes of at the most 500m (it Saws of the Pipe) that, following felt Mato Grosso tends to increase. To the north, the surfaces are wavy due the intense erosive work.


• Flowing of the river Amazonas;• Left margin: Jari, Paru, Trombetas and

Nhamundá • Right margin: Xingu and Tapajós • Several flowing, as well as, the river Amazonas

propitiates the navigation being this the principal local means of transportation. Other rivers of the area have your importance as Gurupi (it limits Pará with Maranhão) and Araguaia (flowing of Tocantins).

Lakes • The principal are placed in cultivated plain areas. Among them: Big

of Curuaí, Itandeua, Potion (close of the boundary with Amazonas), Big of Maicuru (close of Monte it Cheers). The lake Arari, with about 100km² it is placed in the coastal slope.

Islands • Among the mouth of the river Amazonas and the ocean Atlantic

Ocean is placed the largest of the Brazilian islands, Island of Marajó. With 47.964 km² the seventh largest Atlantic island is considered. In the whole extension of the river Amazonas several other islands exist as Great Gurupí, to Pará, Janacu, Caviana, Mexiana and another of smaller importance.

Coast • To the whole they are 618 km of extension, several islands in the

mouth of the river Amazonas and other natural aspects of this that, as the channel of the North, the bay of Marajó, the bay of Guajará, the stall of Caeté, the cables of Maguari and of Gurupi.


• It prevails in the state the hot and humid equatorial climate with station it dries happening during the winter and spring. The medium temperatures rotate close to the 27°C with index pluviometer of 2.900mm/ano in Soure (Island of Marajó).

• In I spill him/it of Belém, the climate is hot and usually humid not having dry station; the temperatures vary between 25 and 27°C with rains surpassing to 2.000mm/ano.


• It can be considered as an extension of the vegetation of the state of Amazonas, forest equatorial or amazons.

• Leafy trees, bushes, parasites, lianas and orchids compose, becoming separated in pluviometer areas, firm earth and fields.

• Cultivated plain: rich in species flowers especially rubber.

• Firm earth: formed by high trees, some with economical value as mahogany, maçaranduba and Brazil nut.

• Campos: stains in the middle of the forest, formed by low vegetation. Main areas of fields: Marajó, Óbidos and Monte Cheers.

• In Pará, month of July healthy vacations and the arrival of the summer. The paraenses feel to attract for the river beaches and sea.

• And in search of your ecological refuge, crowds meet at the beaches that seduce with your white and fine sand, your exuberant dunes and the intensity of the winds.

Because to invest in the Ecological Tourism

Tourism • Many are the tourist attractions as the sporting

fishing, the exotic animals, the centennial trees, the beaches and the local cookery besides other outstanding points. For integrating the Amazonian Legal, the state of Pará stops 49% of the existent tourist attractions in the area as it was already demonstrated above.

• As well as throughout Brazil, the tourism is being quite motivated on the part of the government concerning transport, highways, basic sanitation among other important infrastructures to the local population and the visitors. They exist five tourist poles now: Belém - Atlantic Costa, Marajó, Tapajós, Araguaia - Tocantins and Xingu.

Pole Belém - Atlantic Costa • Known as the city of the hoses ", Belém opposes

the modern buildings, of heady architecture with your characteristic secular houses of the Old City. Already, proceeding for the Atlantic coast, beaches, rivers and igarapés form the landscape enriched by the beaches of salted water as Salinas, Marudá and Cotton plantation. He/she/you composes the tourist pole of the Atlantic coast, the cities of: Cotton plantation, Salinópolis, Watches, Marapanim and Bragança.

• He/she/you also stands out the cultural wealth, Marapanim, for instance, with the traditional Carimbó; Bragança - the marujada in the month of December; São Caetano of Odivelas - festivity of the Boi Tinga in June.

Pole Marajó • He/she concerns the tourism practiced at the Island

of Marajó, the largest fluvial-marine island of the world with about 50,000 km², which shelters 12 municipal districts, among the principal Soure and Salvaterra that dispute the title of capital of Marajó.

Pole Tapajós • It shelters one of the most beautiful municipal

districts paraenses, Santarém with a great variety of tourist attractions, being the principal municipal district of this located pole in the confluence with the river Amazonas.

• Activity quite appreciated in the area it is the tucunaré fishing; the several beaches, rivers, lakes and the buffalo farms also attract many tourists for the area.

Island of Marajó• He/she is located among the rivers Amazonas and Tocantins and

enter the ocean Atlantic Ocean, there are few kilometers of Belém could only be arrived of ship or airplane. It presents as total area about 50.000km², being constituted this way, in the largest fluvial-marine archipelago of the world. This island is part of the Archipelago of Marajó together with the islands of Caviana (5 thousand km², more reached by the bore), Mexiana (1, 5 thousand km²) and Big Island of Gurupá (smaller, covered by dense forest).

• Being one of the principal, the Island of Marajó shelters 12 municipal districts, of these, Soure is it more sought for tourism and Brief the most populous; one of the preserved ecological sanctuaries of the Amazonian is considered. For better understanding of your lands, we can divide the island in two portions:

• Oriental Portion: high lands with variable altitudes from 4 to 20m; taken a bath by the ocean Atlantic Ocean it doesn't suffer floods. Dominant vegetation: fields (23,000km²).

• Western portion: low lands, subject to the floods of the several rivers and channels that form small islands. Dominant vegetation: forest (26,500km²).

• Among the months of February to May happen frequent rains, leaving two thirds of the completely flooded island. The drought happens from August to September being characterized by the drought of the lake Arari.

• Due to the great area flooded, the creation of buffalos was easily adapted to the area, being today the largest flock of the country, generating economical maintainable for the island. Another native animal species of the area found abundantly it is the bird Guará, with red plumage overflying the island in groups.

• With relationship to your first inhabitants, it is believed, that several indigenous groups there lived among them the original aruás of Antilhas, these indications are proven for the presence of goods as tangas, vases, urns mortuaries, pots, plates, pitchers and pitchers belonging to the civilizations, demonstrating the indigenous artistic expression, the ceramic marajoaras with recordings, lines and human reliefs. Now about 250 thousand people they live at the islands distributed in the 12 existent municipal districts.

• Natural aspects worthy of prominence are the lake Arari, the river Arari, Channel of the Turtles linking the lake Arari to the ocean Atlantic Ocean, the fluvial beaches as: Araruna (2 km of extension), Fishing (13 km of extension) and Cashew Unites (15 km of extension), however, the more sought it is Joanes. The several creative farms of buffalos are also attractive.

Pole Araguaia - Tocantins • They are located in this pole the municipal

districts of Barcarena, Conceição of Araguaia, Marabá and Tucuruí. It is treated of an area with great mineral potential (I iron, gold, bauxite and manganese), what contributed to your development. In the municipal district of Tucuruí the hydroelectric plant of Tucuruí is installed; with your implantation they were formed beaches and abundant lakes in fish, attracting many tourists to the area. In the mineral area where the Project Carajás is developed an Ecological Park it is installed.

Pole Xingu • Altamira is the municipal district that best represents

this pole. The municipal district is considered the largest of the world in extension (two thousand kilometers), rich in beaches, cultural and quite rich in fish history for the presence of the river Xingu, fact that attracts tourists for your waterfalls, rapids, and beaches of fresh water and apprentices of the sporting fishing.

• Another option quite sought and given prestige to in the state of Pará it is Nazareth's Candle, in the month of October. The festivity happens for 15 days tends about high point the pilgrimage (2nd Sunday of the month) gathering about 400 thousand people every year.

The Island the sale, the safe investment:

• Island in the Atlantic Ocean, with area of 1,520 hectares, located in the Amazon area, municipal district of Salinópolis, State of Pará;

• The distance of the island for the continent, a villa of fishermen, is of 1.5 km, it can be arrived of ship in only 15 minutes. Salinópolis, to 12 km of the villa of fishermen is tied by paved highway and he/she is the principal tourist pole of the State of Pará, being visited during the period of high station for more than 400.000 people.

• The Island has 09 km of beautiful unexplored beaches, of fine sands. Tropical climate, strong winds; the ecology of this magnificent place was always priority, preserving flora, fauna and swamps.

• The island has a great tourist potential, with expedition’s contemplatives, walks of kayaks, motorboats, ships, as well as the practice of the surf.

• Your soil, as characteristic of the area where is placed, is appropriate for the creation of animals, organic agriculture, creation of fish and oysters. Experiences were made with the buffalos, creation and sheep, being obtained good results.

• The fishing is a point to be considered, the amount and the variety of fish in the area are big.

• The place possesses a wood house, two chalets, ship, has a snack, some cattle heads and some horses. Decorating the beautiful landscape, a great variety of fruitful trees complements all the natural beauty of the property.

• Solar energy and artesian wells turn the gentle place, making possible comfort without attacking to the environment.

Sale value: R$ 5,000,000.00 (five million Real), approximately U $2,810,000.00 (two million eight hundred and ten thousand North American dollars);

Sell and Information: • Joval & Tatiana – Real Estate

Advisory & Consultancy and International Businesses;

• Rua Izidoro Pastorello, 842 (Office), (790 - house), Jardim Guarapuava - Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná.

• CEP: 85.856-210 - CRECI: 9.492-F - PR

• 55-45-3527.3103 – 55-45-3572.3227 - 55-45-9942.1621 – 55-45-9945.0872 (Attendance in Portuguese and Spanish.)

• • (site

in development)••••

Joval Gomes da Silva. Real Estate Broker - CRECI: 9492-F-PR Expert Judicial Appraiser.

Tatiana Pinheiro da Silva Business Consultant

Expert Real Estate Appraiser

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