islam pdf with notes

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Youngest of the world’s major religions. More than one billion adherents. Islam means “Submission” Islam is a total way of life – religious faith and rituals, but also a pattern of order for society in family life, civil and criminal law, business, etiquette, food, dress and personal hygiene Dominant in many nations in Middle East, Africa and Asia. Pre-Islamic Arab Religion – religious setting – Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism - - but mostly the native religion of the Arab people Only information comes from Muslim sources, including the Koran, so critical of precursors Pre-Islamic people worshipped a variety of gods, but recognized one supreme, high God who was separate and unapproachable


Muhammad’s life Muhammad born about 570, died 632 Legends surrounding his birth – host of angels joyously attended his birth Once he was born, he fell to the ground, took a handful of dust and gazed toward heaven proclaiming, “God is Great.” Born clean, circumcised, with his umbilical cord already cut Other global signs are said to have occurred – lights illuminated special palaces


Born into a family in a powerful tribe, but poor. Muhammad had to work as a shepherd and trader Father died before he was born His mother died when he was six years old Grandfather who had taken care of him since birth died when he was eight Then loving uncle – Abu Talib cared for him


At 25, he married Khhadija, a well-to-do widow She was 15 years older than he was They had two sons who died in infancy and four daughters She was his only wife while she was alive Little known about M for this period, except he had a good reputation


At 40 (610), he began having visions or receiving revelations He believed that he received a prophetic call from the angel Gabriel At first, he was afraid that he was possessed by an evil spirit, but his wife encouraged him There were long periods of silence when God did not speak to m. After some years, he began preaching to his friends and relatives secretly He called his new faith “Islam” for submission and said he was merely a prophet


Response to the message Muhammad was persecuted because his message could have economic repercussions (against deities worshipped at Mecca’s central shrine the Ka’ba) The belief at the time had been that idols, gods and goddesses had power People didn’t like hearing that a judgement was to come Some Muslims forced to migrate to Abyssinia, which was Ethiopia Needed livelihood – raided caravans – show of strength and to get money


619 Khadija died Story about Muhammad’s journey to heaven – one night, the prophet was taken by the angel Gabriel from Mecca to Jerusalem and then through the seven heavens where he visisted with all the previous prophets (including Jesus, Moses, Abraham) – finally taken into the presence of God where he received procedures for Islamic worship of daily prayers (some consider this a purely spiritual event, others think it literally happened). This story led to an increase in hostility and opposition toward Muhammad.


When Muhammad lost the protection of his guardian Abu Talib in 620, he was not safe in Mecca, so he went to Yathrib (later called Medina), about 450 km north of Mecca in 622 – this is called the hijra (migration) – to Medina – THIS IS A KEY EVENT IN ISLAM – beginning Muhammad well received in Medina – residents more monotheistic because of influence of Jewish tribes Also city was prosperous, but there were feuds among tribes. They hoped Muhammad could help settled the disputes Muhammad became a diplomat and politician In the next ten years, Muhammad rose to become a political leader of virtually all of central and western Arabia Groups peacefully coexisted for a time. Muhammad had warm relations to the Jews, even encouraging Muslims to pray facing Jerusalem, accepted some Jewish festivals, until…. Some Jews would not accept him Eventually Muhammad said pray toward Mecca, changed other ideas – like not sharing festivals with Jews, etc…


Battle of Badr Specifically mentioned in the Koran Muslims would raid caravans coming out of Mecca Muhammad had at least 300 men Muhammad led the campaign himself – thought it was a large caravan, worth a lot of money Meccans had their caravan and an army of 950 fighting men Muslims outnumbered three to one, but they had strategy and zeal on their side, they overpowered Meccan leadership Muslims lost only 14 people. Meccans lost 45 men with 70 taken prisoner Victory was seed as a sign of God’s choice of Muhammad M’s prestige increased He eliminated opponents in Medina and sent the Jewish tribes away He married to cement his position as head of the community


Various Battles Siege of Medina – Meccans try once more in 627 to oust Muhammad. He stays put in Medina and digs a trench around the city. Meccans waited for two weeks, but could not cross into the city. With bad weather and little hope, they withdrew. This strengthened M’s position. He didn’t trust the remaining Jews in his city. Thought they had plotted with the Meccans, so he put the Jewish men to death and sold women and children into slavery


Conquest of Mecca Rising power for two years Financially growing More people joining Islam Mecca was in decline Some leaders had joined Muhammad In 628, peace treaty between Muhammad and Meccans, but when some Meccan allies attacked M’s allies, the treaty was nullifield In Jan 630, M with 10,000 men invaded Mecca with virtually no resistance He cleansed the Kaabah of its idols and issue da general pardon to leaders of Mecca (mostly) and gave Meccans rewards for their surrender He won respect and admiration


Remaining years Large number of tribes in Arabian peninsula pledged allegiance to Muhammad Some submitted after defeat by armies Generally, polytheists were forced to profess Islam while Christians and Jews could practice their faith, but had to pay taxes In 632, M died at the age of 63, a sudden but natural death


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