is a recruiting career path right for you?

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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Making the leap from your current job to a recruiting career can be both an exciting and intimidating experience. I made the leap myself when I switched from working as a litigation associate at a major law firm to working as a Managing Director overseeing legal search recruitment. Making the career change allowed me to better capitalize on my interpersonal skills and abilities while also helping others achieve their goals. And while recruiting is indeed an exciting and rewarding career, it’s not the right path for everyone



Making the leap from your current job to a recruiting career can be both an exciting and intimidating experience. I made the leap myself when I switched from working as a litigation associate at a major law firm to working as a Managing Director overseeing legal search recruitment. Making the career change allowed me to better capitalize on my interpersonal skills and abilities while also helping others achieve their goals. And while recruiting is indeed an exciting and rewarding career, it’s not the right path for everyone.

Are you considering a career in recruiting? If the following could describe you, then a career in recruiting could be in your future:

#1: You could sell ice to an Eskimo. Recruiting is comprised of at least three sales cycles: (1) getting the position vacancy from the client; (2) getting the interest from the candidate; and (3) bringing the two together for a match made in heaven. In order to succeed in a recruiting career, you need to be a stellar salesperson and capable of handling multiple “sales” at a single time.

#2: You’re a great matchmaker. And no, I don’t just mean the ability to set friends up on great blind dates – although that’s a great skill, too! Being a great matchmaker means that you can instantly recognize a job candidate’s hard skills and soft skills, and then find the perfect company match for these skills, and vice versa.

#3: You deal well with rejection. Even the best recruiters get told “no” on a regular basis, whether that’s a “no” from a dream client or a potential job candidate. To succeed at a recruiting career, you need to be comfortable being rejected on a regular basis and not take this rejection personally. Instead, view rejection as a new opportunity to find an even better client or candidate!

#4: You think the glass is half-full. Trying to track down folks who may not initially be open to speaking with you about a new job opportunity can be exhausting and frustrating. A positive attitude is essential towards maintaining a pleasant and professional demeanor no matter how a potential client or job candidate responds to your recruiting pitch.

Are you considering a career switch to recruiting, or have you already made the leap? I welcome your experiences with the recruiting career path in the comments section below.

Is a Recruiting Career Path Right for You? by

Lesley Tone Senior Executive Search Consultant – Legal

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