irreversibilities and efficiency at maximum power of heat engines: the illustrative case of a...

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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, 031116 (2012)

Irreversibilities and efficiency at maximum power of heat engines:The illustrative case of a thermoelectric generator

Y. Apertet,1,* H. Ouerdane,2 C. Goupil,3 and Ph. Lecoeur1

1Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, Universite Paris-Sud, CNRS, UMR 8622, F-91405 Orsay, France2CNRT Materiaux UMS CNRS 3318, 6 Boulevard Marechal Juin, F-14050 Caen Cedex, France

3Laboratoire CRISMAT, UMR 6508 CNRS, ENSICAEN et Universite de Caen Basse Normandie,6 Boulevard Marechal Juin, F-14050 Caen, France

(Received 4 November 2011; published 15 March 2012)

Energy conversion efficiency at maximum output power, which embodies the essential characteristics of heatengines, is the main focus of the present work. The so-called Curzon and Ahlborn efficiency ηCA is commonlybelieved to be an absolute reference for real heat engines; however, a different but general expression for the caseof stochastic heat engines, ηSS, was recently found and then extended to low-dissipation engines. The discrepancybetween ηCA and ηSS is here analyzed considering different irreversibility sources of heat engines, of both internaland external types. To this end, we choose a thermoelectric generator operating in the strong-coupling regime as aphysical system to qualitatively and quantitatively study the impact of the nature of irreversibility on the efficiencyat maximum output power. In the limit of pure external dissipation, we obtain ηCA, while ηSS corresponds to thecase of pure internal dissipation. A continuous transition between from one extreme to the other, which may beoperated by tuning the different sources of irreversibility, also is evidenced.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.031116 PACS number(s): 05.70.Ln, 84.60.Rb


When Sadi Carnot was reflecting on the motive power ofheat, the first law of thermodynamics was not yet formulated.Although the so-called caloric theory, which states that heatcan neither be created nor destroyed, was widely accepted,Carnot proposed an idealized model of heat engine showingthat the fraction of energy that can be extracted as work fromheat transiting between two thermostats at temperatures Thot

and Tcold respectively, cannot exceed 1 − Tcold/Thot, the upperlimit which defines the Carnot efficiency ηC [1]. This limit canbe reached only if the process is fully reversible. Carnot’s basicassumption that heat is conserved is incorrect but his intuitionpaved the way to the second law of thermodynamics and therelated concept of irreversibility.

A reversible transformation in a thermodynamic system isquasistatic and hence requires an infinite time to complete.As a consequence, the ideal Carnot engine is a zero-powerengine; furthermore, it is off the arrow of time since nodissipative element ensures causality. For practical purposes,real thermodynamic engines must produce power and not justwork to be useful, so one usually seeks maximum efficiencyat nonzero power or, even more, maximum output power.Causality can be restored by introducing dissipation throughfinite thermal conductances between the ideal Carnot engineand the heat reservoirs, as Chambadal [2], Novikov [3], andCurzon and Ahlborn [4] did to derive a simple, yet general,expression for the efficiency at maximum power:


= 1 −√

Tcold/Thot ≡ ηCA, (1)

which is known as the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency. Theseseminal works put forward a then new kind of system calledendoreversible (reversible only when considered alone, but not


when finite thermal contacts are involved [5]) and gave rise tofinite-time thermodynamics. Equation (1) was rederived as ageneral result of linear irreversible thermodynamics in Ref. [6].

Recently, another general yet different expression hasappeared for efficiency at maximum power:


= ηC/(2 − γ ηC) ≡ ηSS, (2)

where γ is a parameter related to the ratio of entropyproduction at each end of the engine. This result was obtainedby Schmiedl and Seifert using a stochastic heat engine model[7]. More recently, an extension of this result to the class oflow-dissipation heat engines was reported by Esposito andcoworkers [9,10]. The main purpose of this paper thus is toexplain and discuss the discrepancy between ηCA and ηSS.

We observed that the hypothesis used in Ref. [7] to obtainηSS differs from the assumption of the endoreversible enginein that no dissipative thermal contacts are involved, andirreversibilities arise only from internal processes (this classof engine is referred to as an exoreversible engine [8]). Thisobservation led us to focus on sources of irreversibility in realthermal engines. These sources are varied and include frictionand heat leaks. In models which account for the coupling ofthe engine to the reservoirs, the irreversibility may alsooriginate in the finiteness of the heat transfer rate. A continuedincrease of the speed of a heat engine operation results ina decrease in both power and efficiency because of frictionand finite-rate heat transfer; conversely, in a slow regimeoperation heat leaks become the preponderant irreversibilitysource, which negatively impacts on output power and hindersefficiency at finite-rate heat transfer.

Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) are devices which cou-ple electric and heat currents, and hence constitute a veryinteresting type of real thermal engine, for which three sourcesof irreversibilities are identified: the Joule effect (obviously aninternal process), the heat leak represented by the open-circuitthermal conductance K0, and the dissipative thermal contacts

031116-11539-3755/2012/85(3)/031116(5) ©2012 American Physical Society


to the heat reservoirs. Twenty years ago, Gordon [11] studiedthe impact of these three kinds of irreversibility on the behaviorof a TEG by comparing the relation between the producedpower P and the efficiency η for various cases. Interestingly,he demonstrated that a TEG with only Joule dissipation or onlydissipative thermal contacts (endoreversible case) exhibits thesame behavior: an open P vs η curve where the electricalopen circuit condition allows the Carnot efficiency to beattained. On the contrary, when heat leaks are introduced, theP vs η curve becomes closed: in the open-circuit conditionthe efficiency vanishes, as for the closed-circuit condition.These results show that heat leaks should not be treatedon the same footing as Joule heating and thermal contactdissipation. We emphasize that the case where only heat leaksare considered is unphysical and presents no interest per sebecause electrical transport is then not allowed to take place.This may explain why this situation is not treated in Ref. [11].

This problem can be compared to the connection of a perfectcapacitor to a perfect voltage generator: since such a capacitorcannot sustain a potential discontinuity, it is impossible toconnect both components for a practical purpose unless adissipative element such as a resistor is introduced in thecircuit. But one cannot place this irreversibility source atrandom: the dissipation is useful to realize the coupling ifthe resistor is connected in series with the generator but isuseless if placed in parallel. In that case, as for the thermalconductance for the TEG, dissipation occurs without resolvingthe causality issue. In this paper, we thus analyze a model TEGthat presents no heat leaks. This assumption is equivalent tothat of strong coupling defined by Van den Broeck [6] as theheat flux is thus only composed of an advective term [12] andis hence proportional to the electron flux. We only deal withtwo irreversibility sources: an internal one (Joule heating) andan external one (dissipative thermal coupling).

In this context, a question naturally arises: How can in-ternal and external irreversibilities be compared? We recentlydemonstrated the importance of thermal contacts in practicalapplications such as a thermoelectric generator coupled toheat reservoirs with nonideal heat exchangers [13]. Indeed, theimpact of the thermal contacts on the electrical properties ofthe TEG is such that an additional electrical resistance appearsin the basic Thevenin model of the TEG. The comparisonbetween this additional electrical resistance and the standardThevenin internal electrical resistance provides a means toquantify the internal and external sources of irreversibility inthe system.

In this paper we build on the works of Onsager [14],Callen [15], and Domenicali [16] on irreversible processes tostudy a generic model of thermoelectric generator connectedto two temperature reservoirs. This framework permits a veryefficient and physically transparent description of the couplingof the laws of Ohm and Fourier, which govern the properties ofthermoelectric generators. Considering two limiting cases forirreversibility sources, that of pure external irreversibility andthat of pure internal irreversibility, we find that the efficiencyat maximum power in these two extreme cases correspondsexactly in one case to the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency and inthe other to that calculated by Schmield and Seifert [7]. Wealso derive an analytic expression of the efficiency when theconductances of the thermal contacts placed at both ends of the

FIG. 1. Thermoelectric (left) and thermodynamic (right) picturesof the thermoelectric generator.

thermoelectric module are equal, and we discuss the obtainedexpression in the light of previously published results. Thisdiscussion is then extended to the dissymmetric case.


We consider a model thermoelectric generator connectedto two temperature reservoirs, as depicted in Fig. 1. Thetemperatures of the heat reservoirs are Tcold and Thot, respec-tively. The thermal contacts are characterized by two thermalconductances Kcold and Khot so that the total contact thermalconductance is given by Kcontact = KcoldKhot/(Kcold + Khot).The TEG is characterized by its isothermal electrical resistanceR, its Seebeck coefficient α (both of which are constantinside the module), and its thermal conductance KTEG, whichis composed of a conductive part K0 associated with heatleaks and an advective part Kadv associated with the electricalcurrent [12]. In the strong-coupling regime the isothermalconductance of the generator is supposed to be zero and so theaverage heat flux IQ is proportional to the electrical currentI [6]. In the electrical circuit a resistance R′ is due to thepresence of the finite thermal contacts as demonstrated inRef. [13]; under the strong-coupling assumption it is givenby R′ = α2T ′/Kcontact, with T ′ being the average temperatureinside the TEG. The voltage across the generator, representingthe thermoelectric conversion, is V ′

oc = α(Thot − Tcold).The temperatures at both ends of the thermoelectric module,

ThM and TcM are explicitly given by [17]

ThM = KhotThot + 12RI 2

Khot + αI, (3a)

TcM = KcoldTcold + 12RI 2

Kcold − αI, (3b)

Since the average temperature T ′ = (ThM + TcM)/2 de-pends on the working conditions, the resistance R′ does, too.To remove this dependence we define a resistance R′′ givenby R′′ = α2T/Kcontact with T = (Thot + Tcold)/2. As a firstapproximation R′ ≈ R′′. A simple expression for the powerproduced as a function of ThM and TcM reads

P = α(ThM − TcM)I − RI 2. (4)



10-4 10-2 100 102104

R / R’’







η Pm

ax /

η C


10-4 10-2 100 102 104







T’ (


ηCA / ηC

ηSS / ηC

FIG. 2. (Color online) Efficiency at maximum power scaled tothe Carnot efficiency and mean temperature T ′ (inset) as functions ofratio R/R′′.

The full analytic expression of the output power P as functionof the electrical current I is cumbersome and can be foundin Ref. [17]. The conversion of the heat current into electricpower is thus characterized by the efficiency η:

η = α(ThM − TcM) − RI

αThM − RI/2. (5)

All the quantities involved here depend on the electrical currentI , so we have to calculate them numerically as a function of I

in the generator regime to extract the efficiency at maximumpower ηPmax for various values of the TEG internal resistanceR. All other parameters of the TEG, including the thermalcontact conductances, are fixed (their values do not influencethe result for ηPmax ).

We focus first on the symmetric configuration characterizedby the equality of the thermal contact conductances: Khot =Kcold. The efficiency at maximum power, ηPmax , is representedas a function of the ratio R/R′′ for a TEG working betweenTcold = 295 K and Thot = 305 K, in Fig. 2. We recoverthe expected behavior for extremal cases: if the sources ofirreversibility are mainly external (R/R′′ → 0) then we obtainηPmax = ηCA, which agrees with the calculation of Ref. [18];conversely, if the sources are mainly internal (R/R′′ → ∞),we obtain the Schmiedl-Seifert efficiency ηPmax = ηSS =ηC/(2 − ηC/2), since γ = 1/2 for this particular heat engine(as discussed below). Furthermore, we note a continuoustransition between these two limits.

A. Analytical expression for ηPmax

To gain insight into the dependence of the efficiency atmaximum power on the external and internal irreversibilitieswhen Khot = Kcold, we derive an analytic expression for theefficiency. First, we express the electrical current at maximumpower IPmax as [12]

IPmax = α


(Thot − Tcold)

R + R′ . (6)

Then, to obtain the average temperature T ′ = (ThM + TcM)/2inside the TEG, we make the approximation that

IPmax = α(Thot − Tcold)/2(R + R′′) in Eqs. (3a) and (3b). Thus,T ′ is given by

T ′Pmax

= T − R′′

R′′ + R

�T 2

16T, (7)

where �T = Thot − Tcold. The second term on the right-handside of Eq. (7), leading to a deviation from T in the caseof an overwhelming contribution of external dissipation, isimportant to recover the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency. Thisvariation of T ′ reflects a response of the system when theinternal dissipation constraint is relaxed, and it is verified bythe exact numerical calculation as shown in the inset of Fig. 2.This dependence of the temperature on the ratio R/R′′ cannotbe ignored, so we have to use the above expression of T ′in the definition of R′ instead of the approximation T ′ = T .Replacing this whole form of R′ in Eq. (6) and using Eq. (5),we obtain the following analytic expression for the efficiencyat maximum power in the symmetric configuration:


= ηC


1 + ηC



1 − ηC



. (8)

Only leading terms up to the third order in ηC were retainedfor the sake of tractability. For R/R′′ → ∞, we recover theexpression found by Schmiedl and Seifert [7]; for R/R′′ → 0,an expansion to third order in ηC leads to Curzon-Ahlbornefficiency developed to the same order:

ηPmax = ηC

2+ η2


8+ η3


16+ O



). (9)

The coefficient at second order in Carnot efficiency remainsthe same, 1/8, over the whole range of variation of theratio R/R′′. This result is in perfect agreement with that ofEsposito and coworkers [9]. As demonstrated in Fig. 2 thisanalytical expression reproduces well the curve derived fromexact formulas.

B. Insight into dissymmetric configuration

The result of Curzon and Ahlborn is interesting andpowerful in that it does not depend on the repartition ofthe dissipated energy between hot and cold contacts. Thedissymmetric configuration is characterized by different valuesof the thermal contact conductances Khot �= Kcold. However,Kcontact is kept constant.

To proceed in our analysis, we introduce a contrastfunction � = (Khot − Kcold)/(Khot + Kcold) that characterizesthe degree of symmetry. Whatever the the ratio R/R′′, thenumerically computed efficiency at maximum power exhibitsa dependence on � that is linear (not shown here). This de-pendence is enhanced when internal and external dissipationsare identical, whereas, if one of the irreversibilities vanishes,the efficiency at maximum power remains independent ofthe degree of symmetry of the thermal conductances. This iscoherent with the result of Curzon and Ahlborn for R/R′′ → 0.For R/R′′ → ∞, since internal dissipation is the leadingcontribution, this behavior can be explained by the intrinsicsymmetry of Joule heating: each end of the thermoelectricmodule receives half of the heat thus produced; this internalsymmetry implies that γ = 1/2 in the above expression forηSS. We cannot explain yet such a dependence for a mixed
















η Pm

ax /

η C


Ψ = −1

Ψ = −0.5

Ψ = 0

Ψ = 0.5

Ψ = 1

FIG. 3. (Color online) Efficiency at maximum power versusinternal electrical resistance scaled to the Carnot efficiency for variousvalues of �. Comparison of numerical and analytical results.

internal-external contributions of irreversibilities. This clearlyis an open question. As of yet, we can only propose an educatedguess of the dependence:

ηPmax = ηsymPmax

+ 2�RR′′

(R + R′′)2η3

C. (10)

This formula fits well to the numerical result and thus presentsan interest: since the dissymmetric configuration has noinfluence before the third order in the Carnot efficiency isreached, the coefficient 1/8 at second order is still presenteven in the dissymmetric configuration. This is sufficient tocapture the main features of the influence of the degree ofsymmetry � on the efficiency at maximum power, ηPmax , evenif we observe a small discrepancy in comparison to the exactresult, as shown in Fig. 3: higher-order terms are necessary toobtain a full agreement. In the intermediate situation, whereR is comparable to R′′, the thermal contact with the higherconductance must be placed on the colder side to improve ηC.We do not yet have a satisfactory explanation to propose for thisfact. Schmiedl and Seifert [7] showed that, in the general caseof heat engines, if the internal processes do not possess intrinsicsymmetry as does Joule heating (i.e., with γ �= 1/2), the resultcan be quite different in the limit R/R′′ → ∞. The efficiencyat maximum power in such a case is, however, independent of� because the external dissipation is negligible compared tothe internal dissipation.

C. Additional remarks

If all dissipation is produced internally, heat is trapped andcannot be extracted efficiently as the thermal conductanceunder open circuit condition K0 is reduced to zero. As aconsequence, the internal temperature of the device, possiblyquite different from the mean temperature T ′, may becomevery high for a macroscopic engine. Preclusion of thisunwanted effect is possible with ballistic devices such as thatpresented by Esposito [9]: all the heat is indeed produced atthe interfaces, thus avoiding internal warming. This can stillbe considered as internal dissipation since it is caused by amesoscopic phenomenon analogous to the Joule effect withhalf of the produced heat released on each side [19].

As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, the variation of ηPmax for thewhole range of R/R′′ is quite small: while we believe thedistinction between internal and external dissipation is ofprimary importance from a theoretical point of view, it seemsof limited interest for technological applications.


Using the example of a thermoelectric generator, which isa touchstone for irreversible thermodynamics theories [20],we demonstrated a general result of heat engines: the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency, although fundamental in the frame of linearirreversible thermodynamics [6], is not a truly universal upperbound on efficiency at maximum power of real heat engines, asinferred in, for example, Refs. [6,21,22], but pertains to endore-versible engines only, whereas the Schmiedl-Seifert efficiencystands only for exoreversible engines, where dissipation isfully internal. The distinction between these two general formsof efficiency at maximum power thus brings a much neededconceptual clarification in finite-time thermodynamics. Wealso showed that the efficiency at maximum power of real heatengines may vary continuously between these two extremes asthe sources of irreversibility are tuned. Last but not least, theanalysis of the configuration when dissipation contributionsare mixed, particularly for dissymmetric thermal contacts,raises new questions which are left open.


This work is part of the CERES 2 and ISIS projects fundedby the Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Y.A. acknowl-edges financial support from the Ministere de l’EnseignementSuperieur et de la Recherche.

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