iowa state bystander (des moines, iowa). 1899-11-03 [p ]. · hev. uiura. as ms part 01 tue uonu-...

Post on 28-Jun-2018






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pyteis -zassl# ̂

ft** w'cs

SNW.^A'RjVi^ IIS|.;II.:B.

»f In

K. oi P. 8®V J, -Wi SMIUI offioUUd. Mr.

yod Mrs. PMrteMt lonte^ at 1207 $5

JSpf!"; »»T Smltta who fell mud dislocated his wwtoftgo is • improving and

•* ~ •*Peots to rwume hit work at the hotel W^0:'v • DdanoiB afew weeks,

Mtoa Henrietta Vinton Davis the noted WM^' w«n give an entertainment at

Ml ®* ohBrch Hov, 8th and every ' on# •*>ould unkft hear 'her.'

Igp,v fife .




p.'i ¥ IF pi# fill Wk Wk

life IliW • -"'-3̂ 9



IX'. " WR




l$4 *{&> •SK '• J


Bev. Khinebart of Mt. Pleasant will kMtot ifiWer Higgins in bit quarterly meet ing on Sunday.

Mrs. Barkheart or Lincoln Nebr. made * brief visit with her mother week before last Mrs. J. Jones. , Mrs. J. Carter's sister is visiting her (rain Chicago.

P. King has gone wast with Mr. C..E. Parkins on a homing tour,

Mrs. D. Early'* father Mr. Gross is very sick.

'Oliver Folks now belongs to the foot ball team of Elliot's busiuess College.

Presiding ttider Bnody will be here on Nov. 9ih.



Mrs. D. J. Tale and master Howard •nd Mrs. Merry left lust WedaeaUay for Evans wherv Uev, Tate is located, tbe city regtels to see the paBtor ahd his family leave.

Cora Owens entertained a aumber of friends Monday eveoiug at her pleasant .home 011 St. Cherry street in honor of her friend Miss Leonu Day. Everybody ex­pects a good liuie when invited to ' MUS Owen's hoiue and oi course this time they were not disappointed. The evening was

passed iu muaic aud games. Light re­freshments were seiveU.

Bev. Bales oi liliuou preached at the Second bupiibt eiiuith bundsy morning and evening, his buljetx in the eveuiiig was AA Kxuelieui \\ oman and he maae an exeelleut uiswurbe oi it.

Mis. Geo. Taylor aud children of Chic.* go are in the city viuuug Mr. Taylor1* parents.

Jieuderson Talley who has betn ill is mproviug.

Mr . Emerson Jones is Buffering a great deal from cancer opetauou.

Under the pabloiuge oi iiev. Kheinhart MD witii UIE aa»I» iauce oi his kind wile the A. JM. ki. ciiuiuti U tuie to prokper the pa&lor N»* aiieauy uiade bevei UI LUI-provemeuis.

Eva auu i£arnest Amos have leit for

tlifir iuiure iiouie lu Deo Monies.

Mrs. HEMY AIEWUII anil ibiuily have gone to Outturn* WHERE iur. BIEMAII Jtas employ UIUUK

SIOUA CITY. The interest in uie cnurch is grow­


held on S,un-jaHve given ^inat/bei 3^*TIAUI^A UER JL'oi ex-

iue PROTTIIUUS reuuereu

THE men's day ttttei'uooii

««*>1 ' , whicl] p%HI| »»•••

•r» WGV^HTUI MEUUUIIIUG. 'iue en-ceueut IFITYOIN, WMUZBBV*, witu TUE solos aiiu uucus, Vtouiu uo cieuit 10 any cllUl'CQ, touU IQO CliOil* SllOUiU IlOl

be overiooitea. Tue euvcitainment given by the

lauieti oi uie cuutcii ou last 'a uesuu> ttua n giixiiu stucccob. i>ii'. xieu uaviu-son, 01 uie large firm ol uaviubou iiros., of Uiis cii.y, pieseuteu n* 10 Hev. uiura. as ms part 01 tue uonu-tion to uie success oi tne eutertaiu-ment. Loug uve mx. Oaviusoiii iiis

iuua acts 01 cuaruy are luauy. M r jnnn vv euu, wuo lias recently

retuineu iroui luaiuia, is 111 tue cnjr visiuug ms couttiu, IULISS xsina inoinp-•on. MT. weoo was a visitor at tue Trans-Jkiissibsippi last weeK, aud is cn route to ins iioiue at uautou, to.

Dak. Mrs. J. Morgan is on the sick list. Mr. E. iieius is still uuite poony. There is to be a grand entertain­

ment on tne aist oi ixoveuioer, giveu by Mr. and Mrs. Owens, at Tuowp-

- son's Hail, 'ine nome taieni wuo will assist in tne performance are Mr. ana Mrs. btuooieneiu, Mrs. Thompson, Misses I^AURA Asuew auu F. iiawiana/ Mrs. Aioert Morgan, Mrs. J. H. ifisner, Messrs. B. AsKew, J. Washington, 'inomas Jett, ueorge

.Washington, and ouiers. Mrs. Owens will proauce a sitetcn from her new play, "AUUO, or uie City ot tne sun,' in whicn sne wul ACT a scene from Lady Mcuem. A fancy arm by TUE |GR)IAA WIN ue a very pleasing featuie

of tne entertainment. The Lauies luiprovement society

wlU meet at Mis. J. Wasningtous,

on Thursday evening. -Kememoei-, you u«ve promised, but

you have not paid your ageut yet. AS it iB the nrst ot tne month, please Jiave your aues reauy, ana oolige IUE Bystanaer.

Mr. 'inos. Stiygis, our only colored FWNII carrier, is taiuug nis vacation.

Mr, j. Vvasnington niied tne pulpit lor Kev. Ciai'A ou ouuaay evening.

The Rev. expects TO get his taiaily

Jiere by 'inamuigiving.

m.: • - •.



NuiWXON. Mica fimma juayes is visiting her

sister, Mrs. carter, in {somerset, ia. Mrs. A. Hayes nad tne misiortune

I^TO tail ana spram ner wrist quite badly.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ander­son, a fine baby girl.

IDAIF £ULW*IIIS, ox Marshalltown, is visiting in our city, tne guest ot the Misses Mayes.

The Kenix Bros.' Mandolin club YNNRIA A brief stay in our city last voclfi

Old "Uncle" Charley Gray is very ill at this writing, having been picked up unconscious on tne street. Misses Florence Miller and Mae

Mayes, escorted by Messrs. Mayes and Watson, attended a social gather ing' in Colfax.

- One of tne brief attractions on our this week was the imposing

appearance of Prof. King, the for­tune teller. Miss fildora Green, who has been

AA seriously and alarmingly ill with Bervous prostration, is slowly recov­ering.

v A jolly party was given Saturday evening at th« residence of Mr. Lewis low, in honor of tbe visiting young Jadies in oar city.



ni tto the illness of her sister, :IFHM Lottife Green did not go to Chi­cago as she had intended, but hopes to accept the lucrative position of­fered her later on.

We would like to know— I When O. W. will claim his bride.

Why C. did not get his letter Sun­day.

When P. W. will take his trip east. When "ye editor" will again favor

our city with a visit and collect sub­scriptions.

On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev. S. A. Donahoe. pastor M. E. church. South, Pt. Pleasant, VV. Va., contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He says: "after resorting to a number of so-oalled 'specifics,' usually kept in the house to, no purpose, 1 purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem­edy, which acted like a charm. 1 most cheerfully rucoinmenrt it to the public." For sale by all Druggists.

TRUSSES, $50, $ 1-25 AND UP

"W« in Mliwt lk« Ml? »"Wl TrMMt •I riCTOKI MUCKS, few than one-third IO th* nrtcft cnsivea oy. omens auu wi

S&^»nA,isfe7T''SK state your llrlfht. **»i tiii, iff, how long j ou have been ruptured, whether rupture is lar^c or eninllf number inches around the body on a line with the rupture, say whether rupture is on rltrlit or left side, and we will send either tmss to you with under-atkndinff if It l»»ol» pfrfrcf lit Rtiil to IW retail •» thre« tlm*» •«* price,yon can return it »nd we will return your money. ... «hf»w« iimiTE FflW FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE nur t„t in II„«

including the K«w jMfMMl l*a Tru» t0 7R iktlpnrN tlwiMit iny tA*r ( nnd whlrli w* «ell 'or jii lw Address SEARs",yROEBUCK & CO. CHICAGO



COPYRIGHTS &E. Anvone sending a sketch and description may

autckly ascertain otir opinion free whether an Invent'on in prohnlily patentable. Comrriunicv tlons strictly oonfldentlal. Handbook on I ntent* «ent free. OMeat ncency for neruriiiB patents.

Patents taken thro null Munn « Co. reotlTO tpeciat notice, without :hnreo, in the

Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I-nreest rtr-culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, W a year: four months. |L Sold by nil newsdealers.

MUNN & CO.361 Broadway, New York Branch OFFLCE. 625 K St.. Washington. D. C.

"I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a won derful medieiue," says W. W. Massin-gill, of Beaumont, Texas. There arc many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is ior sale by all druggist.

The Old Indian Herb Medicine Man.

Greatest Healer of the Sick on Earth.

616 H. Eatnw Nt, Baltimore, MD,

Write the Old Indian Herb Medi-Cine Man, C16 N. Eulaw St., Balti­more, Md. Enclose stamp for re­ply. The Old Indian Herb Medi­cine Man cures the following diseases, or no charge: no one need fear: Heart Disease, Con­sumption, Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Stricture, Piles in any form. Ver­tigo. Quinsy. Sore Throat, Lung, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipa­tion, Rheumatism in any form. Pains and Aches of any kind. Ca­tarrh of the Stomach, Head, Kid­ney. Bladder or Stomach, or Com­plaints of any kind, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchial Troubles, Sores. Skin Diseases, all itching sensa­tions, all Female Complaints, La. Grippe or Pneumonia, Ulcers, Car­buncles, Bolls, Eczema, Pimples on face and body. Diabetes of Kidneys or Brlght's Disease of tbe Kid­neys. I cure any disease, no mat­ter of what nature.

I have been in Baltimore for si* years past, and have thousands of the most Influential people to back me in my assertions every way. I have served two years In the Mex­ican war, In 1846 and '47, and four years In the rebellion, from 1861 to 1863, and had the greatest experi­ence amongst the sick and wound­ed soldiers, and In the Mexican war also. The Old Indian, 616 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. Refer to the following Baltimore papers: Herald. American and World. Call or write to the Old Indian Herb Medicine Man, 616 N. Eutaw St.. Baltimore, Md. Enclose two-cent stamp for full particulars.


The woman who buya brio-a-torao I or the parlor, aud boi rows kitchen htensils from her neighbor.

The woman who wants things just because "other women" have them.— ^•Philadelphia Times.

Woman'* Right* Maintained.

The fast express on the Yavapai and Tombstone railroad was bowling mer­rily along over> the Arizona plains of aand and cactus. Perhaps the snn-'beams had warped the track, or per­haps a petrified tree had fallen across

It, bat at all events, as it sped by the ide of a parched river, the train sud­

denly left the track, and rolled down the banks of the so-called stream like a child at play, landing in three feet jof water with a splash, and causing a Vofnl mix-up of passengers, cushions, baggage and shoe-boxes full of lunch. The occupants of one car extricated themselves from the hodgepodge and Bought for means of exit, while stanch­ing as best they could the cuts re­ceived from broken glass. But all places of egress seemed jammed tight. Then arose a woman's voice, in em-phatio demand: "If you don't let me tight out of hero, I'll break • win* jdow."—Detroit Free Press.


To 1*. H. Wo8<i«et. • You uro hereby notified tUut the foliow-

Ins described real estate, situated ltt Polk couuty, Iowa, to-wlt: Lot twenty UO). block "I>," Cotton Mill addition, now in uud forming 11 part of tbe city of Ue» Moines, lown, WHS sold for taxes of 1895, on Uie elirbth OIIV «C December, 1896, to A. A. Mc-Luughlln of l'olk county, Iowa.

That Hie ceiliUciile ot iiurcimse tlicuof has been listened to nnd Is now ..wneil bv J. 8. Cookery, of Polk county, u»a, tiiid that t lie rlgut of reUuuiiitluu wi i ex­pire, and a treasurer's deed for estate will be made unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days trout tlie ilate of completed service of tbls no­tice. You will goveru yourself aceord-

isl" i t 'a Ul ,S 16111 dU> ' j ' ^COskKKV."'

When m Woman Forgive*.

The only time a woman will forgive /ou tor not liking her new hat is

when you say it is not pretty enough for her.—New York Presa.

NOTICE TO KHDIiEM FKOM TAX SALE. State of Iowa, Polk County, ss.

ioa are hereby notified tbat ou tbe 8tb (lay of Ueceiuber, A. !>., 1896, the fo lowing described real estate, situated 11 couuty, lowa, was sold for the taxus lot the year 1S95, which real estate Is describ­ed as follows, to-wlt: Lot forty-six Uo), otllclal plat of south 50 acres, east half, southwest quarter, section SS. towns jlp iS; ruuge 24, now forming u pait of the city of Les Moines, Polk couuty, lowa.

That the same was at such sale purchased hv J II. Phillips, aud a certificate Issued to hliu by the treasurer of Polk lowa, ami he is now the owiici iuid tiold i of said certificate, uud tbe right of it demptlon will expire, aud a treasurer s dt-Lil for said property will be made, demptlon from such sale be mailt wiuim ninety days from the complettd suuit hereof.

Sale book, 14. Page, 203. ^ H pmLLjps,

Lawful Holder and Owner of Suld Cer­tificate.

NOT1C13 FOR TAKING TAX , To Uan'l Qululin, prrson taxed with the roi

lowing described property: You aud each of vou are hereby nj?t"lt;a

that on tlie 7th day of December, lwu, tl t following described property situated iu I oik County, lowa, was sold for taxes for the ycui

^Lot'l 'wVnty (20) of Cottage Addition to Des

MThat'tho same was at such sale purchased by Smith & Heed and a certificate Issued to Eald Smith & Hetd by the Treasurer "1" ̂ County, Iowa, aud tbat the right, of rtdtinp-tlon will expire and a Treasurers deed for taid property will be made unless redemption fr'ni such sale be made within ninety da>s from the completed service h^cot.

Lawful Holder of Certificate By Clifford C. Hartley. Agent.

NOTICE FOR TAKING TAX DEED. To E. E. Spicklcr, person taxed with tho fol­

lowing described property: You and each of you are hereby notiiUd

that on tho Yth day oi December, 18%, the following described property situated n 1 oik County, lowa, was sold for taxes for the year

lh(tixe"pT lV. 11. R. of W.) Lot Seven (7) Block Eight (S) Brown's Official Plat, Des Moines,

l0That tho same was at such sale purchased by Smith & Uccd and a certiileate issued to eaid Smith & Heed by the Treasurer of Folk Ciunty, lowa, aud that the right ot redemp­tion will expire and a Treasurers deed tor said propi rty will be made unless redemption from sueh sale be made within ninety days from the completed service h<£eof.

Lawful Holder of Certificate. By Clifford C. Hartley, Ageut.

NOTICE FOll TAKING TAX DEED. To Alfred Larson, person taxed with the fol­

lowing described property: You and eueli of you are hereby notified

that on tho 7th day ot December, 18%, tho fellow liiit i:. scribed property situated iu IJolk County, 'l. » a, was sold for taxes for the year 1895, to-Wit:

Lot Twenty-two (22) Block Eleven (1' North Oak I'ark, Des Moines, Iowa.

That, the same was at such sale purchase, bv Smith & Heed and a certificnt | issued ti siid Smith &. Reed by the Treasuier of 1 oil' County, lowa, aud that the right of rcdemp tion will expire and a Treasurers deed fot said property will be made unless redemption from such sale be mado within ninety daya from the completed service hereof.

SMITH & UEE1), Lawful Holder of Certificate.

13y Clifford C. Hartley, Agent.

NOTICE FOR TAKING TAX DEED. To Elizabeth A. Sloan, person taxed with the following described property:

You and each ot you are hereby notified that on the 7th day of December, 18%. the following described property situatid lu Tolk County, Iowa, was sold for taxes for tbe year 361)5, to-wit:

Lot Six (fi) Block Twenty-Eight (28) btew-nrt'E Adition to Des Moines, Iowa.

That tue same was at such sale purchased by Smith & Heed and a certificate issued to *aid Smith & Reed by the Treasurer of l 'olk Couuty, lewa. and that the right ot redemp­tion will expire and a Treasurer's deed for said property wil! be made unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days from tbe completed service hereof. ^

SM ITH & REED " Lawful Holder of Certificate.

I!y Clllford C. Hartley, Agent.

NOTICE FOR TAKING TAX DEED. To F. E. Williamson, person taxed with the following described property:

You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 7th day of December, 18%, the following described property situated In Polk County, "lowa, was sold for taxes for tho year 18'Jfi, to -wit:

Lot Eighteen (18) Gaston's Sub-Division to Des Moines, Iowa.

That the same was at such sale purchased by Smith & Reed and a certificate issued to said Smith & Heed by tbe Treasurer of l 'olk County, lowa, and that the right of redemp­tion will expire and a Treasurer's deed for euid property will bo made unless redemption from puch sale be made within ninety days from the completed service hereof.

SMITH & REED, Lawful Holder ot Certificate.

Tly Clifford C. Hartley, Agent.

NOTICE FOR TAKING TAX DEED. To J. A. W. lirown, person taxed with the fol­

lowing described property: You and each of you are hereby notified

that on tho 7th day of December, 1890, the following described property situated in l'olk County, Iowa, was sold for taxes for the year 1895, to-wit:

Lot Eleven (11) Block One (1) North Oak Park, Des Moines, Iowa.

That thy pamc was at such sale purchased by Smith & Heed and a certificate Issued to said Smith & Reed by tbe Treasurer of l 'olk County, lowa, and that the right of redemp­tion will expire and a Treasurer's deed for said property will be made unless redemption from Buch sale be made within ninety days from the completed service hereof.

SMITH & HEED, Lawful Holder of Certidcaie.

by Clifford C. Hartley, Agent.


To J. R. Sheeley, person taxed with the fol­lowing described property:

You and ench of you are herebey notified that on the 8th day of December, 1896 the following described real estate, to-wlt:

Lot Thirty-four (34) Block Three (3) Foundry Add to Capital Park, now Included In and forming a part of the city of Des Moines, and all situated within tbe County of Polk and state ot lowa, was sold for tne then delinquent and unpaid tax of the year 1895, to M-. E. Miller, that the undersigned is now the legal owuer and holder ot the cer­tificates of purchase issued in pursunace of the above mentioned sale; and that the right of redemption will expire and a deed for the land bo made unless redemption is made with­in ninety days from the completed service hereof. DANL. T. HATTON.

Owner and Holder of Certificate.

State of lowa, l'olk To Manning Berger, Allen Larlson, g} J.

I.arisen. You arc hereby notified that on the 16tb

day of December, A, IX, 1896, tho following described real estate, situated In Polk Co., lown, was sold for tbe taxes for the year ISfl-l, which real estate Is described as fol­lows: Lot eleven (11), block eight (8), Larlson Place, now forming a part of the city of Des Moines, Polk county, Iow>t.

That the name was at such sale purchased by J. II. Phillips, and u certificate Issued to him by the treasurer of Polk county, lown, nnd he Is now the owner and holder of said certificate, aud the right of re­demption will expire, and a treasurer's deed for said property will be innde, unless redemption froni such sale be made within ninety days from the completed service thereof.

Sale book, 13. l'age, 224.

J. H. PHILLIPS, lawful Holder nnd Owner of Said Cer­



To F. E. Shellenbarger, Alleu Larlson and S. J. Larlson. Yon are hereby notified that the fo'i-iw-

Ing described real estate, situated In I'o'li county, lown, to-wlt: Lot three (3), block thirteen (13), Larlson Place, an addition now in and forming a part of the city of Des Moines, Iowa, was sold for taxes of 1894, on the third day of December, 1895, to 1\ Collins, of l'olk county, Iowa.

That the certificate of purchase thereof has been assigned to and Is now owned by .1. S. Coskery, of Polk couuty, Iowa, ahd that the right of redemption will ex­pire, and a treasurer's deed for sai l teal estate will be made unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days from the date of completed service of this no­tice. You will govern yourself accord­ingly.

Dated this 14th day of October, A. D., 1890. J. S. COSKEKY.

You fre li^rebyToH^T^h^rfte follow-described real estate, situated in Polk

county, lowu, to-wlt: Lot four (4), In block tweuty (20), Lurlstm Place, an aduiuon now In una forming a part of the city of Des Moines, lowu, was sold for taxes of lblM, ou the third day of December, 1895, to A. A. McLaughlin, of Polk couuty, lowa.

That tlie certificate of purchase thereof has beeu assigned to anu Is now owned hy J. S. Coskery, of Polk couuty, lowa, and that the rlgnt of redemption will ex­pire, uud a treasurer's deed for said leal estate will be made unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days from the date of completed service of this no­tice. You will govern yourself aecord-

"'jLMted this 14th day of October, A. D., 1S99. J. S. COSKER1.


To T. M. Killiau: Vou are lier*?uy notified that the follow-

lug described real estate, situated lu l'olk county, lowu, to-wlt: Lot three (3), block one (1), Vorse's First addition to Easton Place, uow lu aud forming a part of the city of Des Molues, lowu, was sold for taxes of 1895, ou the eighth day of Decem­ber, 189ti, to A. H. Kelsey, of Polk couuty, lowa.

That the certificate of purchase thereof has been asslgued to uud Is uow owned bv J. S. Coskery, of Polk couuty, Jowu, and that the right of redemption will ex­pire, uud u treasurer's deed for suU real estate will be made unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days iroiu the date of completed service of this no­tice. You will govern yourself accord­ingly.

Dated this lCth Say of October, A. D., 1899. J. S. COSKERY.


To Elizabeth Huibsch, Allen Larlson, S. J. Larlson aud AV. S. Watson. You are hereby notified that the follow­

ing described re>al estate, situated In l'olk rount v, Iowa, to-wit: "Lot forty-three (43), block thirteen (13), Lurlssu Place, an addi­tion uow in and forming a part of the city of Des Moines, Iowa, was sold for taxes of lb94, on the third day of December, 1895, to li. F. Loose of Polk couuty, lowu.

That the certificate of purchase thereof has been assigned to and Is now owned bv J. S. Coskery, of Polk couuty, Iowa, ahd that the right of redemption will ex­pire, and a treasurer's deed for said real estate will be made unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days from the date of completed service of this no­tice. You will govern yourself accord-

Dated this 34tli day of October, A. D., JS9!I. J. S. COSKERY.

To R. E. Williams, person taxed with the fol­lowing described property:

You and each of you are hereby notified that on tho 3d day of December, 1895, that the following described property, situated iu l'olk County, Iowa, was sold for taxes for the year 1S94, to-wit:

Lot Eighteen (18) Block Eight (S) Town of Chesterfield, now included and forming a part of the city of Des Moines, lowa.

That the same was at sueli sale purchased by Smith & Heed and a certificate issued to thorn by the Treasurer of said Polk County, lowa, and the right of redemption will expire, and a Treasurer's Deed for said property will be made unless redemption form such sale-be made within ninety days from the com­pleted service hereof.

SMITH & REED, Lawful Holder of Certificate.

By Clifford C. Hartley, Agent

NOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. State of lown. Polk Couuty, ss.

To \V. S. Watson, Allen Larlson, S. J. Larlson.

You are hereby notified that on the 3d day of December, A. 1)., 1S95, the following described real estate, situated In Polk Co., Ii.wa, was sold for the taxes for the year

•1894, which real estate Is described as fol­lows, to-wlt: Lot forty-two (42), block thir­teen (13), Larlson Place-, now forming.a part of the city of Des Moines, Polk coun­ty, lowu. •

That the same was at such sale purchased by G. M. Taylor, anil a certificate issued to him by the treasurer of Polk couuty, Iowa, and by the said Taylor the cer­tificate was duly assigned to J. II. Phillips, and he Is now the owner and holder of said (ertilicates and the right of redemption will expire, and a treasurer's deed for said pro­perty will lie made, unless redemption Horn such sale be made within ninety days from the completed service hereof.

Sale book, 13. l'age, 107.

J. II. PHILLIPS, Lawful Holder aud Owner of Said Cer­


NOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. State of lowa, Polk County, ss.

To Clias. Pullman, Do., Allen Larlson, S. J. Larlson.

You are; hereby notified that on tbe Sth day of December, A. D., 1S9H. the following described real estate, situated lu l'olk Co., Iowa, was sold for the taxes for the year 189-5, which real estate Is described as fol­lows, to-wlt: Lot eleveu (11), block thirteen (lii), Larlson I'l-ice, now forming a part of the city of Deo Moines, Polk couuty, lowa.

That the same was at such sale purchased by J. C. Springer, and a certificate Issued to him by the treasurer of Polk couuty, lowa, and by the said Springer the cer­tificate was duly assigned to J. II. Phillips, sud be Is now the owuer and holder of said certiileate, and the right of redemption will expire, and u treasurer's deed for said pro­perty will be made, unless redemption from jiich sale be made within ninety days from the completed service hereof.

Sale book, 14. Pago, 114.

J. H. PHILLIPS, I awful Holder and Owner of Said Cer­


NOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. State of lowu, l'olk County, ss.

To Chas. Pullman, Do., Alleu Larlson, S. J. Larlson.

You are hereby notified that on the Sth day of December, A. 1)., 189G, the following described real estate, situated In Polk Co., Iowa, was sold for the taxes for the year

•. which real estate Is described as fol-Lot UM1 UO), block thirteen

(13), Larison Place, now forming a part, of the city of Des Moines, Polk county, Iowa. • V J S!lme Wils at sucl1 sale purchased by J. C. Springer, and a certificate issued to him by the treasurer of l'olk county, Iowa and by the said Springer the cer­tificate was duly assigned to J. II. I'hillins and ho is now the owner and holder of said eertiheate, and the right of redemption will expire, and a treasurer's deed for said pro­perty will be made, unless redemption ironi such sale lie made within ninety days from the completed service hereof.

Sale book, 14. Pago, 114.

r , , J- H- PHILLIPS, I.awful Holder and Owner of Said Cer­


NOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. State of lown, Polk County, ss.

To Chas. Pullman, Alleu Lurison, S. J. Larison.

You are hereby notified that on the 8fh day of December, A. D., 189S, the following described real estate, situated in l'olk Co., '°"a- was sold for the taxes for the vear 1895, which real estate Is described as fol-lows to-wlt: L° t eight (S) block thirteen (id), Larison Place, now forming a part of

imC ,v Moines, Polk county. Iowa. That the same was at such sale purchased

by J. C. Springer, uud u certificate issued to him by the treasurer of l'olk couuty, l0"'a ' and by the said Springer the cer­tificate was duly assigned to J. H. Phillips, and he is now the owner and holder of said certificate, and the right of redemption will expire, and a treasurer's deed for said pro­perty will be made, unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days from tho completed service hereof.

Sale book, 14. l'age, 114.

r J- H- PHILLIPS, Lawful Holder and Owner of Said Cer­


Mo N*W OHM of Yellow Fere*.

New Orleans, La., Oct. 23.—Tilt

board of health Friday reported BO new casec of yellow FEW and BO deaths.

To E. W. Smith, person taxed with the fol­lowing described property: You and each of you are hereby notified

that on the 3d day of December, 1895, that the following described property, situated in Polk County, Iowa waB Bold for taxes for tho year 1694, to-wit:

Lot Ten (10) Block Sixty-Six (66) Town of Des Moines, now included in and forming a part of the city of Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.

That tbe same was at such sale purchased by Smith & Reed and a certificate Issued to tliera by the Treasurer of said Polk County, Iowa aud the right of redemption will expire, and a Treasurer's Deed for said property will be made unless redemntlon form such sale be made within ninety days from the com­pleted service hereof.

SMITH t REED, lawful Holder of Certificate.

By Clifford C. Hartley, Agent j

NOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. Slate of lowa. Polk County, ss.

To Mary A. Ilaker, (Do.) Allen Lnrlson, S. J. Lnrlson.

You are hereby notified that on tbe 3d (lay of December, A. IX, 1S95, the following described real estate, situated In l'olk Co., Ii-wa, was sold for the taxes for the year 1894, which real estate Is described ns'fol­lows, to-wit: Lot seven (7), block twenty '20), Larlson Place, now forming a part of the city of Des Moines, l'olk county, lowa.

That tbe same was at such sale purchased by J. II. Phillips, and a certificate Issued to him by the treasurer of l'olk comity, I( wa. anel he Is now the owner and holder of said certificate, and the right of re­demption will expire, and a treasurer's deed for said property will be made, unless redemption from such sale be made within ninety d . i.vs from the completed service thereof.

Shle book, 13. Page, 109.

J. H. PHILLIPS, Lawful Holder and Owner of Said Cer­



To H. II. Ktiepper, Allen Larlson and S. J. Larlson. You are hereby notified that the follow­

ing described real estate, situated In l'olk county, Iowa, to-wlt: Lot three (3), block twenty (20), Larison Place an addition now In and forming a part of the city of Des Moines, Iowa, was sold for taxes of 1891, on the third day of December, 1895, to A. A. McLaughlin of Polk county, lowu.

That the certificate of purchase thereof has been nsslgned to and Is now owned by J. S. Coskery, of Polk county, Iowa, and that the right of redemption will ex­pire, and a treasurer's deed for said real estate will be made unless redemption from sucb sale be made within ninety days from the date of completed service of this no­tice. Yon will govern yourself accord­ingly.

Dated this 14th day of October. A. D., 1899. J. 8. COSKERY. NOTICE OP EXPIRATION OF RIGHT OF

REDEMPTION FROM TAX BALE. To H. H. Knepper, Allen Larlson and B. J.


To M. E. Smith. You are lieicby notified that (he follow­

ing elescribed real estate, situated iu l'olk county, lowu, to-wit: Lot ulueteeu (19), In block six (ti), North Oak I'ark, uow iu uud forming u part of the city ot Dos lloluus, lowa, was sold for taxes of 1S96, ou the eighth day of December, 1896, to A. 11. Kelsey, of Polk couuty, lowu.

Thai tlie certiucaie ot purchase thereof has beeu ussigued to una is uow owned i.y J. S. Coskery, of l'olk couuty, lowu, and that the rigut of redemption will tx-pire, aud a treasurer's deed tor ^ui-.l nui estate will be made uuless redemption troul sucn sale be made wiiuin uiueiy U;|ys trom the dale of completed service of this no­tice. You will govern yourself accord­

i n g l y - . . . . Dated this 16th day of October, A. D„

im J. S. CUSivLKl.

To Martha A. Starweatbfcr, persoto taxed with the following described property: You and each ot you are ht.r^by notified tbat

on tho 4th day ot Docemour, 18*4, that tne following described property, situated In Polk County, lowu, was sold tor taxeB tor the year lw, to-wit: • , _ . .

Lot Fifteen (IE) Block Nine (9), Falrview Addition to the city ot I»3 Moines, Pols Coun­ty, lowu. . .

That the same wus at such sale purchased by Bmitu & Reed and a certlheate Usutd to mem by the Treasurer of said folk County, iowu, and the rigut of redemptiouwui expire, anil u Treasurer s deed for Baid prup^rty will bo made unless redemption iruiu BUCII Bate be made witnin uiuc-iy days iroui tne com-pletcd service hereof. SMITH & REED.

Owner and Holder ot Ceruncate. By Clifford Hartley, Agent.


To G. T. Carpeuier, ptrsou taxed with tne loliowiug utbcriocU piopcriy: You and eacu ot you are uereuy notified tuai

on tue iiii oay ot Dtecmutr, ioaii, tue IOUuW-lug descnoeu property snuaitd iu i'olK Coun­ty, lowa, was soia ior ui*es ior tue ytar

-r Two Hundred aud Fifty-Six (-56) Uni­versity Luuu i^oiupiUiy a 1' uoi Auuiuou io u>-t>

' i"uui' tue^Bumo wus at such sale purchaseu by ou.nii ic need auu a ccinucaie IMUSU i" aalU OUiUU <Si IvucU oy U1U xl'iaout'ir 111 ^ouUi>, Jowa, and tuut uiu 1-ibui UL rtutiuji-1,011 t'Apire auu a ircaa-.«r a aaiU proper^ will ue u.auo un,.=o n.a«niiuuu ilulu bue.u balu ue uii*uc W1U.1U uiueiy <wo uoiu tue completed service HH'I.'I)

Owner und iimucr oi Uvrtiuca.i.e. Uy C. C. iiiuuey, sigiiii.

NOTICE OF liAi.'iitAiio.N O*' RlGHl* Ol) i aUiV

10 i?\ F. Tlieil, i*CI'AUU IUJWCU vviUi tUc toilow-iiiti uesenucu i »vi<ii lou auu eueu ui jou arc heroy uotiued thai

011 mo om uuy 01 uumutr, lo-u, i"* mi.u»-n.fc ucaci'iucu ,1'cal bowaie, lO-t.ic:

1,01 IW. U. r. *<• •'» ovV 4 ' ^ iy til i.e. -1, uow mciueicu i" auu ioi^ui"o

' ..... .-..u- v CJS iuoiuvs, UiiU all


To J Grace Snoke. person taxed wltli the to -lowing deMrtb®* P'oP^u-t on the 9tl> day

M '.at? »•.,??.« ss and State ot low®, was Bold r jg l j.^ delinquent and unpaid tax un(Jer8,gned « to H. C. Llndsey. That { certificate uow the tegal owner and no aer oj above

days from the completed^servl ^ pATToN)

Owner nnd Holder of Certlflcate.

NOTICE OF~"EXPIRATION OF RIGHT OF '%u REDEMPTION. . To J. Grace Snoke, person taxed with the fol­

lowing described P r<jP^erty.. . ̂ ^a„

„fY°ijeeeuib'e " ̂1896.° the tallowing described

H E OK EXPIRATION OF RIGHT UJ.'' i-.DEAll'iiON D'UOM TAX SALE. . E. Suiith. i are iioicuy uotitled that llie foliow-[eseribed leal estate, siluatcd ill Pollc

.•,< i ri 1(1-

To 11. E. Smith You

Ing deser county, lowu, to-wit: Lot tweuty {M), lu block six (0), North Oak I'ark, now iu am) loiuung a part of the city of Des iloiuea, lowa, was sold for taxes ot lWa, oil eighth day ol December, 1696, io A. Keisey, of Polk couuty, lowa.

'i'bal tlie ceiliucate ol purchase tutriij-hns by

is been ussigued to and is now J. s$. Cosuery, of Polk couuty, iwnU,

and thai the rigut of redemption ,vL» ex­pire, aud a treasurer's deed for sum real estate will be made uuless redemption fioui sucn sale be made wuuiu ninety uays lroni tne date ot completed service oi this uo-

je. lou will govern yourself actoiu tlce. ingiy " i^uicd this 16th day of October, A. L im J- «• cosii-EKi.


NOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE, biale oi lowa, l'olk County, ss.

To Mary A. iiukcr, lAJo.) AUcli Lurlbon, &.

I"\ou"ure hereby notitied thut on the 3d day of December, A. D., 1!>9j, the described real estate, situated lu C"., lowa, was sold lor the taxes loi the Jtui, wiucli real estate is described us lo-lows, to-wit: Lot six tb), bloCK l ve"0 (<!J), 1 .arisen Place, now tormiug u pait ol tue city ol t'cs Moines, 1'OIK county, io"-1-

That the same was at such sale purchased by J. 11. Puinips, aud a certiucaie lasUcd

luiu by tne treasurer of 1'oili count}. 1 ol' - .

will expire, ana

* iiui'i oi uie cuy tmuuicU V.1I.UIU Luc tuuuij Ol loin. U11U yj, io„a, soiu ior men auu uuuuiu iu.v oi tue year io j. vjii.w, ^bl. 1UUC LUC Li,ua>.B«u is LUW 1^.' oi.utr uuu Uuiti<.r Ol Luc cu'iiuwim luuac loautU ill puloliUiiCC w luu iiuiilU OUU , UnU Lual me- I'lfcUL ol

OAl-UC auu a UveU ior mo lauu uc >»"•"" UUlCbt, IXUe.-n.pUOU IS U,aUO VVUulU uluCLy Ua,» .OllU IUC Cuu.l«eLCU belvicc XlClXOl.

O.ulAlA 0»vner aud Xiuaur ol ^eiuaca-c.



1.1 lulu by tne lieasurer OL 1' V lowa, and he is now tlie owner and boldci of said certilicale, aud tne. demptiou will expire, a '\d,J\n.X .mlL-ss deed for said property will bt rnatlc, uultss redemption"Trui"u "sucn sale be made uiuety ''MVM iroiu the coinpleitd sen lee. hereof.

uiuety bcreol Sale book, 13. l'age, 109. j H I>HILMI'S,

Lawful Holder and Owner of Said Cer-tiiieate.


To 11." 11. Knepper, Alleu Larisuu uud b.

I'OU'are''hereby notllled that the follow-cscribed real estate, silualtti lu I

Lot oue (1), block ing descri

Sy Jo): Larison T-Uicc, an ad.luion uow



n oi x uiik -w.. . .iu,.,. ruo certiucnte ot imicnase tntitoi 1 been ussined to and Is now o.wued

l,v .I S Coskery, of l 'olk couuty lowu, and thut the" rigut of redemption will ex-

is,*®.- arsarssws. -sua Ingly. ^ ^1(iv nf October, A.

1S9U. i.iaied this l-lth day of Octobe^ A^^D


•iou'ui'e0 hereby notiUe-d that the follow-described two U>, blocK

county ,lowa, |0"V t iMa.-e an adUitiou now twenty U0> t l an ^ f i>\ niiit forming a i»ait _oi iuc ^ y ,

has beeu a^ iinL'l ^ lvlk couutyi lowa,

uud that real pire, and a titusuitis redemption troiu

[lev.11 'You1 iT"govern yourself uecord-

'"ua'ied this 14th day of 1S99.

A. D.,

To l ':f^b:^\Hu.t.scbAaeu prison, s. J-

ing described '^^V^^^torty-sik couuty, lowu, ,

l u x*luoe, uu ud-block thirteen (U), LaUsou i iu ^ ^ lue ditiou uow lu and loiuiiui, P loL-eity of Des Monies, lovui^ wu»)i U(;(.em_

to* \V?G. ltauiiiu, ot Polk county,

l°St the certlttcate ot Purchase thereof has beeu assigned t coumy, lowa, by J. S. Coskery, o ,eaempuuu will ex-and thut the rigut of i'tdau]^ ivj, pin. and a tie^asi i-edemptiou from estate will be uiuety days trom such sale be made w thin U I U L I T

JU L S L L 0 -

i!^,JiYoul will'' govern yourself uccord-

'"f'uted this 14th day of October^ A. U-. Ib99. '


ing eou block tiurteen eio;, ""'-r"" " of the

l " ! " H a m l i n , o t P o l k c o u u t y ,

1(That the certlflcate of purchase thereof

MSiSt S i&VSjX aii(l that tbe right of redemptlon vvlll tXi

esta'te^wUi^e'mad^^utess redenuition such sale be made within unetydaysiiom

Uce^You' wll'l'VgovernL>ryourself ''accord-

H,u 3' r&SkikS" 1S99.


To Elizabeth Huibsch, Allen Larlson, S. J. Larlson and \V. S. Watson. . „ You are hert'by notified that the follow­

ing described real estute, altuutc-l in l ™ county, Iowa, to-wit: Lot forty-four ^t)). block thirteen (13), Lurison Place, an ad­dition now in und forming a purt of the citv of Des Molues, lowu, wus sold for tuxes of 1894, on the third day of Decem­ber, 1S95, to B. F. Loose, of Polk county,

'°Tluit the certificate of purchase thereof has been nsslgned to nnd Is now owned by J. 8. Coskery, of Polk county, .lowa, und that the right of redemption will ex­pire, and a treasurer's deed for said real estate will be made uuless redemption from such sale be made within ninety days from the date of completed service of this no­tice. You will govern yourself accord-lnely.

Dated this 14th day of October, A. D„ 1899. J. B. COSKERY.

iiAi'iiiAiiu^ ui" lUUtii oi-ili^lJl^.ui llO,N.

io .Mrs. A. L. tiKuu... p^iouii taxed witu tue iuillo mt Utbcl'lue-U fluf-iey : . , , , - , , 1 ii,.,,

iou uuu lulu ui juu "ic ucicby liotiiicd tnat i lu li.o nU Uay Oi U.ttuiua, iO^u, L"C'.,.b OCOCUU1.U plulitiey m ix.n. e,u..u-

ionU, £>O.U loi' LiuvtS iol' LUC Jwl' l"ui

''"Lot'" Four (4) Block 11, Eugiewood, Dt» .uuiuujs, iu>%a. . . luu sumo was at suvu sale pui chabeO oy iLced uud a Wuul«c i«^u

uuu atuill i Ot l««l, U..U UlaL UIV Ho"L O' lv utn.pLiou vwii e-Ajjire uuu a laasuJ t tor faatU propLi'ly v>ni uc uiuuc Uiii«-od UUU ll'WUl ou CU bUAC UO iiiiiliC UliKlJ Uvijb U'OUl luu CUIiJplvtca Svi ViCiJ iicicot.

i.nllU Ui. Owner and liu*Ut.r ot ueruacau'.

l iy Clifford uumcy, a^kui,

NOTICE OF EAi-lliiiliOiN OF UlCillT Ol-i iUiS.

To Liizabutb L-. tiuuuauu, person tased with LUO toiiuwiue Ucsciiu*,a piup^it^ :

iou arc iici'L-uy liouutu iuut on the «id day oi AJcccmocr, AoJtf, tue iuauiviii^ ucaciiu^u It.ill tblfcltc, 10-N>lti

iwOt ouu iiuuarcd and Two (1U-) iu blocK. tnrcu Wi uoiue l ariw, uow luciuuta in uuu lOiM.iut, part oi iuc ^ny ui L/CJ a^a uu biiumca wituiu tuo coumy oi a,u\i outc ox iuvtu aum lot* Uie lucil Uvilu^ueUv wUu uiipwiu tax oi tue >eur ao^-4, to ^ci-<aut,uiin, tuat tae unaercibuea 16 now tue icbai o»rutl' uuU noiUv.1' ot tue CcriiueuceS u± putcua&c isbueU lu puiu&uueo 01 tue auovc iucuUumU faaie, anu tuut tue r»feut rcU^liipUoU vwit eAplie UuU U UctU lOi' tue taUU oe iuaut uiiiebs* i-cUeiitpkiOU ib iKiiac >vituin Uiuety Uu^o kluiu tue cou»pieti;U bi^rwee neieei.

u. o. nAurLEV, Owuer und iioiUcr 01

lated within the County of Polk if lowa,. was sold for the' then de ind upaid tax of the year 189j. to Z

S? =

NOVICE Ob' Is^XriUAilON Otf UiGliT OF iiOiN.

To Hurry Anduraoii, peioou taxed with the iouov>iug ueocrioeu poipd'ty; iou are nuruuy nuuueu tuut on the 3d day

oi ueceuiOtr, loJo, tao loitowui^ Uescriucu ieal cataeei, lo-\.it:

uot l 'ony-rour (II), block one (1) lioinu iiiiie, now inciuueu in anu ioruimg a pan ei cuy ol i-ie8 -uoiues, and all suuan-U wituin IUO County ol i-oiie anu siatu OL lowa, v>aa so,d ior tuo then deaimiueniL uupaiu taxo o£ (.UE- year I»J4, io iv.. ie. .tiuiiauguiiu. inai LUO uuuersibiitd is uow tue itfeai o.iuer and aoidcr 01 tne crctiiiCato oi pui'cnase issuea in jjursuauue oi me uooves luenuoiied Saie, auu mat tne rignt ol reUenipilou win expire uud a ue-td ior uiu land ue luade umess rc-ucii.piion is uiade wuniu liinuiy uays ironi tue eoiuinteed service) bereoi.

C. C. HARTLEY, Owner and lloide-r ot ccruncaie.


To H. O. Gray, person taxed with tho follow-descrioeu property: \ou are- nereoy notihed that on the Sd day

ol LiecuinDer, loilo, tue lonowiug descrioed ital estate:, to-wit: LJI Onu Hundred and Five (105) 1310 k Th.ej

(o) ol iioiue i'arie, uow luuiuued iu uuu lorui-Ui6 a part oi tne eity ol uea moiues, and ail situattd wituiu tne county ot l'oiie and ataic oi lowa, was sold lor tue tlien delinquent aud unpaid tax ot tue year 1SJ4, lo u. i>'. Loose, inat tue uudersifened is now me le-yal owuur and ttoider ot tue certiucaie oi purcuase is-uued in uurusaucu ot tuo uhuve uieunoned bale; aud tUal me light ol redemption will expire and a deed ior tue laud ue made unless ride-uipiiou is made witnlu ninety days trom tue completed service hereof.

C. C. HARTLEY, Owner and lloide-r ot Ucrtiueate.


To A C. Weston, ueiug the person in possesion of the real esute liereinauer dcscriued, uud

To \V. T. Ford, person taxed witn tue fol­lowing described property: *ou are Uereny notlned that on the 3d day

of December, 1>9», tue following deserioed real estate, to-wit:

Lot One Hundred nnd Forty-Seven (147) in block faix (i>) of Home Park, uow included iu aud forming part of the city of Des Moines, and all situated withlu the Couuty of Polk aud oiaie of lowa, was sold for tue then delin­quent uud unpaid tax of the year 18j4, to A. 11. Kelsey. That the uureslgned is now tlie legul owuer and holder of tne certineate o. liureihase issued iu pursuunce of the above meutioued sale; and that the right of redemp­tion will expire and a deed for the laud ue made unless redemption is made within ninety days from the completed service hereof.

C. 0. HARTLEY, Owner and Holder of Certilicale.


To L. H. Crane, person taxed with the fol­lowing described property: You are hereby noiihed that on the }th day

of December. 1896. tho following described real estate, to-wit:

Lot 24, ForeBt Glen Additu-a, now included in aud forming a part of the city of Des iVioiues, aud all situated within the County oi Polk und State of lowa, was sold for tue tueu delinquent and unpaid tax of the year 189j, to M. E. Miller. That the undersigued ia now the legal holder of certificates of purchase issueo in pursuance of the above mentioned sale, and that the right ot redemption will expire and u deed tor tbe land be made uuless re­demption Is made within ninety days iroui the completed service hereof..

DANIEL T. PATTON, Owner aud Holder of Cerlflcaic.


To L. H. Crane, person taxed with the fol­lowing described property: You and each of you are hereby notlned

that on the 9th day of Deecmuer, ltoti, tne following described real estate, to-wit:

Lot 24U Forest Glen, now Included iu nnd forming a part of the city of Dos Moines, aud all situated within the County of Polk auu State of Iowa, was sold for the then del.nqu.'ni and unpaid tax of the year 189.>, to H. C Llndsey. That tho undersigued is now the legal owner and holder of tne certificates ol purchase issued in pursuance of the above mentioned sale; and that the righe of redemp­tion will expire and a deed for the land be maiio unless redemption is made within ninety days from the completed service hereof.

DANIEL T. PATTON, Owner and Holder of Certificate.


To Danl. T Qulnlan, person taxed with the following described property: You and each of you are hereby notified

that on the 8th day of December, 1896, the fol­lowing described real estate, to-wlt:

Lot 7, Cottage Addition, now included and forming a part of the city of Des Moines, and all situated within the County of Polk and State of Iowa, was sold for the then delin­quent and unpaid tax of the year 1895, to E. R. Bennett. That the undersigned Is now the legal owner and holder of tlie certificate ot purchase issued In pursuance of the above mentioned sale; and tbat the right of redemp­tion will expire and a deed tor the land be made unless redemption is made within nine­ty days from the completed service hereof.

DANIEL T. PATTON, Owner and Holder of Certlflcate.

tion will expire and a deed for the land be made unless redemption Is made within ninety days from the completed ̂ ervice

Owner and Holder of Certificate.


To L. H. Crane, person taxed with the fol-lowing described property. You aro hereby notified tbat on the

of December. 1896. the following described

reLoteS239f' Forest' Glen. Addition, now in­cluded in and forming a part of the City of Des Vlolncs, and all situated within the Coun­ty of Polk and State of Iowa, w»® ^ , f°' the then delinquent nnd unpaid tax of the year 1895, to H. C. Llndsey. That the under­signed is now the legal owner and holder or the. certificate of purchase issued in Pursu­ance of the nbove mentioned sale; and that the right of redemption will expire and a deed for the land be made unless redemption is made within ninety days from the completed

service hereof. DANIEL T. PATTON, Owner and Holdtr of Certificate.



And the Peculiar History That Had* It a Keepsake.

New Orleans Times-Democrat: "Tes, this Is rather a peculiar locket and I got it in rather a peculiar manner," eaid a cotton buyer of this city when somebody remarked the quaint little trinket attached to his watch chain. The locket was of gold, and an ordi-S nary five-cent piece was set in the lid, surrounded by a circle of colored ^ stones. The effect was odd and not. Inartistic. "The story is briefly this,"F) cont'.nued the speaker. "About three* years ago I was on a street car In I Chicago, when one of the paissengors, j a very nice looking young lady, discov­ered that she had no money in toer purse. The conductor was disposed to j be ugly about it, and, of course, I ln-i sisted on paying the fare, giving thel girl one of my cards at her very car- j nest request. Over a year elapsed, and I the incident had entirely faded fron/ my mind, when one day I was walkingl along St. Charles street and was hailed | by a lady i*rom a cab. She proved be the saw? one whose car fare I hj paid in ^iiieago, and had recogn! me immediately, although I had h work recalling the original encour. She told me excitedly that she been on t'ie lookout for me ever £ and also that she was in the city some relatives on route for home a trip to California. While she talking was searching her for a nickel, but had no changl laughed, told her not to bother about It, and gftve her another card. A few weeks later I received this locket with a very charming letter, which I prlie highly. I have had remarkably good luck ever since I have worn the little gift, and I am superstitious enough to regard it as a sort of mascot. By a queer coincidence the coin chances to bear the date of the year of my birth."



The Resting Place of Charles Dickens I«

Virtim'ly Unmarked.

From the London Mail: The sugges­tion has been made that a monument to Charles Dickens should be erected in one o? the public places of this city. It is not at all likely that the proposal, however warmly it might be supported by the English people, will ever be carried into effect, for any such scheme of perpetuation would be in direct op­position to the expressed wish of the I novelist, who desired by his work alone to live in tlie heart of his countrymen. The will of Charles Dickena, from | which tie following lines are t&ken, very clearly expressed the master's wishes: "1 conjure my friends, on no account, to make me the subject of any monument, memorial or testimonial, whatever. I rest my claims to the re­membrance of my country upon my published works and to the remem­brance of my friends upon theif ex­perience of me in addition thereto." To this wish the members of the fami­ly have always given the strongest adherence and havt already discoun­tenanced and will continue to discour­age any attempt to set the provision of the will at naught. Some years ago Edwin El well, a gifted Americas sculp­tor, completed in marble a full-length portrait figure of the novelist, with Little Noll looking upward to the face of her creator. This charming group the sculptor offered to the London county council for erection in some suitable place in London, but owing to the attitude of the family, who, out of respcct to the wishes of the novelist, refused to countenance tbe movement, the offer was declined. In these cir­cumstances it is hardly probable that any men.orial, at least of a public char­acter, will be attempted.

Overst uveil Bio Leave.

A good story is going the rounds of Simla society just now. It seems that an unfoitunate clerk in one of the government oliices, with twenty-three years' sc.'vice, recently took leave and overstayed his leave by nine days. He was callc.l upon for an explanation, and in tbe end the secretary ordered him to b? dismissed. Th&5jg|jfl{ there­upon appealed to the viceroywho I called fo; an explanation of the cir­cumstance:!. The secretary showed1

that the man had not only overstayed! his leave f ir nine days, but was hoi/ j lessly incompetent as well. His exce^j lency theieupon ordered the man to reinstated, and wrote across the tary's explanation that he considered] the hopelessly incompetent man the one who had took twenty-threj years to find out the other's incc) petence.

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