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I/O Management and Disk Scheduling

Chapter 11(read 11.1, 11.2)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 0

Operating System Design IssuesEfficiency

Most I/O devices extremely slow compared to main memoryUse of multiprogramming allows for some processes to be waiting on I/O while another process executesI/O cannot keep up with processor speedSwapping is used to bring in additional Ready processes which is an I/O operation

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 1

Operating System Design IssuesGenerality

Desirable to handle all I/O devices in a uniform mannerHide most of the details of device I/O in lower-level routines so that processes and upper levels see devices in general terms such as read, write, open, close, lock, unlock,…, etc.

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 2

Logical Structure of I/OLogical I/O

treats device as logical resource with no concerns of details of controlmanages I/O functions on behalf of user process

Device I/Oconvert requested operations in to sequences of I/O instructions, channel commands, and controller orders

Scheduling and Controlqueuing and scheduling of I/O operationshandle interrupts, check I/O status,…

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 3

Logical Structure of I/OFor secondary storage devices with a file system:

Directory Managementconvert symbolic file names to identifiers that reference directly/indirectly the filemanage user add, delete, reorganize operations

File Systemlogical structure of files and operations that can be specified by user

Physical Organizationconvert logical references to files/records to physical storage addresses

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 4

I/O BufferingReasons for buffering

Processes must wait for I/O to complete before proceeding

Certain pages must remain in main memory during I/O

• Page containing I/O target must remain• Not possible to entirely swap out waiting


Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 5

I/O BufferingI/O devices:

Block-orientedInformation is stored in fixed sized blocksTransfers are made a block at a timeUsed for disks and tapes

Stream-orientedTransfer information as a stream of bytesUsed for terminals, printers, communication ports, mouse, and most other devices that are not secondary storage

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 6

Single Buffer[1]Operating system assigns a buffer in main memory for an I/O requestBlock-oriented

Input transfers made to bufferBlock moved to user space when neededAnother block is moved into the buffer

• Read ahead

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 7

Single Buffer[2]Block-oriented

User process can process one block of data while next block is read in

Swapping can occur since input is taking place in system memory, not user memory

Operating system keeps track of assignment of system buffers to user processes

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 8

Single Buffer[3]Stream-oriented

Used a line at time

User input from a terminal is one line at a time with carriage return signaling the end of the line

Output to the terminal is one line at a time

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 9

Double BufferUse two system buffers instead of one

A process can transfer data to or from one buffer while the operating system empties or fills the other buffer

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 10

Circular BufferMore than two buffers are used

Each individual buffer is one unit in a circular buffer

Used when I/O operation must keep up with process

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 11

Disk Performance ParametersTo read or write, the disk head must be positioned at the desired track and at the beginning of the desired sectorSeek time

time it takes to position the head at the desired track

Rotational delay or rotational latencytime its takes for the beginning of the sector to reach the head

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 12

Timing of a Disk I/O Transfer

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 13

Disk Performance ParametersAccess time

Sum of seek time and rotational delayThe time it takes to get in position to read or write

Data transfer occurs as the sector moves under the head

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 14

Disk Performance ParametersTransfer Time

depends on rotational speed as:

seek time average theis where21

:as expressed timeaccess average totalThesecond)per ns(revolutio speedrotation

trackaon bytes ofnumber ed transferrbe tobytes ofnumber

time transfer











Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 15

Disk Scheduling Policies[1]Seek time is the reason for differences in performance

For a single disk there will be a number of I/O requests

If requests are selected randomly, we will get the worst possible performance

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 16

Disk Scheduling Policies[2]First-in, first-out (FIFO)

Process requests put in queue sequentially

Fair to all processes

Approaches random scheduling in performance if there are many processes

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 17

Disk Scheduling Policies[3]Priority

Goal is not to optimize disk use but to meet other objectives

Short batch jobs may have higher priority

Provide good interactive response time

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 18

Disk Scheduling Policies[5]Shortest Service Time First

Select the disk I/O request that requires the least movement of the disk arm from its current position

Always choose the minimum Seek time

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 20

Disk Scheduling Policies[6]SCAN

Arm moves in one direction only, satisfying all outstanding requests until it reaches the last track in that direction [or no more requests in that direction – LOOK policy]

Direction is reversed

Biased against area most recently traversed

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 21

Disk Scheduling Policies[7]C-SCAN

Restricts scanning to one direction only

When the last track has been visited in one direction, the arm is returned to the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins again [also C-LOOK variant]

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 22

Disk Scheduling Policies[8]N-step-SCAN

Segments the disk request queue into subqueuesof length NSubqueues are processed one at a time, using SCANNew requests added to some other queue when queue is processed

FSCANTwo queuesOne queue is empty for new request

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 23

Comparisonassume track requests are 55, 58, 39, 18, 90, 160, 150, 38, 184 and the current track is 100:

FIFO SSTF SCAN C-SCANNxt Trk # Trks Nxt Trk # Trks Nxt Trk # Trks Nxt Trk # Trks

55 45 90 10 150 50 150 5058 3 58 32 160 10 160 1039 19 55 3 184 24 184 2418 21 39 16 90 94 18 16690 72 38 1 58 32 38 20

160 70 18 20 55 3 39 1150 10 150 132 39 16 55 1638 112 160 10 38 1 58 3

184 146 184 24 18 20 90 32Avg: 55.3 Avg: 27.5 Avg: 27.8 Avg: 35.8

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 24

RAIDOrganize data in which redundancy can be added to improve reliability

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)

set of physical disk drives viewed by OS as a single logical drive

data distributed across drives in array

redundant disk capacity used to store parity info

• ensures recoverability in event of disk failure

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 25

RAIDCategory Level Description I/O Req. Rate Transfer Rate Typ. App.

Stripping 0 Non-redundant Large strips: Excellent

Small Strips:Excellent

high performance, non critical data

Mirroring 1 Mirrored Good/Fair Fair/fair System drives; critical files

2 Redundant via Hamming code

Poor Excellent

3 Bit-interleaved parity Poor Excellent Big I/O req. size

4 Block-interleaved parity Excellent/fair Fair/poor

5 Block-interleaved distributed parity

Excellent/fair Fair/poor High req. rate, read intensive

6 Block-interleaved dual distributed parity

Excellent/poor Fair/poor need very high availability

Independent Access

Parallel Access

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 26

RAID 0 (non-redundant)

high performance but

not true RAID

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 27

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 28

RAID 1 (mirrored)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 29

RAID 1 (mirrored)redundancy achieved by simple duplication of all dataadvantages:

read requests can be serviced by either diskwrite requires both strips be updated but it can be done in parallelrecovery from single drive failure simple: data may still be accessed from other drive.

primary disadvantage:cost of twice the disk space required

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 30

RAID 2 (redundancy through Hamming code)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 31

RAID 2all disks participate in disk transfers, spindles synchronized so each disk head is in same position on each diskerror correcting code calculated across corresponding bits on each data disk; bits of code stored in corresponding bit positions on multiple parity diskssingle-bit errors recognized and corrected immediately with no impact on access timeon single write, all data and parity disks must be accessedgenerally an overkill solution and not used given the high reliability of modern disks

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 32

RAID 3 (bit-interleaved parity)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 33

RAID 3uses only one redundant diskuses parallel access, data distributed in small stripscompute a simple parity bit for the set of individual bits in same position on all of the data disksexample: disks X0, X1, X2, X3 store data and X4 stores parity

parity for i-th bit calculated as:X4(i) = X3(i) ⊕ X2(i) ⊕ X1(i) ⊕ X0(i)

let X1 fail, then add x4(i) ⊕ X1(i) to both sides as:X1(i) = X4(i) ⊕ X3(i) ⊕ X2(i) ⊕ X0(i)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 34

RAID 4 (block-level parity)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 35

RAID 4uses independent access array – each disk operates independently --> separate I/O requests can be satisfied in parallela bit-by-bit parity strip calculated across corresponding strips on each data disk

parity bits stored in corresponding strip on parity disk

penalty on small size writesupdate data + corresponding parity bits

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 36

RAID 4consider X0 … X3 data disks and X4 is parity diskwe have following relationship:

X4(i) = X3(i) ⊕ X2(i) ⊕ X1(i) ⊕ X0(i)after update (altered bits indicated by prime):X4’(i) = X3(i) ⊕ X2(i) ⊕ X1’(i) ⊕ X0(i)

= X3(i) ⊕ X2(i) ⊕ X1’(i) ⊕ X0(i) ⊕ X1(i) ⊕ X1(i)= X4(i) ⊕ X1(i) ⊕ X1’(i)

update requires 2 reads and 2 writesfor larger size I/O writes that involve strips on all disks, parity calculated using only new data bits

parallel update of parity and data – no extra reads/writes

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 37

RAID 5 (block-level distributed parity)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 38


similar to RAID 4 except parity strips distributed across all disks

this distribution of parity strips avoids potential I/O bottleneck of single disk parity of RAID 4

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 39

RAID 6 (dual redundancy)Q(0-3)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 40

RAID 6two different parities are carried and stored in separate blocks on different disks

user with N disk requirement needs N+2 disk configuration

possible to regenerate data even if two disks containing user data fail

extremely high availability but substantial write penalty since each write affects two parity blocks

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 41

Disk CacheBuffer in main memory for disk sectors

Contains a copy of some of the sectors on the disk

On I/O request, check if required sector is in disk cache

Different replacement strategies possible, for example:

least recently used (LRU)

least frequently used (LFU)

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 42

Least Recently UsedThe block that has been in the cache the longest with no reference to it is replaced

The cache consists of a stack of blocks

Most recently referenced block is on the top of the stack

When a block is referenced or brought into the cache, it is placed on the top of the stack

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 43

Least Recently UsedThe block on the bottom of the stack is removed when a new block is brought in

Blocks don’t actually move around in main memory

A stack of pointers is used

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 44

Least Frequently UsedThe block that has experienced the fewest references is replaced

A counter is associated with each block

Counter is incremented each time block accessed

Block with smallest count is selected for replacement

Some blocks may be referenced many times in a short period of time and then not needed any more

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 45


Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 46

Windows 2000 I/O

Dr. Otman Basir Winter 2006

E&CE 354: Processes 47

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