intrusion detection with neural networks

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With the growth of computer networking, electronic commerce and web services, security networking systems have become very important to protect infomation and networks againts malicious usage or attacks. In this report, it is designed an Intrusion Detection System using two artificial neural networks: one for Intrusion Detection and the another for Attack Classification.


Intrusion Detection and Classification Using Neural Networks

Antonio Moran, Ph.D.

Stockholm University, SwedenMay 17, 2013

Information Security in Computer Networks

Information assurance is an issue of serious global concern.

Malicious usage, attacks and sabotage have been on the rise.

Connecting information systems to public networks (Internet, telephone) magnifies the potential for intrusion and attack.

Intrusion in Information Systems and Networks

Any set of actions that attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability of a resource


Intrusion in Information Systems

Any anauthorized access, unauthorized attempt to access, damage, or malicious use of information resources

Motives to Launch Attacks

Force a network to stop a service(s)

Steal some information stored in a network

To show unhappiness or uneasiness

To obtain economical benefits

Network Attacks

liability for compromised customer data

Attacks could result in:

Liability for compromised customer data

Loss of intellectual property

Degraded quality of network service

Great business loss


Need for and Intrusion Detection System

It is difficult (impossible) to ensure that aninformation system will be free of security flaws.

Computer systems suffer from security vulnerabilities regardless of their purpose, manufacturer or origin.

It is technically difficult as well as economically costly, to ensure that computer systems and networks are not susceptible to attacks

Intrusion Detection in Information Systems

Attempting to detect computer attacks by examining data records observed by processes on the same network

Components of an Intrusion Detection System

Information source providing a stream of event records

Analysis engine identifying signs of intrusion, attacks or other policy violations

Response component generating reactions to assure system correct operation




Types of Information Sources

Data from network traffic and packet streams

Data from sources internal to a computer. Operating system level

Data from running applicationsApplication based

Network based

Host based

Categories of Analysis Engine

Searching for something defined to be bad. Detect intrusions that follow a well-known patterns of attacks.

Can not detect unknown future intrusions.

Misuse Detection

Searching for something rare or unusual. Analyze system event streams to find patterns of activity appearing to be abnormal.

Computationally intensive.


Categories of Analysis Engine

Detect known attacks using pre-defined attack patterns and signatures

Misuse Detection

Detect attacks by observing deviations from the normal behavior of the system


Implementation of Analysis Engine

Runs periodically detecting intrusions after the fact.Act in a reactive way.


Detect intrusions while they are happening allowing a quick response. Computationally expensive (continuous monitoring).

On-Line Real-Time

Dynamic Intrusion Deteccion System

Hybrid system using misuse and anomaly detection strategies

Not allowing an intruder to train (update) the

system incorrectly

Running in real-time

Updating itself continuously over periods of


Types of Network Attacks

The attacker makes the computing or memory resources too busy or full to handle legitimate requests or denies legitimate users access

Remote to User

User to Root

Denial of Service

Probing (Scanning)

The attacker, starting out with access to a normal user account, tries to gain root (superuser) access and privilegies

The attacker gains access as a local user of the network

The attacker scans the network to gather information or detect vulnerabilities

Approaches for Anomaly Detection

Detecting abnormal activity on a server or network whose magnitude overcome a given threshold.Ex: Abnormal consumption of CPU or memory of one server.

Rule-based Measures

Statistical Measures


Soft Computing

Based on sets of predefined rules that are provided by a network administrator or generated by expert systems.

Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, Support Vector Machines.

Statistical models based on historical values. Asumptions about the underlying statistical distribution of user behavior. Ex: Hidden Markov Models.

Rule Based Intrusion Detection

liability for compromised customer data

Detecting attacks by signature matching.

A set of signatures, describing the characteristics of possible attacks, and the corresponding rules are stored.

The rules are used to evaluate incoming packet stream and detect hostile traffic.

Easy to implement and customize but requires human domain experts to find signatures and their rules. It works for known patterns of attacks

Artificial intelligence techniques could be useful

Rule Based Instrusion Detection

IF CountConnection=50 THEN AttackType=’smurf’

Human network administrators usually generate low-complexity rules:

IF Src_Byte=0 OR Src_Byte>500 THEN ‘Alert’

same host within 2 sec.

IF ip_flags = 0 AND ip_len <=256 AND tcp_csum =0 AND ip_length > 120 AND ip_src <= 1.451703E9 AND tcp_dport <= 82 AND tcp_win <= 23 THEN Malicious.

Complex rules can be generated using AI techniques:

Intrusion Deteccion Systems

Intrusion Detection Systems alone will not ensure the security of a computer network

Intrusion detection systems must be complemented by firewalls, vulnerability assessment, and a comprehensive security policy

Intrusion Detection and Clasification Using Neural Networks

Application of neural networks in Intrusion Deteccion Systems date back to 1992

When a Computer Network is Working in Normal / Abnormal State

It is difficult to define all the attributes that characterize a normal or abnormal state.

Let a neural network discovers the patterns characterizing a normal state and an abnormal state.

Intrusion Detection and Clasification Using Neural Networks

Discover underlying patterns that describe normal user or computer network behavior

Use the patterns to determine:

The state of the network

The type of user





Neural Network

Intrusion Detection and Classification Using Neural Networks

Hybrid SystemMisuse Detection

Anomaly Detection

Runs in real-time

Network Based Packet streams

Intrusion Detection and Classification Using Neural Networks

Two Neural Networks

Neural Network for detecting intrusion.State of the network: normal or with intrusion

Neural Network for classifying intrusion. Four types of intrusion

Intrusion Detection and Classification Using Neural Networks

Two Neural Networks

Neural NetworkPacket Stream



Neural NetworkIntrusion Detection

Intrusion Classification

Denial of Service

User to Root

Remote to User


Neural Network Design Process

Data collection

Definition of inputs and outputs

Input and output data generation

Data normalization

Selection of neural network structure

Neural network training

Neural network validation

What Data To Be Used?

Main features (attributes) of network packet stream

Take a set of network packets

Determine main features to be analyzedfrom packet header (and packet data)

……....Pi+1 Pi+2 PrPk+1 Pk+2 Pk+NPzPi Pz-1Pz-2Pj

…… ……

Packet stream



Window Packets Features Vector

Attributes Extraction

Window size: 50 - 500

Features vector size: 10 - 50

Features Extraction of Window Based Packet Stream

……....Pi+1 Pi+2 PrPk+1 Pk+2 Pk+NPzPi Pz-1Pz-2Pj

…… ……

Packet stream



Window Packets Features Vector

Attributes Extraction

Window size: 50 - 500

Features vector size: 10 - 50

Features of Window Based Packet Stream

Features are chosen such that their values change perceivably in normal and intrusive conditions.

……....Pi+1 Pi+2 PrPk+1 Pk+2 Pk+NPzPi Pz-1Pz-2Pj

…… ……

Packet stream



Attributes Extraction

Number of IP addresses

Packet Stream Features

Number of protocols and types

Network service on destination. http, telnet

Number of packets with 0 data length

Average data length

Average window size

Number of packets with 0 window size

Number of packets with 0 data length Number of failed login attempts

Number of wrong fragments

Number of urgent packets

Number of data bytes from source to destination

Number of data bytes from destination to source

Number of file creation operations

Number of connections with SYN errors

Number of coonections to the same service

…….... ……....

Neural Network for Intrusion Detection

Inputs Outputs

Window packet features vector

40 features

Code for every state of the network

Intrusion : 0 1

Normal: 1 0

40 Inputs2 Outputs


Neural Network Training Data

40 Inputs 2 Outputs

12 24 05 00 02 04 09 14 15 21 08 00……. 0 1

04 21 16 12 10 21 01 17 04 13 19 10……. 1 0

01 13 15 21 12 11 12 11 05 11 06 12……. 1 0

14 14 06 15 08 13 10 11 14 06 08 19……. 0 1





40 Inputs 2 Outputs


16000 Pairs


10000 Normal

6000 Attack

Neural Network Training and Validation

Training: 16000 input-output pairs

Validation: 5000 input (feature vectors)

Determining coefficients vij wjk

Computing network outputs for every input and determining state of network: normal or attack

40 Inputs 2 Outputs::




Neural Network Validation

In validation (testing), inputs are different to those used in training

Input 1 Output : 0.85 0.15

1 0Normal

Input 2 Output : 0.11 0.88

0 1Attack


40 Inputs 2 Outputs::




Neural Network Validation

Normal 3000 94% 6%

Attack 2000 90% 10%

Correct Detection


Detected as Attack

Detected as Normal

Number of Tests

False positive (normal behavior is rejected) : 6%

False negative (attack considered as normal) : 10%

Intrusion Detection

Neural Network for Intrusion Detection

It is expected that any significantly deviation from the normal behavior is considered an attack

It is expected to perform well detecting unknown intrusions and even zero-day attacks

Neural Network for Attack Classification

From the previous neural network an attack has been detected.

Now, it is required to determine the type of attack

Denial of Service

User to Root

Remote to User


Neural Network for Attack Classification

Inputs Outputs

Window packet features vector

40 features

Code for every type of attack

Denial of Service: 1 0 0 0

User to root: 0 1 0 0

Remote to user: 0 0 1 0

Probing: 0 0 0 140 Inputs

4 Outputs

Neural Network Training Data

40 Inputs 4 Outputs

12 24 05 00 02 04 09 14 15 21 08 00……. 0 1 0 0

04 21 16 12 10 21 01 17 04 13 19 10……. 1 0 0 0

01 13 15 21 12 11 12 11 05 11 06 12……. 0 0 0 1

14 14 06 15 08 13 10 11 14 06 08 19……. 0 1 0 0





40 Inputs 4 Outputs


6000 Pairs

vij wjk

Neural Network Training and Validation

Training: 6000 input-output pairs

Validation: 2000 input (feature vectors)

Determining coefficients vij wjk

Computing network outputs for every input and determining type of attack


40 Inputs 4 Outputs


vij wjk

Neural Network Validation

In validation (testing), inputs are different to those used in training

Input 1 Output : 0.85 0.15 0.24 0.01

1 0 0 0Denial of service

Input 2 Output : 0.11 0.08 0.18 0.91

0 0 0 1Probing



40 Inputs 4 Outputs


vij wjk

Neural Network Validation

Denial of Service 600 91%

User to Root 500 81%

Remote to User 300 69%

Probing 600 90%

Correct Detection


Number of Tests

Type of Attack

Attack Classification

Data to Design and Evaluate IDS Systems

Own Generation

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Tools Competition.


Standard benchmark for intrusion detection evaluations.

Thank you for your attention!

Antonio Moran, Ph.D.

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