introduction to soft skills. the bundle of skills which helps a person to perform a task better in a...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Introduction to Soft Skills

What is meant by soft

skills? Can you Guess the


WHAT IS SOFT SKILLS?The Bundle of Skills which helps a person to Perform a Task better in a more satisfying way for both the performer and Spectator(in Personal, Professional and social life)

Lets Define it

Why its Required

To make a person to perform a task with Better understanding of who, where, when, what, how and with whom a job can be executed to deliver the best expected Result in perfect timing

If a person is not a soft skilled what can happen

Lack of Satisfaction in work and personal life

Less or No respect in


Not much of challenging jobs

and responsibilities will be given

Poor influence among Groups

Deficient recognition and


Criticism in all level of life

Others may take advantage and benefit out of it

To Become a Really Soft Skilled Person

Is it true that woman can only specialize in soft skills not man?

Can I become a soft skilled person?What can I do?Where to Start?

You just need to do 3 things with honesty they are Dedication Enthusiastic

Participation in all activities

• Smile

Through Sincere Practice everyone can master these Skills, So Are you ready to explore your best

Lets Kick start

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