introduction to linux_by_amit & jiban

Post on 06-May-2015






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A basic introduction to Linux: The history



Amit Kumar Nath &Jiban Krishna Adhikary


Introduction To Linux


What is Unix/Linux? History of Linux Features Supported Under Linux The future of Linux


In 80’s, Microsoft’s DOS was the dominated OS for PC Apple MAC was better, but expensive

The history of Linux began with Unix in 1969 Unix was created at Bell Labs with the goals:

SimplicityRecyclable codeWritten in C as opposed to assembly

UNIX was much better, but much, much more expensive. Only for minicomputer for commercial applications

People was looking for a UNIX based system, which is cheaper and can run on PC

Both DOS, MAC and UNIX were proprietary, i.e., the source code of their kernel is protected

No modification is possible without paying high license fees


Established in 1984 by Richard Stallman, who believes that software should be free from restrictions against copying or modification in order to make better and efficient computer programs

GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not Unix”

Aim at developing a complete Unix-like operating system which is free for copying and modification

Companies make their money by maintaining and distributing the software, e.g. optimally packaging the software with different tools (Redhat, Slackware, Mandrake, SuSE, etc)

Stallman built the first free GNU C Compiler in 1991. But still, an OS was yet to be developed


A famous professor Andrew Tanenbaum developed Minix, a simplified version of UNIX that runs on PC

Minix is for class teaching only. No intention for commercial use In Sept 1991, Linus Torvalds, a second year student of

Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, developed the preliminary kernel of Linux, known as Linux version 0.0.1

Message from Professor Andrew Tanenbaum" I still maintain the point that designing a monolithic kernel in 1991 is a fundamental error.  Be thankful you are not my student.  You would not get a high grade for such a design :-)“

(Andrew Tanenbaum to Linus Torvalds)

Soon more than a hundred people joined the Linux camp. Then thousands. Then hundreds of thousandsIt was licensed under GNU General Public License, thus ensuring that the source codes will be free for all to copy, study and to change.


Linux has been used for many computing platforms– PC, PDA, Supercomputer,…

Not only character user interface but graphical user interface is available

Commercial vendors moved in Linux itself to provide freely distributed code. They make their money by compiling up various software and gathering them in a distributable format

– Red Hat, Slackware, etc

In order to encourage wide dissemination of his OS, Linus made the source code open to public. At the end of 1992 there were about a hundred Linux developers. Next year there were 1000. And the numbers multiplied every year.

Recent estimates say about 29 million people use Linux worldwide. The effects of the dot-com bust, IT slowdown and global economic recession can be clearly seen.

Source: The Linux Counter

Linux: No of Users



Penguin as logo/mascot for Linux was discussed first in early 1996 by several people in the linux-kernel mailing list. The idea of such mascot came from Alan Cox first.

The first person called the penguin “Tux” was James Hughes who said that it stood for “(T)orvalds (U)ni(X)”

From the letter of Linus Torvalds: ‘Now, when you think about penguins, first take a deep calming breath, and then think “cuddly”. Take another breath, and think “cute”. Go back to “cuddly” for a while (and go on breathing), then think “contented”…. But the simple, single penguin would be the logo, and the others would just be that cuddly penguin being used as an actor in some tableau.’

!=Linux is Not WindowsLinux is Not Windows

Problem #1: Linux isn't exactly the same as Windows.

Problem #2: Linux is too different from Windows

Problem #3: Culture shock

Problem #5: The myth of "user-friendly"


No threat of viruses Linux systems are extremely stable Linux is Free Linux comes with most of the required software pre-installed Update all your software with minimum fuss Linux never gets slow Linux does not need defragmentation Linux can even run on oldest hardware Adding more software is a matter of a few clicks Most Windows-only apps have their either their native version

or alternatives for Linux With Linux, you get the highest degree of possible



Security has always been the number one priority with Linux

Linux has a robust security system There do not exist viruses for the Linux platform


Have you ever lost your precious work because Windows crashed? Have you ever gotten the "blue screen of death" or error messages telling you that the computer needs to be shut down for obscure reasons?

Crashes or freezes are not prevalent in Linux


Linux is free and always will be as compared to the very costly Windows and Mac OSX

Using pirated Windows is a bad thing


When the system has installed, why would you still need to install stuff ?

Common software such as music player, web browser, video player, image editor, PDF reader, chat messenger, office apps


Just like Windows’ Update tool, Linux has a more better alternative to it to update all your system in a few clicks

Linux Distributions:

Red Hat Linux : One of the original Linux distribution.The commercial, nonfree version is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is aimed at big companies using Linux servers and desktops in a big way. (NJIT)Free version: Fedora Project.

Debian GNU/Linux : A free software distribution. Popular for use on servers. However, Debian is not what many would consider a distribution for beginners, as it's not designed with ease of use in mind.

SuSE Linux : SuSE was recently purchased by Novell. This distribution is primarily available for pay because it contains many commercial programs, although there's a stripped-down free version that you can download.

Mandrake Linux : Mandrake is perhaps strongest on the desktop. Originally based off of Red Hat Linux.

Gentoo Linux : Gentoo is a specialty distribution meant for programmers.

The right Linux desktop There are two major desktops in the Linux world: GNOME and KDE. What you're looking at in a default Fedora installation is a Red Hat-customized version of GNOME, called Bluecurve GNOME.

Default Fedora Desktop

The default desktop has three distinct areas. From top to bottom, the areas are: The menu panel The desktop area The window list panel


Applications - The Applications menu contains a variety of icons that start software applications. It is similar to the Microsoft Windows Start menu.

Places - The Places menu contains a customizable list of directories, mounted volumes, recent documents, and a Search function. Volumes that are mounted may be external USB drives (flash, hard disk, CD, etc.), directories shared across a network, or other media devices such as a portable music player.

System - The System menu contains a variety of items.

SYSTEMSYSTEM MENU MENU Log Out About Help Lock Screen Preferences System Settings: configuration tools that

are for administrative purposes and usually require root access; that is, when those applications are started, the root password must be entered to continue.


Mozilla Firefox web browser Evolution mail client and personal

information manager Writer is a word processing

program Impress is for creating and

giving presentations Calc is a spreadsheet tool

THE DESKTOP AREATHE DESKTOP AREA Computer - This contains all volumes (or disks) mounted on the

computer. These are also listed in the Places menu. Computer is equivalent to My Computer on Microsoft Windows.

Home - This is where the logged-in user stores all files by default, such as music, movies, and documents. There is a different home directory for each user, and by default users cannot access each others' home directories. Home is equivalent to My Documents on Microsoft Windows.

Trash - Deleted files are moved to Trash. Empty Trash by right-clicking the icon and clicking Empty Trash.

To permanently delete a file and bypass the file's move to Trash, hold down the [Shift] key when deleting the file.

Right-clicking on the desktop presents a menu of actions related to the desktop area. For example, clicking on Change Desktop Background lets you choose a different image or photograph to display on the desktop. It is possible to choose not to have any desktop background.


Audio Player: The XMMS (X Multimedia System), which is used to play digital sound files

CD Player: The default CD player Sound Juicer CD Ripper: Burn your own

CDs Messaging Client: GAIM supports AIM, MSN,

ICQ, and many other popular IM networks gFTP: Useful for grabbing files through FTP

(File Transfer Protocol)

Terminal Window


Linux text-based interfaceLinux text-based interface

command to show the content of current directory

command to show the content of current directory with option -al

The prompt $ shows that bash shell is using

All LINUX commands start with the name of the command and can be followed by options and arguments.


Shell interprets the command and request service from kernel

Similar to DOS but DOS has only one set of interface while Linux can select different shell Bourne Again shell (Bash), TC shell

(Tcsh), Z shell (Zsh)


Bash, Tcsh, Zsh

ls pwdwhoami

Different shell has similar but different functionality Bash is the default for Linux Graphical user interface of Linux is in fact an application

program work on the shell

Commands:/ (root directory)

/root – home directory of the user root

pwd – you can see your home directory

df – to see disk space available

cd – to change to different directory or to go back to home dir

.. - move to parent directory

ls – list the contents of a directory; Options: -l (more info)

-a (displays hidden files)

-t (sort by time)

-r (oldest first)

Example: ls –ltr : display an long list of files that are sorted by time, display the oldest ones first

Some of the basic commands you should learn are the ones that help you navigate the file system.

cp : copy one file to anotherrm : remove a fileman : ask for the manual (or help) of a command

e.g. man cd ask for the manual of the command cdcat : to show the content of a text file

e.g. cat abc.txt show the content of abc.txtwhoami : to show the username of the current user

Directory is denoted by a / (slash) characterExecutable program by a *Hidden file preceded by a . (dot)

Names in blue are directories, indicated by a letter d at the beginning of the line

The concept of simple file and directory is similar to DOS




1. Before you begin You need a working Linux system that includes the bash shell, so

you can practice the commands and techniques covered in this knowledge path.

o 2. Get comfortable with the bash shell Roll up your sleeves and get your hands on Linux, starting with

fundamentals of the bash shell's command line, including basic bash commands, environment variables, and system information; finding, listing, moving, copying, and archiving files.

o 3. Search and edit text files Working in a command shell environment such as bash involves

manipulating text: cutting and pasting, joining strings together, sorting, and concatenating.

o 4. Take control of processes Managing processes is everyday work for Linux

administrators and developers. Learn how to shuffle processes between foreground and background, find out what's running, kill processes, and keep processing running after you've left for the day. Also learn how to set and change process priorities.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 1. Select Install or Upgrade Fedora.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 2. Language Selection.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 3. Select appropriate Keyboard.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 4. Select Basic Storage device, if your hard

drive is locally attached.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 5. Storage device Warning, Click Yes to

discard any data.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 6. Set Hostname for your Fedora


PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 7. Click on Configure Network button if you

want to configure network during installation.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 8. Click Wired tab and click on Add button. Select Connect

automatically, go to ipv4 settings tab and select Method and select Manual in drop down. Fill address box with IP Address, Netmask, Gateway and DNS.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 9. Select nearest city in your Time Zone.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 10. Set root password.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 11. Select appropriate Partition as per your


PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 12. Verify Filesystem partition here or you

can edit filesystem if you want.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 13. Format Warning, click on Format if you

are OK with it.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 14. If you are confirmed, then click on Write

Change to Disk.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 15. File system Formatting.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 16. Install Boot Loader and if you want to

set password for Boot Loader set it.


17. Click on Customize now and select your software’s for installation and then click on Next.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 18. Select optional Packages and click on

Next install it.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 19. Installation started, this may take several

minutes as per selection of packages.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 20. Packages installation is in progress.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 21. Installation completed, Please remove

CD/DVD and Reboot system.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 22. Screen of GRUB Boot Loader, use arrow

keys to select Fedora Linux to boot.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 23. Post installation of Fedora, Welcome


PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 24. License Information.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 25. Create non-administrative user.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 26. Set Date and Time for the system.

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 27. Hardware Profile Submitting to Fedora


PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 28. First Login Screen of Fedora!

PHASE 02: FEDORA INSTALLATION 29. Fedora Desktop Screen.



step-installation-guide-with-screenshots/ 2.

training/kp/l-kp-command/ 3.

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