introduction to javabeans

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Basic information on how to code JavaBeans


Introduction to JavaBeans


• Understand the benefits of JavaBeans

• Learn how to create JavaBeans

• Utilize JavaBean classes

• Demonstrate how to access JavaBean properties

• Explicitly setting JavaBean properties from request parameters


As we have discussed on our previous lesson, (Using Regular Classes in JSP), we understood

the benefits of using separate Java classes instead of embedding large amounts of code directly in JSP

pages. But what do JavaBeans provide that other classes do not? After all , JavaBeans are regular Java

classes that follow some conventions defined by the JavaBeans specification; JavaBeans extend no

particular class, are in no particular package and use no particular interface. True, but with JavaBeans in

general, visual manipulation tools and other programs can automatically discover information about

classes that follow this format and can create and manipulate the classes without user having to

explicitly write any code.

The Advantages of JavaBeans in JSP in Particular are:

1. No Java syntax. By using JavaBeans, page authors can manipulate Java objects using only XML-

compatible syntax. This promotes a stronger separation between the content and the

presentation and is especially useful in large development teams that have separate Web and

Java Developers.

2. Simpler object sharing. When you use the JSP JavaBean constructs, you can much more easily

share objects among multiple pages or between requests than if you use the equivalent Java


3. Convenient correspondence between request parameters and object properties. The JSP

JavaBean constructs greatly simplify the process of reading request parameters, converting from

strings and putting the results inside objects.

What are JavaBeans - How To Code a JavaBean

1. A JavaBean must contain a constructor that does not accept any arguments.

2. A JavaBean cannot declare any public instance variables. However, it is also possible to declare

instance variables as protected.

3. A JavaBean must contain get and set methods for all properties that need to be accessed by


o The setter method is just a method that starts with “set” followed by the name of the

property. Take note that the first character of the property is upper-cased.

o The getter method is just a method that starts with “get” followed by the name of the

property. Take note that the first character of the property is upper-cased.

o To provide access to a Boolean value, you code is and set methods instead of get and set


o Example, you can code methods isEmailUpdated and setEmailUpdated to provide access

to a Boolean property named emailUpdated.

4. A JavaBean implements the Serializable interface.

o The Serializable interface is a tagging interface in the package that indicates that

a class contains get,set and is methods that another class can read and write an object's

instance variables to and from a persistent data source

o Example: your JavaBean is on a server in New York helping the rest of an application in

Los Angeles. The Java application server hosting your JavaBean receives a message that

the server is going down for maintenance, so it contacts another server elsewhere and

arranges for the other server to take over. Not wanting to crash out an end user using

your JavaBean, the Java application server has your JavaBean save its state, using

serialization and it moves the JavaBean location and data to the new server, where the

saved JavaBean data is loaded again and the user continues using the application

without noticing a thing.

JavaBean Tags

The main benefit that you get from coding your classes so they qualify as JavaBeans is that you can then

use JSP tags for working with the beans.

The useBean tag

The <jsp:useBean> element locates or instantiates a JavaBean component. It first attempts to locate an

instance of the Bean. If the JavaBean does not exists, <jsp:useBean> instantiates it from a class or

serialized template.

To locate or instantiate the Bean, <jsp:useBean> takes the following steps, in this order:

1. Attempts to locate a Bean with the scope and name you specify.

2. Defines an object reference variable with the name you specify.

3. If it finds the Bean, stores a reference to it in the variable. If you specified type, gives the Bean

that type.

4. If it does not find the Bean, instantiates it from the class you specify, storing a reference to it in

the new variable. If the class name represents a serialized template, the Bean is instantiated


5. If <jsp:useBean> has instantiated (rather than located) the Bean, and if it has body tags or

elements (between<jsp:useBean> and </jsp:useBean>), executes the body tags.


<jsp:useBean id=”object-name”

scope=”page | request | session | application”






<jsp:useBean id="checking" scope="session" class="bank.Checking" >

Attributes and Usage


• A variable that identifies the Bean in the scope you specify. You can use the variable name in

expressions or scriptlets in the JSP file.

scope=”page | request | session | application”

• The scope in which the JavaBean exists and the variable named in id is available. The default

value is page.

o page - The bean is stored in the implicit pageContext object for the JSP and is only

available to the current page.

o request - The bean is stored in the HttpServletRequest object and is available to all JSPs

that have access tot eh current request object.

Page and request scope JavaBeans are sometimes referred to as form beans because they most often

process the results of a form. Form beans need to exist just long enough to process user input, usually

being instantiated on the page that recieves the HTTP POST or GET request with parameters.

o session – The bean is stored in the HttpSession object and is available to all JSPs that

have access to this object. Session-scoped JavaBeans are great for activities that take

place over several pages and time: filling a shopping cart, incrementally filling out

information and receiving feedback.

o aplication – The bean is stored in the ServletContext object. Application scope is most

often used by server components such as JDBC Connection pools, application monitors,

user counters and other classes that participate indirectly with a user's activities.


o Instantiate a bean from a class, using the new keyword and the class constructor. The

class must not be abstract and have a public, no-argument constructor. The package and

class name is case-sensitive.


o If the bean already exists in the scope, gives the bean a data type other than the class

from which it was instantiated.

The setProperty tag




property=”*” |

property=”propertyName” [param=”parameterName”] |

property="propertyName" value="{string| <%=expression%>}"


The <jsp:setProperty> element sets the value of one or more properties in a Bean, using the Bean's

setter methods. You must declare the Bean with <jsp:useBean> before you set a property value with


You can use <jsp:setProperty> to set property values in several ways.

1. By passing all the values the user enters (stored as parameters in the request object) to

matching properties in the Bean

2. By passing a specific value the user enters to a specific property in the Bean

3. By setting a Bean property to a value you specify as either a String or an expression that is

evaluated at runtime.



• The name of the JavaBean that has already been created or located with a <jspLuseBean> tag.

The value of name must match the value of id in <jsp:useBean>. The <jsp:useBean> tag must

appear before <jsp:setProperty> in the JSP page.


• Stores all of the values of request parameters in bean properties. The names of the JavaBean

properties must match the names of the request parameters. A JavaBean property is usually

defined by a variable declaration with matching getter and setter methods. If the order in which

the properties are set is important to how your JavaBean works, use the syntax form

property=”propertyName” [ param=”parameterName” ]

• Sets one JavaBean property to the value of one request parameter. In the syntax, property

specifies the name of the JavaBean property and param specifies the name of the request

parameter by which data is being sent from the client to the server.

The getProperty tag


<jsp:getProperty name=”beanInstanceName” property=”propertyName” />



• The name of an object (usually an instance of a bean) declared in jsp:useBean tag.


• The name of the JavaBean property whose value you want to display. The property is declared

as a variable in a bean and must have a corresponding getter method.

The <jsp:getProperty> tag gets a JavaBean property value using the property’s getter methods and

inserts the value into the response. You must create or locate a bean with <jsp:useBean> before use


1 package coreservlets;


3 /** A simple bean that has a single String property

called message */


5 public class StringBean {


7 private String message = "Hello JSP Students!

Happy Coding!";


9 public String getMessage(){

10 return message;

11 }


13 public void setMessage(String m){

14 message = m;

15 }


17 }


1 <!-- StringBean.jsp -->

2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0




3 <html xmlns="">

4 <head>

5 <style type="text/css">

6 i { color:#D00;

7 font-weight:bold; }


9 </style>

10 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;

charset=utf-8" />

11 <title>JavaBean Simple Example</title>

12 </head>


14 <body>

15 <table border="5" align="center">

16 <tr> <th>A Simple JavaBean Example</th></tr>

17 </table>

18 <jsp:useBean id="sb" class=

"coreservlets.StringBean" />

19 <ol>

20 <li> Initial value (from jsp:getProperty): <i><

jsp:getProperty name="sb" property="message"


21 <li>Initial value (from JSP expression): <i><%=

sb.getMessage() %></i></li>

22 <li><jsp:setProperty name="sb" property="message"

value="The Best Elective Class I Ever Had" />

Value after setting property with jsp:setProperty:

<i><jsp:getProperty name="sb" property="message"


23 <li><% sb.setMessage("Definitely My Favorite"); %>

Value after setting property with scriptlet:

<i><%= sb.getMessage() %></i></li>

24 </ol>


26 </body>

27 </html>


1 package coreservlets;

2 /** Simple bean to illustrate the various forms of

jsp:setProperty */


4 public class SaleEntry {

5 private String itemID = "unknown";

6 private double discountCode = 1.0;

7 private int numItems = 0;


9 public String getItemID(){

10 return itemID;

11 }

12 public void setItemID(String id){

13 itemID = "unknown";

14 if(id != null){

15 itemID = id;

16 }

17 }

18 public double getDiscountCode(){

19 return discountCode;

20 }

21 public void setDiscountCode(double code){

22 discountCode = code;

23 }

24 public int getNumItems(){

25 return numItems;

26 }

27 public void setNumItems(int items){

28 numItems = items;

29 }

30 public double getItemCost(){

31 double cost = -9999;

32 if(itemID.equals("emac321")){

33 cost = 12.99 * getDiscountCode();

34 }

35 return roundToCentavos(cost);

36 }

37 private double roundToCentavos(double c){

38 return (Math.floor(c*100)/100.0);

39 }

40 public double getTotalCost(){

41 return (getItemCost() * getNumItems());


42 }

43 /** In actuality, this is done through a

database lookup.

44 We will have a similar example when we get

to the JDBC

45 part of our lesson

46 */


48 } //end class


1 <!-- SaleEntry.jsp -->

2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0




3 <html xmlns="">

4 <head>

5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;

charset=utf-8" />

6 <title>JavaBean Example - Sale Entry</title>

7 </head>


9 <body>

10 <center><table border="5"><tr><th>Using


11 <jsp:useBean id="entry" class=

"coreservlets.SaleEntry" />

12 <jsp:setProperty name="entry" property="itemID"

value='<%= request.getParameter("itemID") %>' />

13 <%

14 int numItemsOrdered = 1;

15 try {

16 numItemsOrdered = Integer.parseInt(

request.getParameter("numItems") );

17 }

18 catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}

19 %>

20 <jsp:setProperty name="entry" property="numItems"

value='<%= numItemsOrdered %>' />


22 <%

23 double discountCode = 1.0;

24 try {

25 String discountString = request.


26 discountCode = Double.parseDouble(


27 }

28 catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ }

29 %>

30 <jsp:setProperty name="entry" property=

"discountCode" value="<%= discountCode %>" />


31 <br />

32 <table border="1">

33 <tr>

34 <th>Item ID</th>

35 <th>Unit Price</th>

36 <th>Number Ordered</th>

37 <th>Total Price</th>

38 </tr>

39 <tr align="right">

40 <td><jsp:getProperty name="entry" property=

"itemID" /> </td>

41 <td>$<jsp:getProperty name="entry" property=

"itemCost" /></td>

42 <td><jsp:getProperty name="entry" property=

"numItems" /></td>

43 <td>$<jsp:getProperty name="entry" property=

"totalCost" /></td>

44 </tr>

45 </table>

46 </center>


48 </body>

49 </html>


1 <!-- SaleEntryForm.jsp -->

2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0




3 <html xmlns="">

4 <head>

5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;

charset=utf-8" />

6 <title>JavaBean Example - Sale Entry Form</title>

7 </head>


9 <body>

10 <center>

11 <table border="5"><tr><th>Invoking SaleEntr


12 <form action="SaleEntry.jsp" method="post">

13 <table border="1" style=


14 <tr>

15 <td>Item ID: </td><td><input type=

"text" name="itemID" /></td>

16 </tr>

17 <tr>

18 <td>Number of Items</td><td><input

type="text" name="numItems" /></td>

19 </tr>

20 <tr>

21 <td>Discount Code</td><td><input

type="text" name="discountCode" /><


22 </tr>

23 <tr>

24 <td colspan="2"><input type=

"submit" value="Show Price" /></td>

25 </tr>

26 </table>

27 </form>

28 </p>

29 </center>

30 </body>

31 </html>





Associating Individual Properties with Input Parameters

Setting the itemID property is easy since its value is a String. Setting the numItems and

discountCode properties is a bit more problematic since their values must be numbers whereas

getParameter returns a String.

Fortunately, JSP has a nice solution to this problem. It lets you associate a property with a

request parameter and automatically perform type conversion from strings to numbers, characters and

Boolean values. Instead of using the value attribute, you use the param to name an input parameter.

The value of the named request parameter is automatically used as the value of the bean property and

type conversions from String to primitive types (byte, int, Boolean, double, etc) and wrapper classes

(Byte, Integer, Double, etc) are automatically performed. If the specified parameter is missing from the

request, no action is taken (the system does not pass null to the associated property). For example,

setting the numItems property can be simplified to:

<jsp:setProperty name=”entry” property=”numItems” param=”numItems” />

Associating All Properties with Request Parameters

Associating a property with a request parameter saves you the bother of performing

conversions for many of the simple built-in types. JSP lets you take the process one step further by

associating all properties with identical named request parameters. All you have to do is to supply “*”

for the property parameter. So, for example, all three of the jsp:setProperty statements on the previous

example (SaleEntry.jsp) can be replaced by the following simple line:

<jsp:setProperty name=”entry” property=”*” />

Although this approach is simple, there are warnings that one should consider:

• No action is taken when an input parameter is missing. In particular, the system does not

supply null as the property value. You usually design beans to have identifiable default values

that let you determine if a property has been modified.

• Automatic type conversion does not guard against illegal values as effectively as does manual

type conversion. In fact, despite the convenience of automatic type conversion, some

developers eschew the automatic type conversion, define all of their settable bean properties to

be of type String and use explicit try/catch blocks to handle malformed data.

• Bean property names and request parameters are case sensitive. The property name and

request parameter name must match exactly.

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