introducing descriptive text to the students use …

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Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Hasanuddin University

in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement to Obtain

Sarjana Degree in English


F 211 13 306







Alhamdulillah, Praise to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala, the Most Gracious and

Merciful, for the health, strength, and also guidance to the writer’s presence in this

world especially to accomplish her thesis as one of requirements to obtain her degree

in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Science Hasanuddin University. Shalawat

and salam also go to Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, the greatest

of humankind.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her grateful thanks to the

following people for their help, care, and advice, so that the writer can finish her

study. Those people are as follows:

1. The writer would like to deliver her deepest gratitude to her beloved parents,

Sakka Sammang and Naidah Made Djohan for all the prayers, motivation,

love, and care. Thank you for always being there to support every decision the

writer takes. She is on her way to make you proud. Special thanks are also

dedicated to her brothers, Ridzwan and Rizal for all the fight, advice, and


2. The writer expresses her deep appreciation to Dr. Andjarwati Sadik, M. Ed.

and Dr. Abidin Pammu, M. A (TESOL) as the writer’s first and second

consultant for their time to help and to guide the writer in writing her thesis.


3. All lecturers of English Department, Faculty of Cultural Science, Hasanuddin

University for improving the writers’ knowledge during her study. Not

forgotten also, all the staff that already help the writer during administration


4. The writer thanks to her cousins, Syahrul Nizam, Sartina, Nursyafika, Eka

riska and Nurhalimah, S. Pd for their support and motivation.

5. The writer thanks to her second family, Kiki, Rezki, Hasna, and Rahma for

being such a perfect companion in her campus’ life. Then, to her best friend

Mimin, Yusliana and Akbar. Thank you for all the supports, motivation and


6. The writer also dedicated her special thanks to all friends in Etcetera 2013 for

all experiences, laugh and spirit. It also goes to X A of SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap

for their cooperation as the subject of this thesis.

As the conclusion, the writer hopes this thesis will give a good contribution

for the students of English Department and also for the future study about similar

topic. The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect, therefore any

suggestion or criticisms will be very much appreciated for the improvement of this

writing. Thank you.

Makassar, 15th

March 2018

Riska Johan



TITLE............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii

LEGITIMACY ............................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................. xi


A. Background ................................................................................ 1

B. Identification of the Problem ...................................................... 4

C. Scope of the Problems ................................................................. 4

D. Research Questions ..................................................................... 4

E. Objectives of the Study ............................................................... 5

F. Significance of Study…………………………………… .......... 5



A. Previous Studies .......................................................................... 6

B. Theoretical Framework .............................................................. 9

1. The Concept of Writing ........................................................ 9

a. Definition of Writing....................................................... 9

b. Components of Writing ................................................... 10

c. Aspects of Writing .......................................................... 11

d. The Process of Writing.................................................... 11

2. The Concept of the Types of Texts ..................................... 12

a. Narrative Text…………………… .................................. 12

b. Expository Text………………………………………….13

c. Descriptive Text…………………………………………13

d. Structure of Descriptive Text……………………………14

e. Language Features of Descriptive Text………………….15

3. The Concept of English Tourism Brochures………………..16

a. The Definition of English Tourism Brochures………….16

b. The Use of Brochures for Teaching Learning…………..17

C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................... .19

D. Hypothesis................................................................................... .20


A. Methodology ............................................................................... 21


B. Populations and Sample .............................................................. 21

C. Research Instruments .................................................................. 22

D. Method of Collecting Data……………………………………...23

E. Method of Analyzing Data……………………………………...26


A. Finding ........................................................................................ 30

a. Data Description.............................................................. 30

1. Data Presentation of Writing Tests………………….31

2. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the

Students Pre-test and Post-test .................................. .36

3. The Results of Interview........................................... .37

B. Discussion ................................................................................... .43


A. Conclusion................................................................................... 46

B. Suggestion ................................................................................... 47






Riska Johan, 2018. Introducing Descriptive Text to the Students Using English

Tourism Brochures (Dibimbing oleh Andjarwati Sadik dan Abidin Pammu).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis siswa dalam

teks deskriptif menggunakan brosur pariwisata berbahasa Inggris sebelum dan setelah

perlakuan; dan mengetahui pemahaman siswa terhadap tipe-tipe teks.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini

terdiri dari 58 siswa di kelas X A SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap. Berdasarkan saran dari

guru-guru bahasa Inggris, 16 orang siswa dipilih sebagai sampel. Instrumen yang

digunakan adalah tes (pre dan post tes), in-depth interview dan observasi.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan brosur bahasa Inggris

untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif memberikan

pengaruh yang positif. Hal ini dapat dilihat di dalam meningkatnya jumlah siswa dari

tingkat “Fair” dan “Poor”. Di sisi lain, jumlah siswa dengan kemampuan “Very Poor”

menurun. Hal itu perlu untuk dipertimbangkan bahwa penggunaan brosur tersebut

perlu ditunjang oleh kesiapan siswa dalam beberapa aspek, seperti kosa kata, tata

bahasa, penciptaan ide, dan organisasi ide.

Kata kunci: teks deskriptif, kemampuan menulis siswa, brosur pariwisata berbahasa




Riska Johan, 2018. Introducing Descriptive Text to the Students Using English

Tourism Brochures (Supervised by Andjarwati Sadik and Abidin Pammu).

This research aims to explore the students’ understanding of descriptive text

using English tourism brochures before and after the treatment; and to explore the

students’ understanding of the types of text.

This research used quantitative method. The population of this research

consisted of 58 students in class X A of SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap. Based on the

suggestion from the teachers, 16 students were selected as the sample. The

instruments used were test (pre and post-test), in-depth interview, and observation.

The findings reveal that using English tourism brochures to improve the

understanding of the students in writing descriptive text generally brings positive

effect. This can be seen in the increasing number of students of “Fair” and “Poor”

levels. On the other hand, the number of students with “Very Poor” ability decreased.

It is necessary to consider that the use of the brochures need to be supported by the

readiness of students in several aspects, such as vocabulary, grammatical structure,

creation of ideas, and organization ideas.

Keywords: descriptive texts, writing ability, English tourism brochures.



Table 1: The students’ score Pre-test for SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap………………..31

Table 2: The students’ score Post-test for SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap……………....32

Table 3: The pre-test and post-test in writing descriptive text.........................…33

Table 4: The classification and the range of the pre-test and the post-test……..34

Table 5: The mean score and standard deviation of the students’ in the pre-test

and post-test…………………………………………………………...35




A. Background

English is an important and popular language in the world. It is universal language

to connect one individual to other individuals around the world. It helps them to

exchange their thought, ideas, as well as their feelings. By using the language, people

can easily share information around the world through a range of media such as

internet, newspapers, television, radio, and so on. It will enlarge human knowledge

about things happened in the world.

English language as an international language constitutes both productive and

receptive skills. They are speaking, listening, reading and writing. Every skill is

related to each other. These skills should be mastered well by the students to increase

their ability in English learning. The four English skills are divided into productive

skills (speaking and writing) and receptive skills (listening and reading).

In Indonesia, English language has been taught in secondary and tertiary

education. For example, in senior high school the materials taught are various which

are based on the 2013 National Curriculum. The contents of the materials including

short story, poem, short drama and the four skills.

Writing as one of the four language skills plays an important role in the context of

English teaching as a foreign language in Indonesia. Based on my experience as an

English department student, writing is one of the most difficult skills. This is due to


the combination of all skills, grammatical structure, organization of ideas to express

the ideas in the written form. There are many types of writing such as description,

narrative, procedure, explanation, persuasive and etc (Anderson, 1997).

The following is the explanation of the writer‟s preliminary observation or

research at the school where this research was conducted. She had a chance to talk to

two English teachers in order to get information on her research.

Based on the discussion, she found that there were factors of students failed in

writing, such as, students: lack of understanding of the types of text, cannot express

their ideas, opinions, feelings in writing and think that the methods used by the

teachers were monotonous. As a result, this made the students got bored. One more

thing is descriptive text is taught at the second semester and it is limited to describing

things. It is important to state that at the time she observed, the students at grade tenth

who would be the participants of this research were still followed KTSP (School

Based Curriculum). However, when she conducted her research, the teachers at the

school applied K13 (Curriculum 2013) where descriptive text is taught at the second


In relation to this research, a number of studies had been conducted. As examples,

two of them were chosen to support this current research. One was written by

Halimatuhsa‟diah (2011) focused on “Improving Students‟ Ability in Writing

Descriptive Texts through a Picture Series-Aided Learning Strategy.” The

participants in her research were the tenth grade students of a Public Senior High

School in East Java, Indonesia. The findings revealed that the use of the picture


series-Aided learning strategy was able to improve the students‟ actively in the

learning process. For example, making comments or asking questions to either the

teacher or the students about the instruction.

Another research conducted at the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Model, Palu by

Wardani, Basri and Waris (2014). Their research entitled “Improving the Ability of

Students in Writing Descriptive Text Through Guided-Question Technique.” The

findings indicate that the use of guided-question technique was effective media to

improve the ability of students in writing descriptive text. By using this technique, it

helps the students produced their writing by answering the questions that made them

wrote more easily.

Based on the two research presented above, it can be concluded that both of the

research talk about writing descriptive text. It is related to the writer‟s research.

However, the objects of their research in writing descriptive text were pictures and

guided question technique. The objects of this research is English tourism brochures.

Therefore, the writer conducted this research “Introducing Descriptive Text to the

Students Use English Tourism Brochures.”

This research focuses on the use of English tourism brochures. The reasons for

choosing brochures are:

1. It contains a lot of pictures, information and tourist spots.


2. It helps the students to express their ideas in the written form easily. It can

also guide the students to create and to arrange the words into paragraphs

that they get from the brochures.

B. Identification of the problem

From the background of the study, the writer identifies several problems are as

follows. The students:

1. lack of understanding the types of text, especially descriptive text.

2. consider learning English is difficult, particularly English writing.

3. think the methods used by the teachers are monotonous.

C. Scope of the Study

The writer has stated that the students of SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap still do not

understand the types of text, especially descriptive text. Therefore, the writer limits

her research on the use of English tourism brochures in descriptive text for year tenth.

The materials used were 4 English tourism brochures: Solo the Spirit of Java, Gunung

Pati, Kepulauan Seribu, and Waerebo. These are only examples among other


D. Research Questions

Based on the scope of the study, the research questions of this research are:

1. How is the students‟ writing ability of descriptive text using English tourism

brochures before and after the treatment?

2. How is the students‟ understanding of the types of text?


E. Objective of the Research

Based on the research question above, the objective of this study are as follows:

1. To explore the students‟ writing ability of descriptive text using English

tourism brochures before and after the treatment.

2. To explore the students‟ understanding of the types of text.

F. Significance of the Research

The significance of the research was divided into two parts: theoretically and

practically. Theoretically, it is expected to provide useful information for the

development of English language study, especially in writing. Practically, there are

three significant implications expected from the study:

a. For English teachers, this research is expected to give helpful information for

English teacher in teaching descriptive text using English tourism brochures.

b. For students, this research is expected to assist students in writing English

descriptive text in good and easy way using English tourism brochures.

c. For other researchers, this research is expected to be useful information for the

next researcher to conduct other research about other media in teaching

descriptive text.




In this section, the writer presents some theories which relate each other in order

to support the analysis. This chapter consists of previous studies, theoretical

background, and conceptual framework.

A. Previous Studies

The writer reviewed a number of studies related to the strategy of introducing

students‟ writing descriptive text. For completing this research, the writer found out

some references which might be useful for this current study. Based on this part, the

writer presents findings which are:

A study regarding to the use of picture media was conducted by Zahra entitled

“The Effectiveness of Teaching Descriptive text Using Picture Media on Students

Ability” (2014). In this research, she took 80 students and divided them into 2 classes.

For the first class, she used experimental group by giving the treatment through

pictures. For the second class, she used control group by giving the treatment using

conventional teaching. Both of classes had been given pretest previously, and the end

her found that students of the first group were improved more effectively toward their

writing ability than the second group. She concluded that using pictures media not

only helped the teachers to teach writing ability but also achieved the learning goals.

Another research was conducted by Hami entitled ”Improving Students’ Ability in

Writing Descriptive Text through Wholesome Scattering Game” (2011). The

participants in his research were the 8th

Grade Students of Mts Sunan Ampel Patean


Kendal in the Academic Year 2010/2011. He focused on the use of wholesome

scattering game to improve students ability in the writing descriptive text. In his

research, there were two cycles in teaching classes. Both cycles of group were asked

to participate in his pre-test to learn their writing ability. The first cycle, he took

wholesome scattering game as media in teaching descriptive text, for example, he has

given some key words instruction to the students to describe their best friend in the

class. The second cycle, he asked students to describe beach. The result showed that

wholesome scattering game improved students‟ ability in writing text. The

advantages from this research were the students could arrange the word and develop

their pharagraph in describing objects easily and accurately.

Lastly, a research by Harsul entitled “Improving Ability in Writing Descriptive

Text through Mind Mapping for Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 2 Gamping

Sleman” (2014). In his study, he found that the use of mind mapping in teaching

writing descriptive text was able to improve the students‟ writing skill. It included

their abilities in generating ideas, vocabularies, language use and mechanics. Besides,

teaching writing descriptive text using mind mapping could attract students‟ attention

and motivation. The students became more enthusiastic in writing after mind

mapping was applied in the class.

From the previous studies above, the writer found that they discussed about

writing descriptive texts through different media, objects, and purposes. Meanwhile,

the writer had her own area of research as follow:


1. The first previous study entitled “The Effectiveness of Teaching Descriptive

text Using Picture Media on Students Ability” (2014) where she tried to

explore using picture could be the effective media to help the students‟

ability in writing descriptive text. In contrast in this research, the writer uses

English tourism brochures as the media to introduce the students about how

to write descriptive text.

2. The next research was conducted by Hami entitled “Improving Students’

Ability in Writing Descriptive Text through Wholesome Scattering Game”

(2011) focused on how the students improved the students writing ability in

writing descriptive text. Meanwhile, this research focuses on introducing

writing descriptive text. Furthermore, the writer expects that after

introducing the types of text, the students were able to understand how to

write descriptive texts.

3. Finally, Harsul research was entitled “Improving Ability in Writing

Descriptive Text through Mind Mapping for Grade VII Students of SMP

Negeri 2 Gamping Sleman” (2014) where he tried to improve the students‟

descriptive text writing for the 7th

grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Gamping

Sleman as the participants for his research. In this research, the writer uses

the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap as the participants.


B. Theoretical Background

1. The Concept of Writing

There were some concepts of writing as follows:

a. Definition of Writing

Archibald (2001:154) said that writing is a skill that needs knowledge and

proficiency in many areas. It is called multidimensional skill which is complex skill

and produced from the interaction of the writer‟s knowledge, experience, skills and

the cognitive demands of the task. Next, Bello (1997) states that writing enhances

language acquisition as learners experiment with words, sentences and other elements

of writing to communicate their idea effectively and to reinforce the grammar and

vocabulary they are learning in class. Then, Brown (2001:244-245) states that writing

is thinking process. It is a process of putting ideas down on paper to transform

thought into words and give them structure and coherent organization. After that,

Hyland (2003:9) viewed that writing is a way of sharing personal meanings and it

emphasizes the power of the personality to construct someone‟s view based on a

certain topic. Finally, Oshima (1997:2) define „writing is a progressive activity. It

means that when you first write something down, you have already been thinking

about what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.

Based on some definition of writing above, the writer concluded that writing is a

process of thinking in form of multidimensional skills in putting the ideas of words

on paper. Then, the ideas are processed by thought in an organized, structural and


coherent. In this case, the authors get ideas from their experience and knowledge


b. Components of Writing

According to Jacobs et al. (1981), the ESL (English as Second Language)

Composition Profile is used to identify the students‟ written competence based on

five scales. These scales are used for a general evaluation of their proficiency level

although specific features of composition are also involved. Compositions are scored

using the following categories: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and

mechanics. These five scales are used to have an overall account of the written


1) Content: this category considers the development of ideas and

comprehension of the topic.

2) Organization: this category includes the logical sequence of ideas, the

structure and cohesion of the paragraphs.

3) Vocabulary: this category deals with the selection of words, expressions and

their usage.

4) Language usage: this category includes the use of grammar categories, and

the use of complex syntactic structures.

5) Mechanics: this category includes the evaluation of punctuation, spelling,

and the use of capitalization.


c. Aspects of Writing

According Marsh and Hallet (2008), the act of writing involves three important

elements as follows:

1) Composition

It is involves the content of writing, generating ideas, deciding on the form

of the written text and thinking about who will read it and why.

2) Transcription

It is involves paying attention on how the writing is presented so that others

can read and understand it easily. This includes aspects such as handwriting,

spelling, punctuation, and general layout.

3) Review

It is involves changing aspects of composition and transcription in order to

improve what has been written.

d. The Writing Process

According to Sundem (2007:41), the steps of the writing process are presented as


Step 1: Prewriting.

This is the planning phase of the writing process when students brainstorm,

research, gather and outline ideas, often using diagrams for mapping out their



Step 2: Rough Draft.

The Students create their initial composition by writing down all their ideas in

an organized way to convey a particular idea or present an argument.

Step 3: Revising.

The students review, modify, and reorganize their work by rearranging,

adding, or deleting content, and by making the tone, style, and content appropriate for

the intended audience. The goal of this phase of the writing process is to improve the


Step 4: Editing.

The students work with the teachers or peers to correct all mistakes in

grammar and spelling.

Step 5: Publishing.

In this last step of the writing process, the final writing is shared with the

group. Sharing can be accomplished in a variety of ways, and with the help of

computers, it can even be printed or published online.

2. The Concept of the Types of Texts

There were some kinds of the texts. They were as follows:

a. Narrative Text

Narrative text is informative text which is the telling of a story that contain events

or experiences in chronological orders. The main purpose of a narrative is to

entertain, to gain, and to hold readers' interests. There are many types of narrative,


such as, fairy science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, historical

narratives, myths, and legends.

b. The Expository Text

Expository is used in giving information, making explanations, and interpreting

meanings. It includes editorials, essays, informative and instructional material. For

example, the cognitive analysis and subsequent syntheses of complex facts.

c. The Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text that describes characteristic of a person or things in a

descriptive manner. According to Oshima and Hogue (1997:50), descriptive writing

appeals to the senses. It tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/ or

sounds. In additon, a good description is like a “word picture”; the reader can imagine

the object, place, or person in his or her mind. A writer of a good description is like

an artist who paints a picture that can be “seen” clearly in the mind of the reader.

According to Wyrick (1987), the writer of description creates of word pictures of

person, places, objects and emoticons using a careful selection of detail to make an

impression on the reader.

Priyana (2008: 18) said that a descriptive text is a kind of text which describes

the characteristics of something in order to make clear impression of a person, place,

and object or event. Langan (2011: 185) said that a descriptive text means when

someone describe other people or something and give the readers a picture in words.

To make the word picture as vivid and real as possible, he/she must observe and

record specific details that appeal the readers‟ senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and


touch). Based on the definition of descriptive text above the purpose of descriptive

text is to present the reader with a picture of person and subject or setting. Similar to

Langan (2011: 189), the main purpose of a descriptive text is to make readers see or

hear, taste, smell, or feel what the author wrote. The details key to descriptive text is

enabling audiences to imagining and feeling what is being described.

According to Gerot and Wignell (1994), “Descriptive text is a kind of text with a

purpose to give information. The context of this kind of text is the description of

particular thing, animal, person, or others, for instance: people pet are well known”.

By reading a descriptive text, readers feel that they see the description just like they

see pictures. It aims to describe an object or a person that the writer wants to describe.

Thus, in writing a descriptive text, the writers should know well what they want to

describe. They describe their ideas and think vividly based on what they see, hear,

taste, smell, or touch.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that descriptive text is a text

that describes a particular person, place or thing. It tells how something looks, smells,

tastes, feels and sound. In this research, the writer only focuses on descriptive text

because the writer wants to study about introducing descriptive text to the students

using English tourism brochures.

d. The Structure of Descriptive Text

The generic structure of the descriptive text is different from other texts. There

are two main components in the generic structure of descriptive text. They are

identification and description.


Sudarwati and Eudia (2005:27) mention that “there are two components of the

generic structure of descriptive text. They are identification; identify phenomenon to

be described and description; describes parts, qualities, and characteristics”.

Sudarwati and Eudia add that “the language features for descriptive text are focus on

specific participants, use of attributive and identifying process. It uses classifiers in

nominal groups, and use of Simple present tense”. However, Gerot and Wignell

(1994:208) state that the Generic structure of descriptive writing are: a) Identification

which identifies phenomenon that will be describe b) Description which describe

parts, qualities, or characteristics of something or someone in detail.

e. Language Features of Descriptive Text

According to Oshima and Hogue (1997:50), there are some of language features

in a descriptive text. They are as follows:

1) Use of particular nouns.

2) Use of detailed noun groups to provide.

3) Information about the subject.

4) Use of a variety of types of adjectives.

5) Use of relating verbs to provide information about the subject.

6) Use of thinking and feeling verbs to express the writer‟s personal view about

the subject or to give an insight into the subject‟s thoughts and feelings.

7) Use of action verbs to describe the subject‟s behavior use of adverbials to

provide more information about this behavior.


8) Use of similes, metaphors and other types of figurative language,

particularly in literary descriptions.

Knapp and Watkins (2005:98-99) state that there are several grammatical

features of descriptive writing as the following:

a) In descriptive text, the present tense is predominantly used.

b) Although present tense may be used in literary description, it is past tense

that tends to dominate.

c) Relational verbs are used when classifying and describing appearance or

qualities and partsor function of phenomenon.

d) Action verbs are used when describing behaviors or users.

e) Mental verbs are used when describing feeling in literary descriptions.

f) Adjective are used to add extra information to nouns and may be technical,

everyday, or literally, depending on the text.

g) Personal and literary description generally deal with individual things.

3. The Concept of English Tourism Brochure

There were some concepts of English tourism brochures. They were as follows:

a. Definition of English Tourism Brochure

Tourism brochure is a bunch of paper that contains a lot of pictures, information

and even the spots which present in a map. Ross Bainbridge (2006: 1) states that

tourism brochure is defined as brochure, but it contains higher quality visual. Ideal

tourism brochure should also give information about flights, roads, the shortest way

of reaching a particular place, and other information. Moreover, it gives us


information about tourism places. The information can be about tour programs,

culinary and historical places. It is provide an interesting page, colorful pages, nice

photography, and awesome description about the tourism places.

Thompson (2008: 2) states that teaching using tourism brochure is appropriate

for increasing the students‟ ability in writing because tourism brochure can help

teachers to arise students‟ curiosity and imagination. It will stimulate the students‟

imagination with paying attention and keeping their eyes on brochure. Beside that,

the students will have an opportunity to use the knowledge that they get from outside

of the school, such as, knowledge of tourism sight and activity in the tourism places.

All of the activities will help students in generating and creating ideas when they are

going to write.

Based on explanation above, it may be inferenced that English tourism

brochures is a booklet which is consist an information of place, especially tourism

places. The information shows to people about tour programs, culinary and historical

places. Furthermore, it is one of teaching media that can be used by teaching writing.

it also help teacher to arise the students curiosity and imagination.

b. The Use of brochures For Teaching Learning

Brochures can be very valuable tool for teaching and learning. Johahi (2008)

mentions that there are two advantages of using tourism brochures in the class.

Firstly, it provides students an opportunity to use the knowledge that they get from

outside of the school such as knowledge of the tourism part and activity in the


tourism places. Secondly, it makes students acquire English vocabulary and practice

that they require in their career purpose (maybe became a tour guide).

The reason of using tourism brochures in teaching writing as media is relevant

for the students. It will be more helpful for students, they can learn and practice

English during their learning process. Apart from this, tourism brochures are

available with colors, pictures, words, and so on. Thus, the students would enjoy

learning English with variations of activities and practices. The activities are

important for their comprehension and would provide them with fun classroom

learning studies.


C. Conceptual Framework




(Used English tourism brochures)


Students‟ Writing Descriptive Texts

Diagram 1

Diagram of pre-experimental research with one group pre-test and post-test design.

There were many ways to introduce the descriptive text writing to the students

such as writing using series picture, tutorial video, and so on. It was because the


picture could be used to give students English lessons as an opportunity to practice

the language in the real context in which they can use it to communicate their ideas.

Using English tourism brochures collaborated with the diagram above might

also help the students in increasing their ability in writing descriptive text. In order to

see the improvement, the results of pre-test and the post-test were compared. If the

hypothesis was true, it would approve that English tourism brochures was the

effective writing learning strategies in introducing to the students‟ about writing

descriptive text.

D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of the research presented as follows:

Alternative hypothesis : There was a significant difference of the students‟

writing ability before and after presented writing

descriptive text by using English tourism brochures.

Null hypothesis : There was no significant result student writing ability

before and after giving treatment.




This chapter presents the methodology which consists of population and sample,

instrument of the research, method of collecting data and method of analyzing data.

A. Methodology

Sugiyono (2011) stated that “methodology refers to ways of obtaining,

organizing, and analyzing data. Methodology decisions depend on the nature of the

research question.” It included the design, setting, sample, methodological limitations

and the data collection and analysis technique in a study. In this research, the writer

used quantitative method to count and classify, to build statistical models to explain

what was observed. The data were analyzed quantitatively.

B. Population and Sample

a. Population

Best (1981) stated that population is any group of individual that have one or

more characteristics in common. According to Arikunto (1998), population defines a

set (or collection) of all elements possessing one or more attributes of interest.

In this research the population were the students of SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap which

consisted of four classes of grade tenth. The number of students in the four classes

were 58 students. There were 16 students in class A, 8 students in class B, 17 students

in class C and 17 students in class D. The total number of population was 58.


b. Sample

Sample is a part that can represent all the population observed. Best (1981) stated

that sample is a small proportion of a population selected for observation and


The sample of this research was one of the four classes that was class X A. The

number of students in one class was 16 students. The class was chose because it was

better than the other classes, based on the recommendation on the teachers in the


C. Instrument of the research

There were three instruments used in this research:

1. Writing test

The writer administrated pretest to the 16 students. In the pre-test the students

were asked to describe their school in one paragraph, 50-75 words. It was assumed

that the students were still fresh about their school situation. Therefore, they were

asked to describe their school.

2. Interview

The writer interviewed the students‟ by using 5 questions to explore the students‟

understanding of the types of text. This interview was an open-ended with the

following questions:

1. Do you know how many types of text in English?

2. Do you know what are they?

3. How do you know the types of text?


4. How good is your understanding of the types of text?

5. Where did you learn the types of text?

3. Observation

The writer did the observation to explore the students understanding of the types

of text.

D. Method of Collecting Data

In collecting the data of this research, the writer followed some steps:

1. Pre-test

Before the treatment, the writer administrated the pretest which was carried out on

Friday morning, 4th

August 2017. It lasted for 45 minutes. The writer asked the

students to describe about their school in one paragraph, 50-75 words. The writer

distributed the question based on the descriptive text that described of their school to

identify the students‟ prior knowledge of their writing ability.

2. Interview

Before the treatment, the writer interviewed the students by using 5 questions to

explore the students understanding of the types of text. This interview was an open


3. Observation

The writer did the observation to explore the students understanding the types of



4. Treatment

The treatment was conducted four times. In each meeting the writer discussed the


The first meeting was on Friday, 11th

August 2017. The topic was about

“Solo the Spirit Java” with the following procedures. The writer explained:

1. the types of text such as narrative, description, persuasive and


2. the definition and example of each type of texts such as

narrative, description, persuasive and expository. In this case, the

writer only focused on descriptive text to improve the students‟

writing ability;

3. the use of English tourism brochure to teach the descriptive text;

4. the elements of brochures; and

5. how to write a descriptive text based on the English tourism

brochure entitled “Solo the Spirit Java”.

The second meeting was on Saturday, 12th

August 2017.The topic was about

“Gunung Pati” by following the statement. The writer explained:

1. the definition of descriptive text;

2. the language features and the examples of descriptive text;

3. the definition and example of English tourism brochures,

especially English tourism brochure about place;


4. the elements of brochure; and

5. how to write a descriptive text based on the English tourism

brochure entitiled “Gunung Pati”.

The third meeting was on 19th

August 2017. The topic was about “Waerebo”

with the following the instructions. The writer explained:

1. the definition of descriptive text;

2. the language features and the example of descriptive text;

3. the definition and example of English tourism brochures,

especially English tourism brochures about place;

4. the elements of brochure; and

5. how to write a descriptive text based on the English tourism

brochure entitled “Waerebo”.

The fourth meeting was on 25th

August 2017. The topic was about

“Kepulauan Seribu” by following the steps. The writer explained:

1. the definition of descriptive text;

2. the language features and the examples of descriptive text;

3. the definition and example of English tourism brochures,

especially English tourism brochures about place;

4. the elements of brochure; and

5. how to write a descriptive text based on the English tourism

brochure entitled “Kepulauan Seribu”


5. Post-test

After the treatment, the writer administrated the post-test which was conducted on

Saturday morning, 26th

August 2017. It lasted for 45 minutes. It was carried out to

find out the students‟ writing ability and their progress after giving the treatment

about the use of English tourism brochures. This was to improve their writing

descriptive text. The content of the post-test was similar with the pre-test.

E. Method of Analyzing Data

The writer analyzed the data quantitatively. The writer used statistic analysis to

describe one of two research variables. The process was presented as follows:

a. The writer tabulated the result of the test. Then, the total score of each students

were presented in table. The writer classified the students‟ score using scoring

rubric by Jacobs adapted from Weigle (1981:198) in Halimah. The categories for

evaluating writing were presented below:

Score Level Criteria

CONTENT 30-27 Relevant to topic

26-22 Mostly relevant to topic but lacks detail

21-17 Inadequate development of topic

16-13 Does not show knowledge of subject


Ides clearly stated or supported, well-organized

17-14 Loosely organized but main ideas stand out, logical


but incomplete sequencing

13-10 Ideas confused or disconnected, lacks logical

sequencing and development

9-7 No organization

VOCABULARY 20-18 Effective word or idiom choice and usage

17-14 Occasional errors of word or idiom form, choice,

usage but meaning not obscured

13-10 Frequent errors of word or idiom form, choice, usage

and meaning confused or obscured

9-7 Little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms word




25-22 Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order

or function, articles, pronouns, preposition.

21-18 Several errors of agreement, tense, number, word

order or function, articles, pronouns, preposition

17-11 frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense,

number, word order or function, articles, pronouns,

preposition and/or fragment, run-ons, deletions

10-5 Dominated by errors

MECHANICS 5 Few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization

4 Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,



3 Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting

2 Dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting illegible

b. The scoring system of the students pretest and posttest was classified by (Dirjen

Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, 2005:28) in Halimah as follows:

1. 86 – 100 is classified as very good

2. 71 – 85 is classified as good

3. 56 – 70 is classified as fair

4. 41 – 55 is classified as poor

5. 0 – 40 is classified as very poor

c. The writer used SPSS 16 to analyze the data. To counted the mean score of the

students score in the pretest and post test. The formula as follows:


M :Mean Score

(X) : The sum of total score


N : Number of students

(Anas, 2008: 81)

d. The writer count the standard deviation of the students pre-test and post-test using

the following formula :



SD : Sum of squares

X1 : The sum of total score

n : Total number of sample

(Anas, 2008: 260)




This chapter discusses the result of the research. In this chapter, there are two

focuses. They are the data presentation of writing descriptive text tests and interview.

In writing descriptive text, the students were asked to answer one question and five

questions of interview. The writer presents the data which are arranged according to

the students‟ writing score, the classification of students‟ score, mean score and

standard deviation of the pre-test and the post-test based on the score of the result of

the tests.

A. Data Description

The writer started activities by checking the students‟ attendance list and

describing the instructional objectives that would be achieved. The writer introduced

and explained about material to the students. Then, the writer gave English tourism

brochures and asked the students to write a paragraph of descriptive text based on the

brochures given to them. From the writer‟s observation during the teaching process,

some of the students seemed easy to write their ideas using the English tourism

brochures. On the other hand, some of the students seemed difficult to writer their

ideas. They confused with the brochures they have seen.


1. Data Presentation of Writing Tests

In this section, the writer explained the writing test data to answer the first

research question that is “how does the use of English tourism brochures improve

students‟ understanding in writing descriptive text?”

In this research, the writer asked the students to describe their school in one

paragraph that consisted of 50-75 words as the material of the pre-test and post-

test. Four English tourism brochures were used as the teaching materials in the

treatment of the research. The topics of the English tourism brochures were: (I)

Solo the Spirit Java, (II) GunungPati, (III) Waerebo, (IV) Kepulauan Seribu.

Each topic of brochures consisted of pictures of tourist destination. The topics

aimed to explore how English tourism brochures improved the students‟

understanding towards writing descriptive text. In the table below, the writer

showed the sum of the sixteen students‟ score in the pre-test and post-test.


Table 1: The score of students’ Post-test for SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap

No Student The students score

Total Score Content Organization Vocabulary Language Used Mechanics

1. A-01 14 7 7 5 2 35 35

2. A-02 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

3. A-03 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

4. A-04 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

5. A-05 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

6. A-06 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

7. A-07 14 7 7 6 3 37 37

8. A-08 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

9. A-09 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

10. A-10 15 10 10 11 4 50 50

11. A-11 13 7 7 5 2 34 34

12. A-12 14 8 7 5 3 37 37

13. A-13 14 7 7 5 2 35 35

14. A-14 13 10 7 11 2 43 43

15. A-15 14 10 7 7 2 38 38

16. A-16 17 10 9 11 3 50 50

Total 597 597


Table 2 : The score of students’ Post-test for SMKN 4 Rappang.

No Student The students score

Total Score Content Organization Vocabulary Language Used Mechanics

1. A-01 15 10 10 11 3 49 49

2. A-02 17 10 7 11 3 48 48

3. A-03 15 9 7 8 3 42 42

4. A-04 14 11 7 11 2 48 48

5. A-05 13 7 7 10 3 40 40

6. A-06 14 10 7 7 2 40 40

7. A-07 22 14 12 13 4 65 65

8. A-08 14 10 7 8 2 41 41

9. A-09 17 10 7 11 3 48 48

10. A-10 22 14 9 18 5 68 68

11. A-11 14 10 7 7 2 40 40

12. A-12 15 10 10 11 3 49 49

13. A-13 14 7 7 5 2 40 40

14. A-14 15 10 10 11 3 43 43

15. A-15 17 11 7 7 3 45 45

16. A-16 22 14 10 11 3 60 60

Total 772 772


Table 3 below shows the pre-test and post-test in writing descriptive text.

No Sample Pre-test score Post-test score

1 A-01 35 49

2 A-02 34 48

3 A-03 34 42

4 A-04 34 48

5 A-05 34 40

6 A-06 34 40

7 A-07 37 65

8 A-08 34 41

9 A-09 34 48

10 A-10 50 68

11 A-11 34 40

12 A-12 37 49

13 A-13 35 40

14 A-14 43 49

15 A-15 38 45


16 A-16 50 60

Total 597 772

The results of the above table show that all students increased in their post-

test. However, when the scores were converted into the five classifications of writing

where the scores followed the range, the position of the students changed between

“Fair”, “Poor” to “Very Poor”. The following (Table 4) shows the position of the


Classification The Range Pre-test Post-test

F % F %

Excellent 86-100 - - - -

Good 71-85 - - - -

Fair 56-70 - - 3 18%

Poor 41-55 3 18% 9 57%

Very Poor 0-40 13 82% 4 25%

Total 16 100% 16 100%


The data in table 4 indicates that none of the students (0%) classified into

“Excellent” and “Good” both in pre-test and post-test.

In the “fair” classification only 3 (18%) students among sixteen where in the classific

ation. Furthermore, there were 3 (18%) students fell into “Poor” classification in the

pre-test. While in the post-test, the number of students in the “Poor” classification

increased to 9 (57%) students. There were 13 (82%) students were in the “Very Poor”

classification in the pre-test. The number of students who got “Very Poor”

classification was decreased into 4 (25%) students in the post-test.

2. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students in the Pre-test and

the Post-test.

The table 5 below shows the mean score and standard deviation of the students in

the pre-test and the post-test.

Mean N



Minimum Maximum

Pre-test 37.31 16 5.498 34.00 40.00

68.00 Post-test 48.25 16 8.888 50.00


Based on table 5 above, the result showed that the mean score for pre-test from

16 students was 37.31 and the standard deviation was 5.498 (2.34) with minimum

score of the students was 34. Meanwhile, the mean score from the post-test was 48.25

and the standard deviation was 8.888 (2.98) with minimum score was 50. It meant

that after giving the post-test, the students‟ improved in their writing ability based on

the minimum and the maximum score of students (see table 5).

4. The results of the Interview

In this section, the writer analyzed about “how good is the students‟

understanding of types of text” to answer the second research question. In this part,

the writer utilized open-ended questions which consisted of 5 questions, they are:

1. Do you know how many the types of text in English?

There were eleven students (A-01), (A-02), (A-03), (A-04), (A-07), (A-09), (A-10),

(A-12), (A-14), (A-15) and (A-16) who knew about the types of text. On the other

hand, there were only five students (A-05), (A-06), (A-08), (A-11) and (A-13) did not

know about the types of text.

2. Do you know what are they?

Some of the students answered YES, I know what the types of text as are

mentioned below:

“Descriptive” (A-07), (A-04), (A-10), (A-14), (A-16) : Five students

“narrative” (A-02), (A-03), (A-07), (A-09), (A-12), (A-16) : Six students

“persuasive” (A-07), (A-16) : Two students

“expository” (A-01), (A-07), (A-15) : Three students


The following is the explanation of the above findings:

Five the students answered that they knew “descriptive” text; six students knew

“narrative” text. Furthermore, two students knew “persuasive” text. While, three out

of sixteen students knew “expository” text.

3. How do you know types of text?



By reading



From teacher

From university


A-01 _ √ _

A-02 √ _ _

A-03 _ √ _

A-04 _ √ _

A-07 √ _ _

A-09 _ _ √

A-10 √ _ _

A-12 √ _ _

A-14 √ _ _


A-15 _ √ _

A-16 √ _ _

Note: – No response

There were six students gave their answers like:

“I know the types of text by reading Indonesian textbooks” (A-02), (A-07), (A-

10), (A-12), (A-14) and (A-16).

“I know types of text from the teachers, when I learn Indonesian subject” (A-

01), (A-03), (A-04), and (A-15).

“I know types of text from the students of university, when they come into my

school and teach about English lesson” (A-09).

Based on the statements above, it can be seen that there were six students (A-

02), (A-07), (A-10), (A-12), (A-14) and (A-16) answered that they knew the types of

text by reading Indonesian textbooks, three students (A-01), (A-03), (A-04), and (A-

15) knew from teacher and only one student (A-15) knew from university students.

However, there were five students who did not give response about this question.

They were (A-05), (A-06), (A-08), (A-11), and (A-13).


4. How good is your understanding of the types of text?

Some of the students answer that their understanding about the types of text as

mentioned below:

“I know the definition and example of each types of text” (A-07), and (A-16).

“I only know the definition of the types of text” (A-03), (A-04), (A-09), (A-10) and (A-


“I know some of the definitions of the types of text, such as, the definition of

“Expository” and “narrative” text” (A-01), (A-02), (A-12), and (A-15).

Based on the answers above, the students‟ understanding of the types of text

were classified into:

“Excellent” : -

“Good” : -

“Fair” (A-07) and (A-16) : two students

“Poor” (A-01), (A-02), (A-12), (A-15) :four students

“Very Poor” (A-03), (A-04), (A-09), (A-10), (A-14) :five students

The following is the explanation of the above finding:

There was no students classified into “Excellent” and “Good.” Next, there were

two students in “Fair” classification. Four students fell into “Poor” classification.

Finally, there were five students were in the “Very Poor” classification.


5. Where do you learn the types of text?

The students had various answers toward this question. They learned the types of

text in:

Subject Response

Junior high


The library The class

A-01 _ _ √

A-02 √ _ _

A-03 _ √ _

A-04 _ √ _

A-07 √ _ _

A-09 _ √ _

A-10 √ _ _

A-12 √ _ _

A-14 √ _ _

A-15 √ _ _

A-16 √ _ _

Note: - no response


There were six students gave their answers, such as:

“I learn types of text in the class with all of my friends” (A-01).

“I learn types of text in the junior high school, when I was in the 8th

grade” (A-02),

(A-07), (A-10), (A-12), (A-14), (A15) and (A-15).

“I learn types of text in the library, when the teacher did not come into my class” (A-

03), (A-04), and (A-09).

Most of the students learned about types of text in junior high school. They had

been taught about the types of text into form of paragraph. While, three students

learned about types of text in the library by reading the textbooks and only one

student who learned in the class.

Based on the above interview, the writer concluded that most of the students

knew about the types of text. However, they could not mention all of the types of

text. It meant that the students only knew certain types of text from the total of four

types. There were some of the students said that they understood the definition of

types of text. Therefore, it could be concluded that most of the students

comprehended the types of text.


B. Discussion

In this section, the writer discusses the findings of the research.

The results of the findings are divided into four parts. The first part is presented

in Table 1 (The score of the students‟ pre-test for SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap). The next

part is shown in Table 2 (The score of the students‟ post-test for SMK Negeri 4

Sidrap). Then, the other part presented in Table 3 (The pre-test and post-test in

writing descriptive text). Finally, Table 4 (Classification and range of pre-test and

post-test). the results of the research indicate that there is a bring positive effect of

the treatment given in terms of their pre-test to post-test, even though, none of the

students occupies “Excellent” and “Good” classification.

However, when their scores converted into the classification and range of pre-test

and post-test (Table 4), their scores changed based on the range. It is therefore, there

is no students in the “Fair” classification falls into the range of 56-70 in the pre-test.

However, three students fall in the range in the post-test, this indicates improvement.

This research is in line with Thompson‟s theory. He said that teaching using

English tourism brochures is appropriate for increasing the students‟ ability in

writing. It is because English tourism brochures help the teacher to arise the students‟

curiosity and imagination. It stimulates the students‟ imagination with paying

attention and keeping their eyes on brochures.

Furthermore, three students in the “Poor” fall into the range of 41-55 in the pre-

test. In fact, in the post-test, the number of the students in the range increase to nine


students. This is the effect of converting their pre-test and post-test into the

classification and the range of writing. Besides, the most influential factors that make

the scores decrease are: they lack of ideas; they lack of vocabulary; their English

writing skill is very Indonesian; when they are given a task to write, they first write in

Indonesian then translate it to English; their curriculum is based on K13 where the

time for studying English is less than before. It used to be three meetings/week

(fourty-five minutes/meeting or equals to one hundred and thirty-five minutes or two-

hours fifteen minutes/week). In the K13 curriculum is only once a week (fourty-five

minutes). In addition, they consider English is difficult. Furthermore, there were five

of them not paying attention when the write gave the treatment.

In fact, only seven among sixteen students indicate positive progress in

understanding descriptive texts through English tourism brochures. This again

happens when their scores in the pre-test and the post-test converted into the

classifications and the range of their writing results.

This situation is also found in Chainera‟s research. Although she did not use the

same medium, however, she also found that six of her participants got lower grade

(C) in their pre-test, but in their post-test increased to sixteen participants. This

indicates that this situation can occur depends on the condition of the research



From the explanation above, the writer concludes that to be successful in using

English tourism brochures to improve students‟ understanding of descriptive texts

students showed should fulfill some conditions as mentioned previously.




This chapter deals with the conclusions and suggestions regarding the findings

of the research at the SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap.

A. Conclusion

The writer finds that English tourism brochures contribute significantly in

improving the students‟ understanding of descriptive texts based on the results of

their pre-test and post-test. However, when their scores converted into the

classification and range of pre-test and post-test (Table 4), their scores change based

on the range. It is therefore, there is no students in the “Fair” classification falls into

the range of 56-70 in the pre-test. However, three students fall in the range in the

post-test, this indicates improvement.

Furthermore, three students in the “Poor” fall into the range of 41-55 in the pre-

test. Surprisingly, in the post-test, the number of the students in the range increase to

nine students. This must be caused by some factors.

The most influential factors that make the scores decrease are: they lack of ideas;

they lack of vocabulary; their English writing skill is very Indonesian; when they are

given a task to write, they first write in Indonesian then translate it to English; their

curriculum is based on K13 where the time for studying English is less than before. It

used to be three meetings/week (fourty-five minutes/meeting or equals to one

hundred and thirty-five minutes or two-hours fifteen minutes/week). In the K13


curriculum is only once a week (fourty-five minutes). In addition, they consider

English is difficult. Furthermore, there were five of them not paying attention when

the writer gave the treatment. It is therefore, to be successful in using English tourism

brochures to improve students‟ understanding of descriptive texts, students should

fulfill some conditions.

B. Suggestion.

Based on the results of data analysis and conclusions, the writer suggests the


1. To the Students

The students needs to explore their experience in writing activities and discover

their own best way of learning writing. They should practice regularly to improve

their writing skills. Since writing is a complex activity, the students can try to use

some media that make them feel easy and enable them to write more effectively. It is

suggested that when using English tourism brochures to improve students‟

understanding of writing descriptive texts, students should prepare themselves to be

ready writing descriptive texts.

2. To the English teachers

The teachers need to consider using some strategies in teaching writing that may

facilitate the students‟ learning process appropriately. It is suggested to the English

teachers to use English tourism brochures as an alternative media in teaching writing

by focusing their students to the elements of English writing that can support students


in understanding descriptive texts. For example, vocabulary, grammatical structures,

creation ideas, and organizing ideas etc.

3. To the other Researchers

Other researchers can use this study as a basis for conducting another study in the

same field in order to investigate a further effect of English tourism brochures to

improve students‟ writing ability.



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Wyrick, Jean. 1987. Steps to Writing Well. New York: Rinehart and Winston. Inc.

Zahra, Sofiana. 2014. “The Effectiveness of Teaching Descriptive Text Using Picture

Media on Students Ability.” Skripsi Sarjana. Jakarta: Department of English



Appendix 1: The List of Students

List of the Students

No. Name Code













Andi Nur Azikin

Atika Yuniarti


Diemas A. M

Harmadi Wardana

Ilham Jaya

Muthia Nur Adabiya

Muh. Abrar Farid

Muhammad Firdan

Muh. Kamrul S.

Muhammad Qadri

Muh. Rafli Ramadan

















Muhammad Zulkifli

Nur fadillah


Yuni Syafa Wati





Appendix 2 : The Writing Test




1) Write down a paragraph of descriptive text about describing your school of

SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap, 50-75 words.

Appendix 3 : The Writing Test




2) Write down a paragraph of descriptive text about describing your school of

SMK Negeri 4 Sidrap, 50-75 words.

Appendix 4: Scoring rubric by Jacobs adapted from weigle (1981:198).

Score Level Criteria

CONTENT 30-27 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: knowledgeable,

substantive, thorough development of ideas, relevant

to assigned topic.

26-22 GOOD TO AVERAGE: some knowledge of subject,

adequate range, limited development of ideas, mostly

relevant to topic, but lacks detail.

21-17 FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge of subject, little

substance, inadequate development of ideas.

16-13 VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of subject,

non-substantive, not pertinent, or not enough to



EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent expression,

ideas clearly stated/supported, succinct, well-

organized, logical sequencing, cohesive.

17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat choppy, loosely

organized but main ideas stand out, limited support,

logical but incomplete sequencing.

13-10 FAIR TO POOR: non-fluent, ideas confused or

disconnected, lacks logical sequencing and


9-7 VERY POOR: does not communicate, no

organization, not enough to evaluate.


range, effective word/idiom choice and usage, word

form mastery, appropriate register.

17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range, occasional

errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage but

meaning not obscured.

13-10 FAIR TO POOR: limited range, frequent errors of

word/idiom, choice, usage, meaning confused or


9-7 VERY POOR: essentially translation, little

knowledge of English vocabulary.



25-22 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective complex

constructions, few errors of agreement, tense,

number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,


21-18 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple

construction, minor problems in complex

constructions, several errors of agreement, tense,

number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,

preposition but meaning seldom obscured.

17-11 FAIR TO POOR: major problems in simple/complex

constructions, frequent errors of negation, agreement,

tense, number, word order/function, articles,

pronouns, preposition and/or fragment, run-ons,

deletions, meaning confused or obscured.

10-5 VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence

construction rules, dominated by errors, does not

communicate, or not enough to evaluate.


mastery of convention, few errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.

4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional errors of

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing

but meaning obscured .

3 FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor

handwriting, meaning confused or obscured.

2 VERY POOR: no mastery of conventions, dominated

by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, handwriting illegible, or not enough to


Appendix 5: List of Teaching Treatment

Teaching by using English tourism brochures

1. Topic : Writing, types of texts and English tourism brochures

Meeting : First

Time : 45 minutes

Objective :

1. The students do not know about writing.

2. The students do not understand about types of texts, such as the definition

of types of texts and the examples of types of texts.

3. The students do not understand about English tourism brochures, such as

the definiton of English tourism brochures and the uses of English tourism

brochures in writing descriptive text improvement.


1. The writer explains about writing.

2. The writer explains about types of texts, such as the definition of types of

texts and the examples of types of texts. In this research, teacher focuses

on descriptive text

3. The teacher explains about English tourism brochure, such as the

definition of English tourism brochure and the uses of English tourism

brochure in writing descriptive text improvement.


Writing (menulis) adalah proses berfikir. Proses meletakkan gagasasn

atau ide dari pemikiran menjadi kata-kata ke dalam bentuk tulisan yang

memiliki struktur dan organisasi yang koheren.

Types of texts (tipe-tipe teks) adalah jenis-jenis karangan atau tulisan yang

berisi karangan sesuai dengan konteks dan tujuan yang ingin dibahas di

dalam tulisan. Teks merupakan media atau cara yang dilakukan guna

mengungkapkan peristiwa atau kejadian dengan komunikatif.

Ada beberapa tipe-tipe teks, antara lain:

1. Narrative Text


Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and

it tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of

narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to

communicate the narrative through a process narration.


The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or to entertain the reader

with a story.

Generic Structure

- Orientation (Sets the scene) : where and when the story happened and

introduces the participants of the story: who and what is involved in

the story.

- Complication : Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the

crisis (climax) of the main participants.

- Resolution : The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy

ending or in a sad (tragic) ending

- Re-orientation/Coda : This is a closing remark to the story and it is

optional. It consists of a moral lesson, advice or teaching from

the writer.

Language Features

- Using processes verbs

- Using temporal conjunction

- Using Simple Past Tense

- Using relative clause

- Using direct speech and indirect speech

- Using Action Verb

2. Descriptive text


Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like.


Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or


Generic Structure

- Identification ; identifying the phenomenon to be described.

- Description ; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and


Language Feature

- Using attributive and identifying process.

- Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.

- Using simple present tense

- Using noun phrase

2. Persuasive Text


Persuasive text is aims to persuade the reader to want to do something

in accordance with the wishes of the author. In order for the goal to be

achieved, the author should be able to put forward evidence with data and



Its purpose are to argue a case from a particular point of view to

attempt to convince the reader/listener

Generic structure

The generic structure of a persuasive text (introduction, body and

conclusion) into an appropriate and effective text structure.

1. Introduction / OPENING STATEMENT

- Get the readers attention by using a "hook."

- Give some background information if necessary.

- Thesis or focus statement

2. Body/Arguments

- Provides evidence to support the opinion offered in the thesis

statement in the introduction. The body should consist of at least

three paragraphs. Each paragraph is based on a solid reason to

back your thesis statement. Since almost all issues have sound

arguments on both sides of the question, a good persuasive writer

tries to anticipate opposing viewpoints and provide counter-

arguments along with the main points in the essay.

3. Conclusion

- Summarizing the most important details of the argument

Language features

Aimed at influencing the attitude and opinion of the reader so that

they want to do, act, according to the desired author.

Proving truth, the author's opinion so as to create confidence and

trust in the reader.

Using several techniques such as rationalism, identification,

autosuggestion, projections and replacement.

Written in simple present tense

4. Expository Text


Expository is a text which tells processes relating to forming of

natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to

say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often found in

science, geography and history text books.


The writer's purpose is to explain how something works or state

reasons for some phenomenon. Explanations answer the questions "how"

or "why".

Generic structure of Explanation

- General statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be


- Sequenced explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the


Language Features

- Using question mark, such as how

- Using indefinite transition

- Using temporal conjunction

- Using process verb

- Using simple present tense

English Tourism Brochures (brosur pariwisata berbahasa Inggris) adalah

brosur cetakan yang berisi informasi, gambar-gambar dan tempat-tempat

yang menarik.

English Tourism Brochures dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah media dalam

meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Menurut pendapat ahli bahwa

brosur pariwisata berbahasa Inggris bisa digunakan dalam pelajaran writing

dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan menulis. Sebagaimana yang kita

ketahui bahwa di dalam brosur terdapat banyak informasi dan gambar

tempat-tempat menarik yang dapat kita temukan. Selain itu, brosur

pariwisata berbahasa Inggris juga lebih menarik dibandingkan dengan

beberapa selembaran brosur atau buku. Oleh karena itu, brosur pariwisata

berbahasa Inggris memiliki beberapa manfaat dalam hal peningkatan

penulisan siswa.



Appendix 6

Topic : Writing descriptive text

Meeting : Second

Time : 45 minutes

Objective : Practicing the students’ writing

Activity :

1. The writer explained the types of text, such as narrative, description,

persuasive and expository.

2. The writer explained the definition of each types of texts, such as

narrative, description, persuasive and expository.

3. The writer explained the example of each types of texts,

such as narrative, description, persuasive and expository. This activity

is focused on descriptive text.

4. The writer explained about the use of English tourism brochures to

teach writing descriptive text.

5. The writer give the students a English tourism brochure.

6. The writer asked the students to write descriptive text based on the

English tourism brochure.

7. Giving time to finish the worksheet.

8. Collecting the worksheet to the writer.

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