intro to engineering assignment 2

Post on 08-May-2017






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Aditya Hublikar

Dean Rankin

October 2, 2013

Honors Introduction to Engineering

Interview with an Engineer

As part of this Interview, I chose to interview my father, who has been a

practicing Engineer for over 25 years. He majored in Electrical and Computer

Engineering in India as an undergraduate, where he was a part of the first computer

engineering class in his school. After that, he went on to get a masters degree in the

same field from the most prestigious engineering school in India, IIT. When I asked

him what motivated him to become an Engineering, he was quick to answer that he

has always had a fascination with understanding how things work, fixing things that

are broken, and has an attitude for problem solving.

As an entry level Engineer, my father started off with an expectation to put

the skills he learned during his schooling to work and working with his hands. Much

to his dismay, however, he soon found out that his job entailed much more than

simply solving problems. His job, even at the entry level, required him to get

involved in sales and help sell the product his company was trying to market. Rather

than complaining about his unwanted position in his company, he embraced it and

thrived; in no time, he climbed up from his entry level position and expanded more

and more into the sales side of his company.



Nowadays, he spends his time distributed about evenly between working in

operation, sales, design, and attending meetings. Of these several responsibilities he

has within his company, he dislikes attending daily meetings the most – he would

much rather spend his time working with his hands. His job working as an Engineer

has been an extremely positive experience and he is very satisfied with his job.

Engineering is a definitely a difficult profession, but at the same time it is highly

rewarding; as with most things in life, what you put into it is what you get out of it

but if you are willing to put in the work required to become an engineering,

becoming successful in the field should be a piece of cake.

Skills I Need to Work On

1. Interacting with my professors regularly – I have noticed in my brief time at

Rutgers University that I am not interacting closely with my professors as I

should be doing. I recognize that developing relationships with my

professors is of paramount importance, and form now on, I am going to make

it my goal to speak to at least one of my professors personally at least 3 times

a week.

2. Spending time on Campus – As a result of living a mere 10 minutes away

from my dorm and having my car on campus, I’m finding that I’m spending at

least one day each weekend at home and not on campus. I realize that being

in an academic environment is important to the learning process and I am

going to have to tell my parents that coming home every weekend is no



longer an option. As much as I miss home cooked meals, being at school is,

most unfortunately, much more important.


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