interview with francis smith essay

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Interview with Francis Smith Essay

When it comes to leading people, everyone is passionate about it. Even so, men in the past used to take over most managerial positions in the job market. Seemingly, women have begun climbing up the ladder. Indeed, the men vs women leadership styles theme has been quite common. Studies reveal that while men and women are equally effective and effective in some facets, gender and business setting of an organization most often depict their efficiency.

Women’s style for example involves a lot of mentoring and coaching that is highly and favorably accepted in women dominated professions. Men are also made to command and control and their management style is witnessed in areas where men mainly dominate the organization environment. To get more details on the differences between women’s management style as well as that of men, I managed to carry out an interview with Francis Smith.

Apart from being a private university professor, Francis Smith has worked as a manager in various organizations. Being a leader for Francis has been his way of life. When asked why he has been the leader or the manager always in any company he joins, his answer has remained that he was born a leader.

His straightforward and concise way of demonstrating and expounding on his answers also offer an equally clear view at different management styles of men and women. The tuned nice and well focused speech of Francis appears to extend the manner in which he runs the organization. Francis who is also full of wisdom has never faced any difficulty that many managers face in their organizations serving the same capacity.

Every moment of his life, the leader spends on managerial duties even though he still carries out other roles. Francis at the time of the interview had worked for about thirty years as a manager. He links hard

work and good relations with junior staff to his success as well as his desire to be with the people. Additionally, he mentioned preference to win harmoniously and in good win amongst the people.

Many leaders according to Francis are often discouraged when working with their juniors and end up relating poorly with them and with almost everyone in the organization. Upon interacting with women and men serving at the highest level according to Francis, there is a clear inspiring and interesting feature. Women and men have a habit of foretelling the managerial skills and styles in a way that is quite similar to a ‘boss style’. This means that the gender of an individual is never given consideration as a facet in the business style of both men and women.

Contrary to the expectations of many people, leadership is more than just talking nicely to them and ensuring everyone is satisfied. The management in most cases takes a lot of effort that it calls for understanding and wisdom. The managers also have a duty of ensuring that each staff member lives in harmony with each other. Francis accepts that it took him a lot of years to understand worker’s psychology and to know how to treat them.

He also had to work with many people to achieve the experience needed in leadership. As a result, he utilized different style of leadership. According to Francis, there is also a difference between female and male management styles. He states that every rule has its expectations. For example, Francis believes that women can easily ‘’roll up their sleeves’’ or get engaged so much into details.

In the scope of management generally, women are known to be short tempered and risky than their male counterparts. This means that they can realize remarkable success in the end of a male dominated business. Francis also argued that there is a major difference in the way in which men and women make hard decisions. Francis for instance

there are some aspects in the management sphere that can be hard for a woman to handle compared to that of a man.

Firing someone for example can be hard for a woman while it is easy for a woman to take decisions on closure of a business activity or a brand. The converse is also true. Therefore, women can easily make decisions related to assets and costs while it is easy for a man to make decisions based to sources and people in general.

Francis’s parting shot to me was that I should never think the management style of women is any softer. The rigidity of women according to him manifests itself in different ways compared to men. Women managers seek to be strict and are less sympathetic. Men on the other hand are known to be sharper and more understanding than what many people anticipate.

He concludes by stating that he cannot say that management of women makes life easy in the organization. It was quite clear after the interview that there is a great difference between the way women and men think in the managerial level. The concluding leads to the facet of women to lead a team that mainly includes ladies. Men on the other hand have the ability to lead a team with both genders.


For how long have you been a manager? Are there management styles that best suits women as opposed

to men? Is there any difference between the female and male managers in

relevance to leadership behaviors? Is there a difference between male and female leadership styles? Are there any features that are easy for women to lead than

others are? Are there cases where women find it easy to choose on some

aspects compared to others?

Do you think women are softer in management? Between men and women, who can easily make solid decisions in

regards to people, assets and course of action?

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