internship report. mujyanama lambert

Post on 21-Aug-2014






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First and foremost, my thanks go to the Almighty God whom has kept me safe strong during

the period on my internship

Special thanks go to my supervisor Mr. Cyprian KANANURA (DAF COOJAD) for his

guidance, and the time he sacrificed for me; without him, this work would not have been


My sincere thanks go to KIGALI INDEPENDENT UNIVERSITY (ULK), especially the

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Department of MANEGEMENT for the

knowledge and skills I acquired from them.

My thanks go to entire Staffs of COOJAD for assistance they rendered to me by the way of

providing necessary information

I wish to acknowledge the love and endless support of my Family especially my brother

Evalde NDABIKUNZE and his wife Esperence UWANYIRIGIRA, toward the fulfillment of

my academic obligations.

I highly appreciate UWIKUNDA Manasse’s family, MUKAMA Joseph’s family, for their

encouragement, prayers during my studies.

I also express my thanks to all my friends: NDAHIRO R. Olivier, NDIKUMANA


MUSANIWABO Flora, NKOTANYI Benito, and all my Classmates for their contribution in

one way or another towards the fulfillment of my academic obligations.



AF : Administration and Finance

AMIR :Association of Micro-finance Institutions in Rwanda

BNR : Banque Nationale du Rwanda (National Bank of Rwanda)

COOJAD : Coopérative de la Jeunesse pour l’Auto-Emploi et le Développement

ICI : Internal Control and Inspection

MINEDUC : Ministère de l’Education (Ministry of Education)

MINICOM : Ministère du Commerce and de l’Industrie (Ministry of Trade and Industry)

OD : Operations Department

ULK : Université Libre de Kigali (Kigali Independent University)




LIST OF ABREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND SYMBOLS............................................II


CHAPTER I: GENERAL INTRODUCTION.......................................................................1

1.1 BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................1

1.2. AIM OF THE FIELD WORK..........................................................................................2

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING...............................................................2

1.3.1 General objective of the training....................................................................................2

1.3.2 Specific objectives of the training...................................................................................2

1.4 METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................2

1.4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................2

1.4.2 Participatory Approach...................................................................................................2

1.4.3 Observation......................................................................................................................2

1.4.4 Interviews..........................................................................................................................3

1.4.5 Documentation.................................................................................................................3

2.4.1. Mission statement............................................................................................................5

2.4.2. Vision................................................................................................................................5

2.4.3. Objectives of COOJAD..................................................................................................5

2.5. Company Operational departments.................................................................................7

2.5.1 Administration and Finance (AF)..................................................................................7

2.5.2 Internal Control and Inspection (ICI)....................................................................7

2.5.3 Operations Department (OD).........................................................................................8



3.1 ACTIVITIES DONE DURING INTERNSHIP...............................................................9

3.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................9

3.1.2 Time schedule...................................................................................................................9

3.1.3 Problems encountered during the training..................................................................10

3.1.4 Appreciation of the contact with colleagues and Supervisor in COOJAD...............10

3.1.5 Relationship between theory and practice...................................................................11

3.2 MAIN FINDINGS IN DEPARTMENT OF INTERNSHIP..........................................11

3.2.1 Department functions....................................................................................................11

3.2.2 Departmental mission....................................................................................................12


3.2.3 The departmental Strategic Objectives.......................................................................12

3.3 SWOT ANALYSIS...........................................................................................................12

3.3.1 Definition........................................................................................................................12

3.2.6. Departmental specific priorities during the Internship period................................14

3.3. Balanced Score Card for the year..................................................................................14

3.3.1 Balanced..........................................................................................................................14

3.3.2 Scorecard........................................................................................................................15

CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................16

4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................16

4.2 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................16

4.3 Recommendations.............................................................................................................16




The Government of Rwanda through the Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning

requires every undergraduate student to undergo an Industrial training as a prerequisite to

being awarded a bachelor’s degree. This is aimed at ensuring sustainability and production of

skilled personnel.

It is in this respect that the Kigali Independent University (ULK) approached different Public

and Private Institutions to assist, give opportunity of putting theory learnt for four years into

practice. This area of learning provides a set of essential concepts in the working environment

and empowers students to explore necessary principles to solve problems related to such


It is from this concept that I conducted my Industrial training in Finance and Administration

of COOJAD. I had the opportunity to pass through all other departments of the organisation

though I concentrated more in the Administration and Finance Department.

During the exercise, I was able to discuss with different staff in different departments and I

was also allowed to practically do the work from their desks of operation. Administration and

Finance staffs have different tasks to perform and on top of normal office work, there are

several other tasks done on the field by visiting members (clients) in order to finance their

projects/providing loans to them. This is normally done according to their monthly schedules.

So in addition to office work trainings, the trainee had to visit different members/clients on

the field and learn how to measure their creditworthiness.




Industrial training is an exercise that puts in relation the theory and the practice. It is a process

of practically teaching the skills of a particular job or activity to the trainee. Industrial training

for all final year students is under the policies of the Government of Rwanda through the

Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), and all the Universities and Higher Institutes of Rwanda

have got to implement it. Kigali Independent University (ULK) designed an academic

programme requiring final year students to undergo an industrial training (stage) as partial

fulfilment of the requirements for award of degree/ licence. The training exposes the student

to the activities being carried out in the field of employment upon the completion of studies.

All final year students in Management were scheduled to begin their industrial training in the

month of September 2011 for duration of two months. A part from the training, every student

is required to carry out research on a relevant topic of interest. I chose to carry out my

Internship from COOJAD (Coopérative de la Jeunesse pour l’Auto emploi et le


As well as, after successfully completing the industrial training, a report is required; I wrote

this report to simply give an overview of the work practiced in various duties in COOJAD

specifically in Administration and Finance Department.

This chapter sets out to present the aim of the training, general and specific objectives of the

industrial training, methodology used, limitations encountered, and overview/ organisation of

the report.

I hope that, it will allow the more better to understand readers the functioning of certain

services of the COOJAD, essentially those that are loaded with the activities of management

of the flow and the services in charge of the operations of opening of the accounts, payments,

money collection, money transfer and others.



The aim was to apply the theoretical knowledge and concepts acquired during four years of

under-graduate Bachelor’s degree in Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management,

Department of Management at ULK and embark on this training programme that entailed my

active participation in preparatory office practice. It helps the student to find out the problems

met in the field, and establish the relationship between the theory work acquired in school and

the practical work. The experience enhanced my applicability of the theoretical conceptions.


1.3.1 General objective of the training

Industrial training has the general objective of enabling the students to use theoretical

knowledge learnt in the courses related to functions/ activities on the field in order to evaluate

(appreciate) the institution in which the student is undergoing his/her training.

1.3.2 Specific objectives of the training

To avail knowledge and experience to students in any relevant areas of their options.

To apply the knowledge learned in the university on the ground/field.

To acquire skills needed to become a practical oriented manager.

To gain interpersonal skills that promote personal growth and strengthening work values

through improved understanding of work environment.


1.4.1 Introduction

This part deals with how data was collected. The methodology used to achieve the stated

objectives included participatory approach, observation, interviews, documentation and swot-


1.4.2 Participatory Approach

This is one of the methods used while carrying out the training to collect data. Under this

method, the trainee was assigned to participate in the day to day activities with the officials in

the Administration and Finance Department; therefore, this enabled the industrial trainee to

get the necessary data.

1.4.3 Observation

This method helped the internee to get the first hand information on the employees’ reaction

to different practices in the institution, by observing and analysing the actions. The trainee

had to observe the way things were done and the technique of working in some departments


visited and where necessary some notes were taken. In addition the participatory technique

assisted a lot whenever I would work with the officials while observing. This is the most

reliable method of data collection especially in institutions requiring the researcher to record

the most sensitive information that cannot be obtained by any other method. Some of the

information gathered through this technique included:

Employees’ commitment to work.

Relationship between employees and their superiors including their social interactions.

People (clients/members) reactions towards the services rendered by the Cooperative.

1.4.4 Interviews

In the interview method, the trainee had to organise face-to-face conversations with the

employees on particular topics of interest.

Having been attached to the Administration and Finance Department, the trainee interviewed

different professionals, and even professionals from other departments on the problems

encountered in the process of executing their duties to address the problem. Administration

and Finance Department staff and other concerned personnel such as Auditor, Accountants

and Branch Manager were all asked how budgetary control, human resource management and

accounting system help in the performance of the COOJAD.

Under this method, personal interaction with the staff members for clarification of the

available data was conducted.

1.4.5 Documentation

To get desired information was very easy because COOJAD have all necessary records of

their activities and reports. All of the departments have the already made reports and

documentaries outlining their functions, policies, and strategies, which the trainee used to do

the work sufficiently.



2.1 General Background of COOJAD

COOJAD is a youth cooperative of savings and credit which has its headquarters in the

District of Gasabo, Remera sector. His office is located in the buildings of the Amahoro

Stadium in Remera. COOJAD was designed in part to serve as a channel that the State of

Rwanda and the Donors can use to support young entrepreneurs in profit making activities.

The Cooperative was set up by the Youth Associations of the City of Kigali in collaboration

with the City of Kigali (VK), the National Youth Council of Rwanda (NYCR) and the

Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture (MIJESPOC). It is a cooperative which has officially

recognized by MINICOM and BNR. It opened its doors dated 30/4/2007.

COOJAD is a Microfinance Institution and collaborate with other intermediaries who struggle

against poverty by financing the good profit making projects on reasonable interest rates.

2.2. Members of the COOJAD

COOJAD has two categories of members, namely the founder members and other members.

The founder member is any person who has participated in the creation of the COOJAD and

who signed his status at its Constituent General Assembly held on 26/5/2006.All members

must be adults’ people. To join COOJAD is voluntary, only you pay 10,000 Frw for one share

and 3,000 Frw for bankbook to become a member.

2.3. Geographical location

COOJAD, a Youth Cooperative, is working as Microfinance Institution with different four

agencies, which are BUGESERA, GAHANGA and NYABUGOGO. Its head-quarter is

located in Kigali city, Gasabo district more precisely in Remera, AMAHORO Stadium.

2.4. Organization profile

This tries to explain COOJAD in brief by explaining and indicating its mission statement,

vision and objectives. COOJAD is a microfinance institution for youths and people who want

to join. This cooperative provides services (credit and serving), works with the poor, people

with small capital, vulnerable group especially women, jobless people and small enterprises,

through small credits to less interest rate. COOJAD has committed and skilled staffs that are

passionate about improving the standard of living of Rwandan poor, including young people

who form 70% of total population of Rwanda.


2.4.1. Mission statement

COOJAD has the mission of delivering financial services (credits and servings) to the

Rwandese especially youth, poor and Women through development of sustainable micro and

small scale enterprises.

2.4.2. Vision

The vision of the company (COOJAD) is see growing talent of young entrepreneurs in near

future, total transformation of standard of living for Rwandese/to increase their purchasing

power, the promotion of self employment creation to eradicate poverty.

2.4.3. Objectives of COOJAD

1. To develop COOJAD into a sustainable microfinance institution.

2. To promote savings culture and the utilization of credit as instrument of fight against


3. To develop products and services for clients who are business oriented

4. To provide financial services to rural and urban areas;

5. To promote self employment creation and increase income through sustainable and

stable micro-enterprise.

6. To strengthening entrepreneurship through members’ capacity.



Secrétariat de Direction

Conseil d’Administration

Comité de Surveillance

Direction Générale

Direction Administrative et Financière

Direction des OpérationsDirection d’Inspection et Contrôle Interne

Service Gestion des Ressources Humaines

Service Comptabilité Générale

Service Marketing et Transactions


Gérance de la Succursale

Comptabilité Service CréditCaisseGuichets


2.5. Company Operational departments

COOJAD is a Youth Cooperative which is structured with different departments in order to

perform and achieve its assigned tasks of delivering service of credit and servings. It operates

under three departments which can be summarized below:

2.5.1 Administration and Finance (AF)

This is a department which is in charge of enhancing and building capacities of COOJAD

employees, looking for capital, utilization of funds as stated in the budget. It has the following


1. Ensuring the centralization and coordination of administrative operations (staff,

supplies and stewardship), and financial accounting of the COOJAD;

2. Overseeing the operation, maintenance and renewal of equipment and materials;

3. Presenting the annual budget on the activities of the COOJAD;

4. Ensuring the payroll;

5. Propose vacancies, and define their functions;

6. Establish a cash flow and ensure its follow-up (monitoring of liquidity);

7. Ensure the analyses of investment cash flows;

8. Follow the state of liquidity in bank accounts,

9. To analyze investment opportunities for surplus funds in respect of reserves

10. To provide liquidity;

11. Present proposals for investment of funds available to the Director General;

12. Preparing contracts placement and monitoring;

13. Propose renewing or liquidation of investments according to the statement of cash


14. To supervise and verify the monthly production of the state budget implementation;

15. Ensure the regular production and timely reports and financial statements and any

other circumstances foreseen by the regulations in place;

16. To ensure the accomplishment of other tasks set by the Board of Directors.

2.5.2 Internal Control and Inspection (ICI)

This department deals with controlling financial issues, operations and Human resources. In

other words, this is internal audits and inspection.


It has the following functions:

1. Coordinate inspection activities throughout the COOJAD (headquarters and branches);

2. Setting a monthly schedule (at least) inspection at the headquarters and branches;

2. Assign inspectors as missions and different areas;

3. Ensure proper mission planning by contact with recipients and the team of inspectors


4. Follow the progress of all inspection missions to resolve problems in time may result;

5. Ensuring the production of inspection reports within a week of the completion of the


6. Ensure compliance with procedures, regulations, instructions, laws and standards of

good management in inspection, for any mission accomplished by its inspectors

7. Analyze and address the inspection reports before their delivery to recipients alleged

by the regulations relating thereto;

8. Take follow up recommendations of inspection reports;

9. Prepare and produce any instruction necessary to improve the inspection function at all


10. Ensuring the internal audit work;

11. Prepare and collaborate with other teams (regular or occasional) to be appointed to the

audit work or verification of various kinds;

12. Delivering Audit-Reports related to all situations, the facts checked and proposing

strategies in the interests of sound management.

2.5.3 Operations Department (OD)

This is responsible for day to day operations of the COOJAD. Any activity that requires

financial transactions (loans, accounts and cash) has to go through this department.

It has the following functions:

1. Coordinate the management of all agencies and services transactions,

Loans, accounts and cash;

2. Ensuring the safety of funds as depositors as agencies;

3. Establish effective mechanisms for risk management at all levels;

4. Having a database relevant to decisions on the tight grip of the activity related to savings

and credit;

5. Rate plans and actions undertaken to improve the management agencies;


6. Preserve the fairness and reliability of accounting data from the agencies.




3.1.1 Introduction

This chapter explains how two months of industrial training was spent in COOJAD which

started from 25th October 2011 up to 24th November 2011; it also explains what was done

from the first month up to the last month of the internship training. On 25 th October 2011, the

internee was presented to KANANURA Cyprian the Director of Finance and Administration

to be oriented in the department of industrial training where the DAF himself transferred him

in the department of Administration and Finance in which the internee carried in his research

study. He was later introduced to the heads of other departments whose works are in the

same place with the Administration and Finance department where later the internee visited

and practiced his intern. This has helped the internee to interact and socialized with different

staffs of COOJAD.

The trainee had explanation about each department and its responsibilities in order to know

how and where to start from in preparing the time table for two months training program

accorded by the administration of the COOJAD. The internee was given an office in the same

week, he received various documents as guidance and got a clean image of the Cooperative,

operate in different departments.

3.1.2 Time schedule

Time management is a crucial aspect for the success and proper management of an

organisation. This reveals how the trainee has managed his time during the course of the

training, the trainee would be at COOJAD at eight (8:00 am) o’clock and he was able to

practically keep time. This enabled the trainee to keep punctuality in every aspect and even to

be experienced in the working environment.

First week of the training: During the first week of the internship period carried out in

COOJAD, the trainee was given an office in which to practice his theory acquired at the

University. He was also given all documents concerning the historical background of the

organization and its departmental organization.


The second and Third week: During these weeks, the trainee had to visit different

departments and to get information on their work. The trainee had also to know the roles of

each department in COOJAD.

The fourth and sixth week: These weeks were spent in visiting different members and their

projects financed by COOJAD located in Kigali city and BUGESERA District. During these

weeks the trainee got the information relating to how SAGE SARI (Software used in

accounting system of COOJAD) and how budgetary control as a technique is used by

COOJAD to monitor all financed project and utilization of funds available in order to perform


The seventh and Eighth week: These last two weeks were used to coordinate all gathered

data and to work on my report as a final result of the internship period.

3.1.3 Problems encountered during the training

Generally, the training was successfully completed only that the trainee had to encounter

problems of having very limited time to make all necessary research since in most cases the

trainee had to meet deadlines of other obligations in his daily work. At times gathering

information from the financed projects could be problematic due to limited funds for


At some points, people from the targeted groups could hesitate to provide necessary

information due to their own unspecified reasons. However, all these few obstacles

encountered never stopped the internee from successfully fining the internship. During the

industrial training there was no any other supervisor from school to see how the student is

conducting his training and try to give him any orientation in case it is needed.

3.1.4 Appreciation of the contact with colleagues and Supervisor in COOJAD

These eight weeks spent at COOJAD as a trainee, gave the trainee ample time and opportunity

to interact with people already in the field and this gave the trainee rich experience in areas of

work relationships, conflict resolution etc. This was vital in preparing the trainee for the field,

where he is heading soon after completion of the studies. The trainee highly appreciates his

internship supervisor and all COOJAD staffs, Administration and Finance staffs in particular,

who unceasingly provided information and training that was necessary during the period.


3.1.5 Relationship between theory and practice

The internship enabled the trainee to use theoretical knowledge from class to related functions

or activities of the organization. The trainee was able to know how to manage human

resources and how to coordinate all activities of different department. The trainee was also

able to know how COOJAD credit officers analyze projects before providing credits for their

members and how to use the budget allocated for.

Also from the Internal Audit Department of COOJAD, the trainee was able to know and

evaluate the applicability of internal control systems in place. He also managed to figure out

the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization.


This part explains how the internship program was carried out and what have been found in

the department in which the internee accomplished his practice. During the internship period,

the trainee has practiced in the department of Administration and Finance (AFD)

3.2.1 Department functions

This department of Administration and Finance (AFD) has the function of

1. Ensuring the centralization and coordination of administrative operations (staff, supplies

and stewardship), and financial accounting of the COOJAD;

2. Overseeing the operation, maintenance and renewal of equipment and materials;

3. Presenting the annual budget on the activities of the COOJAD;

4. Ensuring the payroll;

5. Propose vacancies, and define their functions;

6. Establish a cash flow and ensure its follow-up (monitoring of liquidity);

7. Ensure the analyses of investment cash flows;

8. Follow the state of liquidity in bank accounts,

9. To analyze investment opportunities for surplus funds in respect of reserves to provide


10. Present proposals for investment of funds available to the Director General;

11. Preparing contracts, placement and monitoring;

12. Propose renewing or liquidation of investments according to the statement of cash



13. To supervise and verify the monthly production of the state budget implementation;

14. Ensure the regular production and timely reports and financial statements and any other

circumstances foreseen by the regulations in place;

15. To ensure the accomplishment of other tasks set by the Board of Directors.

16. To manage company’s Operation (Head, branches and field operations)

17. To Approve budgets for the branches and provision of credits to members/customers after

analyzing clearly their repayment capacities;

3.2.2 Departmental mission

Administration and Finance Department has the mission of providing technical guidance and

supervision to COOJAD on matters concerning credit management, accounting, policies and

procedures, looking for funds and to establish the mechanisms and procedures to follow in

order to use them as it is stated in the budget.

3.2.3 The departmental Strategic Objectives

The strategic objective of Administration and Finance Department (AFD), is to look for

money and using them to reduce poverty by providing loans to different members on a

reasonable interest rate for one purpose of developing them, COOJAD and the country in

general; hence increment of standard of living

This can be achieved by the following strategies:

1. Provide technical training and support all Branches of COOJAD

2. Increase learning and knowledge in management , training in business banking;

3. Facilitate COOJAD members by providing loans on a reasonable interest rate.

4. Identify and educate members about problems of paying back the money.


3.3.1 Definition

As the word suggests, this refers to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is

a tool for analysing any organisation’s strength (achievements), weaknesses (problems),

opportunities, and threats.


Strength of COOJAD

Well equipped human resource and necessary equipments: COOJAD (Headquarter and

branches) have well trained human resource and enough equipment that eases their


Being Youth Cooperative microfinance, he got funds from the Ministry of Youth. This

helps them to have a good foundation on which their work is built.

COOJAD Works in partnership with registered and recognized evangelical Churches

Ministry called CMPCO which helps to mobilize honest members to join COOJAD.

COOJAD has improved technology in terms of credit management;

COOJAD works in good environment/in a Country with security, stability and good


COOJAD Works in partnership with registered and recognized Association of

Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) and he is recognized by the Central Bank

of Rwanda (B.N.R).

Mobile banking technology, in collaboration with MTN Mobile Money

COOJAD-KCB linking technology, where a client of COOJAD can benefit from the

services of KCB and vice-versa

Threats of COOJAD

COOJAD works with young people and vulnerable group; hence risk of not paying back

the loans provided.

Lack of infrastructure facilities within the countryside like energy to enhance IT in the

area, Branches are not connected to the Main Branch;

Little purchasing power to COOJAD members which minimizes servings and term

deposit, thus provision of small loans only.

COOJAD is working in business circle/financial circle, where micro finances have

closed doors. It is a very big problem to convince people that it will not happen again.

Opportunities of COOJAD

One of the opportunity of COOJAD is the big number of people targeted (70% of

Rwandese are youth) and all of them are willing to work with the COOJAD;


COOJAD have been conceived in the framework of the channel where the Government

of Rwanda and Donors will support the young entrepreneurs in profit making activities.

Hence, COOJAD is subsidized.

Weakness of COOJAD

Weaknesses are limitations in resources, skills and capabilities that seriously impends on

Company’s effective performance in terms of facilities, management skills and capabilities etc

Limited capital to fulfill the expected activities of the needy/satisfy customer needs in

terms of loans provision.

Understaffing at all level because of limited budget.

Time given to pay back the loan is too short for beneficiaries. There is a risk of having

many doubtful debts.

3.2.6. Departmental specific priorities during the Internship period

During the internship period of the trainee, the department was focusing on:

a) Preparation of financial statements;

b) Project analysis and provision of loans and recovery of bad debts;

c) Annual budgets analysis and approval;

d) Year ended financial auditing.

Due to the trainee intention during the internship period, he participated in all the above

activities the more emphasis on the last two points which are directly related to how budgetary

control and audit as techniques can lead to better organizational performance.

3.3. Balanced Score Card for the year

The balance scorecard is frame works that help organizations translate strategy into

operational objectives that dives both behaviour and performance.

3.3.1 Balanced

Balanced is the corporate objectives and strategy defined over a “Balanced” set of

perspectives, rather than just one like financial. For profit organizations use financial,

customer, internal business processes, and learning & growth perspectives.


3.3.2 Scorecard

Once corporate strategy and objectives are defined, measures to evaluate performance against

strategy and objectives. A scorecard is one of the measures that can be applied.

So the scorecard that meant to measure whether the activities of the company are meeting its

objectives in terms of vision and strategy in the organization, where the trainee carried his

internship have not yet introduced the scorecard due to the fact that the cooperative is still in

its infant stage. They only use the bellow strategy to achieve its objectives.

Management control by using Internal control known as “SOAPSPARM” which stands for

Supervising, Organizing, Accountability, Productivity, Analyzing, Responsibility and

Managing during every end of the term.



4.1 Introduction.

The internship for eight weeks was successfully concluded by the internee at COOJAD. The

internee was able to learn a lot of things, some of which were already covered in theory and

some others were new to him.

4.2 Conclusion.

In conclusion, the internship was greatly vital to the trainee, firstly because it is a requisition

to the award of the Bachelors Degree in the Rwandan curricula of Education.

The trainee was enabled to acquire practical knowledge and to relate it to the theoretical part

of it concluded from class. Since the trainee was aiming at learning more about

microfinance’s administration, finance and operations.

This has also helped the trainee to socialise with different people he met, and acquisition of

skills and experience.

4.3 Recommendations.

The internship was not just a mere formality but rather was aimed at contributing to finding

the solutions of the internal weaknesses and threats faced by the institution and there is hope

that COOJAD future trainees, and researchers will take note of the trainee’s


4.3.1 To Company (Organization): A number of recommendations are drawn by the

internee in seeking solutions to the internal threats and weaknesses of COOJAD.

COOJAD has to share equally the same vision with his employees. This will help the

cooperative to succeed.

The Organization has to solve the problem of little purchasing power to her employees

by making market surveys and timely acting on them. The organization’s Human

resource department should also think of more other ways to motivate employees this

may include transport facilities, health insurance, loan provisions and employee capacity

building like paying school fees at masters degree levels. This will help the organization

to be productive since the employees will have enough skills, purchasing power and the

organization standing a high position of retaining them.


4.3.2 To ULK

The University should facilitate the students in getting where to conduct their

internship and possibly pay visits to their students while in the industrial trainings.

This may help increase the importance and value of the Industrial training.

It should try to cater for the transport expenses of the trainees for the shorter training

periods. This may increase the morale of the trainees during the internship.



1. COOJAD DOCUMENTATION :-Procedures and regulations

-Credit and serving’s policy,

-Business plan,

-Annual reports 2010

2. COOJAD’s Web site


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