international health

Post on 18-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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Presented by:Dr. Vandana Verma

Introduction• Health and disease have no political or geographical boundaries.

Disease in any part of the world is constant threat to other parts.

• After the second world war as a result of an appeal by the four great powers Britain, France, USSR and USA a conference was held in 1945 at San Francisco and an organisation called United Nation emerged there from.

• One of its first act was adoption of resolution for the constitution of World Health Organisation as one of the specialised agencieies of the United Nation.

History and Development…• First International Sanitary Conference (1851, Paris)

• - Attended : Austria, France, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Russia, Spain

• -Prepared international sanitary code included 137 articles dealing with cholera, plague, yellow fever (never came into force)

• -Ended in failure

Pan American Sanitary Bureau (1902, Americas)

• World’s First international health agency

• Intended to coordinate quarantine procedure in American States.

• Pan American Sanitary code still in force between the states• 1958 - Pan American Health organization (PAHO)-grown as

major health agency.

• Headquarters in Washington,D.C

Office International D’Hygiene Publique(OIHP)- 1907

• To establish Permanent International Health Bureau(1903).

• To disseminate information on communicable diseases and to supervise international quarantine measure.

OIHP and PASB joined together.

• British India joined OIHP.

Continued to exist until 1950 and taken over by WHO.

Types of Agencies

BilateralMultilateral Non-Governmental




Oxford Famine Relief (OXFAM), CARE

International, Bill and Melinda Gates Health-Care Planning,

Aga Khan Development Network.

W.H.O• The World Health Organisation is a specialized, non-political, health

agency of the United nations, with headquaters at Geneva.• The constitution came into force on 7th April ,1948which is celebrated

every year as “ World Health Day” .

Objective• The current objective of WHO is the attainment by all people of the

world a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life.

• The WHO is unique among the UN specialized Agencies.• Membership : membership is open to all country. While most

countries are members of both the UN and of WHO except Switzerland.

• At present WHO had 194 member state and two Associate Members.


Executive Board

Governing body - the World Health




WORK OF W.H.O• 1. Prevention and Control of specific Disease• 2. Devlopment of Comprehensive Health Services.• 3. Family Health• 4. Enviromental Health• 5. Health Statistics• 6. Biomedical Reseach• 7. Health Literature and Information

WHO Function in India• In India WHO, has collabarated with MOH&FWto form Country

Cooperation Stratergy (CSS) during 2006-2011 for providing assitance for running national programmes.

• NPSP : Techanical Guidance for polio Immunnization• NACP : Strategic Information, Care, Support and Treatment.• MDG 4 & 5 : Making pregnancy Safe, Child Health &

Devlopment, adolscent Health,& Devlopment.• IMNCI : Technical Support for Implementation & Introduction

Pre-service IMNCI training in Curriculum of Medical College.• TB : WHO recommended DOTS stratergy in RNTCP in 1997 and

stop TB Statergy 2006.• Routine Immunization : The Global Vaccine Action Plan

(GVAP) ― endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 ― is a framework to prevent millions of deaths by 2020. 


• The World Bank is the other major"intergovernmental agency related to the UN" heavily involved in international health.

• The World Bank Country Strategy (CAS) goals for India for 2005-2008 are:

• Poverty Reduction.• Helping India to move closer to achieving the Millennium

Development Goals.• Improving the people’s standard of living.• Financial Assitance : • National AIDS 106 million Esp for8 state.• PMGSY rural road project : US$500 million.


• It is a United Nations Programme• Headquartered in New York City, that provides long-term

humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.

• UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1954, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this old name.

• Function :

• UNICEF has been involved from the beginning of the Integrated

Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) programme in India.

• It has also played a key role in strengthening Facility Based Newborn Care (FBNC) in the country in line with increasing institutional delivery, scaling up the model of Special Newborn Care Units (SNCUs)

•• Provided technical support to establish national centres  for cold chain logistics  like the (National Cold Chain and Training Centre) NCCTC and National Cold Chain and Vaccine Management Resource Center (NCCVMRC)


• The UNDP projects cover virtually every economic and social sector – agriculture, industry, education and science, health, social welfare, etc.

• OBJECTIVE• UNDP is at the centre of the UN’s efforts to reduce global poverty.• UNDP's network links and coordinates global and national efforts to

achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),• At the country level, UNDP plays two important roles, one as a partner for

development work and the other as manager of the Resident Coordinator system.

• UNDP helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively.• It encourages the protection of human rights and the empowerment of

women. Coordinates the development activities of the United Nations.

The United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)

• Providing assistance to India since 1974.• Funding national level schemes, area projects for intensive development of

health and family welfare infrastructure and improvement in the availability of services in the rural areas

• To develop national capability for the manufacture of contraceptives,• Introduction of innovative approaches to family planning and MCH care.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Formed in 1945 with Headquarters in Rome, its prime concern is the increased production of food to keep pace with the ever-growing world population .The joint WHO/FAO expert committees have provided the basis for many cooperative activities – nutritional surveys, training courses, seminars and the coordination of research programmers on brucellosis and other zoo noses.

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

• UNAIDS, based in Geneva, was created in 1996 as the successor to WHO’s Global Programme on AIDS. UNAIDS activities include: mobilizing leadership and advocacy for effective action on the epidemic, providing strategic information and policies to guide global efforts, and monitoring and evaluating the response to the epidemic.

• International Labor Organization (ILO)

• Soon after the First World War, it was recognized that problems of industry, like disease, know no frontiers. In 1919, ILO was established as an affiliate of the league of Nations to improve the working and living conditions of the working population all over the world. The headquarters of ILO is in Geneva, Switzerland. ILO is the only tripartite U.N. agency with government, employer, and worker representatives.


Bilateral Agencies• DANIDA: NPCB has been receiving international assistance from Danish

International Development Agency (DANIDA) in supply of equipment and vehicles, improving the management information system, training and development of district blindness societies. A DANIDA phase III assistance is on since November ’97. A project has been launched under the World Bank to boost the activities under the programme in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra , Tamilnadu, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan

• SIDA : Swedish International Development Cooperation (SIDA) Agency is providing assistance since 1979 in form of X- ray Units, microscope and anti- TB drugs. It also supported the pilot study of Short Term Chemotherapy during 1983-1984.

• Being terminated in 2013.

NGO’s in India

• ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION• Concern with medical education,public health, social science and

agricultural sciences.• Help in Establishment of AIIPH Calcutta,AIIMS Delhi, KGMC

Lucknow.CMC Vellore,National Institute of Virology Pune.• Sponsor educational visits for advance training of health professional,

sponsor visit of specialist from USA.• Grant in Aid for research activities• Also giving support for improvement of agriculture, family planning

and rural development.

Non-governmental Organizations

• Ford Foundation• Has been active in the development of rural health services and family planning• Has helped India in the following projects :• Training courses in Public health for medical & paramedical personal all over

the indiain Singur, Ponamalle,Najafgarh.• Reseach-cum- Action : Designing and construction of hand flush Sanitary

latrine in rural area.• National Institute of Health Adminstration and Education at Delhi.• Calcutta Water Supply & Drainage Scheme.

• CARE :• active in india since 1952, funding th following :• Mid day school Meal Programme• ICDS- Scheme• Helping project i.e Anemia control programme, Child survival Project,

Adolscent Girl’s Project, Reproducive and family Health Project.

• Bill and Millinda Gates foundation :• Provided initial support to curtail spread of HIV, also works in

areas MCH, FP, RI Sanitation etc.• It is basically investing in UP and Bihar.• Pulse polio also played a vital role.• In UP : promote IYCF, • Valid till 2017.

• Aga Khan Foundation :• It works on various field i.e organising health camps, • System of rice intensification (SRI) • Promote vegetable cultivation• Vaccination and deworming of livestock.

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