international financial services regulation

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Students on work placement


International Financial Services Regulation Students on Work PlacementSummit Finuas Network Job Seekers Support Programme


Why recruit an International Financial ServicesRegulation work placement student?

Practical information

Programme subjects

Interested? What to do next!












National College of Ireland (NCI) is a vibrant and dynamic place to study. Our programmes are designed with real businesses in mind, so we are proud to work with employers, professional networks and professional bodies across all industry sectors who help inform our course delivery and development.

The Summit Finuas Network is a national network of companies operating in the International Financial Services sector in Ireland. Since it was set up in 2009, 162 companies within the sector have become members of the network and approximately 25,000 training days have been delivered to over 3000 individual trainees. Over €3M has been spent on training programmes.

The network was established by the leading international financial services sector industry associations, including, Financial Services Ireland (FSI), Irish Funds Industry Association (IFIA), Federation of International Banks in Ireland (FIBI), Dublin International Insurance and Management Association (DIMA), and the Irish Association of Investment Managers (IAIM). Together these associations represent more than 250 companies operating in the international financial services sector.

Together National College of Ireland and The Summit Finuas Network developed the International Financial Services Regulation Pogramme delivered over 13 weeks which aims to develop in students an understanding of both the theory and practice of corporate governance together with an overview of Financial Markets and Institutions. Students also undertake a career development module. (Detailed information on the subjects taught is available on Page 4.)

Work placements are a core element of the International Financial Services Regulation programme. These placements are managed by the NCI Work Placement Office and the Summit Finuas Network management team.


Why take a student from the International Financial Services Regulation programme on work placement?

• Students on the International Financial Services Regulation programme have a previous history of employment, so their skill set includes a wealth of practical experience and knowledge from the workplace. Many already have a higher education qualification but have taken the pro-active step of up-skilling or cross-skilling within Financial Services and can make an immediate contribution to your organisation

• Support Jobseekers to gain financial services experience and expand your corporate social responsibility activities

• Support best practice in training and education for potential entrants to the sector

• Work placement candidates are supported by industry-specific awareness and skills programme at no cost to the company

• Having a student to mentor can contribute to the professional development of your staff

• Fast efficient recruitment process


Why take a student from the International Financial Services Regulation programme on work placement?



Are there any rules about placements?

Placements need to give the students practical work experience within Financial Services and should be relevant to the student’s programme of study.

We regard the placement period as a four-way partnership between the employer, the student, the College and Summit Finuas Network and we would expect to take any action necessary to ensure a student is proving to be an effective, safe and reliable employee. Therefore, staff at the Faculty of Business and Summit Finuas network staff will visit students and their supervisors during the placement period.

When are students available for placement?

Students will complete their exams in January and be available for placement from February 2013

How long are work placements for?

Placements are for a minimum of 6 months – Students undertake the work placement module having completed all their examinations and, as they are not returning to College, they can normally be available to remain in employment for a longer period if both parties are in agreement.

How are placements organised?

If you are interested in recruiting a work placement student, please contact the NCI Work Placement Office or the Summit Finuas Network Office. Full contact details are listed on the back page.

Overview of ProgrammeThe programme is delivered over 13 weeks and incorporates the following:

Financial Markets & Institutions• Introduction and Overview of Financial Markets and Institutions • The role of the Central Bank in Financial Markets and Institutions • Financial Intermediation • Regulation of the Financial Markets and Institutions • Financial Markets -Debt • Financial Markets - Equity • Financial Markets – Foreign Exchange and Derivatives • Financial Risk Management, Innovation and Global Financial Markets

Law & Governance• Overview of Corporate Governance • Corporate Governance Theories • Role of Company Boards and Directors • Restriction and Disqualification of Directors• Reckless, Fraudulent and Insider Dealing • Brief History of Financial Regulation and the Financial Crisis of 2008 • Irish Financial Regulatory Authorities • European and International Regulatory Authorities and Standard Setting Authorities • Key Areas of International Financial Regulation • Regulation in Ireland • Current Trends in Financial Regulation

Career Bridge • Career investigation• Psychometric testing• The hidden jobs market• Networking – online and offline• Job search strategies • Interview simulation exercises.


INTERESTED? What to do next! Pre-Placement Process

Contact Contact the Work Placement Office or the Summit Finuas Network office to discuss your requirement.

Job DescriptionPrepare and forward a detailed job description to the NCI work placement team or the Summit Finuas Network office.

Jobbridge Placements will be Jobbridge placements. Details of employer eligibility is available at National College of Ireland and the Summit Finuas Network will host an information session for employers relating to Jobbridge placements in early 2013. We are also happy to discuss the jobbridge process with employers on an individual basis.

Advertise Job Details of all opportunities are advertised to the class. Students express their interest in the opportunity within 2 working days.

Review CV’s CVs are forwarded to the organisation and the organisation selects students to interview (Organisations are advised to interview as soon as possible after receipt of CVs, as students maybe placed elsewhere in the intervening period)

Interview & Select • The NCI Work Placement Office will coordinate all interviews between students and organisations. • The organisation selects students they wish to offer work placements to. • All work placement offers must be made via the NCI Work Placement Office. • The offer will need to be processed via the jobbridge scheme - SelectProcess.pdf

Contracts and AgreementsA job bridge “Standard Agreement” will be signed by both organisation and jobseeker.


Placement Start – Week One

An Induction The student’s placement should commence with an induction process which will familiarise them with the company, culture, working practices and health & safety. The benefits of having an induction far outweigh the initial effort required.

Monitor and guide the progress of the student(s) It is recommended that you allocate some time at least once a week to sit with the student. This meeting should be supportive in nature providing sufficient instruction to maximize their contribution during placement

Monthly compliance The host organisation must logon to Jobbridge every month and complete the monthly compliance report. Full details are available

Site Visit by Summit Finuas Network and NCI. • National College of Ireland together with the Summit Finuas Network will schedule a site visit to your office approximately midway through the placement. • Please notify the NCI Work Placement Office and/or the Summit Finuas Network immediately should you experience any issues with a work placement student.

Issues with the student during Placement Please notify the Work Placement Office and/or Summit Finuas Management team immediately should you experience any issues with a work placement student.

End of Placement Process

Feedback Employer’s feedback will be sought on completion of the work placement. Information such as whether they would consider rehiring the student, any improvements that could be made to the placement program or any feedback on course module design is welcome.

Further Employment Employers wishing to retain work placement students for further employment should discuss the options available with the NCI Work Placement Office and/or Summit Finuas Management team.


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National College of Ireland, Mayor Street, IFSC, Dublin 1

For more information or to submit a work placement opportunity please contact:

Kate CoughlanWork Placement OfficeCareer Development & EmployabilityTel: (Direct): +353 1 4498586Email: kate.coughlan@ncirl.ieWeb:

Siobhan MocklerWork Placement Office Career Development & EmployabilityTel: (Direct): +353 1 4498558Email: siobhan.mockler@ncirl.ieWeb:

Louise RyanSummit Finuas Network84/86 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2Tel: +353 1 6051546Email:

National College of IrelandMayor Street, IFSC, Dublin 1Tel: (Reception): +353 1 4498500Fax: +353 1 497 2200

The Summit FINUAS network is funded by member companies and the Finuas Networks Programme, managed by Skillnets Ltd. Funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills .

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