interfaith wedding: agnostic marrying catholic

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Agnostic/AtheistPresented by Anh To

What is an Agnostic/Atheist?

• Agnostics believe that the existence of a deity can neither be proven nor disproven.

• Agnostics would be willing to change their belief if some solid evidence or logical proof is found in the future.

• Columbia encyclopedia: "[A belief] that the existence of God cannot be logically proved or disproved. Agnosticism is not to be confused with Atheism which asserts that there is no God.”

Agnostic Theists• A deity probably exists,

even though god's existence cannot be proven; 

Agnostic Atheists• It is very improbable that a

deity exists, even though god's non-existence cannot absolutely be proven.

Agnostic/Atheist marrying Catholic

•Possible, no need to change religious.

•2 primary references

First is the Code of Canon Law concerning mixed marriages• Permission from the local Bishop

• The Catholic spouse must make a promise to remove all barriers to remain Catholic and must remain Catholic

• The Catholic spouse must make a promise to baptize, raise any children from the marriage in the Catholic Church

• Informing his/her partner of the above promises prior to marriage

• Both spouses must be instructed as to the purpose and essential properties of marriage

Second is the Catechism of the Catholic Church concerning the Sacrament of Matrimony• CCC1621-1632 deal with the form of marriage

• CCC1633-1637 deal specifically with mixed marriages and disparity of cult.

These classes are called Pre-Cana and in most parishes they are required before a priest will marry you. They satisfy the requirements of Canon law (above), that the spouses be made aware as to the purpose and properties of marriage, and will be particularly important in your marriage as it involves disparity of cult.

The Church is inflexible regarding the requirements for a valid wedding. Marriage isn't a contractual obligation between two persons, it is a covenantal relationship mutually conferred and recognized by God, Who has established it in sacramental form. It is a serious, life-long obligation that goes far deeper than what one would typically recognize in our society today, hollow as it has become.

Wedding venue

• The ceremony must be conducted in proper canonical form (that is, before a member of the Catholic clergy) unless a dispensation is received from the local Bishop

• It is forbidden to hold two ceremonies wherein you take the marital vows

• Wedding that not to be celebrated in a church would require a dispensation; whether the pastor can give this or the Bishop, you will need to consult with your local pastor. If the purpose of the wedding being celebrated outside a church isn't for some grave reason (for example, because one spouse believes it would be more aesthetically pleasing - ie, "We think it would be so wonderful to be married on a beach!") then it is unlikely a dispensation would be given.







• George Smith, "Atheism: The case against God (Skeptic's bookshelf)," Prometheus Books, (1980). 

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