interfaith marriage

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Essay on interfaith marriages


Children are one of the greatest sources of the problems in this type of marriage. Couples with different religious convictions often do not agree which faith to teach their children so the children become pretty confused and cannot understand who they are. Often they accept the faith of the father, especially when the father is Muslim, so it immediately means that one part of the couple is neglected and her religion is not so important as the husbands. Its quite difficult for a non-Muslim woman to raise the child in the Muslim spirit and theres a little chance that she will do that at all. Children are often abused in their schools and their friends make fun of them so they endure a psychological torture.The best way to avoid the problem is to discuss it at length before even conceiving a child.

-Then we have customs which are to be respected but its hard to make a compromise for one side always thinks that its customs are more important. When parents do not agree that puts an immense pressure on the children and they think that they are the ones who cause the problem.

Although people claim that when theres love you can endure everything, one should always think of something:when love is gone how you will solve your problems which are right there under the pink coverage and will grab you as soon as you think they are not there.Interfaith marriage is a marriage between people of different religions. Many religious doctrines prohibit interfaith marriage especially because of the problems which can follow from that relation.

-Statistics claim that this type of marriage experiences much higher divorce rates. When couples see that its tough to endure all the problems of one relationship and when they cannot make a balance between their wishes(which in interfaith marriages is a problem), they are already married. As a result of this, they divorce and end up hurt and disappointed.

-Common concern is that person loses his/her identity, culture and heritage.Common is the marriage between man from the West and woman from the East=>because women are attached to their families it can cause a big problem to the emotional stability of that couple.Also, women, whether from the East or West experience changes they are not able to hold.

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