intelligence test review. robert sternberg’s three types of intelligence?

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Test Review

Robert Sternberg’s three types of intelligence?

Analytical, Practical, and Creative

Average differences in aptitude scores between whites and blacks ______ in high school, and ________ in college.

a. Increases; increasesb. Decreases; increasesc. Decreases; decreasesd. Increases; decreases

Increases; decreases

Howard Gardner believed in ___ intelligences.

Eight • Linguistic• Logical – mathematical• Musical• Spatial• Bodily – kinesthetic• Intrapersonal• Interpersonal• Naturalist

Who established the intelligence quotient, and what is it?

William Stern

Who believed in eugenics movement, and what was it?

Lewis Terman

• Movement that proposed measuring human traits and using the results to encourage only smart people to reproduce

Test that measures skills learned?

Achievement Test

If a test is given in math, but has mostly English questions on it, it lacks



Who created WAIS, and how many parts does it have?

David Wechsler

• 11 subtests in verbal and performance areas

When a person’s test performance can be compared to that of a represented and pretested sample, the test is said

to be what?


Test to predict ability to learn?

Aptitude Test

Term to describe phenomena of when verbal aptitude scores are lower for blacks when tested by whites than when tested by blacks?

Stereotype Threat

Stanford-Binet, WAIS, WISC are all_________.

General Intelligence Tests

5 year old who does as well on test as average 4 year old has mental age of?

4 years old

4 year old with mental age of 5 has what IQ?


A test that yields consistent resultseach time is said to have high ______.


Who is better at spelling?


Who is better at chess and why?

Boys – spatial ability – problem solving

Ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use

knowledge to adapt to new situations is known as?


Someone who says they have an IQ of 110 has committed what ERROR?


• Viewing an abstract, immaterial concept as if it was a concrete thing (like height)

Reason for Down Syndrome?

Extra chromosome for 21st chromosome

Statistical procedure that can be used to identify clusters of closely

related test items?

Factor Analysis

Someone who is mildly intellectually disabled may have what kind of IQ?

a. 20 – 34b. 35 – 49c. 50 – 69d. 70 – 130

C – 50 - 69

Emotional intelligence is a criticalcomponent of what type of


Social Intelligence

Who is better at mentally rotating three-dimensional objects ?


Person who demonstrates an exceptional specific mental skill while otherwise remaining very limited in intellectual capacity is said to show signs of what?

Savant Syndrome

Who is better at math problem – solving?


Who scores higher in math computation?


What group outperforms others at math achievement and aptitude



Study Notes over Key Figures, Key Terms, Notes from Unit PPT, and

these Review Questions to prepare for test.

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