integrated project term2

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Integrated Project Term2


    Secrets of successThe following factors played their crucial role in bringing success

    to the oilseed mission and thereby the yellow revolution in India:

    ~ Strong socio-economic and political will to become self-sufficient in vegetable oils.

    ~ Biodiversity and the matching diversity in agro-ecology andfarming situations for various annual oilseed crops, inspite of the paucity of more prospective oil crops such as the oilpalm.

    ~ conomically viable and sustainable improved oilseedsproduction technologies generated with the help of strong andvibrant oilseeds research networ! coupled with encouragingfinancial and policy supports to research.~ "ttractive incentives to the farmers in terms of minimum supportprices and input subsidies.

    ~ Institutional support for the overall oilseeds research anddevelopment by public, corporate and private sectors, particularlythe setting up of the Technology #ission on $ilseeds by the%overnment of India. & ffective implementation, monitoring andperiodical evaluation of the technology transfer programmes,especially the '(rontline )emonstrations in $ilseeds' *ro+ect.& Integrated, effective, efficient and transparent functionalfarmerresearch- industry-policy interface.

  • 8/10/2019 Integrated Project Term2


    The key cooperative companyNational Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.(NAFE ! was established on the auspicious day of Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October

    1958. Nafed is registered under the Multi tate !o"operati#e ocieties $ct. Nafedwas setup with the ob%ect to pro&ote !o"operati#e &ar'eting of $gricultural(roduce to benefit the far&ers. $gricultural far&ers are the &ain &e&bers ofNafed) who ha#e the authority to say in the for& of &e&bers of the General *odyin the wor'ing of Nafed.

    +he ob%ects of the N$,- shall be to organise) pro&ote and de#elop &ar'eting)processing and storage of agricultural) horticultural and forest produce) distributionof agricultural &achinery) i&ple&ents and other inputs) underta'e inter" tate)i&port and e/port trade) wholesale or retail as the case &ay be and to act and

    assist for technical ad#ice in agricultural production for the pro&otion and thewor'ing of its &e&bers and cooperati#e &ar'eting) processing and supply societiesin 0ndia. 0n furtherance of these ob%ecti#es) the N$,- &ay underta'e one or &oreof the following acti#ities

    to facilitate) coordinate and pro&ote the &ar'eting andtrading acti#ities of the cooperati#e institutions inagricultural and other co&&odities) articles and goods

    to underta'e purchase) sale and supply of agricultural

    products) &ar'eting and processing re3uisites) such as&anure) seeds) fertiliser) agricultural i&ple&ents and&achinery) pac'ing &achinery) construction re3uisites)processing &achinery for agricultural co&&odities) forestproduce) dairy) wool and other ani&al products

    to guarantee loans or ad#ances or gi#e underta'ings onbehalf of any such society or co&pany as &entioned abo#eto any financing institutions

    to act as insurance agent and to underta'e all such wor'which is incidental to the sa&e

    to set up storage units for storing #arious co&&odities andgoods) by itself or in collaboration with any other agency in0ndia or abroad

  • 8/10/2019 Integrated Project Term2


  • 8/10/2019 Integrated Project Term2



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