inspired by iceland case study

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Social Media

Search, PR and the Social Butterfly


Inspired by Iceland

Case Study

Crisis & Social Media• 5 ways to contain a crisis through social media

– Be Prepared• Sit down with your team and brainstorm all the things that could

possibly go wrong before they actually do.– Monitor

• Crisis situations can pop up anywhere at any time. Rather than waiting for a situation to spin out of control before you even hear about it.

– Craft messages appropriately• During times of crisis, communications to your internal and/or external

audiences can either help a situation or make it worse.– Be informative and helpful

• When crafting these messages, include information that will help all stakeholders, not just your company.

– Be truthfull• One of the unofficial commandments of social media is to be authentic

and true. This is even more applicable during times of crisis.

The POST Method/Model• People

– Don't start a social strategy until you know the capabilities of your audience.

• If you're targeting college students, use social networks. If you're reaching out business travellers, consider ratings and reviews.

• Objectives– Pick one. Are you starting an application to listen to your customers, or

to talk with them? To support them, or to energize your best customers to evangelize others?

• Strategy– Strategy here means figuring out what will be different after you're done.

Do you want a closer, two-way relationship with your best customers?• Technology

– A community. A wiki. A blog or a hundred blogs. Once you know your people, objectives, and strategy, then you can decide with confidence.


Strategy in Short• Problem: Iceland is hit by a Volcano that halts most flight traffic and threatens

tourism at a critical moment• Solution: A multilingual multichannel strategy was created focusing on Google

Universal. YouTube/Vimeo Videos were created, Facebook Fan and Like Pages and ad campaigns based on selected demographics, on top of that Twitter bursts and blog posts. The strategy among other was to attach Iceland to high profile brands and names such as John Lennon, Lonely Planet, CNN and general search phrases like music festival, travel destination and so on. Targeted phrases had close to ten million monthly searches.

• Implementation: New web site was launched, unique content was written and distributed in 7 languages focusing on key stakeholders such as journalists, travel agents and the general traveller raising awareness of Iceland.

• Results: Information about inspired by Iceland was viewed over one hundred million times through this multi channel multi lingual approach. First numbers in Q1 2011 indicate a growth year on year in bookings and the season is just starting.

• Following screenshots illustrate the impact


The Video

Imagine Peace - English


Lonely Planet - Dutch


John Lennon - English


John Lennon - English


John Lennon – English (Twitter)


From 0 to 121,000


From close to 0 to 428,000


Video Distribution


Video Distribution cont.


Direct Media Impact

150,000 visitorsin the first week

Total 1.1 million


Direct Media Impact


Inspired by Iceland in the Media


Bottom line• By leveraging Google Universal and focusing

on a multi channel approach we were able to take over and hold visibility for very strong search terms over a important period of time

• This was a vital part of an overall branding strategy keeping Iceland top of mind when it came to being the travel destination

• A tourist summer that looked bleak was on par with a very successful 2009 and 2011 looks really good


Thank you

Kristjan Mar Hauksson@optimizeyourweb

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