inner circle - alejandro cremades...including findings inside the pitch deck $1b lorem ipsum dolor...

Post on 16-Sep-2020






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Inner Circle


Alejandro Cremades

● Serial entrepreneur● Guest lecturer professor at Wharton, NYU, Columbia

University● Ranked #1 in the Top 30 under 30 list by Vanity Fair,

Entrepreneur Magazine, and GQ Magazine● Forbes contributor● Author of The Art of Startup Fundraising

CoFounder at Panthera Advisors


“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

-------Zig Ziglar

The Vision

Goals FinanceLarger


The Vision - Examples

● John F. Kennedy

● Martin Luther King

● Bill Gates

● Buckminster Fuller


● Putting a man on the moon● Free of prejudice and injustice● Every home has a computer● Everybody has access to

electrical power

Their vision

What do they have in common?

They see the world as a place where amazing things can happen. Where billions of lives can be improved and where technology can change the way we live.

Factors behind an effective vision

Direction Alignment

Purpose Change

Market & Growth Potential

Why is this so important?

● Determine business and marketing direction● Performance issues● How sustainable the business is● Investors use trailing growth rates to determine

their investment decision

Market & Growth Potential

● Determine market size via

credible sources

● Calculate how much

revenue the market made

● Include total sales of you

and competitors

Market size

Example: your company generated $50M this year and $30M last year. The change in revenue is $20M. Divide $20M by $30M and multiply quotient by 100. Your sales growth rate is 66% over the the past year.

Growth Rate Example

Market Opportunity vs.Growth Rate

Expected to tackle $1B+

Sustainable growth

Potential market size

Volume Value

Market volume= Number of target customer + penetration rate

Market value = market volume x average value

Ask yourself the right questions!

● Who are my potential customers?● What competition is out there?● How different is my company?● At what prices are customers prepared to buy my product or

service?● How big is the overall market today?● How big is it growing?● What segments are the most interesting?

Addressable Market vs. Available Market

Addressable Available

Total revenue opportunity

Portion of the addressable market you can reasonably compete

Including findings inside the pitch deck

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$2B $3BLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

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Traps of being overvalued

Risks of being overvalued

● Adding hurdles to raising capital ever again● Increasing the chances of doing down

rounds in the future and disappointing early investors

● Reputation of immature management team● Make your early employees angry and

disrupt the working environment

Impact of dilution


Dilution example. If you own 20% of a $2M company your stake is worth $400K. If you raise a new round of venture capital (say $2.5M at a $7.5M pre-money valuation, which is a $10M post-money) you get diluted by 25% (2.5m/10m). So you own 15% of the new company but that 15% is now worth $15M or a gain of $1.1M.

Burn rates

The burn rate

If your costs are $500K per month and you have $350K in revenue then your net burn is $150K.

High burn rates

Conservative backdrop

Shiny offices

Down rounds

Rule of thumb

Your value needs to be at least 3X the amount of money you are burning.


If you raise $10M at a $30M pre-money valuation that investor will need to exit for at least $120M to hit the minimum.


● Your burn will be multiplying $10k per

employee to factor in rent and other costs.

● Know if your burn is going up or down

Burn rates

The unicorn club

● Zirtual is a company that aimed to put virtual assistants in the hands

of any business owner

● The company was founded in 2011

● Raised $5.46 Million from a bunch of investors (Tony Hsieh, founder

of Zappos, Jason Calacanis, early Uber investor, Structure Capital)

● Zirtual employed 400+ employees

Zirtual employees get an email at 1:34 am saying they are stopping operations immediately. 400 employees laid off!

Failure after raising financing


● Raised $1.2B● Investors included Redpoint Ventures,,

US Venture Partners, or Argonaut Ventures

● Company filed for bankruptcy after prices on its market plummeted.

Better Place

● Raised $675M● Investors included VantagePoint

Capital Partners, HSBC, GE, etc● Company filed for bankruptcy as a

result of mismanagement


● Raised $296M● Investors include Kleiner Perkins,

Goldman Sachs, DAG Ventures● Company filed for bankruptcy from CEO

misusing investor funds

Top reasons why startups fail

#1 #2 #3 #4

#5 #6 #7

Poor management

Market conditions

Pricing issues Poor marketing

FraudRun out of cash

Poor product


Panthera AdvisorsMike Seversen

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