inkpen and combe bulletin january · 2021. 1. 1. · combe:...

Post on 05-Feb-2021






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    JUNE 2021

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    “Hmmm, now where did I put that…”?

    You never know when a trip down memory lane will strike. It may be during one of those

    very necessary spring cleans - it may be happening right now! Some of us can be great

    hoarders: “I’ll keep that just in case”. With me it could easily be a newspaper snippet,

    may be something from The Church Times, which, I believe, just may come in useful for

    a sermon idea sometime. Fine, and it gets filed away. The trouble is that these things have

    a habit of breeding and eventually you just know something must be done. The trouble is

    that, as you clear, so you read and remember what was going on at the time, both

    personally and in your Church life and the whole process lengthens and some things you

    cannot bear to part with.

    Greetings cards containing notes from relatives, some at important moments in our lives.

    Memories may be there at times of Baptism for the children, may be even our own

    messages of hope for God’s presence with us as we journey on. As you continue the

    rummage you get lost in precious memories, written notes in old familiar handwriting, the

    black and white photograph with curled edges …. ‘Now, just who is that’, you wonder.

    And it all seeks to pull us back to another time.

    Most recently, my trip down memory lane took the form of an old wooden chair, now

    housed in my study. It’s just a chair, no special branded name, but it’s always been a part

    of things you see. Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles - they all sat on it, some in their

    Salvation Army Uniform with their cheery disposition and kindly way.

    Our faith is a living faith, one which is lived out in the communities in which we move.

    But we reached this point aided by those who have gone before us and guided by a certain

    light. The glow we feel inside as we travel down memory lane is driven by a certain

    warmth, very much to do with relationships, our desire, our longing, taking that line from

    The Lord’s prayer, “Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.

    As I write, we are in the middle of the nine days between Ascension and Pentecost and

    that line is uppermost in our prayers. Surely though, not just for nine days I hear you say!

    And my reply … absolutely not – “Give us this day our daily bread” is the line before and

    as those in our memory prayed for us, so we now pray that same prayer both written on

    paper, but also on our hearts, such that it can never be lost or thrown away.

    With every blessing to you all

    Rev’d Tim

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    You will read later in the Bulletin a tribute to Peter Bell who died last month. Like me he

    was a son of the clergy and we had much in common. He contributed significantly to the

    spiritual life of our church over the last 20 years and for the last four years, before he left

    the village, he was my co-churchwarden. So, from much discussion and many

    conversations over the years I feel sure that he would like to leave us, as far as I can, with

    these thoughts, for us to ponder on.

    Most of all perhaps he could not bear the thought that all of us are "miserable sinners

    living in perpetual fear of God." Rather he accepted the views of Palagius (c. 354 - 440)

    who stood for free will and insisted that man's moral nature was basically good. In

    consequence sin was a wilful act against God. And, that being so, we had a responsibility

    to voluntarily choose those actions that would promote our spiritual development. He

    saw the life of Christ as our example and the grace of the Holy Spirit as our aid.

    A Service of Thanksgiving will be held here in St. Michael's later this year. Peter, may

    you rest in peace and rise again in glory.

    Moving to the practicalities of managing our village Church we have our Annual

    Parochial Church Meeting in the Church Room on Tuesday 22nd June starting

    at 7pm. This amounts to a review of the previous year and the election of officers for the

    coming year. All may attend but only those on the Church Electoral Roll are entitled to

    vote. For further information on this, contact Elsa Atkinson who is the Electoral Roll

    Officer on 01488 668375. This meeting is followed by a meeting of the Parochial Church

    Council which discusses matters of present and future concern. For this you are very

    welcome to come and listen but not to take part.

    More on the history of St. Michael's next month.

    Gerald Atkinson




    Holy Communion at 8.30am on 6th June,

    Parish Communion at 9.45am on 13th June and

    Compline at 4pm on 20th June.

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    Holy Communion at 11.15am on 20th June.

    Inkpen Church is open for individual prayer each Wednesday from 10am to 4pm. All

    are welcome. For all services, please visit

    Other than those given in News from St. Michael’s these can be found on the Walbury

    Beacon website which is


    Associate Priest: The Revd. Tim Wood – Tel. 01488 669261;

    Mob: 07927352847; Email: Benefice Administrator: Alex King – 01635 226 064, part-time at the Benefice

    Office Email: Churchwardens: Inkpen: Gerald Atkinson (tel. 668375). Combe: David Russell

    (tel. 668229), Katherine Astor (tel. 668284).


    IMPFT Pavilion

    You can now use the pavilion for any activity with 6 people inside and gatherings outside

    for 30. From 21st June hopefully all restrictions will be lifted, and we can finally make

    the most of this wonderful new facility.

    The pavilion kitchen is now fully kitted out. We do ask that when you are outside you

    use the plastic plates and glasses to avoid any glass on the playing field. There is an

    outside power supply should you need electricity for any equipment outside the pavilion.

    If you would like to hire the pavilion or any of the facilities email

    Hire Charges are on the IMPFT website ( and on the notice board at the

    pavilion or email Gloria for details. We also now have a Facebook page and Instagram

    account so please do follow us Inkpen Pavilion & Playing Fields.

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    The Courts

    We are applying for grants to have the two courts which are used for tennis, netball and 5

    a side football to be resurfaced. The courts were last resurfaced over 20 years ago and are

    in desperate need of resurfacing and annual maintenance. The Trustees have now turned

    their attention to trying to raise the funds to make this happen. We have a fund raising

    page on The Good Exchange ( ref: 18890 or search

    ‘Resurface Games Courts) and Greenham Trust have kindly offered to match up to

    £5,000 but we need to raise this by November this year. So, if you can donate please do

    via The Good Exchange. Thank you.

    In addition, we will be renovating/painting the goal posts on the playing fields.

    As a ‘not for profit’ charity all these works need your support either by hiring the facility,

    holding fund raising events or making donations. Any support you give is used directly

    for the maintenance and renovation of the facilities.

    Playground & Woodland Playground

    Thanks to the rain and some sunshine the grass is taking at the woodland playground. We

    hope to open the playground this month and hope that the children all enjoy it. The

    existing playground does require some maintenance work as outlined by the recent

    ROSPA survey and we will be looking at what work is essential for the children’s

    enjoyment and safety of this much loved and used village facility.

    We please ask that only children aged 12 and under use the playground as the equipment

    is not suitable for any children over this age.

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    The Storage Building

    The storage building works should be completed by the time you receive this bulletin and

    we will hopefully have enough funds to sort out the car park at the back of the building.

    Get Active

    Sporting activity can start again and in Inkpen we have a tennis club, 5 a side football,

    netball and cricket. If you want to know more about these, look at our website or contact

    Claire or Gloria for club contact details.

    If you can help with coaching junior football please contact We

    are also keen for football and walking football to take place so if you can help with this or

    know a team that would like to play at the playing field and use our amazing new

    changing rooms and pavilion please do get in touch.

    Any other activity ideas that can use the pavilion and get our community active please do

    get in touch.


    Join me for Yoga in the Inkpen Pavilion on Thursday evenings between 7pm and 8pm. I

    teach Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, a Yoga flow suitable for all levels.

    Here is an idea of what to expect in a class with me…

    I start my classes with a focus on breathing techniques that help destress and soothe the

    nervous system, I will then guide you through some gentle movements to open the body,

    working on mobility and flexibility. We then move through different poses, strengthening

    ones, poses that aid in deep stretching and balances too. Ending the class with a mini

    guided relaxation on our backs, to really rejuvenate mind and body. Through my teaching

    I aim to have you leaving class feeling strong, stretched, restored and calmer in mind.

    To book a space please contact me at or message



    This half term has been wonderful, with all the children back in school and restrictions

    beyond the school gates beginning to ease. Our guidance has changed minimally within

    school and so we continue in our bubbles, supporting the children in any way we can. The

    children are the real stars; they are enthusiastic to be here, eager to learn and observing all

    our new "rules" with no fuss at all.

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    Something we are now able to do is to take the children out of school on trips and years

    5&6 are looking forward to the Englefield Countryside Day after half term. We have also

    been lucky enough to rearrange the year 6 residential trip to Osmington Bay in

    Weymouth for the beginning of July. We will still be subject to a few extra restrictions,

    but it is a wonderful way for these children to celebrate their final few weeks in primary

    school after such an interrupted year.

    Our fundraising site for repair work to the old schoolhouse has been a great success and

    we have raised almost half the money already. Many thanks to all our donors in the

    village - we are very grateful and plan to open the garden once all the work has been

    completed and we can invite visitors back onsite again.

    Donations can still be made via school or the Good Exchange site.




    Clothing Collection

    with Rags 2 Riches 4 Schools

    Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you no longer wear, maybe last year’s

    fashions, or that buy that was too good to leave but it’s not really you after all?

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    Please help us fundraise by donating your good quality unwanted, re-useable

    (clean, dry and wearable) clothes and accessories

    (please pair and tie shoes together)

    Your donations become affordable clothing in other countries

    STOP and THINK - is it something you’d wear out and about yourself or pass to a

    friend? If not, no-one else will want to buy and wear it either, so unfortunately, it’s

    not reusable and can’t go in the bag.

    If you can involve family, friends and neighbours please do.

    We truly appreciate your support in helping raise additional funds for our school for the

    benefit of our children.

    There’s no better feeling than knowing you raised funds, helped the economy, the

    environment, and somebody on the other side of the world – all by donating some


    Please use any bin bag, or non-charity bag. If we can fill 100 bags, we’ll have half a


    Please bring your donations to school by 9am on Tuesday 22nd

    June 2021

    Please bring bags on the morning of the collection only. If you are unable to bring

    donations to school, please contact us at as we may

    be able to arrange collection.


    The Inkspots have had another busy and exciting month. Although this May has officially

    been one of the wettest on record, the gloomy weather has not held the children back as

    they wholeheartedly threw themselves into all our outdoor activities. These have included

    going on adventures in forest school, bark rubbing, seed planting, making dens and bird

    spotting in the Millennium Garden. The children continue to enjoy using the revamped

    outdoor classroom, especially playing in the mud kitchen, and making yummy mud pies.

    The children have learned all about “Vehicles” and “Road Safety” this month. They made

    vehicle pictures using watercolour paints, did lots of learning about road safety and road

    signs and even went for walks around the village to practise their safe walking skills. The

    children were also treated to a very special visitor who parked his tractor right next to the

    Inkspots gate so everyone could have a good look at it. It was bright red and the children

    could look at and even sit inside the driver’s cab!

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    Finally, it was Hedgehog Awareness Week earlier this month, so the children had lots of

    fun learning all about hedgehogs and how to protect them as they start to wake up after

    hibernation. They baked delicious hedgehog shaped bread rolls and spiky hedgehog

    chocolate cupcakes. They also did a lot of hedgehog crafting, making masks, cardboard

    hogs and clay hogs.

    What a jam-packed month it has been. We are always on the lookout for the next

    generation of Inkspots. If you know of any three or four-year-olds who would enjoy

    taking part in activities like these, then please do get in touch with Mrs Edwards by phone

    (01488668219) or email ( to request a registration form.

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    Happily, the village hall has survived and is ready to re-open from early June. Despite

    running at a loss over the past two years due to some major maintenance works, a costly

    water leak and Covid-19, we are still able to continue to host many of our usual clubs,

    sports and wellbeing activities, and social fund-raisers such as the Great Inkpen Quiz that

    have benefitted the village for nearly 100 years.

    Amongst other activities, the monthly Sunday market, yoga and Pilates, carpet bowls,

    line dancing, floral workshops, table tennis and playgroup will all be returning – see

    below Page 11 for more details and get in touch with organisers if you’d like to take part.

    We also hope to run a Mosaic making workshop in the summer and possibly introduce a

    toddler’s exercise class. We will keep you posted via our lovely new look website where you can find details of all our activities including the

    floral workshop program.

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    We will also be hosting a sprinkling of wedding receptions for local couples which is

    always lovely to see.

    Thank you to those who donated during the last year - these donations help greatly

    towards the survival of the hall for future. The village hall charity receives no outside

    funding from any other source and relies solely on the income from hirers and efforts of

    trustees in putting on extra fund-raisers. Therefore, we do encourage folk to use the

    facilities and activities on offer, but should you also wish to donate, that would be

    fabulous. Do get in touch. Every little helps.

    The hall needs a little TLC after a year sitting unused which we will be addressing over

    next couple of weeks. However, it is still looking lovely, bright and airy, cosy and warm

    with a newly furnished wooden floor and some replacement windows/patio door. We

    will be installing a new boiler soon as well as erecting a smart new sign at the grounds

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    entrance. Further sprucing up of interior will continue in due course including our plans

    for a kitchen refurbishment. Anyone who uses the hall and wishes to join a 'hands on'

    committee or be a 'friend of the village hall' and help with ad-hoc tasks are always most

    welcome too. It is a great way to get to know people locally especially if you are new to

    the village.

    Do call or email us for an informal chat. Tel: 07568284750, email: Thank you to those who have already reached out to

    help. We look forward to welcoming all village halls users and supporters back soon.


    “Daisy chains are meeting up at Inkpen park every Friday from 10:30 until Noon. We are

    providing tea, coffee and cake but do ask that you bring your own mug. There will be a

    £1 donation for a cup of tea or coffee and a bit of cake.

    As we will not have the facilities to do lunch, we thought it would be nice if everyone

    bought a packed lunch and we can then have lunch on the playing fields.

    We are preparing for the return of the group to the village hall but for now we will carry

    on meeting outside. We have a WhatsApp group and Facebook page that we

    communicate through to give everyone updates on plans each week. So, please contact

    Jenny on 07775883318 or Anna on 07785 184808 and we can add you to the chat.

    Come along for some fun and to meet some lovely new friends. We look forward to

    seeing you all soon”. JG


    Inkpen Food & Craft Market is back from Sunday 20th June from 10am - 12:30pm.

    Please come and support your local village market.

    We will have a variety of stalls selling rare breed free range locally reared sausages and

    eggs, cakes and bakes, honey and artisan breads, award winning pies, skin care, ceramics,

    pastel paintings, and lots more. We are still looking for bric-a-brac and car boot sellers.

    Please email me to book a table. Due to COVID restriction the Coffee Shop will not be

    open for June market but will hopefully be returning in July. A note for your diary the

    July Market will now be held on Sunday 11th July due to hall having prior arrangements.

    Hope to see you all there! Debbie & George.


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    The 2021 Gibbet Challenge 10K race will take place on Sunday 27th June, 10:30am start

    at the Inkpen Memorial Playing Field. As always, it would great to see plenty of runners

    from Inkpen taking part. You don’t have to be quick, and you don’t need to run the

    whole thing! Full details, including the route map and how to enter, can be found at the

    race website -

    We require volunteers to help marshal the route (point the way, smile and applaud). If

    you have an hour to spare and want to help out please get in touch - Simon

    Hanna,, 01488 669028.


    As the nights draw out and the weather becomes “nicer & warmer", it is a very special

    feeling to be able to dust off the pads and gloves, oil the bat and prepare the wicket for the

    start of Inkpen CC 2021 season, once again, kindly sponsored by Christian Alba's

    Butchers in Hungerford.

    The season opener was at home, whereby we hosted our old friends, Kennet valley.

    The game was played in glorious sunshine with the backdrop of our wonderful new

    pavilion. The wicket was looking better than ever, made possible by the hard work in the

    off season by Doug Hall of Yew Tree garden centre and Simon Hanna, assisted by a team

    of volunteers.

    Inkpen won the toss and chose to bowl. Kennet Valley hitting 200 runs in the 30 over

    format. Village cricket is available to all, some who can and some who try. The “can” in

    this instance was represented by a young away side player who is currently in the

    Gloucestershire U17’s set up, playing above his age grade.

    After a delicious tea made up of homemade treats, Inkpen walked out to the crease.

    Despite a gallant effort, Inkpen fell 25 runs short of Kennet Valley's total hitting 175. It

    was a closely fought battle, but the winners on the day were the small number of socially

    distanced spectators enjoying the afternoon sun and village cricket.

    Our second game, the following week, saw us travel to the beautiful village of Urchfont

    in Wiltshire. This game was not so close. Winning the toss again (which rarely happens to

    skipper Dave Lester) Inkpen chose to bowl first and restricted the home team to 123 runs

    for 4 wickets. Following the previous week’s batting display, we were quietly confident

    of notching up the first win of the season…. It is the hope that kills you and after a

    spectacular batting collapse Inkpen managed a not so respectable 54 all out with Mr

    Extras being the top scoring.

    Despite the result we had a lovely afternoon in the Wiltshire sunshine and look forward to

    our next match.

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    As a cricket club it is wonderful to be allowed to play again. We are always looking for

    new faces to join the club so please do get in touch if you are interest. We have all the kit

    - all you need are whites, two hands and two legs… oh, and a good sense of humour.

    If you’re interested in playing and or want to know more about upcoming fixtures or you

    just want to read the critically acclaimed weekly match reports by the skipper, then please

    visit the website at

    We hope to see you down at the Inkpen Memorial Playing Fields soon and here's to a

    wonderful summer of leather on willow.


    With forecasters reporting an improvement in the weather we could see an increase in

    theft from vehicles parked at beauty spots such as Combe Gibbet, Hungerford Common

    and other areas used by dog walkers and those out for a stroll in the sunshine. This crime

    is carried out by opportunists and you can reduce the risk of having your vehicle broken

    into by considering the following :

    • Don’t leave anything in your car. Do not leave items of value in your boot.

    • Open the parcel shelf and leave the glove box open to show would be thieves

    there is nothing of value left in the vehicle.

    • Use well lit, secure car parks.

    • Don’t return to your car to leave purchases in the boot before continuing with

    your shopping as thieves may watch car parks.

    It has again been highlighted to me that drivers are speeding through the village,

    particularly during the hours of morning and evening rush hour. The roads in Inkpen, in

    places, are very narrow and windy with blind bends. Please keep you speed down and be

    considerate to other road users, and pedestrians who might be in the road.

    If you would like any further information or advice please contact me on 07814852137 or



    Please email or call 01488668496 by FRIDAY 25TH JUNE

    with any features, news or events.

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    Our Lady of Lourdes, Priory Road, Hungerford RG17 0AF

    Parish Priest - Fr Zbigniew Budyn 01635 40332

    Sunday Mass – every Sunday at 9.00am

    Weekday Mass - every Wednesday at 10.00am

    For further information contact Paul Burrough 01488 668882

    Mobile 07836 292976 Email


    Peter Lendon Bell died peacefully on Wednesday, 19th May, aged 81. He lived in Inkpen

    for many years but recently moved to Devon to be with his daughter and family. A

    service will be held in Inkpen Church later in the Summer – date to be confirmed.

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    Planning Applications agreed by WBC this month were: 21/00632 Broadway Copse,

    Sadlers Rd.- conversion of stable buildings to single dwelling – application withdrawn.

    21/00611 Moss Farm, Craven Rd. convert redundant stables to home office & gym -

    approval. Planning application for consideration this month is: 21/01132 Knights Acre,

    Craven Rd. – summer house and associated works.

    Details of all planning applications are available to view on the West Berkshire Council

    website. The Parish Council is an advisory body to WBC and all final decisions rest with

    the local authority and reflect current planning policy.

    Annual Parish Council Meeting: was held virtually on Tuesday 4th May at 7.30pm and

    those duly elected were: Parish Council Chairman – Dr David Thomas was re-elected;

    Vice Chairman – Councillor Claire Jones was re-elected; Chairman of the Planning

    Committee – Councillor Moira Marriott; Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee –

    Councillor Robert May. The draft minutes of the meeting are posted on the Inkpen Parish


    Climate Change Forum/EVCP: The Parish Council is a member of the newly formed West

    Berkshire Climate Change Forum and hope to play their part in reducing the carbon

    footprint and encourage a healthy ecosystem. The Parish Council has asked to be included

    in the Electric Vehicle Charging Point trials – if anyone has an electric vehicle, please get

    in touch with the parish clerk as it would help the request to be able to give numbers


    What can you do to help? To name a few ways: Tree protection and tree planting makes

    a huge difference, especially mature trees that trap carbon dioxide from the air as they grow.

    They also provide homes for our wildlife, reduce flood risk and are a huge benefit to our

    wellbeing. Rewilding - section off part of your garden for wild flowers to grow and to attract

    bees (saves cutting the grass too!) – this will complement the WBC wildflower grass verges

    project; waste and recycling to reduce the use of landfill and amount of plastic.

    COVID-19 Information: Please check the Inkpen village website for the latest position

    on the Covid-19 restrictions ( ). Step 4 of the Roadmap – no

    earlier than 21st June 2021 when it is hoped that Covid restrictions may be relaxed – but

    watch this space for details.

    Inkpen Parish Council meetings are advertised on the village notice boards and on the

    official village website in advance of the meeting - see . The

    next meeting is subject to councillor’s availability. Anyone wishing to submit comment for

    consideration are requested to do so by 2pm on the day of the meeting. The draft minutes

    of all meetings are recorded on the Inkpen website.

    Gloria Keene, Clerk to Inkpen Parish Council (I 668960),

    Email: .

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