information on candidates · here are some tips to help you make the most of this opportunity. 1....

Post on 28-May-2020






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Instructions for caucus questioningDuring district caucusing, you will have very little time to get to know many candidates. Therefore, it is important that you make your questions count.

Here are some tips to help you make the most of this opportunity.

1. Come prepared.

Read through the Information on Candidates booklet well in advance of the first round of caucusing. Jot down any notes or questions you might have as you read. And if any of your questions have to do with official by-laws, policies and procedures, refer to your Key Club Guidebook! The Guidebook can be found at

2. Dig into the candidate’s platform.

If they promise to make change, ask them how they intend to do it. Ask them why the change is necessary. Ask them whether or not this change can realistically be accomplished during their year of service. Don’t just take their word for it!

3. Challenge your own assumptions.

Take time to study each candidate’s previous experience. If you feel like a critical component is missing, don’t simply discount the candidate. Ask why they believe they are qualified de-spite the perceived lack of experience. Ask how they intend to overcome a potential knowl-edge gap.

4. Don’t waste time with frivolous and inappropriate questions.

Questions like, “If you were a Starburst, what flavor would you be?” yield little to no relevant information and will be called out-of-order. If it won’t get you any closer to selecting a quali-fied candidate, don’t bother. You want the candidates elected to take their year in office very seriously. Now is your chance to set the tone.

Sample caucus questions

• How has Key Club influenced your life and how will your life change, both positively and negatively, as a result of serving as an Key Club International board member?

• How do you intend to accomplish your stated objectives in just one yearon the Key Club International Board?

• What is the importance of Key Club being a student-led organization? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

• What is your favorite service project and why?

• What is your greatest weakness as a leader? How will you address this weakness in order to have a suc-cessful year on the Key Club International Board?

• What sort of problems do you foresee in the future of our organization and what would you do to ad-dress them?

• What makes Key Club different from other student organizations?

• What unique skills and qualifications would you bring to the Key Club International Board?

• What do you think is the key to organizational growth? How will you support growth as an Key Club International officer?

• What do you believe should be a major goal or priority for Key Club in the next year, and what do you feel you could do as a member of the Key Club International Board to help accomplish this goal?

• If elected, what would you do to strengthen relationships between Key Club and other branches of the Kiwanis family?


Candidates for president

Ashton CleareEmily RiceCarson Termotto

Ashton Cleare

Candidate for president

C.R. Walker Senior High School Bahamas District

Elected offices in Key Club President Elect C.R Walker Senior High School Bahamas District

Appointed offices in Key Club Ltg. Governor at Large for Division 1 Bahamas District

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-Present Business Club Executive Board 2017-Present Interact Club President 2017-Present Round Table Vice President 2017-Present Junior Achievement President 2016-Present Debate Team Member

Awards received

Other activities/organizations Junior Achievement Worldwide

Emily Rice

Candidate for president

Fridley Senior High School Minnesota-Dakotas District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 International Trustee2015-2016 Club K-Family Correspondent

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 International Committee on Service2017-2018 International Development and Expansion Committee2017 Club Socktober Sleepout Chair 2016-2017 District Division 3b Lieutenant Governor 2016-2017 District Review Committee 2016-2017 District K-Family Committee2016 Club Teeter Totter Marathon Co-Chair 2016 Club Homeless Sleepout Chair2015-2017 Club Board Member

Other non-Key Club offices held 2018 Miss Heartland's Outstanding Teen2017-2018 Project Hourglass Executive Committee Chair2017 Twin-Cities EdTechTeam Google Summit Lead Intern2016-2017 Speech Team Captain2014-2015 Fridley Builder's Club President

Awards received 2015-2018 Fridley Academic Achievement Award2017 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lt. Governor Award

Other activities/organizationsMiss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen Organization Project Hourglass - Political & Social Advocacy for Youth

Unanimously Endorsed by the Minnesota-Dakotas District

International President Emily Rice for

Hey, Key Clubbers! Welcome to the 75th annualInternational Convention in Chicago! Throughout thispast year, I've had the honor of being on the InternationalBoard as an International Trustee. As Trustee, I servedthe Illinois-Eastern Iowa, Nebraska-Iowa, and California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN'S Districts. It's been AWESOME.I've had such a wonderful year working and beinginspired by you. I'm so pumped to end the year with youhere at International Convention! Make sure tocome chat and hang with me this weekend!                                    Yours in Service,


















Celebrate members with year-round contestsTweak aspects of ICON to create a more applicable,exciting, and memorable experience Involve all members in international initiatives throughonline and in-person opportunities

Increase the promotion and celebration of AdvisorAppreciation Day and the Advisor NetworkBuild bonds with new and existing service partnersWork with Circle K and Kiwanis International Boardsto innovate new ideas across the K-Family

Promote need-based service and project planningExpand our reach to new international areas Involve young people in Key Club through Kiwanis'student programs and eventsSpread our love of service in and outside Key Club

Let's focus on who makes Key Club International as great as it is:

Learn More on Social Media!

/ehr5465 @emhrice

Carson Termotto

Candidate for president

Sanford H. Calhoun High School New York District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Club Secretary 2017-2018 Club President

Appointed offices in Key Club

Other non-Key Club offices held Under Secretary-General of Human Resources Model United Nations

Awards received

Other activities/organizations Teaching Assistant at religious school Student Pilot Model United Nations Martial Arts National Honor Society National Social Studies Honor Society Political activism

Candidates for vice president

Bailey Campbell Foster Hillis Hannah Nivar

Bailey Campbell

Candidate for vice president

Pompano Beach High School Florida District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor 2016-2017 Treasurer (club) 2015-2016 Freshman Class Director (club)

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Marketing Committee Chair (district) 2015-2017 Fundraising Committee Chair (club)

Other non-Key Club offices held 2018-2019 National Honor Society Vice President 2018-2019 Science National Honor Society Treasurer 2018 Relay for Life of Northeast Broward Event Lead 2017-2018 Model United Nations Historian2016-2017 Sophomore Class Vice President

Awards received 2015-2018 Honor Roll 2018 Pompano Beach High School Highest GPA of the Junior Class Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge Best Delegate2017-2018 FL District Emilia Gugliuzza Award (for divisions raising over $1000 for The ELIMINATE Project) 2017-2018 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor 2017 South Florida Water Tower Building Competition - Best Design AP Scholar with Honor 2017 Pompano Beach High School Sophomore Math Scholar 2017 Pompano Beach High School Highest GPA of the Sophomore Class 2016-2017 Distinguished Treasurer2016-2017 Most Outstanding Treasurer of Division 23B2015-2016 Pompano Beach High School's Key Clubber of the Year 2015-2016 Various awards in Public Forum Debate

Other activities/organizations Model United Nations Science National Honor Society National Honor Society Debate Young Scholars Academy American Cancer Society Political Action Club United We Dream Florida Immigration Coalition Freedoms Foundation

Foster Hillis

Candidate for vice president

Lawton Senior High School Texas-Oklahoma District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor2016-2017 Club Secretary 2015-2016 Club Freshman Class Director

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 District Treasurer 2017-2018 District Regulations, Elections, & Credentials Committee Chairman 2017-2018 District Membership Committee Ex Officio Officer 2017-2018 District General Public Relations Ex Officio Officer 2017-2018 District Convention Welcoming Activity Ex Officio Officer 2016-2017 Club Single Service Project Chair

Other non-Key Club offices held 2016-2018 Student Council: Assemblies Director 2016-2018 National Society of High School Scholars: Ambassador 2017-2018 Lawton Public School's Teen Council: Representative 2016-2017 Ignition Mentor 2016-2017 Swim Team: Captain 2015-2017 LORE Yearbook: Managing Editor

Awards received 2017 Lawton Kiwanis' Sophomore of the Year 2017 Male Swimmer of the Year 2016 International Single Service Award 2016, 2017, 2018 District Single Service Award

Other activities/organizations 2018 Youth Leadership Oklahoma 2017-2018 Lawton/ Ft. Sill Junior Leadership 2017-2018 Oklahoma Senate Page 2015-2018 Comanche County Memorial Hospital Volunteen 2017-2018 National Honors Society 2015-2018 CrimeStoppers Member 2016 Teen Court 2015-2018 Huey Ambassador 2015-2017 Swim Team

Foster HillisInternational Vice President




Hey Key Clubbers,

Welcome to the 2018 Key Club International Convention! Whether this is your first ICONor last, I know we will all meet new friends from other Districts, learn more about KeyClub, and of course, celebrate our mighty Year of Service.

This past year, I was the Texas-Oklahoma District Treasurer. As District Treasurer, I able tofacilitate growth by charting new clubs and promoting International Grants like the YOFGrant. It has taught me how to be a supportive and productive servant leader while alsoallowing me to see how the International Board works. With this past year of service andmy two years before that, I am ready and willing to take on the position of InternationalVice President.

I hope to meet you all this week so please feel free to ask me any questions you mighthave about myself, my platform, or if you want to trade pins!

Partner Partner with our District Boards. Contact an Executive Board

Member from each District every other month to see how we, as

the International Board, can better serve them.

Expand Expand the use of the Membership Update Center (MUC), by

letting District Executive Board Members (and others) use the

MUC to look up contact information for Club Officers.

Accessibility Accessibility. Make the International Board more accessible by

having more International Committee Representatives and input

from the members that we support.

Kudos to Us Kudos to Us! Increase the social media streams with more

promotional graphics and add more merchandise to the Key

Club Store.

Serve Serve the Key Clubs that are non-districted, via increased

contact through the Committee on International Development

and Expansion.

Hike the PEAKS of service with me!

Yours in Service,



R . F o s t e r H i l l i s

E N D O R S E D B Y T H E T E X A S - O K L A H O M A D I S T R I C T

Hannah Nivar

Candidate for vice president

Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science New Jersey District

Elected offices in Key Club 2016-2017 Lieutenant Governor of Division 7 of the New Jersey District

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 International Trustee2017-2018 Committee Member of Service on the International Board 2017-2018 Committee Member of Membership Experience on the International Board 2016-2017 District Convention Theme Chairperson on the New Jersey District Board 2016-2017 Committee member of District Convention Workshops on the New Jersey District Board 2017 Lieutenant Governor of Division 4 of the New Jersey District2017 Committee Co-Chairperson of District Convention Workshops on the New Jersey District Board 2017 Committee Member of District Convention Script on the New Jersey District Board2017 Committee Member of District Project Steering on the New Jersey District Board2017 Committee Member of Fall Rally Registration on the New Jersey District Board2016-2017 Committee Member of District Programs on the New Jersey District Board2016-2017 Committee Member on the Advocacy Sub-Committee on the New Jersey District Board2016 Committee Member of Fall Rally Program on the New Jersey District Board

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 Student Government Secretary 2015-2018 Student Government Class Representative

Awards received 2017, 2018 The Trisha Bakshi Wordsmith of the Year Award2018 Honorable Mention in Behavioral Science at the Jersey Shore Science Fair 2018 The Optimist's Creed2017 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Award 2017 Award of Excellence 2017 The Winner's Creed 2016 MATES Annual Research Expo First Place in Barnegat Bay Category 2016 Project Terrapin Dedication Award

Other activities/organizations 2015-2018 Project Terrapin 2015-2018 Relay for Life 2015-2018 Spanish Club 2015-2018 Calvary Baptist Youth Group & Ministry Team 2018 National Honor Society2017-2018 School Morning Announcements2017-2018 Yearbook Committee2005-2018 Dance 2008-2015 Soccer

1-609-713-7199 hannah_x_7 hannahnivar


ARENCY - Monthly newsletters including board meeting recaps, committee

updates, etc.- Monthly phone calls with all Governors - Weekly communications with International Trustees



- Advocate for Key Club representatives on Kiwanis governing boards


EXPANSION - Aid the current district-in-formation in entering the K-family

- Explore viable locations for club chartering

- Cultivating leadership through positional training webinars- Creating a service project planning guide- Encourage Key Club events to educate members such as Regional Training Conferences M



Yours in Caring and Service,

Hannah Nivar

Hello Key Clubbers! Welcome to the windy city of Chicago, Illinois where we are gathered to celebrate the 75th Annual Key Club International Conven-tion and yet another successful service year! I wish you the best experi-ence possible in making friends from across Key Club International, learning something new each day, and enjoying all that the city has to offer. This past service year, I have had the honor of serving alongside the members of Key Club International while serving as an International Trustee. Throughout my term, I have learned more about the dynamics of the organization that many of us consider to be our family, experi-ence service that comes from the heart, and witness the dedication and passion of members originating from all walks of life. As the 2018-2019 International service year kicks off, I am eager to begin, knowing that, if given the honor to serve as your Inter-national Vice President, this will be an amazing opportunity to give back to the members of Key Club who have taught me that caring is truly a way of life and to ensure that all districts are equipped for success. So vote for me, your trustee, for the position of IVP! Please feel free to introduce yourself at any time: I hope I get the chance to meet you all!you all!


Candidates for international trustee

Sebastian Canales Asami Castellano Feliquan Charlemagne Krysta Couzi Braeden Dorchester Madeleine Eichorn Samuel Freiberger Alice Geng Jennifer Harned Grace Ison Lamiya Kudrati Colton Ortiz Zachary Patterson Moira Pearcy Nash Salami K'lena Schnack Me'Shale Sherwood Cindy Shou Sydney Stauffer Minh Phuc Tran Leslie Truong

Sebastian Canales

Candidate for international trustee

Riverdale High SchoolLouisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District

Elected offices in Key Club 2016-2017 Club Vice President 2015-2016 Club Freshmen Chair

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 District Bulletin Editor 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor 2017-2018 District Chairman of the Technology and Communcations committee

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 Junior Class Senator 2017-2018 United Way Mission Ignition Board Member 2016-2017 Sophomore Class Senator 2016-2017 Speech and Debate Treasurer2015-2016 Speech and Debate Co-Captain

Awards received Riverdale Key Club Outstanding Member Most spirited LaMissTenn Board Member Key Club 1K Club Appreciation Award

Other activities/organizations Key Club Breakthrough Participant Student Body Association Speech and Debate National Honor Society


Asami Castellano

Candidate for international trustee

Southington High School New England and Bermuda District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Bulletin Editor 2016-2017 Lieutenant Governor

Appointed offices in Key Club 2015-2016 SHS Key Club Kiddie Carnival Board

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017 Apple Harvest Hostess2015-2017 Secretary for the Class of 20192015-2017 Project Lead the Way Partnership Team-Student Representative

Awards received 2018 Katie Vashon International Convention Scholarship Award2016, 2017 National Latin Exam-Maxima Cum Laude (Gold)2015-2018 Academic Honor Roll2015-2016 Highest Year-End Average in Geometry, Civics, and Latin

Other activities/organizations Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Organization National Honor Society World Language Honor Society (Latin) Regionals Orchestra FIRST Robotics SHS Tennis



My name is Asami Castellano, and I am so excited and

honored to be running for the position of International

Trustee! I believe that my passion for Key Club and

experience that I've gained as both a Lieutenant Governor

and District Bulletin Editor make me a great fit for the

position, and I have several ideas I'm excited to implement.

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hi,

feel free to reach out to me! Have a wonderful time in


Yours in service and friendship,

Asami Castellano


Facebook: /asami.cee.5 Instagram: @a5ami

Unanimously endorsed by the

New England and Bermuda District






Produce videos, written updates, and webinars that cover a wide

range of topics, from Key Club's structure to effective leadership

Produce updated, custom resources for individual Districts

Publicize opportunities such as the Youth Opportunities Fund

and the Halo Movement

Be an easily accessible resource for members of all levels

Remain transparent about the International Board's ideas, goals,

and progress as well as my own

 Set up inter-District connections for all members through social

media and a pen pal system

In addition to e-mail updates, host bi-weekly calls with each

Governor to work with them and personally address their


Host video calls with all three Executive Boards so they become

more connected and comfortable with each other and can look

to their Sistricts for additional help

Provide feedback to each Governor and their Board every month

so they can continue developing their amazing character and

leadership skills

Feliquan Charlemagne

Candidate for international trustee

West Port High SchoolFlorida District

Elected offices in Key Club 2016-2018 West Port Key Club Class Director

Appointed offices in Key Club

Other non-Key Club offices held 2018-2019 WP Design Co-founder and President2016-2017 Freshman Class Vice President

Awards received 2017-2018 Florida District of Key Club International's Distinguished Class Director Award2016-2018 Top Ten Dedicated Members (West Port Choir)2015-2016 Florida All-State Choir

Other activities/organizations WP Design Academic Team Gay Straight Alliance

Feliquan Charlemagnefor International Trustee

Hey!I would like to begin by welcoming all of you to the 2018 Key Club Internation-al Convention in Chicago, Illinois! I know this is going to be a wonderful convention and want everybody to have a phenomenal time. I am Feliquan Charlemagne, from the Florida District of Key Club International and would love for you to learn more about my platform through either asking me ques-tions up front , through watching my candidates video which can be found by searching “Feliquan Charlemagne for International Trustee” on YouTube, or through reading more down below! I am excited to enjoy Chicago, meet so many new friends, and help Key Club flourish at and after #ICON18!


Kiwanis FamilyRelationships


Create guides on how to hold meaningful, engaging DCMs. Club meetings, fall rallies, and workshops in allotted times.

Reevaluate and renovate the ICON experi-ence’s frame-works to improve overall enjoyment and attendance.

Push creation of updated naviga-table websites for districts without.

Promote service projects and meetings between multiple branches of Kiwanis. on club level.

Encourage district boards to work with Kiwanis family counterparts.

Inquire on extension of Kiwanis Japan trip program into oppurtunity for foreign District in Formation Key Clubbers to attend events.

Create templates for physical and digital media for Clubs.

Use data analysis to create directives for each District, and templates for Districts to create directives for divisions, and for division to create directives for Clubs.

Emphasize sister district competi-tion and collab-oration.

Create a Divisional Service Project model with the goal of larger scale and more impactful service.

Create forum for Service Event ideas as exten-sion of Key Club International’s and District Websites.

Create consistent quantitative service goals that for cummulative and more meaningful impact.

Create informa-tional and training webinars for the specific duties of district and club positions.

Promote uniform communication in my assigned districts via standardization of MailChimp for newsletters.

Train club boards through fall rallies and DCON and upload training materi-als and webinars to our websites.

Krysta Couzi

Candidate for international trustee

Jefferson Academy Secondary School Rocky Mountain District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Rocky Mountain District Governor2016-2017 Rocky Mountain District Division 9 Lt.G

Appointed offices in Key Club

Other non-Key Club offices held 2016-2018 Student Library Advisory Board Secretary2016-2017 Tri-M Music Honors Society Secretary

Awards received 2017 Distinguished Lieutenant GovernorAll Years of H.S. Academic Letter (3.5+)All Years of H.S. Platinum Honor Roll (4.0+)

Other activities/organizations National Honors Society Women's Ensemble Thespian Honors Society

for International Trustee

Krysta Couzi








As a trustee, your job is to relay information from International

down to your governors. I will do this by sending out bimonthly

videos/newsletters and emails when necessary.

The relationship between a trustee and governor is very important- especially with communication and goals set at the beginning of the term. I will put forth the effort and I will take initiative on the tasks assigned, so that I will always be providing for my districts.

The job of a trustee is very demanding and a great way to stay

on top of things is by communicating with the governors to

make sure that their needs are always met, and their questions

are always answered. With the plan set at the beginning of the

term, I will be able to plan out how the rest of the year will look


Qualifications • Attendee of three International


• Attendee of all District Conventions

of Rocky Mountain

• Lt. G of Division 9 in the Rocky

Mountain District 2016-2017

o Robert F. Lucas Award


• Governor of the Rocky Mountain

District 2017-2018

• Member of the Kiwanis Family for 4


• Member of 5+ clubs, including 2

ensemble choirs, Student Council

and National Honors Society

• Platinum Honors Student (4.0+) all

years of high school

Hello, Key Clubbers! My name is Krysta Couzi and I am running to be your

International Trustee for the upcoming service year! This

past year, I was honored to serve as the District Governor

for the Rocky Mountain District. Because of my

experience as a governor, I know how important the

relationship is between the governors and trustees. If

elected, I will use my platform AIM to make sure that

every goal set between me and my districts is

accomplished, and that our bond only gets stronger

throughout the year. Please feel free to ask me any

questions throughout the convention and have a great


Yours in Service,

Braeden Dorchester

Candidate for international trustee

Carthage High School New York District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor, New York District

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Awards Committee, New York District

Other non-Key Club offices held 2015-2016 Secretary, Leo's Club 2016-2017 Vice President, Leo's Club

Awards received 2018 Distinguished Lieutenant Governor 2018 Distinguished Key Clubber 2018 High Honor Roll

Other activities/organizations Varsity Soccer Varsity Tennis French Club Jazz Band


Hi! Welcome to the 75th annual Key Club International Convention! I am sovery excited to share and celebrate along witheveryone here, another wonderful year ofservice. Key Clubbers, I am ready, after servingon the district board, to take another step intoour Key Club journey. I will strive to placecommunication and connection among alldistricts at the core of my objectives. I can'twait to meet everyone in Chicago, in themean time feel free to reach out and enjoyyour time in the windy city!



Create shared reports between districts that focus on new ideas that

could be implemented in their district.

Incorporate calls between sister districts for the sake of sharing ideas,

including both district and club boards.

For every club out there with 5 members there is a club with 500. In other words, we can use the strength

of other clubs to help with others weaknesses. The Expert Database will be an opportunity for everyone to collaborate with one another to find solutions to problems. We will set up round table discussions to talk about the problems and give a chance for

'experts' to share their advice!Let's tap into the sister district


Unanimously Endorsed by the New York District Boardbraeden dorchester @braeden.dorchester

Madeleine Eichorn

Candidate for international trustee

Hunterdon Central Regional High School New Jersey District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor, New Jersey District 2016-2017 Club Treasurer, Hunterdon Central High School

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Co-Chairperson, District Programs Committee, New Jersey District 2017-2018 Chairperson, District Convention Registration Committee, New Jersey District Other non-Key Club offices held 2018-2019 President, National Honors Society 2017, 2018 Trainer, Special Olympics Track & Field 2016-2017 Co-President, Hunterdon Central Mental Health Awareness Club 2016-Present Writer, Hunterdon Central School Newspaper

Awards received 2015-Present Academic Honor Roll 2018 Certificate of Appreciation: Member of the Kiwanis Leadership Society 2017-2018 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Award 2017-2018 New Jersey District Outstanding Board Member Award 2017 Hunterdon Central Student of the Month Nominee

Other activities/organizations Varsity Cross Country and Track & Field National Honors Society Girl Scouts Mental Health Awareness Club Peer Mediator Teen Prevention Education Program

Samuel Freiberger

Candidate for international trustee

Cathedral High School Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor2016-2017 Club Vice-President 2015-2016 Club Freshman Representative

Appointed offices in Key Club

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 Class Treasurer 2017-2018 National Honor Society Parliamentarian

Awards received 2015-2017 Highest Average

Other activities/organizations 2017-Present National Science Honors Society 2016-Present Science Quest 2016-Present National Honors Society 2015-Present Science Olympiad 2015-Present Varsity Tennis 2015-Present Cross Country 2016-2017 Peer Ministry

Endorsed by the LaMissTenn District House of Delegates




• A Google drive will be shared among Lieutenant

Governors, so they will be able to share resources.

• I will also work with my three Sister Districts to develop

collaborative service projects.

• Along with standard communication platforms, I will

use Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat to

share International news.

• Districts will always be kept up to date on the latest

news in service, preferred charities, and Key Club


• Governors are constantly under lots of stress. As

Trustee, I will be ready to help Governors find solutions

to any problem they might encounter.

• I will be available to Governors, Lieutenant Governors,

and members 24/7.

Samuel Freiberger International Trustee Candidate

Hello! It’s amazing to be here with you all at the

2018 Key Club International Convention! Thank

you for considering me for the office of

Interantional Trustee. It has been life-changing to

meet so many service-minded individuals over

my three years in Key Club and to have made so

many life-long friends. I aim to bring Districts

together to share resources and improve each

other’s ability to serve. I hope to get to talk to

you all at convention and share more about my

goals with you!

Phone: 601-334-0785


Alice Geng

Candidate for international trustee

Mayo High School Minnesota-Dakotas District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Minnesota-Dakotas District Division 7C Lieutenant Governor

Appointed offices in Key Club 2016-2017 Mayo High School Key Club Secretary

Other non-Key Club offices held 2018-Present Mayo High School Honor Society (NHS) President 2017-Present Mayo High School Debate Team Captain2017-Present Mayo High School Girls Swim and Dive Team Captain 2016-Present Mayo Clinic Young Volunteer Team Leader2016-Present International Club President2015-Present Rochester School District Student School Board Representative

Awards received 2018 Minnesota House of Representatives Page Program2018 Key Club Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Award 2018 Graduate Women in Science Paper Award2016, 2017, 2018 Mayo High School Key Club Academic Letter2016 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist

Other activities/organizations Debate Team Swim Team Teen Council Mayo Clinic Young Volunteers Paws and Claws Humane Society Volunteering Mayo Honor Society (NHS) International Club Student School Board

Jennifer Harned

Candidate for international trustee

La Cueva High School Southwest District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 District Bulletin Editor 2016-2017 District Lt. Governor Sandia Mountain Division 2015-2016 Club Freshman Representative

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Club Webmaster

Other non-Key Club offices held 2016-2018 DECA Retail Merchandising Competitor

Awards received2018 Key Club Letter, Albuquerque Kiwanis Scholarship 2017 Key Club Letter, Academic Letter, DECA Letter, 1st Place State DECA in Retail Merchandising

Other activities/organizationsNational Honors Society National English Honors Society Math Honors Society Best Buddies Fishback Studio of the Dance



Unanimously Endorsed byThe Spicy Southwest District

Hey Key Clubbers!

Welcome to the 75th annual Key Club InternationalConvention here in beautiful Chicago! I am so ex-cited to spend the next few days here with you allcelebrating the amazing service and leadershipthat Key Club has accomplished this year.

My name is Jennifer Harned and I am running forthe office of International Trustee. Having justcompleted my sixth year in Kiwanis and secondterm on the Southwest District Board, I am pre-pared to serve and lead on your InternationalBoard. Key Club and Kiwanis have both had tre-mendous impacts on my life over the years, and,as trustee, I would work to expand that impact.Along with accomplishing my personal goals, Ihope to be able to communicate and collabo-rate with the rest of the international council toaide you in whatever ways you need and tospread the values of Key Club International.

I hope that you will consider me when voting foryour international board, and if you ever have anyquestions, or just want to get to know me better,please reach out! I look forward to meeting youand I hope that you enjoy your time here in Chi-cago.


Jennifer Harned

instagram // @jennifer.harnedtwitter // @jenniferharned



Its Members

- creating member and club resources- expanding scholarship opportunities

- creating a sister district pen pal program- promoting KCI programs for members

(YOF, Breakthrough, etc)

Our Communities

- promoting district events (DistrictConvention, Key Leader, etc)

- increasing the number or servicehours performed each year

- creating stronger bonds between K-Family groups

The world

- continuing KCI’s branding- increasing membership

- focusing more on KCI’s partners- promoting their programs to

benefit other nations

Grace Ison

Candidate for international trustee

Riverview Jr/Sr High School Pennsylvania District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 District Governor 2016-2017 Division 6 Lieutenant Governor

Appointed offices in Key Club 2016-2017 Acting Division 4/5 Lieutenant Governor2015-2016 Division 6 Lieutenant Governor

Other non-Key Club offices held 2018 Principle Cello Pit Orchestra2017-2018 Spanish Club Treasurer

Awards received 2013-2018 High Honor Roll 2017 Challenge Program Community Service Award 2017 Robert F Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Award 2016, 2017 National History Day States 2nd place group performance

Other activities/organizations National Honors Society Orchestra Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Student Council Spanish Club Pit Orchestra

Lamiya Kudrati

Candidate for international trustee

West Broward High School Florida District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Builders Club Charter Key Club Student Advisor2016-2017 Key Club President2015-2016 Freshman Class Director

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Florida District Editor 2017-2018 Marketing and Education Committees Executive Advisor

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 DECA Co-President2017-2018 West Broward High School Track and Field Team Manager2016-2017 DECA Vice President of Competition

Awards received 2015-2016 Distinguished Key Club Director2016-2017 Distinguished Key Club President 2015-2018 West Broward High School Academic Excellence in Science, History, and Career and

Technical Education2017-2018 Distinguished District Editor

Other activities/organizations Model United Nations Track and Field HOSA Rho Kappa National Honors Society


International TrusteeInternational Trustee

Hello there, Key Clubbers! My name is

Lamiya Kudrati and I have been a

proud member of the Key Club family

for the past three years. Through my

experiences and my love for the

organization, I hope to earn your vote

for IT,  and if we run into each other

during the convention, do say hi! 

2017-2018: - Florida District Editor

- Marketing and Education

Committees Executive Advisor

- Builders Club Charter Key Club


- Implemented MailChimp

2016-2017:- Key Club President

2015-2016:- Freshman Class Director







With our resources, KCI can become an advocate

for underrated and underfunded organizations by

bringing them on as Preferred Charities, creating new

service partnerships while also expanding our global


By keeping the current KCI YouTube channel updated

with scheduled updates from the board, alongside

creating stronger units of communication (an app or

interactive blog), members will be more informed as to

the happenings of Key Club on an international level.

Providing standard access to districts all over the

globe will allow for a board in any state to reach their

full potential. By implementing MailChimp, a standard

newsletter program, in all districts, marketing and

advertising troubles can be mediated.

Yours in service and friendship,

Colton Ortiz

Candidate for international trustee

Pueblo South High School Rocky Mountain District

Elected offices in Key Club

Appointed offices in Key Club 2016-2017 Kiwanis Family Relations Chair - District2016-2017 Social Media Team Member - District

Other non-Key Club offices held 2016-2017 Secretary-Treasurer of German Club2016-2017 Marching Band Section Leader2016-2017 Southern Colorado Presbyterian Youth Committee Chairperson

Awards received 2018 First Place Carl-Zeiss Gymnasium Annual Skat Tournament 2015-2017 Honor Roll 2015-2017 Superior Piano Soloist Colorado High School Activities Association 2015 Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Award

Other activities/organizations Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange Scholar Speech & Debate Club Member Church Youth Group Member Church Choir Member National Honor Society Member Gay-Straight Alliance Member

Zachary Patterson

Candidate for international trustee

HomeschooledNew Jersey District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor (District) 2016-2017 Club President (Club)

Appointed offices in Key Club

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 JSA chapter treasurer

Awards received 2017 Presidential Service Award, Gold level 2017 Distinguished Youth Award-NJ recipient

Other activities/organizations JSA Theater Volleyball

Moira Pearcy

Candidate for international trustee

McHenry Community High School West Campus Illinois-Eastern Iowa District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor2016-2017 Club Vice President

Appointed offices in Key Club

Other non-Key Club offices held

Awards received 2016/2017 Distinguished Freshman 2016/2017 Distinguished Vice President

Other activities/organizations Student Council Student Leadership Team P.E. Leadership Team St. Baldricks Committee Girls Tennis Student Mentorship Group

Nash Salami

Candidate for international trustee

Plymouth-Canton Educational ParkMichigan District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 President, Plymouth Canton Key Club

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Kiwanis Family Relations Chair, Michigan District of Key Club International2016 Plymouth-Canton Key Club Public Relations Committee Chair

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-Present March of Dimes Student Leadership Corp member 2016-Present Vice-President, Plymouth High School Class of 2019

Awards received 2018 Thirst Project Power of Youth Award2016 Plymouth-Canton Key Club Distinguished Service Award

Other activities/organizations Plymouth-Canton Mock Trial Team

Nash Salami For


Greetings Key Clubbers,

Nash Salami

Let’s connect! /NASH.SALAMI.7





As your International Trustee, I won’t just promote interaction between the district and International boards, I’ll also promote Kiwanis Family Relations in each assigned district by getting KCI District Board members in contact with their district’s Kiwanis Family counterparts.

As your International Trustee, I will optimize my assigned governors’ abilities to lead their districts into success. I will also optimize my graphic design and video making abilities by creating guides and videos for governors and their districts to use in times of need.

As your International Trustee, I will pollinate the flowers of service and success in my assigned districts. By that, I mean I will work with the district governors of my assigned districts to motivate their LTGs, club presidents, and in-turn their members to engage in service in their communities and beyond!





Key Clubbers and welcome to the 75th annual International Convention in the fabulous windy city of Chicago, Illinois! I’m

ecstatic to celebrate another year of outstanding service and exceptional servant leadership from this past year with you all in

one of my favorite cities in the United States! Over my three years in Key Club, I have had the honor and pleasure of serving

my club as their president and committee chair, as well as serving my district as their Kiwanis Family Relations Chair. From these experiences, I have developed

a deep understanding of how each level of Key Club operates together. However, my time in Key Club is far from over. My passion for this

organization is a never-ending devotion, and I hope to continue my journey as one of your International Trustees during my final year in

this amazing organization. With my knowledge, along with your support, we can make change and pop into service and success

that will take Key Club International to heights it has never reached before in the 2018-19’ year! Feel free to approach

me at any time during the convention to ask me any questions you may have. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy your time here in Chicago!

Yours truly in service and friendship,





Share the movement, Spread the word!






K'lena Schnack

Candidate for international trustee

Milford Junior Senior High School Nebraska-Iowa District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Club Secretary/Treasurer

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 District Lieutenant Governor2017-2018 District DCON Planning Committee, Nebraska-Iowa District2017-2018 District International Partners Committee, Nebraska-Iowa District

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 FCCLA Club Co President 2017-Present Blood Drive Co-Chairman

Awards received 2017-2018 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor2017-2018 Outstanding Key Club Secretary/Treasurer Award2017-2018 STAR Award 2017-2018 Top Novice Speech Performer2016-Present Academic Distinction

Other activities/organizations Speech One-Act FCCLA Spanish Club Musical

Me'Shale Sherwood

Candidate for international trustee

Mount Alvernia High School Jamaica District

Elected offices in Key Club Chairperson - Club Level Bulletin Editor - Club Level Treasurer - Club Level President - Club Level Lieutenant Governor - District Level

Appointed offices in Key Club Chairperson - Club Level Bulletin Editor - Club Level Treasurer(Distinguished)- Club Level President(Distinguished)- Club Level Lieutenant Governor - District Level

Other non-Key Club offices held 2018-2019 Student Council President 2015-2017 Student Council Vice President 2014-2015 Student Council Treasurer

Awards received Key Club Awards2017 Kiwanis Club of Montego Freeport Certificate of Recognition as President 2017 Kiwanis Club of Montego Freeport Certificate of Appreciation as Lieutenant Governor2017 Outstanding Board Member 2016-2017 Distinguished President 2015-2016 Distinguished Treasurer

Other activities/organizations Student Council Prefect Council

Cindy Shou

Candidate for international trustee

Dulaney High School Capital District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Division 6B Lieutenant Governor

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Capital Board Convention and Events Committee Member 2016-2017 Club Board Member, Dulaney High Key Club

Other non-Key Club offices held 2018 Dulaney Varsity Tennis Co-Captain 2017-2018 Baltimore County Student Council Secretary 2017 Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Maryland Student Ambassador

Awards received 2018 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor 2015-Present Academic Honor Roll

Other activities/organizations Varsity Tennis Future Business Leaders of America National Honor Society Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society


Hello Key Clubbers!

for International Trustee


Welcome to the 75th annual Key Club International Convention! I’m super excited to celebrate another year of service with all of the student leaders here and continue growing on a local, divisional, district, and international level. Key Club has provided me with so many opportunities, and now I want to give back to the organization that’s helped me grow so much as a leader. I’m thrilled to say that I’m running for International Trustee this year and hope that I can make this organization even more impactful.

Establish a better understanding ofKiwanis and K-Family branches

amongst members

Revitalize our online presence

Host webinars to educate membersabout the YOF Grant, HALO, and all

of the possibleopportunities available to a Key


Extend Trustee Updates to divisional and club levels to reach

more members

Promote Key Club resources, including social media accounts &

published documents

Hold monthly Q+A sessions that allow direct access from club

members to International

Work with Kiwanis to charter new clubs and new districts

Work on not just gaining new

members, but retention of current/former members

Aid clubs with promotion and

recruitment through a guidebook with tips for promo design and

creative advertising

helpI m running

pe that I can ma

Sydney Stauffer

Candidate for international trustee

Governor French Academy Illinois-Eastern Iowa District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 District Lieutenant Governor2016-2017 Club President

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 District New Club Building and Reactivation committee member 2015-2018 Committee member and chair for various club events

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 Dance Committee President 2016-2017 Co-Captain of Varsity Swim Team

Awards received 2018 Robert F. Lucas Award 2016, 2017, 2018 100 Hour Honor Award 2016-2017 Distinguished Key Club President 2015-2016 Distinguished Key Club Freshman 2015 Leadership and Service Award

Other activities/organizations Mu Alpha Theta Varsity Volleyball WYSE Team Math Competition Team Yearbook Committee Dance Committee Church Youth Group Club Swim Team

Syd Stauffer

Syd’s Three Keys to Success


to Members I would like to work with the membership development committee to spread the word about Key Club as well as improve the experience of club members that already exist. I would use my experience with working on the New Club Building and Reactivation Committee from my district as well as my other experiences working with clubs as a Lieutenant Governor to do this successfully.


Kiwanis Family Connection

If I were able to work with the membership development committee, I would also be able to work with the other branches of the Kiwanis family and help unite them together in service. I would accomplish this by promoting events like Kiwanis Family Conference to my districts as well as providing information and resources to connect the different branches together. I would get in contact with the different governors and attempt to have video conferences with them to initiate good relations between the branches.


Open with Communication

I would use my interpersonal skills to make sure that my assigned districts were getting all of the help and resources that they need to function and progress. I would keep in correspondence with my governors and district boards in hopes to solve any problems that they may encounter.

Events Attended

International Convention 2013

Governor French Academy

Club Meetings 2015-2018

Mission Trip to Nashville 2016

Mission Trip to Florida 2017

Fall leadership Rally 2015-2017

Divisional Council Meetings 2015-2018

District Board Meetings 2017-2018

Kiwanis Family Conference 2017

DCLC 2016-2018

Key Leader 2017

Rustic Pathways- Fiji 2018

Hello, Key Clubbers and welcome to ICON 2018! My name is Sydney Stauffer and I am running for International Trustee! My goal is to be your voice in service. When I served as President of my home club and Lieutenant Governor of Division 31/34 for the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District, my goal was to know and listen to the members in order to represent them well. I want to continue that as an International Trustee. Key Club has always been a major part of my life. My mom became the advisor at another school 15 years ago and I always went along to the events. Before high school I started a Builders Club at my school and when I finally got into high school, I was very excited to join my school’s Key Club! Please feel free to stop and ask me questions or introduce yourself throughout the week! I’d love to meet you all! Thank you for your consideration. So vote SYD to Serve Your Districts!

Your Friend in Service,

Sydney Stauffer

For International Trustee

Follow me on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Sydney Stauffer for International Trustee

Minh Tran

Candidate for international trustee

duPont Manual High School Kentucky-Tennessee District

Elected offices in Key Club 2016-2017 Editor AT duPont Manual Key Club 2015-2016 Class Representative AT duPont Manual Key Club 2015-2016 Webmaster AT duPont Manual Key Club

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Historian AT Kentucky-Tennessee District (2017-2018) 2017-2018 District Project Committee Chair AT Kentucky-Tennessee District (2017-2018) 2017-2018 Kentucky-Tennessee District (2017-2018) Member of Technology and Communications Committee AT

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-Present Director of Programs AT STEM+Youth 2017-Present Director of Design AT KY STEMinar 2016-Present Research Assistant AT University of Louisville 2015-2016 Assistant Concertmaster AT YPAS Concertmaster

Awards received 2018 Questbridge College Prep Scholar 2017 AP Scholar 2017 3rd Place in Biomedical & Health Sciences at DMRSEF Regional Science Fair2016 1st Place in Energy Physical at KY State Science Fair 2016 1st Place in Energy Physical at DMRSEF Regional Science Fair2014-Present KMEA Distinguished Violin Performance

Other activities/organizations STEM+Youth (non-profit) KY STEMinar (community organization) Key Club Breakthrough NOLA Louisville Youth Orchestra All-State Orchestra Tri-M Music Honor Society Science NHS

international trustee

Welcome to the 75th annual International Convention! My name is Minh Tran, and I am so excited to spend this time with YOU celebrating all we have accomplished together. I have recently wrapped up my term as District Historian where I experienced an overwhelming sense of service, friendship, and LOVE. This organization has taught me the true meaning of servant leadership and how to be an active citizen in my community. Key Club has provided me with so much, and my dream to be able to give back to it. My platform centers around re- branding Key Club through social media campaigns and improving communications. My ultimate goal is to boost membership engagement in our organization and elevate the membership experience through LOVE. I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to run and cannot wait to see you all in Chicago.

hello key clubbers!

minh tranminh tranLL ove our members


alidate relations

xpand on strengths


international trustee


> Create an int'l graphics team who will work w/

Membership Experience Committee to improve Branding

> Training bulletin editors in design in Canva + Adobe Spark

> Streamlining the general member input form to improve

ease of access by adding it to the Key Club Home Page

> Enhancing District and International election processes

> Streamlining communication through guiding

districts to use the use of SLACK, a cloud-based set of tools

> Communicate w/ sistricts through detailed monthly emails,

aesthetic newsletters, video updates & online meetings

> Effectively educate members through a District Handbook

ptimize resources

> Maintain good relationships with sistricts with

bi-weekly video calls + meetings with committee chairs

> Building on the awards to recognize Distinguished

Committee Chair and creating more recognition programs

> Validating our relationships with the rest of the K-Family

through collaboration on service projects and campaigns

> Redeveloped pen-pal system for all of int'l + add

an option of matching with a similar officer in another district

> Continue to work with districts-in-formation and assisting

international clubs to promote worldwide servant leadership

> Expand our social media presence through monthly social

media campaigns such as #Thirsty30 or ELEMONate @minhtranok








> IP District Historian > District Project Committee Chair > Member of District Technology and Communication Committee > K-T District Convention '17 '18 > International Convention '17 '18


"We must others to serve others."



Leslie Truong

Candidate for international trustee

Northside High School Carolinas District

Elected offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor

Appointed offices in Key Club 2017-2018 Contest and Talent Committee Vice Chair and Talent Show Emcee 2017-2018 Member Kiwanis Family Relations Committee

Other non-Key Club offices held 2017-2018 Student Body Secretary 2017-2018 Science National Honor Society Junior Board Member 2016-2017 Sophomore Class Treasurer

Awards received 2018 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor 2018 Junior Marshall

Other activities/organizations Student Council Science Olympiad National Honor Society Science National Honor Society

Leslie TruongLeslie TruongLeslie Truong

RedesignRelationshipsHeighten relationships between SisterDistricts by working with organizationalleadership to group districts based ongeography, size, culture, etc.

Include features on Sister Districts inInternational Trustee visits and updates

CultivateClarityExplore opportunities forgreater general member input

Seek member input for international events

Enhance webinars to improvegeneral member educationRevamp

ResourcesOverhaul Key Clubelectronic media sources

Realign guidelines forawards and contests

Elevate service idea opportunities

for international trusteeUnaniMously Endorsedby the Carol inas D istr ict

c a n ’ t g oYOU w r o n gwith leslieTRUONG


Welcome to the Windy City! It is an honor to be at the 75th annual Key Club International Convention alongside such a caring and competent group of servant leaders! This past year, I served as a Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor on the Carolinas District Board. My drive to perform meaningful service to the members of Key Club International will never cease. I hope you all will invest your confidence in me to serve as your International Trustee for the 2018-2019 service year! Feel free to come speak to me about my platform, horoscopes, or love of Taco Bell! Together, let’s have a great time at International Convention and remember that you can’t go wrong with Leslie Truong!

Yours in Friendship and Service,



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