indiana's wildlife - sustainable natural resources task force 11/10/11

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Barb Simpson

Executive Director


Common Sense Conservation Since 1938

Presentation to the

Sustainable Natural Resources Task ForceNovember 10, 2011

Indiana Wildlife Federation Mission

To promote the conservation, sound management,

and sustainable use of Indiana's wildlife and wildlife habitat through education, advocacy, and



Indiana Heritage Trust

Sustainable Natural Resources Task Force

Phosphorus-free lawn fertilizer program

IDNR rule-making and legislation to ensure fish and wildlife protection

Sound sustainable energy policy

Regional and federal natural resources issues, e.g. Farm Bill, Great Lakes Compact, Clean Water Act


Private lands conservation programs Partner with NRCS, IDNR, SWCD

Wildlife Friendly Habitat projects: Backyard, Schoolyard, Neighborhoods, Businesses

Environmental education in our schools Indiana Environmental Literacy Plan

Clean energy, sustainable strategies Electric vehicles public forum

Water quality workshops

Landscaping the Sustainable Campus

Campuses using P-free fertilizer :

Universities or colleges

interested in sustainable

lawn care, reducing lawn

size, and certifying natural

areas as wildlife friendly


Working with

administration, staff, faculty,

& students

10 Indiana universities

The Health of Indiana’s Water

What nutrient problems

threaten fish and wildlife?

How can clean water &

healthy habitats be restored?

6 workshops statewide: Lafayette




Terre Haute


Support Phosphorus-free Initiatives

Increased availability of P-free fertilizer in stores and from lawn service companies:

Scotts Miracle-Gro Company will have P-free Turf Builder line by 2012

TruGreen and Engledow Group are already P-free

Conservation Outreach and EducationIWF partners with NRCS, IDNR, SWCS

Private landowners

Little Calumet-Galien watershed

Healthy Rivers Initiative-Wabash and Muscatatuck River watersheds

Conservation practices, landowner assistance programs, and technical assistance

Emphasis on WRP, WHIP, EQIP, and invasive speciesWabash Corridor

Wildlife Friendly

Certification Program

Provided technical assistance,

coordination, and follow-up for 22

projects (~530 ac.) in 2010.

Included restoration (new habitat) and

management (improve existing habitat)


Grassland plantings, tree/shrub plantings,

wetland construction, and invasive

species control.

Wildlife in Indiana The Indiana setting and state comparisons

Wildlife - health of the resource and challenges

Game species

Non-game species

Habitat threats

Wildlife associated recreation

Hunting, fishing, trapping, wildlife watching participation


Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats: One


An Indiana Success Story – Sneak Peak

The Indiana Setting

Smallest state west of the Appalachian Mountains

11 natural regions

Land cover

72% agriculture

19% forest

4.3% urban/suburban

4% wetlands and water

Great diversity due to Lake Michigan to the north, Ohio

River to the south, and the Wabash River to the west.

Sources: Wilson, J., Indiana in Maps-Geographic Perspectives of the Hoosier State, 2003.

Simon, T., Fishes of Indiana, A Field Guide, 2011

Indiana has diverse

natural regions that

provide unique


Lake Michigan

NW Moraines

Northern Lakes

Grand Prairie

Central Till Plane

Southern Bottomlands

SW Lowlands

Shawnee Hills

Highland Rim


Indiana state-owned public land

Less than 5% of Indiana

lands are publically owned.

State Comparisons: Population, Parks, Visitors

State Population



(sq. miles)

State Parks Visits


Visits per


Illinois 12.9 55,600 44 30.0 682,000

Ohio 11.54 41,000 75 54.3 724,000

Michigan 9.88 96,810 100 21.2 212,000

Indiana 6.48 35,900 25 15.4 616,000

Missouri 6.00 69,700 85 15.9 187,000

Wisconsin 5.69 54,300 106 14.5 137,000

Minnesota 5.30 86,900 66 9.5 144,000

Iowa 3.05 55,900 69 14.0 203,000

Source: TNC data summary distributed to SNRTF

Wildlife in Indiana

Their Basic Needs





>700 Vertebrate Species in Indiana

Vertebrates >700

Birds 390+

Fish 190+

Reptiles 50+

Mammals 50+

Amphibians 30+

Invertebrates >2000







Wildlife - Hunting and Trapping

Woodland game


Ruffed Grouse


Wild Turkey

Upland game




Fur bearing game Beaver






Red Fox

White-tailed Deer Reintroduced in 1934, now overabundant

Est. 34,000+ deer-vehicle collisions 2009-2010

Populations are controlled primarily by hunters

Future management will require a much more

proactive approach to increasing annual deer


80% of counties

(red and orange)

above target

densityOver browsing has negative

ecological impact

Ruffed Grouse

1 of only 3 native game birds

Requires young forest habitat

90% of IN forests are between

20 and 99 years of age

Need increased timber harvests

where remnant populations are

found or this species will not

be in Indiana

Need forest age diversity for

numerous species, not just


Northern Bobwhite Quail Facing consistent long-term population declines

Requires early successional grassland and shrubland habitat

High grain prices and intensive farming are rapidly

increasing threats

Small habitat changes at a broad scale could result in

tremendous rebounds

Funding and outreach for landowner assistance programs is

vitalIndiana Quail Population Trends

Game fish in Indiana Native

Black bass




Other pan fish

Trout and salmon

Introduced sport fish


Striped bass

Hybrid striped bass


Black Bass Includes largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass

Abundance and individual health varies greatly across

their distribution, but generally stable statewide

Major threats are primarily

Sedimentation of streams

Eutrophication of lakes

Other habitat concerns

Not necessarily pressure from harvest

Game Species for Trapping

Species Total Sold

2011 YTD

Avg. Price

Muskrats 551 6.30

Raccoons 467 11.25

Red Fox 3 28.00

Mink 33 16.00

Coyotes 13 7.00

Beaver 2 15.00

Opossum 25 1.35

Grey Fox 0 0

Skunks 0 0

Weasels 1 1.00

Source: Report 2006-8 Trends in Hunting and Fishing 1999-2006, US Fish and Wildlife Service

US Hunters and Anglers DecliningIndiana trend is similar

2006 participation rate in Indiana: 5.5% hunters, 13.1% anglers

Source: Report 2006-8 Trends in Hunting and Fishing 1999-2006, US Fish and Wildlife Service

IN Deer Hunters above the national average

Deer Harvest in IndianaRise indicates growth in deer population

Source: Report 2006-8 Trends in Hunting and Fishing 1999-2006, US Fish and Wildlife Service

IN Turkey Hunters above the national average

IN Black bass anglers >

US participation rate

Source: Report 2006-8 Trends in Hunting and Fishing 1999-2006, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Hunter and angler access issues


Good access sites around lakes are gone

Expensive to get new access sites

Stream access limited if not “navigable”

Must be in a boat. Cannot wade “non-navigable” streams


Less than 5% of Indiana is public land

Access to private lands is limited

Liability issues

Some states pay a fee to landowner for access to hunt.

Less land to hunt - land use changes

More people hunt on private landsAccess is key to preserving hunting tradition

Source: Trends in Hunting on Public and Private Land, USFWA, 2006

Whooping cranes use Indiana habitat

on their migration route

Photos taken at Goose Pond FWA

Wildlife Diversity >90% of Indiana mammals, birds, fish, mussels,

reptiles and amphibians are non-game species

IC 14-22-34 requires: “The development of

programs designed to ensure the continued

ability of nongame species in need of

management to self perpetuate successfully.

Funded only through the voluntary tax check off

Nongame Fund and State Wildlife Grants

No state tax appropriations.

>700 Vertebrate Species in Indiana124 are State Endangered (63) or Special Concern (61)

Birds 390+ 47

Fish 190+ 25

Reptiles 50+ 19

Mammals 50+ 22

Amphibians 30+ 11

Total SE or SC

Success stories: Bald eagle, River otter, Bobcat

“All the easy ones have been done”

>2000 Invertebrate Species in Indiana

Invertebrates >2000







Only mollusks tracked for

Endangered or Special concern



State endangered 15

Special concern 11

Federal endangered 10

Mollusks are the “canary in the coal mine” for water quality.

FanshellWhite Cat’s Paw

Indiana’s 16 Federally Endangered Species

Mammals Gray Myotis

Indiana Myotis

Birds Whooping Crane

Piping Plover

Least Tern

Kirtland’s Warbler

Mollusks Fanshell

White Cat’s Paw

Northern Riffleshell

Tubercled Blossom

Pink Mucket

White Wartyback

Orangefoot Pimpleback


Rough Pigtoe

Fat Pocketbook

~75% of all animal species are insects

Insects provide critically important services: pollination, pest

control, a food source for wildlife.

We must understand the role of insects in the food chain.

“IDNR does not have statutory responsibility or expertise to

direct conservation and management practices for most

groups of invertebrate wildlife.” from ICWS, pg.28

Div. of Entomology and Plant Pathology is a small group

with broad responsibilities focused on the commercial nursery

and pollinator industries, e.g. commercial bees, emerald ash

borer, gypsy moth.

Non-game Species on the Rise Bobcat, river otter, osprey, bald eagle,

others rebounding statewide

Due to successful reintroductions &

intensive management

IDNR Division of Fish & Wildlife’s

Wildlife Diversity Section has been a

tremendous success

Non-game Species in Trouble Declines due to complex issues

Indiana Bat – disease and habitat loss

Box turtles, whip-poor-wills, freshwater

mussels – habitat loss

Several species require rare and

declining habitat

Young forests, large forest blocks,

wetlands, grasslands, and clean water

Threats to Wildlife


Loss for breeding

Loss for feeding


Impedes movement

and migration

Size-scale is critical

Invasive species


Pollution - sediment,

excess nutrients



Climate change

Counter economic or

policy incentives

Commodity prices

Farm bill cutbacks

Energy strategiesSource: Indiana Comprehensive Wildlife Strategy

Invasive species threaten

Indiana’s Ecology and Economy

Zebra mussels-established Emerald ash borer-spreading

Feral hogs-growing issue

Sea lamprey attached to trout-

ongoing control and expense

Asian carp are in Indiana rivers and are

threatening the Great Lakes

Eagle Marsh fence

Forest-Japanese Stilt grass

Farmlands/open space-Canada Thistle Wetlands-Phragmites australis

Invasive plants


wildlife habitat


working lands

Connecting public lands via wildlife corridors

Indiana’s restored wetlands play an important

role in migratory bird patterns.

North American Flyways Mississippi Flyway

American White PelicanFirst observed 1892 - Next observed in 2009

State record high count 359 in 2010

Migratory pattern is shifting

eastward due to wetlands in Indiana

32 Species of Shorebirds migrate thru Indiana-

from the Arctic to South America

Stilt Sandpiper, 70 in 2010.

State Record High Count at

Goose Pond FWA

Source: Lee Sterrenburg

Wildlife Watching

How many Hoosiers

hunt, fish, and watch wildlife?


Bass 324

Catfish 223

Deer 231

Turkey 35

Waterfowl ---

Watchers 2,042

How does Indiana compare: hunters,

anglers, and wildlife watchers?

State Bass












Indiana 324 223 231 35 --- 2,042

Kentucky 344 275 238 76 --- 1,475

Illinois 378 335 204 61 65 2,566

Ohio 457 288 426 96 --- 3,489

Michigan 531 64 713 81 --- 3,227

Sources: Report 2006-8 Trends in Hunting and Fishing 1999-2006, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Report 2006-1 Wildlife Watching in the US: The Economic Impacts on National and State

Economics in 2006, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Participation and expenditures-2006Hunting, fishing, wildlife watching in Indiana

Activity Participants Expenditures

Retail sales

Avg. /Person

Fishing 768,000 $627 mil $773

Hunting 272,000 $223 mil $791



2,042,000 $933 mil $453

Bird-watching is the fastest growing

outdoor pastime

Source:“America’s Wildlife: The Challenge Ahead International Assoc. of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

Economic Value of

Wildlife Watching

in Indiana


Retail sales $934

Ripple effect $1,593

Salaries and owner



Jobs 18,380

State/Local Tax



Federal Tax



Source: Report 2006-1 Wildlife Watching in the US: The Economic Impacts on National and State Economics,

US Fish and Wildife Service

State Budget 2011-2013“Conservation and Environmental” = 1.1%

Funding Natural Resources?

State budget funds?

Payment in lieu of taxes (PILT)? A municipality receives a payment in lieu of property

or sales tax revenue from another government entity

that owns a real asset, such as land, or a valuable


Federal to state PILT

Other new funding mechanisms?

One perspective….


Strengths Weaknesses

Collaboration among

conservation community

Lack of overarching strategic alignment

among all conservation entities

Major Rivers and Lake


Inadequate funding for management and

conservation of wildlife and habitat;

maintenance of equipment and facilities,

wildlife monitoring and research

Committed people Inadequate people resources

Diverse habitats Outreach and education activities limited

Proven success stories Hunter/angler fees pay for all who use public

wildlife areas

Indiana has 2nd highest prime

farm acreage

Conservation best management practices on

working lands not fully utilized to benefit

wildlife and habitat

Strong hardwoods market Too many programs depend on grants

One perspective…


Opportunities Threats

SNRTF-can be a turning point in

Indiana’s approach to conservation

Habitat loss, fragmentation,


Healthy Rivers Initiative and Wildlife

Corridors approach

Invasive species

Outdoor recreation has economic impact Water quality and quantity

Migratory waterfowl returning Children losing their connection to


Wildlife watching growing Federal and state cuts in

conservation funding

Find a way to get non-consumptive users

to financially support natural resources

Loss of hunters/anglers

Need energy strategy that includes

stewardship of natural resources.

Energy strategies can conflict with

conservation objectives

A Success Story……

Goose Pond

Fish and Wildlife Area

Greene County

Circa 1869

Drainage began in earnest at the turn of the last century. Farmed for 100 years.

Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area

8000 acres wetland restoration under the NRCS Wetland Reserve Program

Diverse habitat:

1380 acres prairie

400 acres hardwood trees

>4000 acres open water

Funding through complex partnerships:

The Nature Conservancy

Ducks Unlimited

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Federal Highway Administration

US Fish and Wildlife Service

State of Indiana agencies

Other conservation groups, communities, individuals

Lee Sterrenburg

Goose Pond….the Story of a Wetland and its Neighbors

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