indian musical culture

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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Indian Musical Culture

Shiva (the destroyer)

Brahma (the Creator)

Vishnu (the preserver)

Indian Music

The development of Indian music began

from the religious chants called Vedas which

were sung without accompaniment. As time

passed by, other sacred hymns like the Rig

Veda were developed and integrated.

There are other important aspects that form

the “heart” of the musical tradition of India. The

Guru teaches the Vedas through oral tradition. Some

consider choosing one’s guru more important than

choosing one’s partner in life. The Vinaya teaches

students to be humble toward elders, or those who

are in authority. Lastly, the Sadhana, which means

practice and discipline, involves complete

faithfulness in the craft.

Indian music is the oldest unbroken

musical tradition in the world. Indian

music is based on three unique musical

elements namely the raga, the tala, and

the rasa.

Raga is the name of the pitch system used in Indian

classical music. It is an aesthetic melodic form with a

peculiar ascending and descending movement.

Tala is known to be the rhythmic time cycle of Indian

music. It is composed of long and short beats that

are accented and unaccented.

Rasa is referred to as the dynamics used in Indian


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