increasing students listening skill through a movies

Post on 10-Nov-2015






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By: ANAM RAHMAWAN12-88-203-236




A. Background of the ProblemMovies, also known as films, are a type of visual communication which use moving pictures and sound to tell stories or information (help people to learn). The first movies was created in 1872, a man named Edward Muybridge began experimenting on capturing moving images. This man placed twelve cameras on a race horse track, spread thread across the track, and attached the thread into contact with a camera's shutter. Once the horse ran across the track, it's legs broke the threads, causing the cameras to operate in sequence. The ending results were 12 photos showing a horse's gait. With an invention of his called the Zoopraxiscop, he was able to quickly project these images, creating what is known as motion photography and the first movie to ever exist.In 1885, two men named George Eastman and William H. Walker developed the very first reel of film. Film was sensitized paper created with a gelatin emulsion. One year later it was replaced by celluloid, which was a synthetic plastic material invented in the 1870's which was used in the chemical compound cellulose nitrate.The Kintegraph was created be Thomas Edison's British employee William Kennedy Laurie Dickenson. It was a machine that could capture a sequence of images which was similar to a camera only it automatically took a picture of the moving image every half second. The images were then placed in his other invention, the kintescope. This device had a motor and shutter mechanism that ran a loop of film past an electric light source. The spectator would then peer through a small window to see the moving image.After these two inventions were created, the Lumiere brothers ( Auguste and Louis) created a light weight hand cranked mechanism called the Cinematograph. It could take pictures and project large images quickly when it was linked with projecting equipment familiar from magic lantern shows. There are many kind of movies, such as action , adventure, animated, comedy, dramas, horror, and also science fiction movies. The user of movie not only for entertainment but it can use for another things, for example in education. Movies can use as media to support learning in the class, so the student could easily understood about the lesson. Film viewers have the ability to actively participate in the images to which they are being exposed (Lee, Kane, Drane, & Kane, 2009, p. 100). As a result of movie viewers ability to engage with the images that are being shown, the audience can be motivated by a multitude of responses. The uniqueness of movies, coupled with their ability to depict reality in a form which differs from typical human understanding, allows viewers to visualise and recall content presented (Champoux, 1999).In learning process, teacher have to use all media to support the learning, so the student can easy to understood about material that learn. There are four basic skill that have we pass in learning English, that separate into two type receptive and productive, there are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of this skill had connected between one to another, so we cant just learn only one or two skill. Students understanding about the listening lesson was very low, it can be happen because the student not interested to the learning, specially if the teacher use an old method, like giving explanation and then asking some question to students. Modern teacher need to create interactive learning situation , that the students will fell interested and enjoy the lesson. The simple way that can take by the teacher was by using a movie.

B. Identification of the ProblemListening skill is ability which some one need to understanding all of the information from the conversation (sound or movie). From this skill, the students have problem in the listening process because they unusual to listen conversation in English. Dealing with the background above, the researcher identifies the problem as follow :1. The students listening ability is still low,2. The students unusual to listen English in daily life.3. The students had opinion that listening is easy, so it does not need to learn.4. The teacher only have few method to learn (conventional method).5. The school facilities do not support in learn listening practice.

C. Limitation of the ProblemBased on identification above, the researcher limit the problem on an application of movies to learning listening.

D. Formulation of Problem Based on the limitation of problem above, the researcher can formulate the problem as follow:1. What kind of problem that students have in learning listen? 2. What the method that teacher use to teach listening ?3. How students ability to gap the information from the conversation?

E. Objective of the ResearchThis research has aim as mentioned bellow :1. To find out the students problem in learn listening.2. To describe and search the best method that can using by the teacher to teaching listening.3. How to increase students ability in listening.

F. Use of the Research 1. Theoretically Use Yagang (1994) stated that the problem in listening were accompanied with the four factor : the massage, the speaker, the listener, and the physical setting.Based on that opinion above, the researcher need to give opinion that listening is not only hear what another people said, but listening is gapping a lot of information from the source, that we can use to communication with the other.2. Practical UseIn detail, the use of this research is to serve an information to serve an information to the English teacher (specially in listening) about another method and also applicant that can use to support of the teaching material. This also give description about some problem that find in listening skill. So, the teacher can evaluate their teaching method and the applicant that support the study. Next, it will give input to the teacher to be more creative in teaching listening.


A. Definition of MoviesGrant Horner (2010: 63) stated that movies is a recording of moving images that tells a story and that people watch on a screen or television.Based on explanation above, the researcher analyzed how to increasing the students listening ability through a movies.B. Definition of listening Howatt and Dakin (1974) define, listening is the ability to identify and understand what others are saying. This involves understanding a speakers accent and pronunciation, his grammar and his vocabulary and grasping his meaning.Emmert (1996:2) stated that listening is the process of receiving, constructing, meaning form and responding to spoken and nonverbal massage.Ommagio quoted ( in Persulessy 1986: 3) say that Listening and reading are both highly complex process that draw on the knowledge of the linguistic code (language form), cognitive processing skill (the skill toprocess in the mind), based understanding (background knowledge), and contextual cues both within and outside the text.

C. Listening MethodRixon (1986:28) differentiates between listening and hearing. There is an everyday distinction between hearing and something and listening to it. Hearing is only the recognition of sound, as we say, I am sorry, I did not hear exactly what you said. Listening implies some conscious attention to the message of what is said, as when we say, Are you listening to me?. Rost (1991: 3) proposes that in order to define listening, we can ask two basic questions: What are the component skills in listening? And what does a listener do? In terms of the necessary components, we can list the following:a. Discriminating between soundsb. Recognizing wordsc. Identifying grammatical grouping of wordsd. Identifying pragmatic units experiments and sets of utterances which function as whole units to create meaning.e. Using background knowledge (what we already know about the content and the form) and content (what has already been said) to predict and then to confirm meaning.f. Recalling important words and ideasRost (1994:4) says, successful listening involves an integration of these component skills. In some case, listening is a coordination of the component skills, not the individual skills themselves. This integration of these perception skills, analysis skills and synthesis skills is what we will call a persons listening ability..Rost (1991:4) has also argued that even though a person may have a good listening ability, he or she not always be able to understand messages, some conscious actions is necessary to use this ability effectively in each listening situation. This action that listener must perform is cognitive or mental, so it is not possible to view It directly. Rost (1991:70) stated that there are four principles for developing listening ability:1. Listening ability develops through face-to-face interaction. By interacting in English, learners have the chance for a new language input and the chance to train their listening ability. Face-to-face interaction provides stimulation for development of listening for meaning.2. .Listening develops through focusing on meaning and trying to learn new and important content in the target language. By focusing on meaning and real reasons for listening in English, learners can mobile both their linguistic and non-linguistic abilities to master.3. .Listening ability develops through work on comprehension activities. By focus on specific goals for listening. Learners can evaluate their efforts and abilities. By having well-defined comprehension activities, learner shave opportunities for assessing what they had achieved and revised.

D. Movie in Classroom Sarah and Patricia (2009) stated that, the imagery and sound of film has the power to capture attention and spur thinking in a way that words dont, viewing an entire film is necessary to explore a multilayered issue such as cultural proficiency.According to Hu (2006), movies provide both audio and visual materials that help the students understand the language more easily. When watching a film, students not only listen to the characters, but also watch their movements. In addition, the scenes, the props and other aspects make the communication so real that, by watching the film, students seem to almost interact with the activities in the movies.Xu and Guo (2007) stated that, for many students movies are much more attractive, interesting, and impressive than common material printed in books or audible material in tape, because of the visual nature and immediacy of the medium. It could greatly increase a students enthusiasm and imagination.E. The Advantages of Using MoviesIn a research article Zhao (2009) holds that, an original movie can be very motivating and interesting. In this way language learning will become more enjoyable. In addition, audio-visual English movies can best mobilize a students enthusiasm to visual listening, speaking and other senses, and greatly inspire the students curiosity. Movies make learning English a natural and efficient expansion of human knowledge, and improve English communication skills.Xu and Guo (2007) argued that movies offer authentic voice material, varied vocabulary and cultural material; it can be said that movies could be used as an encyclopedia. But if teachers do not pay attention to their methods, there will be many problems. For example, during the study, some students were unconsciously distracted by the lively visual senses, they got distracted by the drama in the plot, and they then forgot their real task.According to Xing (2005), the various types of movies are produced for learners of different levels of language proficiency. No matter what kind of language class, appropriate movie materials can always be found.

Chapter Research Methodology

3.1 Research MethodThe research method that use in this research is qualitative method. Qualitative research is descriptive method. According to Moleong (2004:4) stated that qualitative research is certain in the real social science which is fundamentally suspended based on the people observation in their area or terminology.This qualitative method used to identify and describe the analysis student skill in the listening, as imperfect speaking caused by the students lack of information from the source and also the benefit of using movies to increasing their listening skill. Dealing with the situation above, Bogdan and Taylor (in Moleong, 2005:4) stated that qualitative research as a research procedure which procedure descriptive data as written or speech from the people and habitual action which is researched.Based on explanation above the researcher analyzed the students listening skill in senior high school and also the implementation of movie to support the education process.

A.1. Place of the ResearchThe research about Increasing Students Listening Skill Through Movies conducted in elevent grade of SMAN 4 Tangerang, Banten. It is formal educational institution located in Tangerang city.

A.2. Time of the ResearchThe time of the research held on July 19th 2014. Which are consist of only one meeting. The research be divided into three section, first section was pre test and the second section was the applying of movie in teaching process, the last section was post test.

B. Data Collecting TechniqueIn the collecting data, the researcher used questionnaire, observation, and interview. In the document technique, the researcher used all of the facilitates of component from test or interview used in qualitative research. Then in interview, the researcher used interview the English teacher and give questionnaire to the student to get some data about student listening ability.

B.1. ObservationGuba and Lincoln (1981:193) Observations carried out to obtain a real picture of an event or events to answer the research questions. With this statement Guba and Lincoln said that observation essentially an activity by using the senses, can sight, smell, hearing, to obtain the information necessary to answer the research problem. Faisal (in Sugiyono, 2005:64) classified the observation became participant observation, overt observation and cover observation, and unstructured observation.The results of observations in the form of activities, events, object, condition or specific moods, emotions and feelings of a person.B.2. Interview Sharma (1997:125) stated that interview is a systematic method by which a person enter more or less imaginatively into the inner live of a comparative stranger. Estenberg (in sugiyono, 2005:72) stated that interview is a meeting of two person to exchange information and idea through question and responses, resulting in communication and joint construction of a meaning about a particular topic. An interview used as data collecting technique if the researcher wants to introduction study to find which must research, but also if the researcher wants to know the deeper data from respondent.

B.2.1. Structured Interview Structured interviews are used as data collection techniques, when a researcher or data collector has to know accurately what information will be obtained. Therefore, in conducting interviews, data collectors have set up a research instrument of written questions that the answer was already prepared.Based on the explanation above the researcher will choose this method because the researcher wants to know the data accurately.

B.3. QuestionnaireBarr (1953:65) stated that questionnaire is a systematic complication or question that are submitted to a sampling of population from which is desire. Based on the above statement, it means that the questionnaire is one of the techniques for data collection is quite effective.

C. Research InstrumentCallahan (2006:6) stated that data collection instruments refer to a tool such as questionnaire, checklist, surveys, and scales that systematically gather data about individuals, group or organization. According to Arikunto (1997:151) research instrument is a tool or facilities used researcher in collecting the data, so this research result is more accurate and systematic.Based on explanation above is very important to use appropriate devices in this research. Then for collecting data to support the research, the researcher used research instrument that are interview, test and questionnaire.

D. Research SubjectThis research conducted at SMA N 4 Tangerang, Banten. The subject of the research those 30 students of eleventh grade years. The researcher choose 11th IPA 1 class as a subject of the research. The researcher choose this class because it was regarded the best class among second graded classes and the researcher believe that class given more information that are needed during the research. Then for getting more information the researcher giving interview to the teacher of SMA N 4 Tangerang is as informant and also the students as the subject for sample of the research.

E. Research Validity And ReliabilityKrefting (1991:214) stated that trustworthiness involves the following elements: credibility, dependability, conformability and transferability.Credibility exists when the research findings reflect the perceptions of the people under study and then dependability term is reliability substitution term in qualitative research. The reliability is achieved if the result is equal when two or several times conducted repetition of a study in the same condition and essentially time.Polit et al (2001:32) affirm that validity and reliability are justifiable in research although qualitative researchers use different procedures to establish validity and reliability. Internal validity is important in qualitative research, as researchers are able to demonstrate the reality of the participants through detailed description of the discussion.Further according to Polit et al (2001:315) conformability refers to neutrality or objectivity of data. The issue of conformability focuses on characteristics of the data. This means that the research findings are the result of the research and not the researchers assumptions and preconceptions.Based on explanation above the researcher provided a description about the setting, the participants as well as the method of data collection so that the result of the research were well received.F. Research Procedures In this research, the researcher has several steps or procedure in finding and analyzing the data of this problem:1. Giving questionnaire to the students about their listening skill.2. Giving the test to students write some information that they get after see a movie.3. Make an interview with the English teacher about students listening skill.4. Analyzing all of the data from the student and also the teacher about listening.


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