increasing online conversion through persuasive design

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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...How to help customers get over the conversion hurdle


Turning clicks into sales

How we help visitors get over the

conversion hurdle...

Joanne Richardson

Senior User Experience Designer


What does user experience design mean?

"UX" is the quality of experience a person has when interacting

with a specific design.

"UX design" is the research, planning and verification of a design solution.


Why invest time in UX?

Confidence in your design - backed up by research

Clarity in direction - guide the solution Continuity of strategy - ensure longevity of the vision and opportunities Customer loyalty - increase brand awareness

Other industries have been doing it for years...

Building architects

Product designers

Supermarket layouts

The hurdles people face

Unaware Interested First time customer

Regular use

Passionate use

Awareness Conversion Return visits Brand attachment


How we help visitors get over the conversion hurdle

Unaware Interested First time customer

Regular use

Passionate use

Awareness Conversion Return visits Brand attachment

What do we mean by conversion?

Not just purchasing online - any action you want people to take

Make a purchase

Newsletter sign up

Tweet an article

Enter a competition

Upload a photo

Post a blog

Get in touch

Like a page on Facebook

What's stopping them?

Time / effort

Money / price

Physical effort  




Out of the norm

Persuasive design

How to convince a potential customer that you're the one for them


or treat?

1. Credibility & trustFirst impressions count

"When participants in the study rejected a health website as not being trustworthy, 83% of their comments were related to design factors, such as an unfavorable first impression of the look and feel, poor navigation, color, text size and the name of the website."

Susan Weinschenk (2011)

Would you trust this website?

How about this one?

How to win them over


Customer reviews and testimonials

Member of professional organisation

Professional design and images

Transparency and information - clear returns policy, team page

2. Signposting

A-B Tests

A test - 15.2% Conversion Rate

B test - 20.9% Conversion Rate

3. Create demand

The worry that you're going to miss out


Only 15 left!!! :(Better be quick!

4. Add constraints - guide visitors 

We're easily distracted & set in our ways

Airport chairs

Amazon Checkout

5. Incentiveseverybody loves a freebie

Pay with a tweet

Dorothy Perkins - 15% discount

6. Social proofOther people are doing this then it must be ok

Amazon - Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought

7. Social AcceptanceTo be perceived as good

8. AchievementHuman instinct to want to complete items and achieve a goal

Reduces spillages by up to 80%

9. The Goldilocks effect"...and the middle one was just right"


New product releases

10. Remove barrierspeople are inherently lazy

Tumblr - first use

Posterous - easy sign up and blogging

How do we achieve all this?

Investing the time upfront in research

Confidence in project direction

Planning the experience

Most importantly testing the solution continuously

Want to learn more?

Obviously you could contact Orange Bus...

But here are some other useful online resources: 

• UX Matters -• UX Booth -• Johnny Holland -• User Interface Engineering -• -  

Thank you :)

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