inca architecture (1)

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Inca Architecture (1)


Inca Architecture

By: Grant Newman & Kameron Vanderbosch

A elongated time ago, people just like you asked the question, “How can we create a

building that will stay standing for hundreds of years without using cement or grout?.” In the

mid 1400’s, the Inca people asked the same question, but they didn’t sit around, waiting for

someone else to figure it out. They got to it themselves.

In this paper we’re going to be explaining why, and how architecture is the greatest

achievement of the Inca civilization. There are many factors why the Incas have the best

architecture, but we’re only going to be stating a few of them. First, due to their smart wits and

overwhelming intelligence, the Incas were able to accomplish great things. When they ran into

the problem of moving large boulders they didn’t stop and give up, they invented new things.

Something’s that were created were ropes, pulleys, and ramps to get these large boulders in the

air. To move the boulders in general, they used logs and rolled them along the top like a

conveyor belt. As the Incas persevered through rough times, in the end it was all worth it. While

they finished the empire they decided they were pretty good at building, and thought the

civilization was so good they decided to build a resort, called Machu Picchu.

As the Incas were building their empire they learned many important skills. Most say the

Incas got smarter, and stronger throughout the empire. As the Incas went through many

challenges, they learned new things. As they invented the pulley and the lever while trying to lift

the boulders, they were able to use these new inventions for many. I think that when they built

the empire it developed many parts of their empire due to these new inventions.

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