in what ways does your media product use

Post on 21-Jun-2015



Social Media



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My magazine shows some media conventions in use as the comparison to Billboard shows. Like Billboard my magazine’s picture is covering some of the title but not as much as my magazine isn’t as well known so therefore the title needs to be seen. The pictures positioning is quite similar as well as their postures. The positioning of text is also quite similar although there are some differences between them as well.

My magazine uses the convention of having the picture over the title so that It shows the confidence I have in my product. I chose this convention as it appeared regularly and I felt that it was necessary for the magazine to show the type of confidence it needed to.The convention of the positioning and postures is used in my magazine cover to show that my magazine shares the same glamour as some of the bigger magazine.The positioning of text is similar as it seemed that the picture should be the main focus so I didn’t want to text taking away from that.


My magazine cover challenges convention by having less text on the cover than most of the magazines I am aiming for. It also has less colours and fonts on the cover which is different from most of the magazine designs I have been aiming for.

My magazine has less text as I didn’t want my magazine to follow the crowded, commercialised design to the full extent that some of the designs I have looked at have.My magazine cover has less colours and less fonts as I didn’t want my magazine to seem crowded as I feel that this makes my magazine appear more erratic.I feel that by making my magazine less crowded it shows that my magazine is less about the commercial side and more about the music but that it still follows some of the conventions of those more popular types of magazines.

CONTENT ANALYSIS CONVENTIONS I have followed the convention of having only 1

person on the cover. I have followed the convention of having the

picture over the title. I have not really followed the convention of

having a short title but my title choice isn't to long either so I don’t feel like I have challenged this convention to much.

I have used a mix of primary and secondary colours so I feel like in a way I have challenged that convention.

I have challenged the convention of having a lot of text on the cover.

I have followed the convention of having a quote on the cover so that the reader gets a peak about what would be inside.


My magazine follows the convention of having a photo as the main feature of the page. Ive also followed the convention of having a fun pose. I’ve followed the convention of covering the title with the photo although in mine the title covers the photo more than the other way around. I have followed the convention of having the features down the side and of having the numbers in different colours. I have also followed the convention of having the cover story separate.

I have followed the convention of having the photo as the main feature of the page because I feel like this was important to get the message across about who the main person of this magazine was.I’ve followed the convention of having a fun pose because I wanted my magazine to seem like a fun and popular magazine so it fits the description.I’ve got the title covering the photo so it looks like she is holding up the title.I have followed the convention of having the features down the side because it is a convenient place to put them and the numbers are different colour so that they stand out.The cover is also separate so that it stands out.


My magazine has challenged the conventions of having large descriptions after each feature. I’ve also not followed the convention of having such a crowded page as I didn’t want it to be to full.

Ive not followed the convention of having large sections of text after each feature as I felt that by having that it would be giving up to much about the contents in the magazine. I also felt that it crowded my contents page up to much which was against the design I wanted because I wanted to have more of an elegant and plain type of design.My page is a lot emptier than a lot of contents pages as I wanted my magazine to be different in this aspect. I liked the idea of the information being on the pages that they needed to be so that he audience is more brought in by the design of the magazine and appearance rather than trying to use every little bit of information to attract people. I want my magazine to attract people just by the title.


I have followed the convention of only having one photo on the contents page.

I have followed the convention of having large empty spaces on my magazine while I challenge the convention of large amounts of text.

I have followed the convention of using three colours on my contents page.

I have followed the convention of not having a small article and a quote on my contents page.

I have followed the convention of having a contents page which only lasts 1 page.


My magazine follows the convention of having the photo as the main point of the page. It also follows the convention of having the text over the photo. There is a similarity between their poses.

My magazine follows the convention of having the photo as the main focus point of the page. I chosen to follow this convention so that my photo would stand out more and therefore show the audience who they are reading about. I feel like this would bring the audience closer to the model. The similarities between the poses is a coincidence. I have followed the convention of having the text over the picture as I feel like this brings the audience closer to the model. By having the text over the picture it shows that the picture is connected to the text.


My magazine challenges the conventions of having a large amount of text as mine only has a small amount of interview. My magazine also challenges convention by having two pictures and a fact file in the corner. I also challenge the convention of having a subtitle. My title also takes up a lot less space.

My magazine challenges the convention of having a large amount of text because I feel like this make the magazine seem simpler.I have decided to have the fact file and extra picture so that the audience can see two different side to the model. This would make the audience feel closer to the model.I have chosen to have a more simple title and no subtitle so that they don’t distract from the interview and picture. I feel like by having the double page spread like this it gets right down to the point without pointless distractions.

CONTENT ANALYSIS CONVENTIONS I challenged the convention of only having

one picture by having two on my double page spread.

I have challenged the convention of having a large amount text on my double page spread.

I have followed the convention of using two colours on my double page spread.

I have challenged the convention of having a clear quote on my page as I don’t have one.

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