improvements in performance version 2

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Improving School Performance


Effective Leadership


Staff Development

• Having all learners or users at the heart of inspection and review

• Independence, impartiality and accountability

• Equality and diversity

• Transparency and mutual respect

• Observing practice and experiences directly: focusing on outcomes and impact

• Building on self-evaluation

• Partnership working with the users of our services and other providers/scrutiny bodies

• Improvement and capacity building

• Proportionality, responsiveness and assessment of risk

• Best value

HMIe Inspection

The ten principles provide a key point

of reference to inform the development

of any new approaches to inspection or review.

How well do young people learn and achieve?

1.1 Improvements in performance

2.1 Learners’ experiences

How well does the school support young people to

develop and learn?

5.1 Curriculum

5.3 Meeting learning needs

How well does the school improve the quality of its


5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation

HMIe - three main questions and the five key indicators

QI 1.1 Improvements in performance

•Standards of attainment/progress over time

•Context of establishment

•Attainment/progress data trends

•Teaching, learning meeting needs

•Teacher expectations

•Overall quality of learner's achievement

• Development of the four capacities

• Development of personal and social skills

• Improvement in attainment/progress and achievement

• Delivering the Establishment's vision

• Impact of the school improvement plan

• Improvements in performance

•Standards of attainment/progress over time

• Attainment was very good in all key metrics

• To quote HMIe: "QAHS are performing better or much

better in all key metrics when considered against

their Comparator Schools." - Information from STACS. Projects linked to our Confucius


•Data rich•Use of Access databases

•Tracking and Monitoring Performance

•Reporting to parents

•Data regularly imported into STACS

charts and table format

•Availability of data across the school for all staff

•Well developed system

Remembrance Day 2012

Purpose To obtain regular indications of individual pupil performance, subject performance, year group performance and whole school performance

Based uponPupil Updates (teacher judgements, class tests, etc.) Yearly Reporting (based on summative assessment)

Baseline data used to set targetsUse of Primary School AfE data (formerly PIPs) and S2 AfE On line testing (formerly SOSCA)

A Celebration of Christmas 2012

Monitoring is more than tracking academic progress

Achievement Awards (including School awards, Saltire Awards, ASDAN, Youth Achievement Awards, etc);

Praise Awards and Positive Referrals

Monitoring will include Pupil Profiling which will ultimately contain comments from all stakeholders

(pupils, parents, teachers and relevant agencies if applicable) regarding each pupil’s progress in a holistic


Monitoring will include reference to attendance and behaviour

Each year should provide a full and frank appraisal of each pupil

Pupils presenting at the Gleneagles summit 2012 along with the group who attended the summit

Performance Tracking System 2012-13

System Data

Pupil Details - Name, class, subject. set & course

Tracking Information - Pupil details, SQA, AfE & CfE

Pupil Reports - Pupil details & main report information

S1 Class Definition Information - Pupil details, PS AfE, CfE, ASN, Keep together, keep apart

Praise Awards - Pupil details, set and Praise Award result

Achievement Award - Pupil details & Award type

Positive Referrals - Pupil details, referral reason; set & subject

Attendance/Late Information - Pupil details, latest % attendance and lates

Daily Dozen Details - Pupil details, Tracking & Attendance/Late information

Classroom Observations - Class, DHT & Observation results

Performance Tracking System

Sample Results Analysis S3-4

6 of the12 key metrics showing

a 7 year progression

Quartile 1 or 2

6 of the12 key metrics showing

a 7 year progression

Quartile 1 or 2

"The real role of leadership in education … is not and

should not be command and control. The real role of

leadership is climate control, creating a climate of


Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley

"We need a pedagogy


from fear and focused

on the magic of children's


quest for information

and understanding."

-- Sugata Mitra

"Making sure all our students get a great


find a career that's fulfilling and rewarding, and

have a chance to live out their dreams …

wouldn't just make us a more successful

country — it would

also make us a more fair and just one.”

Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback

"A colleague said to me one time, ‘They

don't pay me to

like the kids. They pay me to teach a

lesson.’ … I said

to her, ‘You know, kids don't learn from

people they

don't like.’”

Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion

"What kind of school would have the


fighting to get in, not fighting to stay out?” Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School

"In all high performing systems

there is

individualised learning, teachers

have very

high standards and responsibility


devolved to the school level."

Ken Robinson:

How to escape education's death


"Death Valley is dormant not dead! The seeds

are there and are simply waiting for the


Ken Robinson: How to escape education's

death valley

The next slides simply show a pictorial

representation of how

that simple effect of watering can indeed lead to

a blossoming of

potential and to wonderful opportunities that are

eagerly ceased

by pupils of all age and stages.

Give them a chance and wonder at what


Peace One DayConference - morning

Series of Debates - afternoonSports Festival - school day

Art and Photography Exhibition - all day

Concert - eveningMonday 23 September 2013

What of tomorrow?

STACS has disappeared

Senior Phase Benchmarking Tool (SPBT) takes its


No comparator schools data - virtual school

More emphasis on positive destinations

Wider achievements

Social indicator of multiple depravation -SIMD

Additional Support Needs (ASN) data

Looked After Children (LAC) data

SPBT Examples

Tackling disadvantage

Improving attainment in Literacy and Numeracy

SPBT Examples

British Council International School


Examples from SPBT

Average total tariff score








Geography trip to Iceland

Third Green Flag Award - some of our Eco Group

Improving Attainment for all

SPBT Examples

Samaritans Purse Project - some of the parcels collected

SPBT Examples

Increasing post school participation

Records of Wider Achievement

Examples of the sports in our Commonwealth Cluster Games 2014

" We have a number of groundbreaking

initiatives to

support and improve teaching and

learning in

Scotland such a Curriculum for

Excellence, the new

Professional Standards and

Professional Update.

These initiatives give us a unique

opportunity to

improve the learning outcomes of our


and young people and, ultimately


Scottish Society"

Kenneth Muir - Chief Executive of GTC Scotland

"Business Leaders worldwide have repeatedly advanced the view that the 21st century belongs to those who are creative, collaborative, and intensely curious. People with ideas."

Ruth Wishart - The Creative Learning Plan

Creative ScotlandCollege Development NetworkGTC ScotlandSQAEducation ScotlandSkills Development Scotland

QAHS v Morrison's Academy Final - Fife and Tayside U16


"Our approaches to inspection and review have increasingly placed more emphasis

on issues such as the extent to which an establishment or service has developed the

ability to self-evaluate and drive its own improvement. In inspections, we focus on

how an establishment is performing, the impact it is having on learners and the

quality of leadership and management in building capacity for improvement. We

carry out inspections taking account of the context and nature of the school, its

children and young people and their needs. "

Arrangements for inspecting schools in Scotland - HMIe

Some of our aspiring young runners meet Eilish McColgan

"The performance of Scotland's schools is good and remarkably consistent but that, taken as a whole, the system no longer ranks among the

world's best"

By Diverse Means - Improving Scottish Education

Some Mandarin pupils in our

Confucius Classroom

"Schools should be encouraged to innovate and take well-considered risks"

By Diverse Means - Improving Scottish Education

Performers at our

"Peace One Day"


"We need to have a broad general education that is consistently challenging. We do not need to search for magic bullets from other countries. Curriculum for Excellence is the right agenda. It is radical and has enjoyed political and professional support."

Graham Donaldson- tess -January 2014Peace One Day contributions - Maasai Warriors - Peace Concert

Art work for the Art and Photography Exhibition

We at Queen Anne High School have a

dream to unleash the potential of all our

pupils, to allow them to flourish in the

opportunities of CfE such that we do

indeed have successful learners;

confident individuals; effective contributors

and responsible citizens!

"And the day came when the risk to

remain tight in the bud was more

painful than the risk it took to blossom."Anias Nin

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