
Post on 17-May-2015






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By Justin Scott Ehrenpreis

David Livingstone

The best known explorer-missionary

He opposed slave trade which was a profitable business for some African rulers and foreign traders

He wanted people in Africa to convert to Christianity

Meiji Restoration

Japans major turning point

Meiji reformers wanted a rich country and a strong military force

Open Door Policy

To keep Chinese trade on equal basis

Taiping Rebellion

Most devastating peasant revolt in history

Rebellion won control of large area of China

This ended hat rade to Qing dynasty

Sepoy Rebellion

East India Company won trading rights on freeing of Mughal empire companies

Influenced grew

Mughal power declined

Controlled 3/5 of India

Treaty of Nanjing

1842, Britain forced China to agree to pay for Britain's war cost.

This treaty was unequal which forced China to make concessions to Western Powers

Opium War

Opium is a drug which Chinese outlawed in there country but not others, so they traded with other countries to get silver which turned to money

Matthew Perry

He was sent on a mission by President Millard Fillmore to establish trade with Japan

Zulu Shaka

Ruler of Zulu Kingdom

His wars disrupted life across South Africa.

His tactics were remembered for generations

Sun Yixian

A spokesman for a Chinese republic

Studied in West

Organized Revolutionary Alliance

His goal to rebuild China

Boxing Rebellion

1900, tried to drive foreigners out of Chinese Rebellion


China forced grant concessions to foreign powers


Domination by on country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region


Payment for losses during war

Taiping Rebellion

1850-1864 peasants got angry over property and at corrupt Qung officials rose and revolted.


Direct Rule

sending officials and soldiers from their country to administer their countries

Indirect Rule

To govern their colonies they use sultans, chiefs, or other local rulers


In Islam, effort in God’s service


Someone sent on a religious mission


The destruction of forest land

Trade Surplus

A situation that a country exports more than it imports

Trade Deficit

A situation that a country imports more than it exports


A payment for a loss in war


Upper Class


Deliberate attempt to destroy an entire religious or ethnic group


A special economic rights given to a foreign power

Suez Canal

A 100 mile waterway link to the Mediterranean and Red Seas. A trade route to and from Europe, South and East Asia. This route that all countries wanted just for trade.


An Indian soldier who served in army set up by French or English East India Company


Representative ruled one Spain’s provinces in Americas in Kings name. One who governed in India in name of British monarchy

Indian National Congress

A congress party that members were mostly professionals and businessmen who belief in a peaceful protest to gain their ends

East Indian Company

A trading company that wanted money and to lead officials

Muslim League

A league to pursue goals with Muslims and Hindus by making Muslims a separate state


A country with own government but under control of outside power

Sepoy Rebellion

1857, tension due to British angered Sepoys to follow rules against their religion.

Hindus/ Muslims unite. British took control of India

Sphere of Influence

Area in an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges

Homogeneous Society

When they have common culture and language

What is imperialism?

Domination by one country of political, economical, or cultural life of another country or region

How were western powers able to dominate non-western nations?

The British owned a port for there British East Indian Company near Mughal Empire

They took over Singh empire which added 100,000 square miles for British rule

India hated British rule

Converting Indians to Christianity

Superior Military and National power

What were some effects of Imperialism?

Europeans control land and people in areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America

Europeans controlled trade and setup cash-crop economics

Converts cultureFamineAdvanced technology

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