impact report 2013-2014

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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What people are saying about Christendom“[A] � ne Catholic institution of higher learning” –Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

“Christendom College is doing a great work for the Church.” –Pope St. John Paul II

Top 50 All-American Colleges –Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Top College for American Values –

Top Conservative College –Young America’s Foundation

Excellent American College –Free Congress Foundation

“Joyfully Catholic” –Cardinal Newman Society

Barron’s Best Buys in College Education

#20 Best Value Private Liberal Arts College Kiplinger

Peterson’s Competitive Colleges

Top Ten Most Radical Colleges –� e Huffi ngton Post

Top Ten Colleges in America –Rating America’s Colleges

“Top 20 Christian colleges in the nation for student success and satisfaction” –

“Embodies [Pope] Benedict’s vision for education” –U.S. News & World Report

“I cannot think of any university from which I would be more pleased to receive an honorary doctorate than Christendom College. I’m very well acquainted with the writings of Dr. Warren Carroll...and I have also long admired the work of Dr. O’Donnell, and am a faithful reader of the newsletter of the College [Instaurare]. I have known a number of the alumni, and of course, I always think that the ultimate test of the excellence of a Catholic college is the quality of Faith in Christ and in His Church of the alumni, and Christendom certainly stands out in that regard.”

–Raymond Cardinal Burke, Former Prefect, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

Christendom is described as “a standard for fi delity and traditional education against which other Catholic liberal arts colleges are measured.”

–2015 edition of “� e Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College,” Cardinal Newman Society

Rankings & EndorsementsBuilding a Hopeful Future

Building Financial Stability

Creating Leaders

Scholarships for 2013-2014

Joe Walsh loves sports. As the youngest of six children (the second to attend Christendom) the cost of attending college was an issue for the Walsh family. � anks to generous donors, Joe was awarded the � omas S. Vander Woude Memorial Athletic Scholarship, a key factor in his decision to attend Christendom. Driven to be a leader on the sports � eld, Joe gave 110% and had great success. But God had other plans. When various sports injuries limited his leadership on the � eld, Joe embraced other opportunities by immersing himself in mission trips over breaks, weekly Shield of Roses sidewalk counseling, managing a dormitory as a Resident Assistant, and being elected as Vice President of the Senior Class.

Re� ecting on his time at Christendom, Joe states: “I have had the privilege of receiving a scholarship in the name of a great man, � omas Vander Woude, who has provided me with a constant reminder of how athletes should make their greatest impact, not on the athletic � eld, but o� of it.”

� anks to your support, Joe is a proven leader—both on and o� the athletic � eld—and will continue to lead in whatever vocation God has planned for him.



“� e athletic scholarship was defi nitely the deciding factor in my decision to come to Christendom, which was a decision I’ ll never regret.”

– Joe Walsh, Senior, Baltimore, MD

Ω 2013 – 2014 RevenueYour Support is an Essential Part of Educating 450 Students

2013-2014 Functional ExpensesYour Dollars at Work!


Private Gifts & Grants*$2,650,796(16%)

Tuition and Fees$10,106,564(59%)

Room and Board$3,164,052(18%)

Management & General$336,366 (2% )

Fund raising/Alumni*$622,576(4%)

Programs(includes personnel/offi ce costs, student fi nancial aid, and professional services)$14,517,652(94%)

Building Financial Stability

2013 – 2014 RevenueYour Support is an Essential Part of Educating 450 Students

Impact #1

Impact #6Dear Friends of Christendom,

Pax Christi! I pray that all is well with you.

Enclosed please � nd our 2013-2014 Impact Report detailing how your donations are changing lives and building a hopeful future. � ank you for your continued support of our educational apostolate at Christendom College.

Sincerely in the Heart of Christ,

Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

Sincerely in the Heart of Christ,

Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

* � is amount is an estimated cost of operational fund raising during 2013-14. However, the combined cost of fund raising for all purposes, that is, for campaign ($3,081,082 raised) plus operations ($2,650,796), is $1,346,410.

Building Financial Stability

Creating Leaders

Scholarships for 2013-2014

Joe Walsh loves sports. As the youngest of six children (the second to attend Christendom) the cost of attending college was an issue for the Walsh family. � anks to generous donors, Joe was awarded the � omas S. Vander Woude Memorial Athletic Scholarship, a key factor in his decision to attend Christendom. Driven to be a leader on the sports � eld, Joe gave 110% and had great success. But God had other plans. When various sports injuries limited his leadership on the � eld, Joe embraced other opportunities by immersing himself in mission trips over breaks, weekly Shield of Roses sidewalk counseling, managing a dormitory as a Resident Assistant, and being elected as Vice President of the Senior Class.

Re� ecting on his time at Christendom, Joe states: “I have had the privilege of receiving a scholarship in the name of a great man, � omas Vander Woude, who has provided me with a constant reminder of how athletes should make their greatest impact, not on the athletic � eld, but o� of it.”

� anks to your support, Joe is a proven leader—both on and o� the athletic � eld—and will continue to lead in whatever vocation God has planned for him.



“� e athletic scholarship was defi nitely the deciding factor in my decision to come to Christendom, which was a decision I’ ll never regret.”

– Joe Walsh, Senior, Baltimore, MD

Ω 2013 – 2014 RevenueYour Support is an Essential Part of Educating 450 Students

2013-2014 Functional ExpensesYour Dollars at Work!


Private Gifts & Grants*$2,650,796(16%)

Tuition and Fees$10,106,564(59%)

Room and Board$3,164,052(18%)

Management & General$336,366 (2% )

Fund raising/Alumni*$622,576(4%)

Programs(includes personnel/offi ce costs, student fi nancial aid, and professional services)$14,517,652(94%)

Building Financial Stability

2013 – 2014 RevenueYour Support is an Essential Part of Educating 450 Students

Impact #1

Impact #6Dear Friends of Christendom,

Pax Christi! I pray that all is well with you.

Enclosed please � nd our 2013-2014 Impact Report detailing how your donations are changing lives and building a hopeful future. � ank you for your continued support of our educational apostolate at Christendom College.

Sincerely in the Heart of Christ,

Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

Sincerely in the Heart of Christ,

Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

* � is amount is an estimated cost of operational fund raising during 2013-14. However, the combined cost of fund raising for all purposes, that is, for campaign ($3,081,082 raised) plus operations ($2,650,796), is $1,346,410.









“� e future of the Church is in the hands of the young. I am thrilled to join Christendom’s ‘great work’ of Catholic liberal arts education by fostering in our students a commitment to the lay apostolate.”

– Professor Christopher Lane (’03), Assistant Professor of History

“Our formation at Christendom changed our lives in so many ways we can hardly count them all”

– Matt (‘03) and Jan (‘03) Akers

Attracting First Class Faculty Building Culture Through Family

Christendom founder Dr. Warren Carroll always said: “One man can make a di� erence.” For Prof. Christopher Lane, that one person was a student at Christendom College who shared the Faith over time in a youth leadership program. � at experience led to his conversion to the Catholic Faith and his enthusiasm to share it with others. On � re for the Faith, Prof. Lane obtained his B.A. from Christendom in 2003 and then sought an advanced degree in History. Prof. Lane returned to Christendom in the fall of 2013 as an Assistant Professor of History.

In addition to teaching the next generation of Catholic lay apostles, Prof. Lane has produced an online History course used primarily by religious sisters in various convents in the United States and Canada, providing a whole new venue for evangelization. In 2015, Prof. Lane will be the Editor-in-chief of “Principles,” a new bi-monthly Christendom publication which will apply the timeless wisdom of the liberal arts to modern day issues, reaching many souls with the persuasive arguments of faith and reason.

After 11 years of marriage that has been blessed with six children, alumni couple Matt and Jan Akers are great examples of faith in action in the workplace, the parish, and, most importantly, at home. � roughout that time, their Christendom formation taught them reliance on each other, on their many rich friendships with alumni, and on their relationship with God.

As one of six siblings to attend Christendom, Matt Akers graduated in 2003 with a Philosophy major. He successfully attended law school and joined with a partner founding a law � rm in Winchester, VA. In addition to being a good husband and father, Matt donates his legal expertise to priests and to a maternity home for women in crisis pregnancies.

Jan (Kuznia) Akers was the second in her family to attend Christendom graduating in 2003 with a Philosophy degree. In addition to homeschooling her children, Jan has chaired her local parish’s women’s group as well as a spiritual reading/discussion group. She is one of many local alumnae who participate in “At the Well,” a newly created alumni mentoring program for current female Christendom students.

Christendom s̓ First Class Faculty Christendom Alumni Impacting Culture

Christendom alumni are involved in just about every occupational fi eld imaginable.

PRICELESS - hundreds of stay-at-home alumna mothers doing great work by nobly raising their families.



Attracting First Class FacultyImpact #5Building Culture Through Family

Impact #2









“� e future of the Church is in the hands of the young. I am thrilled to join Christendom’s ‘great work’ of Catholic liberal arts education by fostering in our students a commitment to the lay apostolate.”

– Professor Christopher Lane (’03), Assistant Professor of History

“Our formation at Christendom changed our lives in so many ways we can hardly count them all”

– Matt (‘03) and Jan (‘03) Akers

Attracting First Class Faculty Building Culture Through Family

Christendom founder Dr. Warren Carroll always said: “One man can make a di� erence.” For Prof. Christopher Lane, that one person was a student at Christendom College who shared the Faith over time in a youth leadership program. � at experience led to his conversion to the Catholic Faith and his enthusiasm to share it with others. On � re for the Faith, Prof. Lane obtained his B.A. from Christendom in 2003 and then sought an advanced degree in History. Prof. Lane returned to Christendom in the fall of 2013 as an Assistant Professor of History.

In addition to teaching the next generation of Catholic lay apostles, Prof. Lane has produced an online History course used primarily by religious sisters in various convents in the United States and Canada, providing a whole new venue for evangelization. In 2015, Prof. Lane will be the Editor-in-chief of “Principles,” a new bi-monthly Christendom publication which will apply the timeless wisdom of the liberal arts to modern day issues, reaching many souls with the persuasive arguments of faith and reason.

After 11 years of marriage that has been blessed with six children, alumni couple Matt and Jan Akers are great examples of faith in action in the workplace, the parish, and, most importantly, at home. � roughout that time, their Christendom formation taught them reliance on each other, on their many rich friendships with alumni, and on their relationship with God.

As one of six siblings to attend Christendom, Matt Akers graduated in 2003 with a Philosophy major. He successfully attended law school and joined with a partner founding a law � rm in Winchester, VA. In addition to being a good husband and father, Matt donates his legal expertise to priests and to a maternity home for women in crisis pregnancies.

Jan (Kuznia) Akers was the second in her family to attend Christendom graduating in 2003 with a Philosophy degree. In addition to homeschooling her children, Jan has chaired her local parish’s women’s group as well as a spiritual reading/discussion group. She is one of many local alumnae who participate in “At the Well,” a newly created alumni mentoring program for current female Christendom students.

Christendom s̓ First Class Faculty Christendom Alumni Impacting Culture

Christendom alumni are involved in just about every occupational fi eld imaginable.

PRICELESS - hundreds of stay-at-home alumna mothers doing great work by nobly raising their families.



Attracting First Class FacultyImpact #5Building Culture Through Family

Impact #2

Christendom Vocations Christendom s̓ New Evangelization





Working with livestock on the family farm in Kansas, it only seemed natural that Anthony Stephens would follow his dream to go to veterinary school and settle down in rural America. But, his time at Christendom College radically changed all that. As a senior in high school, he began to sense that God might be calling him to broaden his horizons, so he enrolled at Christendom College. His studies over four years opened up many new opportunities. A spirituality class that Dr. O’Donnell o� ered his senior year prompted Anthony to ask himself, “How is God calling me to grow in holiness?” After graduation, he discerned a priestly vocation with the Fathers of Mercy, a community with � ve other Christendom alumni in its ranks. He was ordained in 2005 and, since 2009, Fr. Anthony Stephens has served as the Student Master/Director of Seminarians and has preached parish missions all over the United States, bringing hope and God’s mercy to all.

“During my travels,” says Father Stephens, “I meet Christendom grads who are established members of their parishes and communities, and work in many di� erent kinds of jobs. Each of us is working ‘to restore all things in Christ’ in their little corner of the Lord’s vineyard.”

New Hampshire is a long way from the Dominican Republic, and the two cultures couldn’t be more di� erent. � at di� erence became very real for Bridget Handy as she spent her spring break in the Dominican Republic as part of the Christendom Mission Program. Experiencing the joy of the people in the midst of poverty and hunger so impressed her that she now feels led to a career working with people and serving others. But all this may not have happened if Bridget had not received a generous � nancial aid package from Christendom College. As the second oldest of six children, Bridget is the � rst in her family to attend Christendom, and expenses are a concern.

As a leader on and o� campus, she has already found many ways to inspire and to serve others. Bridget writes for the student newspaper, is a member of the Radio Club, helps manage a dormitory, and participates in the Shield of Roses pro-life program, as well as playing soccer, softball, and intramural sports.

� anks to your generosity, Bridget’s excellent education and missionary spirit will have a profound e� ect on the many lives she will touch.




“� e four years of liberal arts study challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and examine new possibilities for my life. Christendom gave me the intellectual and spiritual tools to do that.”

– Fr. Anthony Stephens, CPM (‘99)

“I am thankful that Christendom College has a mission program for students. God bless all thegenerous donors who madethis life-changing mission trip possible.”

– Bridget Handy, Sophomore, Nashua, New Hampshire

Fostering Priestly & Religious Vocations Inspiring Lay Missionary Activity




SINCE 1999

Fostering Priestly & Religious VocationsImpact #3Inspiring Lay Missionary Activity

Impact #4

Christendom Vocations Christendom s̓ New Evangelization





Working with livestock on the family farm in Kansas, it only seemed natural that Anthony Stephens would follow his dream to go to veterinary school and settle down in rural America. But, his time at Christendom College radically changed all that. As a senior in high school, he began to sense that God might be calling him to broaden his horizons, so he enrolled at Christendom College. His studies over four years opened up many new opportunities. A spirituality class that Dr. O’Donnell o� ered his senior year prompted Anthony to ask himself, “How is God calling me to grow in holiness?” After graduation, he discerned a priestly vocation with the Fathers of Mercy, a community with � ve other Christendom alumni in its ranks. He was ordained in 2005 and, since 2009, Fr. Anthony Stephens has served as the Student Master/Director of Seminarians and has preached parish missions all over the United States, bringing hope and God’s mercy to all.

“During my travels,” says Father Stephens, “I meet Christendom grads who are established members of their parishes and communities, and work in many di� erent kinds of jobs. Each of us is working ‘to restore all things in Christ’ in their little corner of the Lord’s vineyard.”

New Hampshire is a long way from the Dominican Republic, and the two cultures couldn’t be more di� erent. � at di� erence became very real for Bridget Handy as she spent her spring break in the Dominican Republic as part of the Christendom Mission Program. Experiencing the joy of the people in the midst of poverty and hunger so impressed her that she now feels led to a career working with people and serving others. But all this may not have happened if Bridget had not received a generous � nancial aid package from Christendom College. As the second oldest of six children, Bridget is the � rst in her family to attend Christendom, and expenses are a concern.

As a leader on and o� campus, she has already found many ways to inspire and to serve others. Bridget writes for the student newspaper, is a member of the Radio Club, helps manage a dormitory, and participates in the Shield of Roses pro-life program, as well as playing soccer, softball, and intramural sports.

� anks to your generosity, Bridget’s excellent education and missionary spirit will have a profound e� ect on the many lives she will touch.




“� e four years of liberal arts study challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and examine new possibilities for my life. Christendom gave me the intellectual and spiritual tools to do that.”

– Fr. Anthony Stephens, CPM (‘99)

“I am thankful that Christendom College has a mission program for students. God bless all thegenerous donors who madethis life-changing mission trip possible.”

– Bridget Handy, Sophomore, Nashua, New Hampshire

Fostering Priestly & Religious Vocations Inspiring Lay Missionary Activity




SINCE 1999

Fostering Priestly & Religious VocationsImpact #3Inspiring Lay Missionary Activity

Impact #4

What people are saying about Christendom“[A] � ne Catholic institution of higher learning” –Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

“Christendom College is doing a great work for the Church.” –Pope St. John Paul II

Top 50 All-American Colleges –Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Top College for American Values –

Top Conservative College –Young America’s Foundation

Excellent American College –Free Congress Foundation

“Joyfully Catholic” –Cardinal Newman Society

Barron’s Best Buys in College Education

#20 Best Value Private Liberal Arts College Kiplinger

Peterson’s Competitive Colleges

Top Ten Most Radical Colleges –� e Huffi ngton Post

Top Ten Colleges in America –Rating America’s Colleges

“Top 20 Christian colleges in the nation for student success and satisfaction” –

“Embodies [Pope] Benedict’s vision for education” –U.S. News & World Report

“I cannot think of any university from which I would be more pleased to receive an honorary doctorate than Christendom College. I’m very well acquainted with the writings of Dr. Warren Carroll...and I have also long admired the work of Dr. O’Donnell, and am a faithful reader of the newsletter of the College [Instaurare]. I have known a number of the alumni, and of course, I always think that the ultimate test of the excellence of a Catholic college is the quality of Faith in Christ and in His Church of the alumni, and Christendom certainly stands out in that regard.”

–Raymond Cardinal Burke, Former Prefect, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

Christendom is described as “a standard for fi delity and traditional education against which other Catholic liberal arts colleges are measured.”

–2015 edition of “� e Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College,” Cardinal Newman Society

Rankings & EndorsementsBuilding a Hopeful Future

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