impact of advertising food to pakistan television on children

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Impact of advertising food to Pakistan television on children’s eating habits


food Pakistani television on children’s eating habits

by Malik Tariq Mahmood

INTRODUCTION means of audio-owned television family visual communication. It is capable of

transmitting audio and video with a message from different species and for a variety of purposes. He has a

strong influence on people, culture and other media. It is a widely used telecommunication system for

broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance of around the world. The term can

also be used explicitly to a television programming or television transmission. TV commercials have

become one of the most effective and convincing, and most popular methods of selling products of all


In Pakistani culture, we need a deeper insight into the role of television and advertising to determine why

they keep such a valuable object. Pakistan Television is a fixture in the nursery? S life, television is too

well known to the children of family members faces. TV is always there to entertain the children and

society, to talk, especially when no one else in the mood to play, or interact with them. They are

increasingly exposed to different cultures, absorb new ideas and impressions about other cultures.

Many TV commercials are catchy jingles or phrases that appeal, which in the minds of viewers can live

long after the duration of the campaign to generate sustainable. Today proliferation of advertising in our

culture influence in society and our basic forms of life. Advertising can be one of the factors that contribute

to shaping people be considered? Lives, their basic values and attitudes. But the real picture is different,

depending Edger Advertising is the art of it all is about half truth.â

Advertising has in many ways observed ???? ? On television, newspapers, billboards, wall, video,

Internet and other forms. The protection of children against the claim directly with the question of what

effect akin observed on television. See the criticism of children’s television are you, what do you see for

how long. Television advertising of food concern from parents, parents try to control the viewing habits of

their children. Parental control of television, the number of hours a child, so that an impact on their

health .1 todayâ

? s children are our future and unique in many respects from the previous generation. But perhaps the most

important factor for children? S Health is television advertising. There are general concerns of the parents

that television advertising has a negative influence, intentionally or not children’s pool? S health.

advertising is structured and paid for the participation of non-personal information, usually, and often

convincing nature of the products identified by project sponsors through various media. Advertising

agencies in a natural way to communicate a large number of people on their products. There is nothing

wrong with that, because it allows ideas and innovative concepts will be shared with others. But have

progressed over the years, advertising has become methods and techniques advance, drawing, design and

even the creation of a consumer? S must, where it never previously had, or luxury necessities.2

mass advertising is not only a means to introduce and distribute products, but he does. It is an important

mechanism in the ability of a relatively small number of giant corporations hold disproportionate power

over the economy. These companies need to sell newspapers, magazines, radio, and not only their goods

but to maintain its economic and political influence. The media are no longer neutral agents, merchants, but

most of the gears in the mechanism of corporate gigantism, and they are not only necessary, but they are

from the company’s history giants.3


Advertising is as old as civilization itself. The beginnings of advertising are, of course, impossible to

detect, but there are several examples of thousands of years. In the early days, signs were placed above the

doors of commercial establishments, and later, the caller is an important advertising medium. Advertising is

an integral part of the social environment of the early civilizations. But until the advent of mass marketing

in the 19 Century, advertising played a minor role in the implementation of business.4

After the invention of the printing of flyers, posters and newspapers were used to increase the amount of

product advertising. The development of rail transport should the advertising industry, its products to

consumers who send away from the factories. Advertising is the national character, business television and

newspapers are used to expand their markets.



food advertising effects on Pakistan Television children? A health system? Eating disorder and are obese

and inactive. . The researchers in analyzing the impact of advertising food products on children’s health

interested OBJECTIVES The study was conducted, taking into account the following objectives:

i) to study children? s television viewing habits of Pakistani

ii) To know the effects of advertising on children’s pool? s Health


While there are many recipients of the study, but the biggest beneficiaries are ????, parentsA personnel and

advertising agencies. All parents want food vouchers for their children make for a healthy life. The results

of the study show that parents help the effects of advertising on their children’s health and offset these


literature review

This chapter is divided into five parts. The first section describes general issues relating to television

advertising. The second part of the chapter is the theory of advertising to explain how the ads on children’s

health and lives. The third part explains the role of advertising in society. The fourth section describes the

health status of children and their BMI. The fifth part of the study examines the negative ads on the health

of children aged 8 to 12.

Television is an important means of socialization and in the lives of children s pool ????. Many television

commercials are the creations of the most brilliant minds, to encourage them to want to buy the advertised

products. Evidence that is marketer for children assembly harmful. Almost every aspect of children’s pool?

His life has been influenced by recent trends in advertising. Search advertising links to obesity and eating

disorders increased in children because they are vulnerable to persuasive messages. According to media

scholar Throat? Television has become inevitable and constant factor in the development of what we are

and what we become.â? 1

children under eight years are unable to understand the messages critical of television advertising and are

prone to accept advertiser messages as truthful, accurate and impartial. This can lead to bad eating habits by

todayâ occupied? S Young. This is an important concern, as the most popular products for children’s

cereals, sweets, drinks and snacks. The advertising for these products unhealthy food to young children

contributes to poor eating habits that can last a lifetime and a variable in the current epidemic of obesity in


A TELEVISION ADVERTISING consumers exposed to advertising hundreds per day. You can take the

form of posters, newspapers, TV commercials, etc. It actually appears is a very structured form of

communication used, with both verbal and nonverbal elements from the filling space and format specific

time determined by the sponsor. First, advertising is a message? a special kind of communication.

Traditional advertising has been primarily a one-way street, but with todayâ? S of new interactive

technologies that give consumers their views on advertisements in real time via the same channels as the

sender. Most advertising will be a compelling? to win converts to a product, service or idea. Some offers,

such as legal advice, shall be able to inform only, not convincing. But they are still ads because they are all

the other requirements of the

definition.3 questions about advertising to children with certain advertising campaigns primarily related to

children’s needs. Advertising cold drinks are usually represented at sports events and seen by millions of

children, create the brand awareness and motivating children to buy. They were exposed to TV ads by more

than 15 edible during a one-hour program, and when they watch television four hours a day, they have seen

a production mean? S ad about 20 times in one session. This is not a graph. 15 on page 34

Advertising is the influence of persuasion and information about the behavior of the audience. Advertising

is a marketing tool and can be used in combination with other marketing tools as sales promotion, personal

selling tactics, or advertising. But the reality is different, depending Edger â? Advertising is the art of it all

is about half ????

The impact of television advertising is the largest among the children. Both children and television

advertising more senior group, and they are also deeply concerned about the addictive aspect of advertiser

influence on their lives.

advertising to children is based on three concerns: first, we believe that advertising to promote the values

and the surface is based on material possessions and consumption. Secondly, children are inexperienced

consumers and considered easy prey for experienced customer advocacy. Third, advertising influences

children’s demand for everything from toys, to nibble food.4

role of advertising

advertising plays an important role in the economy of a country. It helps sell ideas, goods and services.

Advertising both reflects and affects our lifestyle, and thus plays an important social role. Advertising has

to be so close to our lives, so it multi-dimensional communication needs of society. Businesses, unions,

government agencies and politicians have used advertising to inform and convince people about its


Kapoor, the four points available for the role of advertising: First, country A’s gross national product is

greater and the standard of living is higher than it otherwise? ?. Advertising creates jobs with a wider

variety of products, and improve product quality and enhance the country’s economy. Secondly, the

argument that advertising Kapoor an important role in informing consumers so that more intelligent

decisions does exist on the market. Third, the basic principle that advertising company? S production costs

per unit of production is lower because advertising increases demand for the company? S output, perform

the advertising to a more efficient use of resources in the economy. Finally she said that advertising the

positive or negative impact on the masses of leaves in general and on children. This impact must be

changed after culture and environment.5

The above four points is an overview of advertising that advertisers want to reach. The same situation in

Pakistan. No one can be able to explore all aspects of advertising on this level because of the obstacles, so

many are, as the lack of resources, lack of time.

children? S HEALTH

all parents to observe and deeply aware of the health of their children in every society. But the parents are

more to their children in the Pakistani society, because children are the future and they will help you to

finance, when the parents retire. All parents want good food make for their children for their health and

give them a good education to make a good citizen. Both parents work, because their standard of living, not

wanting to improve within the meaning of the paragraph. 4. Some parents see children’s pool time?

Activities to say what and when to eat? When and how they watch TV? Why did they obese and inactive? 6

In fact, the researchers examined the response of all these questions because these questions is primarily

related to the study.

health experts are watching too much television to obesity – a health problem today. In television, children

are very active in buying these products. They are also with advertising, to buy and eat unhealthy foods like

chips bombed encourage, burgers, cakes etc and empty calories from soft drinks, which are often preferred

snacks. Indirect advertising to let too much influence on the health of children. Even if children receive

four hours of high quality educational programs on television in one day, they do not exercise, reading,

socializing, or spending time outdoors means. But some studies have shown that reducing the amount of

TV consumption by children has less weight gain and increased out lower body mass index, and make them

inactive is not the best for their care7

Body Mass Index (BMI )

mass index (BMI) is used to estimate the weight of human health on average. A BMI of 20-24 is desirable

for most adults. A person with a BMI 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and a person with a BMI of 30 or

higher is considered obese. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and other

deadly diseases.

mass index (BMI) is often used to determine the desired body weight. BMI is a measure of an adult? S,

based on height and weight as a metric is divided by height squared (kg/m2) calculated.

Body Mass Index is only a rough estimation of desirable weight, but the doctors recognize that many

factors other than the altitude effect on weight. Weight can not solely as an indicator of fat, as in the case of

a bodybuilder, a high BMI may have because of a high proportion of muscle, which weighs more than fat.

Likewise, a person to be a sedentary lifestyle is a desirable weight range, but have excess fat. However, as

the BMI is greater than the risk of developing a serious illness.

BMI Chart for Boys

mass index (BMI) percentiles for boys 2:00 to 20:00 years, so you can track your child? Growth curve and

see if they are underweight, overweight, or simply.

BMI chart for girls

mass index (BMI) percentiles for girls from two to twenty years, so you can follow your child’s growth

curve and see if they underweight, overweight, or simply are.

What is Fat?

fats, or lipids, are nutrients in food, children’s pool? Body uses to build nerve tissue (like brain) and

hormones. The body also uses fat as fuel. When fats, the children have eaten are not burned as energy or as

building blocks, they are stored by the body in fat cells. It is a way of thinking about the body until after.

By saving fat for future use, setting up times of food scarcity is planning just be

Fat gives flavor and texture of food could be, but it is also rich in calories, and excess amounts of fatty

foods as surpluses of food business may cause health risks for many. For children and young people,

desserts and snacks such as potato chips, chocolate, cakes, donuts, pastries and cookies are an important

source of fat. Even the children of full-fat milk and meat are high in fat, such as meat fried and spicy. Of

course, fast food and takeaways have more fat than home cooking and in restaurants tend to be deep-fried

dishes of the highest in fat. Fat also often “hidden” in foods in cream, cheese, butter or sauces or dressings.

Although fat is an important part of a healthy diet, when the children eat the right kinds of fats, particularly

from certain species of fish in the recommended amounts. Like carbohydrates in recent years, fat has

wrongly accused of a? Bada ????. While some certainly better than others, some types of fat good for small

children and an important part of a healthy diet.

Obesity increases the risk of developing the disease. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and

Digestive and Kidney Diseases, nearly 70 percent of cases of heart disease in the United States, linked

excess body fat and obese people more than twice as likely to develop hypertension. The risk of medical

complications, especially heart disease, increases when body fat is distributed around the waist, especially

in the abdomen. This type of distribution of upper body fat is more common in men than in women.8

A calorie is a unit for measuring the energy content of food and energy for usable to the body to maintain

normal functions. If the calories from the food calories the body expends energy equal weight remains

constant. But if a person consumes more calories than the body needs, the body stores these extra calories

as fat, so that subsequent weight gain.

Obesity, a condition characterized by storage of excess body fat. The human body stores of course under

the skin and fat around organs and joints. Fat is important for good health because they are a source of

energy if the body does not have the energy to support the process of life, and it provides insulation and

protection of internal organs. But the accumulation of too much body fat is associated with a variety of

health problems. Studies show that people who are overweight or obese at greater risk, diabetes mellitus,

hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, arthritis and certain forms of cancer.9

The causes of obesity are complex and just to name a few factors. Basically, obesity occurs when a person

burns more calories than your body eats. Children have a probability of 80 percent obese overweight than

their parents. Obesity in childhood and adolescence may be linked:

i) Poor eating habits

ii) over-eating habits

iii) the unnecessary use of cold drinks

iv) Non Food -Food and Nutrition />

< house the of side on food v)>

The proportion of overweight children at an alarming rate. Overall, children spent less time exercising and

more time with television and computers. And families now employs less free time to cook nutritious meals

at home, prepare every day. From fast food to electronics, quick and easy seems to be the mentality of

many people, young and old, are in the new millennium.

modern lifestyle has frozen the size of the family in the Pakistani society. The nuclear family is the place of

the joint family. Lifestyle trends in the urban areas of Pakistan (rising incomes, more working, more

working mothers and parents time-poor/cash-rich) tend to support their families, the guide children

watching TV and eating more food unnecessary. In addition, the advertising industry makes junk food seem


children, much of the Clock TV have trouble concentrating in school because they are accustomed, with all

answers and instead invited to examine these questions. When children watch TV less, develops their


Unfortunately children are not adequate advice on what to do about it given. The media are not playing its

role in the promotion of children? The rights and the difficulties they face in society. The authorities of

Pakistan Television ignored on this side, and they can design programs based children? S requirements.


James suggests that â? Obesity in children comes from foods high in fat and low in fiber are. If the children

eat, insulin not only increases the effects of dopamine pleasure chemicals (what the child wants to eat the

same food), but also reduces the effects of the hormone leptons, these do what a child to eat, and less

active? ?. 10

The TV also has negative effects, it creates problems for the eyes. It stops children from going out and

playing with friends. This makes advertising buy things, even if they do not need. It can be tired and not

concentrate on teaching.

LEAVE bad habits

Gerbner said that experts from many media in western countries, which continue to be deeply concerned

about the commercial context of television. They argue that TV advertising is in effect on society,

especially on the health of children and TV advertising is not on the air without reason.11

The impact of television on children has received much attention. Research suggests that children see

television advertising as another form of programming and react blindly to his messages, which makes

them particularly susceptible to advertising. He is also concerned about how children react advertising.

Research shows that many children are wrongly influenced by this standard of health, are more satisfied

with their bodies and eating disorders can in the pursuit of a slim figure to be developed. Advertise on daily

life and eating habits, etc. Children and young people are influenced, consciously or unconsciously, by

television commercials in Pakistan.


Every scientific discipline uses a special method in conducting research. This includes some assumptions

and values that serve as justification (reasons) for the effort in search criteria and standards for the entire

process. The basic aim of this study was to examine the negative effects of eating / disorder on the health of

children. was used for this purpose, systematic sampling method. The sample size was limited to 30

children from 8? 12 years and their parents.


This study was based on a survey research? Impact of food advertising on television Pakistani children’s

eating habits? Satellites in the city (B block) of the city Rawalpindi. The researchers used questionnaires

and interviews for parents with children as a tool to collect data.


In this study, the age of 8 â? 12, and their parents in the city of Rawalpindi, the study population.

sampling technique and SAMPLE

random and convenience sampling in this research area to select the sample were applied. The frame was

30 children aged 8 to? 12, and their parents at the satellite town (B block) of the city Rawalpindi.

demographic variables are three demographic variables in this study are:

i) sex

ii) iii age

) Qualification


To achieve the objective has been carried out a study survey. The data were collected mainly from primary

sources. It was designed a questionnaire for parents. Children’s Menu? S questionnaire was also used a

structured interview.

DATA COLLECTION Data were collected by questionnaire and interview. Questionnaires were

distributed to parents and managed personally by the researchers. Structured interview was conducted with

all respondents in the sample of children.

data analysis and interpretation

In this chapter, the researcher analyzed data from the impact of advertising on children’s health. Data on

the â? Impact of food advertisements on PTV children’s health were collected through a questionnaire that

was specifically for this study. First and foremost, the procedure for passing statistics used to determine the

relationship between knowledge and demographic variables (gender, age and qualification, and in the tables

of the graphical data presented along with the interpretation.

Study appears in Figure 1, the majority of male respondents (34% was interviewed in the age group of 30

to 45 and women in the same group is 23%. The results showed that the majority of respondents both

groups were young.

As shown in Figure 2, the majority of male respondents (20%) of the doctor, while 20% were their

business, 10% of women surveyed were Govt. workers and 10% were housewives.

Figure 3 shows that 57% were male respondents and 30% of women are highly qualified. This

Fast food advertisingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

Fast food advertising is the promotion of fast food products and ventures through a

variety of media. Fast food advertising campaigns are not as highly regulated as some

other products, such as those imposed on alcohol advertising, but there are often public

calls for their promotion to be minimized.


1 Campaign intentions o 1.1 Target audience

2 Methods of advertising 3 Regulation and criticism 4 Sponsorship

o 4.1 Sport o 4.2 Television

5 See also 6 References

7 External links

[edit] Campaign intentionsAdvertising campaigns for fast food restaurants have changed in their intent over time.

Many modern campaigns stress the availability of healthy options after years of criticism

for the harmful effects of a fast food diet. The rise in awareness of healthy eating and

obesity has negatively impacted the business of these establishments, and their marketing

campaigns have attempted to rectify this.[1]

[edit] Target audienceMost fast food restaurants target their advertising at children and students - an important

market for them. McDonald's Happy Meals are one example, which includes a toy often

tied in with a newly-released children's film. Ronald McDonald, first introduced in 1963,

is a clown-like advertising mascot designed to appeal to young children. From 1996,

Disney was an exclusive partner with McDonald's, linking their products together. They

announced the end of this deal in May 2006, with some reports saying that Disney was

worried about childhood obesity.[2][3] McDonald's has since been in talks with rival

animation studios.[4]

More recently, chains like Carl's Jr. and Burger King (see Burger King advertising) have

directed advertising towards a different demographic – young teenage and college-age

men – with trendy, often sexualised, imagery and messages that target men's supposed

desire for large, meat-filled burgers and rich, satisfying food. In 2005, for example, Carls'

Jr. debuted a controversial ad featuring a bikini-clad Paris Hilton writhing sensuously on

an expensive Bentley luxury car while enjoying a large burger. The ad provoked outrage

from a number of groups, but Carl's Jr. sales climbed impressively.[5]

[edit] Methods of advertising

Neighbouring fast food restaurant advertisement signs in Bowling Green, Kentucky

Common methods of advertising include:

Television commercial campaigns Print media campaigns Billboard campaigns Event Sponsorship (sporting events and others) Product placement in films and television programs Various forms of branding, including clothing Direction signs and posters, telling people how far the restaurant is

In February 2005 McDonald's used a viral marketing campaign during Super Bowl

XXXIX - the Lincoln Fry. Two Pizza Hut marketing ploys have involved spaceflight. In

2001 they were the first to deliver pizzas to outer space when their vacuum-sealed food

arrived at the International Space Station,[6] just a year after agreeing a deal to have a 30-

foot Pizza Hut logo placed on the side of an unmanned rocket.[7]

[edit] Regulation and criticismOne of the main areas of regulation facing fast food companies is the advertising of "junk

food" to children. In the United Kingdom, the Children's Food Bill is intended to highly

regulate the advertising of such food aimed at children,[8] and many other countries are

looking to introduce strict limitations on fast food advertising. Talks between the Food

Standards Agency (FSA) and the fast food companies were initiated to work together in

an effort to improve children's diets, though Burger King withdrew from the discussions.[9]

Some organisations have called for the watershed to apply to various unhealthy

foodstuffs, including fast food. In June 2006, the FSA called for laws to prevent such

food from being advertised on television before 9pm. They also called for the

disassociation of television and film characters from fast food and stopping celebrities

from appearing in such advertisements.[10] The impact of such campaigns is often denied

by the fast food companies and the television networks that carry their advertisements.[11]

Some networks have also said that tighter regulations would reduce advertising income

and that would have a negative impact on the quality of children's programming.[12] In

Sweden all advertising aimed at the under-12s is banned, including fast food adverts.

Faced with stricter television, radio and print regulation, many fast food companies have

started making use of Internet advertising to reach their customers.[13]

The accuracy of the images of food used by the fast food companies is regularly called

into question. The actual product is often described as being of poorer quality to that

represented in the image.

On 3 June 2004 KFC withdrew American television commercials claiming that "fried

chicken can, in fact, be part of a healthy diet" after reaching a settlement with the Federal

Trade Commission.[14]

Fast food advertising is often complained about to advertising authorities, with members

of the public most usually claiming that the wording is misleading. Not all the complaints

are upheld. For example, between 11 September 2002 and 24 March 2004 the

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in the UK investigated complaints about six

McDonald's advertisements, with two of them being upheld. The ASA used one of the

upheld complaints as a case study.[15]

In 2006 the European Union passed a new law regarding the labelling of foods - any food

with a nutritional claim (such as "low fat") must also highlight that it is high in something

else (such as "high salt") if that is the case. While fast food is often not given a traditional

label, this may have an impact on advertising.[16]

In November 2006, the Office of Communications (Ofcom) announced that it would ban

television adverts for junk food before, during and after television programming aimed at

under-16s in the United Kingdom.[17] These regulations were originally outlined in a

proposal earlier in the year.[18] This move has been criticized on both ends of the scale;

while the Food and Drink Federation labelled the ban "over the top", others have said the

restrictions do not go far enough (particularly due to the fact that soap operas would be

exempt from the ban).[19] On 1 April 2007, junk food advertisements were banned from

programmes aimed at four to nine-year-olds.[20] Such adverts broadcast during

programmes "aimed at, or which would appeal to," ten to fifteen-year-olds will continue

to be phased out over the coming months,[21] with a full ban coming into effect on 1

January 2009.[20]

In Malaysia, fast food advertising during children's programmes was outlawed in 2007.

However, it did not stop the fast food companies from advertising their products. Since

the ban, McDonald's no longer advertise Happy Meal on other media except in their

restaurants and fast food advertising is mainly broadcast during prime-time (in Malaysia,

prime time starts from 8:30 pm to 12:00 am).

[edit] Sponsorship

[edit] SportSeveral international fast food companies have sponsored sporting events, teams and

leagues. McDonald's is one of the largest sponsors, having affiliations with the NHL,

Olympic Games, and the FIFA World Cup.[22] Several companies, including McDonald's,

Burger King and Pizza Hut, have a history of sponsoring NASCAR teams.

[edit] TelevisionSome fast food companies sponsor television programmes. Domino's Pizza have

sponsored Sky One's screenings of The Simpsons in the UK for many years (But reported

because of new regulation on advertising that the deal may end). In 2005 Pizza Hut

sponsored the same program when it was shown on Channel 4 – the Sky/Domino's deal


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