immortalize your pets with a custom pet portrait

Post on 26-Jul-2016






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Are you thinking about getting a beautiful portrait of your pet? An artist by profession, Miri's paintings make a lasting keepsake of your furry or feathered friend. For more info, please visit Custom Pet Portraits by Miri at


Immortalize Your Pets With A Custom Pet Portrait

We love our furry friends. They are more than just pets.

They are part of the family.

Whether it’s a cat or a dog, these

four-legged family members bring

joy into our homes.

They shower us with

unconditional love and affection.

Unfortunately their lives are too short.

But even in that brief period

time, their presence has an

enormous impact on us.

When they’re gone, they leave a huge

void in our hearts and in our minds.

If only we could immortalize them

wouldn’t that be wonderful?

With beautiful, life-like paintings

you can memorialize them and

preserve the memories of the

happy moments they have shared

with you.

You can celebrate the life of your

favorite four-legged companion

through a realistic work of art.

Unless you’re a pet lover, no one can

really understand the joy and

happiness these four-legged friends

bring to our lives.

There is something in our pets brings

us so much love and happiness that

nothing else can provide.

Love and joy is truly pure in our pets.

Custom pet portraits can capture

the beauty of your pet.

It can be a dog, bird, cat, horse or any other animal.

You can choose from caricatures to life-like illustrations,

whether in charcoal or pencil, in oil or watercolor.

The possibilities are endless.

If you’re planning to have a

pet portrait painted…

… you want an experienced artist

who can create a heartwarming

piece of art that will do justice to

the life and spirit of your pet.

For a beautiful painting look to Custom Pet Portraits by Miri.

An artist by profession, Miri

creates beautiful works of art.

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