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Newfoundland and Labrador is walking again this year for prostate cancer! All over the province, communities are planning and organizing for their local awareness walks.

As of this printing, six sites have already held their walks, in Labrador as well as on the island, continuing the long tradition of holding the Walk A Mile In His Shoes on the Father’s Day weekend. Most other regions are choosing to walk in Septem-ber, and a couple are even held in other months. (See page 6 for more information on walks that have already taken place this year.)

When Walk A Mile In His Shoes happens in your com-munity, it is a very important occasion for the men you know who are dealing with prostate cancer. One in seven men will contract pros-

tate cancer in their lifetimes. The Newfoundland and Lab-rador Prostate Cancer Sup-port Groups are there for these men, with practical ad-vice from others who have been there and survived; with up-to-date information on the latest testing and treatment methods; and with an understanding that others may not have who have not had the personal experience of living through the disease and its effects.

The awareness and the funds raised through Walk A Mile In His Shoes each year in this province are vital to the continuation of the ser-vices provided by your local Prostate Cancer Support Groups. Without it, we would

Printed for the Prostate Cancer Support Groups as a courtesy of Newfoundland Power

In This Issue Walk A Mile In His Shoes . 1 Provincial Conference …... 1 Support Group activities ... 2

Cross-Canada Cyclist .… . 3

Prov. Conference Agenda .4 Conference Registration .. 5 Walk A Mile activities …… 6 Health Matters ……...… 7, 8

IINN TTOUCHOUCH Editor: Darrell Yetman Summer 2012

The Newsletter of the Newfoundland and Labrador Prostate Cancer Support Groups


The Newfoundland and Lab-rador Prostate Cancer Advi-sory Board is extending a warm invitation to all prostate cancer survivors, along with your spouses and partners, to join us at this year’s pro-vincial Prostate Cancer Sur-vivors’ Conference. This year for the first time, we are gathering on the Ava-lon. As always, it promises to be an informative, interesting and enjoyable get-together. For much more information on this year’s conference, and to register yourself and your guest, please turn to page 4.

Get your exercise while helping others!

Come out and “Walk A Mile” with us!

(continued on page 6)

In Touch Prostate Cancer Support Groups of Newfoundland and Labrador 2 Summer 2012


On June 10 the PCCN Bay St. George Prostate Can-cer Support Group got a boost when the first-ever awareness and fund-raising initiative was held at Dhoon Lodge in Black Duck Siding.

The event consisted of a Jiggs’ Dinner followed by ‘open mic’ musical entertain-ment. It was catered by the Dhoon Lodge staff, who do-nated a large portion of the monies raised on dinner sales.

The event was attended by 132 people. “The group did not have any funds and wanted to support men of the Bay St. George area when they need to go for treat-ment,” said Valentina Nolan, who has a family member in

the group. “If we hosted a fundraiser then it would be two-fold – awareness and some funds to help the men and their families.” Many of our support groups are in need of funds in order to be able to travel to do aware-ness pres-entations, and this is one way to help pro-vide those funds. Among the guests were An-drew Ricketts of the Corner Brook office of the Canadian Cancer Society and MHA Joan Burke. Andrew brought greetings on behalf of Pro-vincial Awareness Coordina-tor Darrell Yetman.

Local entertainers included Ginger Bennett, Les Hulan, Kenny Meade, Monty Nolan,

Alphonse Spurvey, Elias White and Valentina Nolan. The group is deeply in-debted to many local

businesses and organiza-tions, who donated gift cer-tificates, cash donations, and even artwork on which tick-ets were sold. Wayne Morris, Chair of the support group, addressed the gathering. Wayne said, “It was an excellent success. Our group is tremendously pleased with the results. This is a great opportunity to speak about the importance of getting checked regularly,” he said. “We need to take care of ourselves. Don’t wait until you are sick, ask your doctor for this exam. Early detection can save your life.” Wayne pointed out that in this prov-ince 490 men will be diag-nosed with prostate cancer this year. Prostate cancer survivors, along with their family and friends, can attend the regu-lar monthly ‘get-togethers’ on the first Monday of each month at Hotel Stephenville. He said the meetings provide a wealth of information on the symptoms, treatment op-tions, and recovery of pros-tate cancer. Guest speakers are often in attendance. The next meeting of the PCCN Bay St. George Support Group is scheduled for Sep-tember 10 at 7 p.m.

A good time was had by all, in the relaxing surroundings

of Dhoon Lodge.

Dhoon Lodge staff served a delicious meal.

Superb local talent.

Andrew Ricketts

Kenny Meade

Wayne Morris

In Touch Prostate Cancer Support Groups of Newfoundland and Labrador 3 Summer 2012

Kieren’s Ride For Grandpa

How many days does it take to cross Canada on a bicy-cle? At the age of 21, Kieren Britton found out after she cycled across Canada in 69 days; raising almost $15,000 for Prostate Cancer Re-search & Education. Kieren Britton started “Kieren’s Ride For Grandpa” after losing her grandfather to prostate cancer on April 6th, 2008. When asked about her grandfather, Hubert Britton, Kieren recalls that he was “an amazing man, always positive. He was a patient, giving, kind and smart man.” Kieren re-calls that her grandfather “told his friend, in front of me, ‘Kieren can do things most others can’t.’ Those were some of the last words that he said to me, and I will never forget them. I want to prove Grandpa right. I real-ize I can never get my Grandpa back, but I can give to all those grandpas out there that need just a little

more time and hope.” Kieren started in Vancouver, British Columbia at noon on May 7th and finished in St. John’s on July 14

th. During

this 69 day period, Kieren raised almost $15,000. More donations are still being ac-cepted at www.upladup.com. At the beginning of her jour-ney, Kieren dipped her back tire into the Pacific Ocean.

During her trip, she wrote daily in her blog www.upladup.blogspot.ca about her journey and the new friends she was meet-ing. At the end of her long journey, Kieren was finally able to complete her trip by dipping her front tire into the Atlantic Ocean (at St. John’s Harbour). Upon arriving at Daffodil Place for a reception and re-freshments, Kieren was sur-prised that the Canadian Cancer Society staff had set up Skype to connect her to the 50+ friends and family gathered in her hometown of

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Using Skype, Kieren was able to see and talk with all of her friends and family who had gathered together to congratulate her and tell her how proud they were of her accomplishment. Also pre-sent were Canadian Cancer Society staff, St. John’s City Councilor Bruce Tilley, Dar-rell Yetman (Prostate Cancer Support Coordinator, mem-bers of the Avalon Prostate Cancer Support Group and guests of Daffodil Place.

Kieren received a token of appreciation from Darrell Yetman on behalf of the Prostate Cancer Support Group, who stated that “Prostate cancer doesn’t just affect men. When a man is diagnosed with prostate can-cer, it affects his family, his friends, and his associates.” Truly, Kieren is the embodi-ment of this statement.

Kieren Britton and Darrell Yetman at St. John’s harbour

In Touch Prostate Cancer Support Groups of Newfoundland and Labrador 4 Summer 2012

This program, with the other two presentations which have not yet been finalized, promises to provide a wealth of information. These ses-sions are intended for not only prostate cancer survi-vors and those who have been diagnosed, but for any-one who wishes to become better informed about pros-tate cancer. If you are a pa-tient, or if someone close to you would benefit by learning more about testing, diagno-sis, treatment and living with

the disease and its effects, we believe you would get quite a lot out of this confer-ence. If you wish to attend, it is im-portant to note the following points: The costs of registration,

meals and accommoda-tions are covered by the Newfoundland and Lab-rador Prostate Cancer Advisory Board. You would be responsible only for your transporta-tion to and from the Lav-

rock Camp and Confer-ence Centre.

The Lavrock Camp has cabins with bunk beds. No bed linens are pro-vided at the camp, so you would need to bring a sleeping bag or similar bedding, including your own pillow.

The camp has a limited number of spaces avail-able, and registration is on a “first come, first served” basis.

(continued on next page)

FRIDAY, September 21, 2012 1:00 p.m. on: Arrival and Registration 3:00 p.m.: Welcome, opening remarks –Darrell Yetman, Provincial Awareness Coordinator Curtis LeGrow, NL Prostate Cancer Advisory Board Chair 4:00 p.m.: NL Prostate Cancer Advisory Board’s Annual General Meeting and election 5:30 p.m.: Dinner 6:00 p.m.: Greetings: Honourable Susan Sullivan, Minister of Health and Community Services Matthew Piercey, Executive Director of the Canadian Cancer Society – NL 6:30 p.m.: Keynote Address: Gary Summers 7:30 p.m.: Musical Entertainment:: “Starting Over”, musical group from Trinity Bay South SATURDAY, September 22, 2012 8:00 a.m.: Breakfast 9:00 a.m.: Presentation: Erectile Dysfunction, Getty Vasista R.N. 10:15 a.m.: Nutrition Break 10:30 a.m.: Presentation: Incontinence, Ingrid Ruelokke R.T. 11:00 a.m.: Presentation: (To Be Announced) 11:30 a.m.: Presentation: (To Be Announced) 12:00 p.m.: Farewell Lunch / Prize Draws / Evaluation / Closing Remarks

As reported in earlier issues of In Touch, our annual fall survivors’ conference will be held this September at the Lavrock Camp and Confer-ence Centre on the Salmonier Line, just outside St. John’s.

The Newfoundland and Lab-rador Prostate Cancer Advi-sory Board is extending a warm invitation to all prostate cancer survivors, along with your spouses and partners, to join us at this year’s provincial

Fall Prostate Cancer Survi-vors’ Conference. Although the agenda and the roster of speakers have not yet been finalized, the follow-ing details have so far been confirmed:


In Touch Prostate Cancer Support Groups of Newfoundland and Labrador 5 Summer 2012

The cabins sleep 10 persons per cabin, and there are no private rooms. Each cabin has a toilet, sink and shower. All cabins and washrooms are fully accessible to per-sons with mobility issues. You can see more details on Lavrock Camp, by visiting the following web site: http://www.anglican.nfol.ca/lavrock-centre.php If you and your spouse wish to be a part of this year’s event, you are urged to regis-

ter as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. For planning purposes the camp requires final numbers well in advance so you will need to contact us by August 17. Please use the form above to register yourself and your guest.

(continued from previous page)

Prostate Cancer Survivors’ Conference 2012 Pre-Registration

Lavrock Camp and Conference Centre Salmonier Line September 21—22, 2012

Name: …………………………….……………………………………………………………………..

Address: ………………………….…………………………………………………………………….

Town / City: ……………………………...………………….…… Postal code: ……… ………

Phone: …………………...…… Email: ……………………………………………………………

Please check the appropriate boxes:

Please note: The camp has a maximum capacity of 150 persons. Registrations will be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis. Your accommodation and food will be free. Except in special circumstances, you will be responsible for your own transportation costs. You may wish to pre-register as a group through your support group Chair or, if you are not a member of a prostate cancer support group, you may register by calling Darrell toll free at 1-888-753-6520 exten-sion 230. You can also email Darrell at dyetman@nl.cancer.ca Otherwise, please complete this form and send to:

Darrell Yetman, Canadian Cancer Society, P.O. Box 8921, St. John’s NL A1B 3R9

I will stay at Lavrock Camp overnight on Friday.

I will not be staying at Lavrock Camp overnight on Friday.

My spouse/partner will attend the Conference with me and will also stay overnight.

In Touch Prostate Cancer Support Groups of Newfoundland and Labrador 6 Summer 2012



As reported on page 1, sev-eral groups have already held this year’s walks in various locations around the province. On Father’s Day weekend, walks were held in Labrador West, Nain, Norris Point, and Garnish. The walk in Caven-dish, which organizers Jeff and Lori Jackson had origi-nally set for July 7, was post-poned due to weather but was very successfully put off on July 9th!

We are proud to announce that this year Charlie Ward and his group in Labrador West had their best response ever. The contributions to Walk A Mile from supporters in the region demonstrated that interest is growing and participation in our campaign is at an all-time high. Charlie and his dedicated group of volunteers are certainly to be commended, not only for this tremendous result, but for their long-standing commit-ment to prostate cancer sup-port in the Labrador West area and throughout the whole of Labrador.

Gordon Laing, Sr., along with his many friends and family in the Norris Point area, ex-ceeded their 2011 total by about $500. As they did last year, they held a bake sale along with their Walk A Mile. They were generously as-sisted by the Gros Morne Kinsmen Club of Rocky Har-

bour, who also held a bingo in aid of our Prostate Cancer Support Groups. We are ex-tremely grateful for their help and support.

In Nain, as she has in past years, our faithful supporter Sarah Webb distributed pledge sheets throughout the community and did the walk all by herself on Father’s Day. Sarah collected close to $1000 for prostate cancer support programs in this way.

Through Bert Cluett’s efforts in Garnish, our support groups’ campaign received not only a further several hun-dred dollars, but also a great deal of all-important aware-ness on the Burin Peninsula.

Walks are scheduled in Sep-tember in St. John’s, Stephen-ville, Carbonear, Norman’s Cove, Hampden, Grand Falls—Windsor, Clarenville and Corner Brook, as well as a number of other locations.

Anyone planning to hold walks this fall is strongly urged to get orders for shirts, pledge sheets and posters in to us as soon as possible. We are anticipating a bigger and better year than ever in 2012!

(continued from page 1)


not be able to operate, and a valuable source of support would be lost to the men of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The network of support groups our volunteers have built in Newfoundland and Labrador is second to none in Canada, and we are proud to say that it is a model for other such organizations across the nation.

We are always looking to ex-pand our Walk A Mile In His Shoes activities into new ar-eas of the province. If you or your group are interested in holding a walk for prostate cancer, we urge you to con-tact our office and get in-volved. Our contact informa-tion can be found at the bot-tom of page 8.

(Please note: We are not af-filiated with other awareness campaigns for prostate can-cer, such as motorcycle rides for example, and we get no funding from them. Our financial support comes almost entirely from our pro-vincial Walk A Mile In His Shoes campaign.)

Hampden, White Bay, 2011

Cavendish, Trinity Bay, July 2012

In Touch Prostate Cancer Support Groups of Newfoundland and Labrador 7 Summer 2012

Note: The articles presented here are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to take the place of

professional health care advice. Please always talk to your physician

about your concerns and questions re-lated to your health.

Health Matters

DID YOU KNOW ... Naturally, we would enjoy having you at one of our Walk A Mile In His Shoes events, but you don’t even have to walk with us to support us. You can donate on-line to Walk A Mile In His Shoes at any time, from anywhere—even at home in your pajamas! Go to https://secure2.convio.net/cco/site/Donation2?df_id=17040&17040.donation=form1 Or simply go to our website and follow the links. Not only will you get a receipt in your email from Canada Revenue Agency, you will also get that warm, fuzzy feeling of having done a lot of good for a lot of people without even leaving your house! Now, pay that warm, fuzzy feeling forward by telling all your friends and family members about it.

Cancer Connection, a ser-vice of the Canadian Cancer Society, offers active discus-sion groups for anyone inter-ested in the latest opinions and information on specific types of cancer. On the Internet, visit cancer-connection.ca and find the topic that interests you. One discussion forum that may be useful for our read-ers is “Prostate Cancer: Pa-tients / Survivors / Caregiv-ers”. This group offers the opportunity to discuss mat-ters that concern you with individuals from across Can-ada. The participants are friendly and supportive and bring a wealth of information to the discussion. If the con-versations you find there do not touch on a point you wish to deal with, you can even start your own discussion thread. This discussion group cur-rently has only 18 members, making it possible to make a personal connection with the other participants if you wish to do so. If you try it, we would appreciate any feed-back on whether or not you find it helps you in any way.

In Touch Prostate Cancer Support Groups of Newfoundland and Labrador 8 Summer 2012


PARTNERS AND CAREGIVERS Sanofi, which has been a long-time sponsor of our support groups, has just re-leased a new educational booklet entitled What Now? When Your Partner Has Prostate Cancer. This informative guide, cre-ated for partners of men newly diagnosed with pros-tate cancer, discusses a vari-ety of important topics (including how to choose the best treatment option and the changes that may affect your life as a couple) in straightforward and easy-to-understand language. Sections of this book include ‘Choosing a Treatment Op-tion’, ‘Keep Your Sex Life Active’, ‘Physical Activity Makes a Difference’, and ‘Experts Answer Your Ques-tions’. Most importantly, What Now? contains wisdom and advice from other women who have been there. If you would like to request a free copy please contact our office (see contact informa-tion below).


Prostate Cancer Canada is offering a “chat room” on the topic of Incontinence. To join in on the nation-wide discus-sion, visit the following web site and sign up: http://prostatecancer-canada.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network This service is free and is easy to access. Simply sign in with your email address and your own password, and you can immediately start having text conversations with others across Canada who are affected by inconti-nence. Get answers to your questions, help others by sharing your experiences and opinions, and find sup-port from the growing com-munity of survivors who are accessing this resource on

the Internet. Please note that it is not necessary to take part in the chat in order to see what others are saying. For those who may be con-cerned about privacy, you can sign up without revealing your identity to the other members of the group. How-ever, a look at the list of members in this discussion group reveals that numerous prostate cancer survivors from our Newfoundland and Labrador Support Groups are already actively partici-pating, and have chosen not to remain anonymous. If you take advantage of this service, we would appreciate it if you would drop us a line and let us know whether you find it useful.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.prostatecancersupport.ca

In future issues of In Touch we would like to feature many more news items from our support groups. If you have news of activities from your group, please send them in, along with suitable photos.

If you would like to have your personal story/journey printed in a future issue, please forward a copy of it, along with a recent photo (optional), to dyetman@nl.cancer.ca or mail to

Darrell Yetman P.O. Box 8921 70 Ropewalk Lane St. John’s, NL A1B 3R9

Scan this bar code ►

with your Smart Phone to

connect with our web site.

The Canadian Cancer Encyclopedia (CCE) is a comprehen-sive database of cancer information covering a wide range of topics including risk reduction, screening, diagnosis, treat-ment and supportive care. The content is reviewed and up-dated regularly. It is available at http://info.cancer.ca/cce-ecc/

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