جﺮﺨﺘﻟا ﻊﯾرﺎﺸﻣ ﺺﺨﻠﻣ · ٩ عوﺮﺸﻤﻟا ﻦﻋ ةﺬﺒﻧ solving...

Post on 02-Feb-2020






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ملخص مشاریع التخرج لحاسبات والمعلوماتلطالب كلیة ا

جامعة أسیوط م2014 - 2013للعام الجامعي


IT القسم

Text classification اسم المشروع

یوسف بسیونى مهدى/ د.أ المشرف

اسماء الطالب

نیرمین یسرى محمد - ١

هند سید عبد الغنى - ٢

منار سراج محمود - ٣

الشیماء جمال حسین - ٤

دعاء سلیمان محمد - ٥

نور الهدى ابراهیم محمد - ٦ على حسین احمد / م المعاونون


ذة عن المشروعنبText classification

IT القسم

Archiving Project اسم المشروع

یوسف بسیونى مهدى/ د.أ المشرف

اسماء الطالب

مینا نبیة ادیب - ١

میالد كامل سعید - ٢

مینا توفیق تاضروس - ٣

باسم ارنست موسى - ٤


جرجس السبع عبد الجواد - ٥ حسین احمد على/ م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروعArchiving Porject

IT القسم

News Project اسم المشروع

یوسف بسیونى مهدى/ د.أ المشرف

اسماء الطالب

اندرو صفوت صادق - ١

امجد نعیم بطرس - ٢

اندرو اكرم البرت - ٣

مرنا مقبل جابر - ٤

سارة مقبل سربانه - ٥

سوزى وسیم فهیم - ٦ على حسین احمد / م المعاونون



نبذة عن المشروعNews Project


IT القسم

Solving by decision support system اسم المشروع

عادل ابو المجد سویسى/ د.أ المشرف

اسماء الطالب

كریستین مجدى - ٧ مروة خالف - ٨

ماریانا نسیم - ٩

ماریانا یوسف -١٠

بیتر روفائیل -١١ على حسین احمد / م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروعSolving by decision support system

Our project is about how solving many real problems in our life that face us by the learning of decision support system We use different algorithms that we use in solving that problems And we also show dss definitions and benefits and applications in our life. And also we use real problems that solved by using dss algorithms Our algorithms that we use in solving problem is that: 1-Linear programming: 1.1 Graphical algorithms of linear programming. 1.2 Simplex algorithms 2- non linear programming : 2.1 graphical algorithms of non linear programming. 2.2 quadratic algorithms


القسم IS

Solving by decision support system اسم المشروع

عادل ابو المجد سویسى/ د.أ المشرف

اسماء الطالب

احمد محى الدین احمد - ١

مؤمن عبداهللا جاد - ٢

محمد على عبد القادر - ٣

هشام محروس حسان - ٤

یاسینمحمد نبیل - ٥

احمد عبد الراضى - ٦

خیتشیماء محمد ب - ٧

ریم مؤمن - ٨

المعاونون على حسین احمد/ م


نبذة عن المشروعSolving by decision support system

By our system we will improve our education with some features in the system like keep parents in touch with their children and

school , know the absence day over day , developing students skills , and supply the curriculums in new vision and a lot of examples and

supply high level educational entertainment for the students..


القسم IT&CS

اسم المشروع Diabetes Prediction using

Some Data Mining Techniques

عادل ابو المجد سویسى/ د.أ المشرف

الطالب أسماء صباح محمد احمد - ١

شریفة محمد لطفى - ٢

سعاد محمد على - ٣

ابرام كمال ولیم / م -مصطفى احمد قرشى / م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروعDiabetes Prediction using

Some Data Mining Techniques The healthcare industry collects huge amounts of healthcare data which are not "minded" to discover hidden information for effective decision making by healthcare practitioners. Discovery of hidden patterns and relationships often goes unexploited. Advanced data mining modeling techniques can help overcome this situation. This project has developed a diabetes decision support system using data Mining Classification Modeling Techniques, Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes and Neural Network. Results show that each technique has its unique strength in realizing the objectives of the defined mining goals. Using medical profiles for diabetes such as age, sex, preg, plas and mass it can predict the likelihood of patients getting diabetes This System is user-friendly, scalable and expandable .It is implemented on the C# Platform.


IT&IS&CS القسم Online book store اسم المشروع

عادل ابو المجد سویسى/ د.أ المشرف

أسماء الطالب

. مروة ممدوح فؤاد - ١

ھاجر احمد جمال الدین - ٢ .ناریمان جمال ابراھیم - ٣

. فاطمة جاد المولى امین - ٤

سیددعاء محمد - ٥

المعاونون ابرام كمال ولیم / م -مصطفى احمد قرشى / م


نبذة عن المشروع

Online book store

E-commerce is fast gaining ground as an accepted

and used business paradigm(such as online book store).

More and more business houses are implementing web sites

providing functionality for performing commercial

transactions over the web. It is reasonable to say that the

process of shopping on the web is becoming commonplace.

The objective of this project is to develop a general

purpose where books can be bought from the comfort of

home through the Internet.


IS القسم

The voice اسم المشروع عادل ابو المجد سویسى/ د.أ المشرف

أسماء الطالب

مصطفى عبد اللطیف جمال الدین - ١ محمود عبد اللطیف محمد - ٢

اسراء نصرى ابو الحمد - ٣

سارة عبده احمد - ٤

اسماء محمود احمد - ٥



نبذة عن المشروعThe voice

Is a system facilitates the process of decision-making and voting is walk on the following pattern: The manager contact us and take Id from us after that make registration in our web site and create account after that he add all his member and create ballot and put questions in it, our system send ID for every member through email, the member take this ID and make login our system by using it and answer about question


IT القسم

Image Enhancement اسم المشروع

عادل ابو المجد سویسى/د.أ المشرف

أسماء الطالب

عبد الظاهر خدیجة محمد - ١ صالح خلود جمال - ٢

رویدا شوقى احمد - ٣

سلمى ممدوح عبد الباسط - ٤

ایه زینهم فكرى - ٥

راندا على عبد الجلیل - ٦

عبد الرحمن كامل صدیق/ م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروع

Image Enhancement

The principal objective of image enhancement software is to process a given image so that the result is more suitable than the original image for a specific application. The system is basically used to reduce or remove noise from an image using many techniques of image enhancement.


IS القسم

E-Auction System اسم المشروع مرغنى حسن محمد/ د.أ المشرف

أسماء الطالب

محمد جمال رمضان - ١

عمرو عربى عبد الفتاح - ٢

حیمالحسینى ابراهیم عبد الر - ٣

كارم السید سلیمان - ٤

جمال عبد الناصر اسماعیل - ٥

الزهراء أحمد محمد/ م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروع

E-Auction System

This project deals with the purpose of building online auctioning system. This system will perform the bidding process through which the users can buy the products through bidding. The bidding status can be identified by the users and it will even display the available products for bidding, sold out products, bidding details, timings, bidding date and payment options. This application is more useful to the organizations or companies who are planning to offer their products and services to the customer through online website. The Security issue will be considered and will offer reliable services to the administrative users as well as the normal customers. Many other function such as such as registration, bidding process, products management, etc.


IS&IT القسم

JobBook اسم المشروع

مرغنى حسن محمد/ د.أ المشرف

أسماء الطالب

عبد العزیز ناصر عبد العزیز - ١

اضى محمد صیاحمحمد عبد الر - ٢

احمد محمد ابو المجد - ٣

مورة عیاد لوندى - ٤

كرستین فالح لوقا - ٥

غادة عبد الرحمن احمد - ٦

مروة مخلوف هاشم - ٧

هایدى سید عبد الباقى - ٨

ماریانا حنا حنا واصف - ٩

أحمد عبد المنعم/ م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروعJobBook

This project aims to keep the contact between the graduate students and their market to get a job. How can the new graduate students get information about the present jobs in or out their area, the project enable the student to post his complete C.V. Which includes Educations, skills, training and certificates, previous jobs, projects and experiences. Based on the information in the c.v. the site automatically presents the matching jobs. Based on knowledge and information gathered by the site we can make some mining and statics and get a result that in the current duration mobile application is the most required field.


Is&CS لقسم

E-Auction System Using Data Mining اسم المشروع مرغنى حسن محمد/ د.أ المشرف

أسماء الطالب

محمد عبد اهللا احمد - ١

سارة احمد حفنى - ٢

زهرة على خیرى - ٣

ین حسند عالء الدمحم - ٤

محمود حسن محمد - ٥

محمد زغلول محمد - ٦

محمد علي عطیة/ م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروعE-Auction System Using Data Mining

This project aims to classify, and mining the association rules, of the data that is stored from the deals of the auctioning system. The system at first will perform the bidding process through which the users can buy the products through bidding. The bidding status can be identified by the users and it will even display the available products for bidding, sold out products, bidding details, timings, bidding date and payment options. Second, the system will perform the mining process.


IS القسم

Etabaraly Me7taglk اسم المشروع

تیسیر حسن عبد الحمید /د المشرف

أسماء الطالب

حنان احمد سید - ١

ایمان احمد خلف - ٢

حسین عبد المؤمن محمد - ٣

مارتینا رافت الفونس - ٤

شیرى شكرى فایز - ٥

جیرمین صبرى دنیال - ٦ محمد یوسف بسیوني/م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروع

Etabaraly Me7taglk

completing part of the health first, objectives: This project has three

. Second, map of Assiut City, containing hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies

ed blood in a website to make public service for blood donators and need

Assiut. Beneficiaries are patients, ministry of health, and doctors. People

who cannot afford the price of a blood bag can get what they want through

the site. Shortest paths algorithms for geospatial analysis will be provided.

ring techniques for hot spot and density detection over Third, cluste

medical areas will be computed in Assiut City.


CS&IT القسم

Drug-Drug Interactions GIS Map اسم المشروع

تیسیر حسن عبد الحمید/ د المشرف

أسماء الطالب

حمادة احمد السید - ١

ابراهیم جمال السید - ٢

احمد عبد الناصر رزق - ٣

احمد عبد الرازق محمد - ٤

حسن محمد توفیق - ٥

معتز عبد الشافى محمد - ٦ محمد یوسف بسیوني/م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروع

Drug-Drug Interactions GIS Map

have a GIS map to This project has two main objectives. The first one is

for pharmacies at Assiut City. The second objective is to store information

he pharmacist can disease related in a database where t-about each drug

have complete information about each drug of structure, chemical

food -drug interactions, drug-compounds, drug side effects, drug

interactions. Drug targets will be also published; a case study of specific

types of cancer will be taken.


IT&IS القسم

A Mobile Learning Tool اسم المشروع

تیسیر حسن محمد/ د المشرف

أسماء الطالب

جوزیف فتحى ابو الجراد - ١

كرلس مجدى ودید - ٢

هانى عاطف وهیب - ٣

رفیق رفعت جندى - ٤

مایكل نشات سعد - ٥ محمد یوسف بسیوني/م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروع

A Mobile Learning Too

The need for mobile learning tools is very important because of the

widespread of smart phones usage allover the world. Mobile

devices enable detailed metrics on how students approach subjects,

the process by which they acquire knowledge, and how quickly they

pick up on key concepts and skills. When content is delivered in

digital form, it is easy to deploy pop-up quizzes that evaluate

comprehension and knowledge. The goal of the proposed tool is to

help instructors to manage their educational world through mobile,

creating courses, exams, track students, and reports. It is a catalyst

for creating impactful change in the current system and crucial to

student development in the areas of critical-thinking and

collaborative learning.


IS القسم

Augmented Reality Game اسم المشروع

خالد فتحى حسین/ د المشرف

أسماء الطالب

عبد الرحمن احمد عوض - ١

عمرو علیوة محروس - ٢

خالد احمد طه - ٣

محمد احمد فراج - ٤

طه كمال الدین عبد الهادى - ٥ محمد یوسف بسیوني/م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروع

Augmented Reality Game

The objective of this project is to implement an augmented reality game that mix between the reality and imagination. The challenge is to implement game with different technologies: Augmented reality, graphics, and mobile development. Player has a mobile device. The camera attached to this device detects and recognizes the game markers. There are different markers like bomb, heart and time which add more fun to the game. Player lunches Game App and tries to focus mobile camera in front of Game main marker to start playing. Player tries to shoots objects thatappear on virtual layer to increase his game score.At each level limited number of balls that player can shoot it.There are two more markersincluded in the game, the player can use them as bounces to gain more score or more time based on which marker he hits during the game.


IS القسم

Mobile Face Recognition اسم المشروع خالد فتحى حسین/ د المشرف

أسماء الطالب

ابانوب مكرم میخائیل -١

االمیر اوحنا جبره -٢

یوستینا ماهر زكى -٣

مریم نشأت جبرائیل -٤

سارة یسرى یوسف -٥

ابانوب ادور لطفى -٦

سعد شعبانحسن /م –مروان رضوان ریاض /م –محمد سید بقلى / م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروع

Mobile Face Recognition

MobileFace Recognitionhelps policemen to catch criminals by using android's mobile to take pictures of suspicious people and recognize them if they were wanted or not.Our system is divided into two: client side and server side. In client side, the user opens the mobile’s camera and points it toward the face of the suspicious person. This app is capable of detecting human faces on runtime. Then the user touches the screen to pause the preview then the detected face is cropped and sentto the server side.In server side, aweb service receives the face image then recognizesthe face by comparing it with faces stored in database. After finishing, the comparison the result is sent back to the phone, mobile phone takes this reply and put it to display.


IS &CS القسم Discovery of Liver Diseases using Medical Image Processing اسم المشروع

خالد فتحى حسین/ د المشرف

أسماء الطالب عصام محمود فتحى -١

على محمود على -٢

دمحسن سعد محمو -٣

حسن سعد شعبان/م –مروان رضوان ریاض /م –محمد سید بقلى / م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروعDiscovery of Liver Diseases using Medical Image Processing

This This project is used to discoveryliver diseases based on their images. This project is designed to help the physiciansdetect some liver diseases such as:

1. Cirrhosis. 2. Fatty liver. 3. Liver Cancer.

Through this project, we used several computer vision and machine learning techniques: We used local image descriptors (features) such as the Scale Invariant Feature

Transform (SIFT) and Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) for detecting and describing the ultrasound liver images of the patients.

We used the Bag of Visual Words (BoVW) algorithm to improve the detection process of the liver diseases.

We used the Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the dataset of liver images into disease or normal categories.

The user entersthe patient’sultrasound image of the liver, and thenthe application producesthe result of the detection and the classification. The result shows whether the patient has any liver disease with a specified percentage.


IS القسم

اسم المشروع Building a Computer Game: Blocks’ War

خالد فتحى حسین. د المشرف

أسماء الطالب

هشام عبد الحلیم احمد -١

حسام الدین عصمت احمد -٢

احمد محمد فهمى -٣

خالد جمال راتب -٤ حسن سعد شعبان/م –مروان رضوان ریاض /م –محمد سید بقلى / م لمعاونون ا


نبذة عن المشروع

Building a Computer Game: Blocks’ War

Blocks’ war is a social game, which is, depends on maps.The blocks will be a constant area on the map; each block has its own army that will be responsible for defend it from other blocks invaders.Once you open Blocks’ war for first time, you will be asked for registration, you must register your address -street only- to detect your block.Then you will be able to choose your gameplay character, then you will play on Unity designed map to upgrade your character and get small monsters that will help you in invades.If you were the first one to register in a block you will be the block mayor and army leader otherwise you will be an allied, until you get more points than the current leader you will be the leader.The Block leader will arrange a meeting with the block-mates on game IM- and decide to invade a block. Invaded block army will be notified with the invade, then two armies should meet in the battle area -Unity designed maps. The invaders try to take the block and the block army try to save it.


IS القسم

Developing Virual laboratory اسم المشروع

خالد فتحى حسین/ د المشرف

أسماء الطالب

محمد عبد الموجود یونس -١

مصطفى السید اسماعیل -٢

محمد سلمان عقل -٣

مصطفى السید احمد -٤

كمال الدین عسران كمال الدین -٥

كمال خلف كمال -٦

باسم محمود حسن -٧ حسن سعد شعبان/م –مروان رضوان ریاض /م –محمد سید بقلى / م المعاونون


نبذة عن المشروعDeveloping Virual laboratory

Practical experience is an important component in learning science subjects. Sometimes, there are few constraints such as time, safety, and cost to set up the scientific laboratory in schools. However, these constraints can be resolved by using learning materials that use computer-based technology which includes web sites, computer learning packages for tutorial and revision, virtual field trips, computer simulations and virtual laboratories. A solution to the above problem also can be found in the adaptation of virtual laboratories, which could be proven as an important educational tool that deals with the lack of practical experiences in education. A VL is a virtual reality environment that simulates the real world for the purpose of discovery learning. It allows one, in principle, to evaluate real experiments and operations due to limitations of time, safety, or cost in the real world environment and is usually used within science teaching. VL is said to be equivalent in value to the learner because it addresses different learning styles and offers flexible and open ended environment for inquiry. Even though a VL cannot be identical or equal to

traditional laboratory, it is worth to consider the weighing many benefits that it offers.


یوسف بسیونى مھدى/ د.أ 14 - A Biomarker Prediction Tool on Cloud Bio Linux 15 - Prophet Mohamed Ethics’ Treatment “A web and a Mobile application” 16- Twasalny 17- A Web GIS-based Intelligent Decision Support System for Real Estate at Assiut Governorate

18- An integrated web site for Liver diseases based on Proteomics

تیسیر حسن عبد الحمید/ د ---------------------

19- Credit Hour Registration System 20- Credit Hour Resource Management System 21- Credit Hour Teaching Process System 22- Etourism: Data-Mining-based System 23- Job BOOK 24- Thugs Detection System 25- Tourist Mapping

مرغنى حسن محمد/ د --------------------

26- 3D Kinect Scanner 27- Chroma Keying 28- Home Automation 28- Virtual Development Environments

خالد فتحي حسین/د

--------------------------- 29- Traffic Monitoring System Abstract 30- Multimedia HTML For The Web 31- Multimedia HTML For The Web

عادل أبو المجد سویسي/ د.أ


)فاطمة عمارة/ د.أ+ ( عادل ابو المجد /د.أ/ د+ حسنى إبراھیم / د.مشاریع أ

HP ١٢:٠٠الى ٩:٣٠من معمل بالدور الثالث 1- Heart Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network And Mobile Devices 2- Network Management Application With GIS Support 3- Web Voting System Using Finger Print 4- Cloud Computing

فاطمة عمارة / د.أ+ یوسف بسیونى مھدى / د.مشاریع أ المناقشاتقاعة

5- Colorization 6- Bill of Materials(BOM) 7- speech-enabled web browser 8- Wiimote for Computers 9- Design and Implementation of Online Store 10- Social Networking Website

احمد محمد حمد/ د.أ+ تیسیر حسن / مشاریع د

الدور األول) أ٢( معمل 11- Developing an Online Virtual Learning Environment for System Analysis and Design Course 12- Develop an e-health system on the cloud for cardiovascular department (part 2a) 13-Develop an e-health system on the cloud for cardiovascular department (part 2b) 14- Developing an Online Nutrition System 15 - Developing an e-SuperMall 16- Developing a Search Engine by Intelligent Content-Based Image Retrieval

17- Developing an Online Elections System 18- Developing an online Diabetes System


شرف احمد/ د.أ+ عبد الرحمن حیدر / د+ مرغنى حسن محمد / مشاریع د معمل الملتى میدیا

1- Student Registration and Learning Management System FCI Portal 2- Read With Me 3- The virtual store 4- Electronic and Secure System for Public Voting 5- Virtual classroom 6- Criminals detection Using Mining video in publicity available cameras

خالد شعبان/ د+ عمرنجوى / د+ خالد فتحى / مشاریع د ھـ٣معمل

1- Developing 3D optical scanner 2- Developing 3D Virtual camera rig software 3- chroma keying 4- Developing 3D model searching software, and motion capture 5- Building Visual Maps With a Team Of Mobile Robots

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