if you live in - nys historic...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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what, a r c commonl-y k n o w n ^idy.,^™! Jg§9 .^ , ..• T .-,; •. "; "1? U.miM'' yp&m t he con.-.'1 , \ 4Mi^*^q |u plea*se (Help o u t

_r«A^. ^MI--^ .—j ^'^^fp^q^ainii^t ioj i iiwi coipetp' the movies,,!aiMi enjoy yourself.

Hotd Your mfieir-Th& Village of Pant Henry

and die Tojyp of Moaiaih Boards

^ l ^ p ^ p f l S ^ m e " y(«ang"fol£s j? have been dischasrging air guns

o r as foes olj-tifeg' village. arid .i wn*;

*t« i iship, acrid £h»t they have been ;o; w J p ^ ^ ^ - . ^ « , d o ; w $ aa)d (^usjng; - -«o # | | | g e IBQ thje p roper ly o | ,sey,;' -.: .oi-eral of the Lnhaibii'tan.ts. T h e •n - .:;parept^ migfot !fce, intsEflrtspd to.

n : . W jh^t„ain?y ©f tfi^€ SOiing-• w."'stars or olders who m a y and cer-

.,- .< • tainly will be apprehended, a re '••- i^subnect t o betag cited as a juv-

. epjile dejinqwea* or of being •fch&rged wifti a&m&nal mischief . ^damaging property). T h e New

• 'Yiark State law prohibits <a per­son under tixe age of 16 years

'•••" £rpicp havjng i n their possession &» afcr-gun or if you will "BE gun . " "Hie "ViMage of P o r t Hen-i y . presently has . in for=ce a Vil­lage ' ordinance •prohibiting the

!•. discharge of any type o f fi*reanm • i- .-or- -airgun (ftfj gun) wi thin t he \,< i- cQfofiines ,pf tbe viilbge itself.

-''ff'ihas ,is serious business folks, ,). ! ' . .a4d it might be wise al any of

- »• • >. cMe Small fry haiv* one of these /bii;.a«ieiapoBS a t his o r her disposal, • • • . t h a t perhaps it wouldb»e well to

'hade i t away for a few yeans, it could save some eniibaErassment

tni.i> iamd worse yet a n injury. T h e ">••••< he lp of everyone concerned will

.-• e*-fy& greatly appreoiaited. ,<-. v^.-r, . Mail Early i .- ,£end your domestic maril ear-,,'*A,,fyv to distant states, s l i p your , I ryour greeting caads and notes

tuby-the 18chi. For local a n d near--.oi :, b>t areas your parcels s-hould be <•: >r.©n their way by December 11th, ,MfB,and your cairds by 'the 15eh. T o

-)-•; lUtbe Military Forces overseas .jui •,1J*QSur parcels going by P A L (Par-aril T ^ A a j l i E t ) should move o u t by jni-p .'this Friday, November 27th and

(Miyou send your parcels via the airways, they should be on

--—board by December if Hi. Put Z I P in your Christmas faail, use t h e qarrect ZIP codes, rf you are no t sure, call your local post

%&, h e will b e ; g l a d tovgdve the needed ' informa'tion.

fa*:,and Mrs, J ames Gregory New Pakz, are parents of a

•baby boy, named Jajoies, who was born on Sunday, November 22, at Kingston Hospital . Mr. Gregory is stnideait teachdng at WappAnger Falls and she- is em­ployed p a r t t ime b y tibe. Grand U n i o n Go. at New Paltz. Grand­parents of the new bahry are Mr. a n d Mrs." Dawn Gregory of Por t Henry a n d Mr. a n d Mka. Duane Mattison of Ticonderoga.

Benefit Movie T h e Golden Eagles Datun &

Bugle Corps from Port Henry in the Town of MoriaJi i s hold­ing a benefit movie t o raise funds for some new uniforms. T h e title of the movie i s " T h e Impossible Yeairs." TTie cast in the movie is Da-vid Niveri, Lola Albright, Chad Everett, Ozzae Nelson and Cris t im Ferrate . T h e movie will be hedd at t h e Essex Thea te r in Port Henry on Tues. , D e c 8. T h e r e will be one show s tar t ing a t 7:30 p. m.

T h e story is about a father w h o has two daaighters and one Ifs&iera seems cdf'beknpossilWe.

^ h s M&Q h^s a n o ^ e j r boyfriend ^|(d"""is: a^ bearidtsi" MotGr-jcydK^

tb"-l>ipg^!iiaB^ ' g p ' ^ i * , -rjg$t? • I n this movie 'there is tatoiuble, com-


.} rice. ^ ^ . J t p f c e j s ane^ $ t$$ |9jr ^ | p l t | . a a < | , , ^ q ^or chjddrien unde r 12. T h e s e tickets cpn be fes^gh# ^ !pm any corps, mem-bjer* ait # i e t icket office o n ^ e m g h t of the mov ie o r contact Jack Sheldon in Por t Henry ; tel. 546^643 .

{Christmas Fair O n Friday, P e c e m b e r 4th, the

Por t H e n r y Presbyter ian C h u r c h wil l hold t h e a n n u a l Christmas Fair a t the chtroch. T h e r e will be i tems t o h o l d che interest of everyone, l ike the , a p r o n table, w i th o ld a n d new designs of this popular household item. T h e n the food t a b l e will b e filled wi th a variety of home •baked foods tha t will satisfy almost anyone. T h e candy table will ppovide an in teres t ing var­iety o f delicious sweets. T h e an­n u a l Chris tmas T e a , which has been a favorite for so many years will again b e held on the same day.

Mrs. Charles Por te r who has been a pa t ien t in the Albany Medical Center , r e t u r n e d to her home in Port Henry over the weekend.

T h e construction of a new water in take line for the Town of Mordah Wate r District One was supposed to get under way Monday, November 23rd. Th i s is not expected to be too long an operat ion a t Bart let t Pond. Th i s district serves the com­munit ies of Mineville and With-erbee. Other work is be ing sched­uled for the balance of the wa­ter supply system in the near future.

James Conley, director of mu­sic at 'the Moriah Cent ra l School has consented to be organist at St. Patrick's church in Port Hen­ry for the Musical Eucharist ic Celebration on Sundays and Holy Days. T h e first practice session was held on last Sunday, following the 1 1 a . m. Mass. Preparations are n o w unde r way for the singing dur ing t h e Christmas season.

Mrs. Edward C a r r of Por t Henry* is a pat ient in the De-Goesbriand uni t of che Vermont Medical Center at Bur l ing ton , Vt.'

Port Henry, and in fact the Town of Moriah is still looking for a doctor. O n e is definitely needed, b u t not t o o m a n y a re hiding in the woodwork these days. T h e r e are two locations available where a prospective practitioner can set u p shop, both are good locat ions arid both are inexpensive, wi th op-, erat ing costs of the bu i ld ings nir volved, pramcaJlyj-nil. 3&eceaJ>ly, a doctor was ahmbst induced t o 'take u p residence h t ' t h e area, b u t a t t h e last m o m e n t h e changed his mind, d u e t o var­ious difficulties. T h e committed; is still working hard o n d i e prb~ ject and are tracking d o w n efjfc

• t he toyv#^ ? I tit™0' At a special meeting o | 1 M 1

«fe Chapter, O E S^ Np ,268; held1 Wednesday, Nw&$m^$t a t the Masonic H M l m. Pjort Henry , two past maWonSj W ^ accorded honors o n t | ie '****' anniversary of their iner | i n the Chapte r M13S Pratt Delorme and M « ffie^ie MacKenzie James were t he i e c4ptenits of t|xe awards, and w e r e escorted t o the dais b y the opn-ductress and introduced to t h e members present by «he W o r t h y Matron, Mrs . Mildred Porter , who presided over d i e meet ing. They were also presented wi th Life Membersh ip Certificates & gold 5JQ-year pans from the Ohapter, by the Ivlatron. T h e guests retnained seated on the dais for the remainder of the meeting. Following the business session, a pot luck supper was served in the Club rooms. T h e decorations carried ou t the gol­den theme with flowers, candles and o the r ccJorfuil arrange­ments. T h e centerpiepe was a beautifully decorated cake in the form of two stars with t h e colors of die Eastern Star and tr immed widi the names of each honored guest. I t was made a n d decorated by Mrs. Sandra Drake of Miineviile, who is a member of the Ohapter. Mrs. Delorme and Mrs. James were also pre­sented with corsages of yellow roses t ied with gold r ibbon. Dur ing die evening severail photos were taken of the festiv­ities.

Moriah Central Board T h e regular monthly meet ing

of d ie Moriah Centra l Board of Educat ion was held at die school on November I7th. Several teachers were given permission to a t tend conferences that will be held dur ing die present school year. James Searles will a t t end die Internat ional Read­ing Association Conference in Apri l at Atlantic City; Joseph GuLbo and Louis Foro in Jan­uary will be at the Concord Ho­tel in Kiamesha Lake to parti-dLpate in a physical education s e m i n a r / T h e Essex County Veterans of World W a r I re­quested and were granted per­mission to use the cafeteria for a meeting on the afternoon of Janua ry 17. T h e President of t h e Mori all Central Teacher 's Association again brought to d ie a t tent ion of the Board die desirability of hir ing teacher a ides in the elementary cafeteria a t n o o n time. T h e feeling was tha t the teachers and die ad­minis t rat ion will have to work oogetiier within the confines of die existing agreement and find a solution to t h e problem. Applications for employment were read for teacher aid, switchboard, office or cafeteria •work. A motion was made a n d carried not to part ic ipate in the Sta te Education Depar tment ^narcotics program b u t to cooper­a t e with the B O program. In }an effort to keep die members jOf_the school board u p to d a t e J0ff mat te rs 'o f procedure, the Supervising pr inc ipa l was;. in­structed to order twelve copies M "Policies For School Boardfe."!

T h e Board adopted a code of ^ethics for all employees of uhie ^District and a copy will be ~ <M-. I d witii d ie C o m p r p P e r , T h e

wno nas two oaaignters ana one lect a n a are rracKing a o w n ey* £ j — . ' ~™ "• *~rj "*•* "^ ™* i | f ^ i e r f l seents Wfoe tamxnbfe. ery lead, b u t s o " % n o ^ n i c o o l S J V i " * - the ComjatroPer, T h e ^ * ; i s lovedby-aCruHripe tp lay- creteffeas h ^ ; ' u n e o t e ^ i M S i ^ S11 o f U \ ? - Oag.andjKeW:

i l s

it >

HEttg THEV A R E ! !



• *


V f

VIKING SMOW MOBffiE - AH S k e s i

SinoothRide-Iiistaiit Start Easy Steering

"The Cadillac of S p » M^bilin^ The Ideal Christm as Gift

Priced imm $799.00 to $1,299.00 JSto-p in and inspect this easy to own

and operate vehicle


(IMHIYgAPUN&SOmBC. Open Eremngs 'Tpl 9 p. m.

iB^tBenry, If. t:




A . ' d i e unifojans *of Jh<0 <3us$r>, ^ t l s was discussed fey*

I ^ S a r d , b u t it was decided. _ I p r f c e diese uniforms a r e wdir^ | fffirfle the m e n are penfond^^p; | | | i i © u s types of lafeqr d ie f laS ^ • e m b l e m might ibecspfije soiiell! | # ; t o r n a n d tha t dieTefare «r^fI g&ufld not be used. Mr. S e c p i M|iv*a, Board president, advasel: l ine members of fihe B o a r d ' 4 % l a less expensive tt&epfa&tie-p^ iposa! for t h e schd6l ( i a s ' fe^J1

j | resented , b u t thkt i t wojjiid. && '$sM d ie necessity of e m p j M i ^ i

•a'fuill time opera tor siriic$'^ii|h1 |pcomdng a h a 'Oju'rgoi£igf -*3$W ?riSi"rt' go^througil|- ' & > - ^ 2 £ * : JjSust


pfed by the s ^ t ^ b o a r ^ iqiuestion of thie standees o n fl^' ^Wairious busses was discussed .& ''$p members of flie,,'J^d!:''^i|| . t iwas suggested «diat a stwi^-'ibi | i tode as to the niigiiJber of acM-Ifaonal buses a n d drivers ivipil^' P&, necessary t o . elimin^ite * a|i, ' M n d e e s wi th tMe genei^ l ad^« Jprf•'todiuding this is j n the b u ^ ' •0. figure for 1971-72. T h e toiBual aud i t r epor t was ajji d

- r ^ d by .die ~

. ito attjsni aihifteti*at

fe j ieralS ojff ice; I f % p r e a t ^ v H i c k e 4 is h a n d

ing Ruxkefllfaijs ' h i s fe^ d e a sjoti to i r ^ e , , tjbis w o ^ d be ex-c e i e n t , " ssaid Joljh^on, ' , /.

T h e fu l | cpft. of'/djie: irlickei let ter t o "Slew "Yiprk WQ$j£k avail­able b u t t h e l$ey pairt^r | iph in i t stated,

"Therefore, I iecpmmejnd tha t the" New York J J e ^ ^ t ^ e n t of Envi ronmenta l C^nservajjon *•*-p o i t to ine by J$G&"i$, J07O, o n a detailed p rogram and sjc^edule t o aba te pol lu t ion caused by t h e sludge deposits ," Hicke l wrote .

Earlier i n the Jejiter d i e sec­re tary called IP ' s aotipns in end­ing die po l lu t ion ' 'unsatisfac­to ry" and h e said the .800 aci«6; of sludge o n d ie lake bo t tom, a result of discharges from die old IPC plaint, will con t inue t o be a n "act ive" source of pol lu t ion .

Hackers letter h a d n ' t reach­e d any of the Vermont o r New York agencies by T h u r s d a y af­ternoon, d i e governor 's office reported. Because of diis , t op officials i n Vermont expressed uncer ta inty abou t d i e federal intentions, fearing Hickel might allow New York t o begin anotih-e r lengthy s tudy t o delay furdier removal of the sludge.

" N o w h e has cominitteed him­self. He's i n i t for keeps. Hickel has stuck his oars i n die sludge and he'll never be able to pu l l t h e m out unt i l the p r o b l e m ' i s solved—we won't let h im," said Johnson.

Johnson said federal studies have sfiown the sludge can fee feasibly remoyed from d ie lake withiin about two years. If New York comes up with a slower program " i t just won' t do ," said-Johnson.

H e d o u b t e d whetiier Hickel will accept the current plans by N e w York to conduct more tests a long the lake next summer.

Despite the use of die word " r ecommend" in the Hickel let­ter insead of "order," Johnson said he hopes this means the fed­eral government is finally com­mi t t ed to dredging o r otherwise removing the sludge "as quickly as i t can b e done ."

T h e Hickel letter warns d i a t i f d i e plans aren ' t sound and if: they d o n ' t meet the deadUne,, fur ther act ion will come. '

T h e issue is taking o n more^ I impor tance , since d i e ent i re ** per indus t ry could be affecw^a •by a precendent-sett ing fedep l ; o r s ta te ac t ion forcing one lareif company to remove one of-'olf s ludge banks.


1. wish to diank Dr . J o h h >MII|er Jr . of town, "Dr. W i i u ^ | | | ; " " ' •Sjiea;, and. d i e nur s ing s t a ^ ' M : m& m^;; Ddeoesbri iahd H o s p i ^ f 1 ^ * -a f ^ l i n g ^ V t , l o r tfaefr^-focyff ^ t . x a p . g p - e n m e whi le s i .pa j %-• . 0Sj&;'m$Pe, a lso, .dianks t&fc f i -1^ ' -* wpip t e ^ ^ b e ^ m e - w i d i fards.

M i s . Bessie Robbin$ CSrbwn Pdjrtt

wiSs h | | d last "HlhuJs-"•** ^jpiij' dieir" wives

l ^ p u p n i d e d i ^ v l £ s s e x C ^ u n i ^ '.H&*

feA^^!«pj:|ear We Pj#^g^;^ig... : - ~«pu 'v ':M& mZ'MW&opl Sclwippe o|' - ' ^ #

t*^;m^f $sited friends! 4nl ;

^ of Sthe

^ ^ p S g r U a l i d , on ,Mcfedaf ., Jl^nc<?. frfcovi'fji' at Wm?. f:-^m ' d i e n s ^ t o r i a ^ y^.r Astoria, , a n d

I I'hfiflLe o n Friday,

.0. E. S. Meeting

^ . n e x t regular meetiifg $&, r^ia^m fihapterr O. & S. ': '**"' ^$$£L-M t h e Masonic H a | f ^ r | t % n * y , Wed.hesday, « ^ ® M r 9 t h a t 8 p . 3oai; A>p< stra|ejii:'wtjai precede ihe?m< '-ii^S00 p . m . T h i s awiilSU jai^iiiM election of/dflijrj. 'ffi^CJiiaiplter, follojyed.' .•• •Ca^ltWas- Par ty •. fe^fe *"''*piS; :-wi,bh jw. '

"•"^htt - a"tre^.<. ppi.-wil- be

Mp%ander|? '!$$}<$% A ^ u r W cornnianderSj Wpgh;t o f j T | t t ' ^ k* qanan

The fic^rlefe^^/is Edwaonci. w-mM-^mmy: who sihipe,;, l .^^;E| | , I l#dM:;-st%e,

the p r o i e ^ o n ^ o l ^ e g w a p q t y T h e r e ^ e n ^ e ^ J b e ^ ^ . m ^ , - ;

datory idios y ^ ^ u j ^ d e r a 19^9' law p r o v i c l ^ V f ^ j e j ^ i ' u a l ^ f£ . cirement of* Sta te "Potice' alt age 56 except for a few management positions. T h e goal i t to 'be reached in 1974 by annutallly lowering d i e re t i rement age by one year. N e x t year members reaching age 58 will leave.

T h e re t i rement of the majors will take effect Dec. 30 except for Major "VJ/right, now on ter­minal leave, whose last d a y o n the State Police rolls wii b e Dec. 7. H e has jo ined t h e faculty of d i e Monroe County Communi ty College as a n assistant profes­sor,

Whi le promot ions result ing from die retinements will not b e made unt i l la ter diis^year, d ie depar ture of Major Wr igh t has resulted already i n some shifts. Major Charles E. Bukowski of T r o o p B, Malone, has been moved t o T r o o p E and Major C. Richard Samson has been as­signed from T r o o p K, Haw­thorne, to Malone. Inspector Phi l ip G. E m d e n 'has been des­ignated to act as t roop com­m a n d e r at Hawthorne .

jars 43f$ejr *•!*; .0,c%efepc^vdnd t ^ a l i

B length and breadth $t m& ,. tffiatei Stated in Jthear bids |c% ,<{ r ^ w d f o c y Tsmce feeTmM

th^ Fguf las^ and on^ a^u t t ? of oqcasrons to Souidi Amer-

H<j die lasl' on Governor Rock ejplers niassao]?. yo Latin. Aimetr" "Jfca, as President Nixon s emis* sary "Notice is hereiby. given .to d i e qualif ied voters of Fire District •|N©. 1 of d i e T i p ^ n of Mjariah, tha t d i e a n n u a ! election will •be he ld at d i e Fire Hou$e ori (tfie 1st day of December 1970,

jkbetween the hours of 7:00 and 10:00 o'clock i n the evening, for i h e purpose of electing d ie fol­lowing: . ~Qne.Commissioner for a term of 5 years! Dated November 25, 1970 By Order of the Board of Fire Commissioners.

Rober t E. Neaves Secretary


As the commissioned officer i n charge of the Governor's De-bail for near ly 23 years, Major Galy in is undoubtedly t h e most widely traveled of any member of t h e 'State Police. H e has criss­crossed t h e state countless times o n official business and dur ing d ie gubernator ia l campaigns of



Wed. & Thuirs., Nov. 25 - 26

"The Gypsy Moths" Burt Lancaster - Deborah Kerr One Complete Show at 7:45 p. m. Fri. thru Man., Nov. 27-28-29-30

"Doctor Zhivago" NOTE: Due to length of feature: One Complete Each Evening

At 7:30

Sat, Nov. 28.. Matinee at 2:00

"Herades a#4 the Captive Women"

Pafs Giveaway — All Seats 50c

Complete Assorttfebt P i

Sturdy - All Metal -Built to%§!

A Price Range For Everyi^M Budget


MINE BIKES A Complete Selection of

BONANZAS at $179.00 plus t a x and

Trail Horse Models - $195.00 plus tax Stop In and Look Them Over.


Four Popular Sizes - 15 in. to 21 in. Light - Efficient - Reasonably Priced

Enjoy The Very Best - For Less!! t ^ V ^ V ^ > « ^ K - ^ > t ^ X ^ * » t - ^

Open Evenings 'till 9 p. m.

HARRY KAPLAN & S01NS, W C Port Henry, N. Y. - Phone 546,7104


» i


- mM now hjm -eecl of. Am^eans ^re

Aptf-Jiir prisoners have made it bagfe They talk a]bopt bamboo eages. Vicious beatings. iMigra^n . Hiimiliatiori.

But the North Vietnamese ynll tell us iiQJ|fr®j Ap44t^^s si^he'e to mafes our

•*>: ¥'

a ? ^ ^ i g p ^ s ^ feorae, tfeeie is no word oo -^ho's alive. Wlio's dead. Or even whd^sl&ilig held.*T|iere is notfiihg. ©ccept

Ask hiip to release the names of prison­ers, allow [them to write to their families, and letthe(,Re$ pQ^S inspecf^e jprispns to

insure proper medical treatment and living conditions.

Remind him that he is bound by the 1949 Geneva Convention which his country signed, And by the Istanbul resolution.

. ' North Vietnamese leaders do care aboirjt American public opinion, And if th,ey think they can gain something by bowing to it, they will.

But one letterworrt do it. OrartHotisand. Maybe it will take millions. So we've got to write-now. AIl;of us; And often. . ' : . .

Write a letter tonigKt. And sendrit :tOi Offieebf th§ president,^PemocrajjcReptib-lic of Vietiiam, Hanoi, Horth Vietnam. ^

It'll CG&you-a quarter. Butlt might save a life. , . * . , , .



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Min mum Charge $1.20 r"

Approx. 25 Words - 5 Lines

y ' T ' y ' i M r t f"'"y 9 <¥ '» **0mqf*^pmq^qfn


Bianchc Mosier Realtor

PHONE 585-7611

5 So. Wayne Ave.

Ticonderoga, N. Y.

% >


E. Stockton TMartin Real Eetato & Insurance


Ticonderoga Crown Point Bank Building

Phone Phone

585-6566 LY 7-3787

L. & H. BENJAMIN Homgas Bottled Gas

Service Atlantic Fuel Oil

and Kerosene Everything for the home and

farm heat ing needs (Budget Plan Available)

PHONE 585-2877 Ticonderrga, N. Y.


RESTOE5NTIAL an^GGMMER-GIAL propert ies on rtikffi excel­lent ideations.' Also, lake shore sites and others .

Ridge Meadows Realty Glens FalU> N: Y.

Mrs. Genevieve Baird Licensed Real Estate Salesman

Port Henry - TeT 546-7276 46tf

DUPLEX — Ranch style on 3*"X> acres in the village. One 11/> bedroom apt; and one 1 '">edroom apt. Hot water heat, 2 car garage. Exceptional con ^miction. Collect rent for the mortgage or convert easily, for one family. Priced to sell.

38 J m , ;p*AKA-GE- or large- . b u i l d i n g va'jited for wni.& c -r storage. fel. 58"? 6883. 6wl

H E L P WANTJTD—Full time —part time, $3.50.per hour af

fer training. R-efererjces and cas •lecessary. Gall 747-6448 or wriu Fuller Brush Co., 36 Maple St. Hudson Falls, N. Y. 12839. Iw4

W A N T E D T O BUY—A rol' top desk. Te l . 585-7857 after 6 p. m. 5w3iu

Both properties bv appoint ment only. Dominick Viscardi ^85-2881, William Kerr 58"* 7835, Romeo Contois 585-6650 Licensed Real Estate Salesmen. 3w5

FOR SALE—Two houses and land in Village. Inquire A. M. LaPe er, 25 Elizabeth St., Port Henry, N. Y. 5w2

FOR S A L E - T h r e e bedroom house, excellent con<Iition, good buy. Helen A. Potskowski, Bro­ker, Port Henry, N. Y. Tel . 546-3336. 4w3


m -'! ABtemSE IJERE! V* - ^ * i , * • ^v Ht"? T^ (




Phone 585-2298 Ticonderoga, New York

H O U S E FOR SALE on Cos-sey St. 5 rooms—bath and half-hot water heat. Call 6640 or 4098. , tfnc


Building Material Fuel Oil — Coal

Lake George Ave. Ticonderoga, N. Y.

Water Wells Drilled

With Past Rotary Drill

SPAFFORD & SONS CAST4.ETON, VERMONT Phone 468-2217 Or 468-5508

Schroon Lake Lakefront Lots

M.Leo Friedman

Broker Schroon Lakt, N. Y,

T t l . 532.7400 40tf

SCHR ON LAKE—four bd-rm. year round house, hot air heat. $12,'.,00. M. LEO FRIED-N ' \ N , Licensed Broker, Schroon L-ke, 532-7400. 44tf

F O R SALE — T h e J o Lock-wood Bourgeois house on Al-genkin Street. 3 bdrms., centrally located, fidl cellar, central heat. Contact Muriel Jouber t , 585-7719, after 5 p. m. 43tf

F O R longer wear keep car­pets clean with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. J. H. Gil-bo. Port Henry, N . Y. Tel . 546-7144. 6wl

CEMENT SAND, GRAVEL, top soil for sale. Also grading, back hoeing and trucking. Ralph W. Sawyer, RFD 1, Ticonderoga. Tel. 5854419. 42tf

L I G H T T R U C K I N G ^ - Also, utility trailer rental. Dick On , tel. 585-6161 3'M

SUPER stuff, sure nuf. Tha t ' s Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. Rent electric sharrDpoo-er $1. Carnev's, Inc., Ticonder­oga, N. Y. Tel . J U 5-7717. 6wl

FOR SALE — Volkswagen Camper. Good condition. Reas­onable price. 4 new tires and 1 new spare. Call 585-6283. 50wttf

FOR SALE — All year motel and 10 room motel on Route 9. $35,000.

One hundred acres of choice land. Inquire for price. ,

All year house, four bedrooms, living room with fireplace, furn­ished., $13,500.

Charles E. Wood, Broker Schroon Lake, N. Y.

Tel. 532-7880 38tf

H O U S E A N D L O T for sale. Located in Crown Point Center. Completely remodeled. New hot water heating system, mopboard radiat ion. Te l . L Y7-3340. ltf

FOR SALE — 1964 Cadillac 4-dr. sedan deVille, in good shape. Cadi 585-7606 until 5 p. m. Crown Point LY 7-3314 after 5:30. 2wtf


llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll ' '•£*.

.,-* omes

FOR SALE—2 year old house in Hague, N. Y. Modern kitchen, including range with built in wall oven, dining area with bar, large living room with walJ to wall carpeting, open, fireplace, 3 bdrms., extra large bathroom with bath and sepatrate shower and twin lavatories, hot water heating system. This property is being offered at an extreme* ly reasonable price, "Contact Thomas S. Gibson, State Bank of Albany, Ticonderoga, N.-.'1S Tel. SIS-2815. : • <•m#

— i.--. j • ;) ;,••', . . . . -a" ,^ ,

Jjarts^ajfld" ^ P " ^ for-- Sal.eS-|$2.0;-

aPotsKiowskir^roterl^Bori Mfenry, '^. Wrt^ 546^386^ *' • 'vT bwA

Ticonderoga, Inc. FINEST IN


I » Kirkwood

' ' « Atlantio ^ American

l-REB DELIVERY t ,y««r flnanclns

10% jdovrt payments I lk* t«nt i Alsd ^HA A VA Approved [

pre-llnilt Homes t Call Jim South Today

5115^524 ;

SALt F O R SAEi: — TVlaple damng

room set—macro top—d 4 chairs and center leaf Phi lco record player Emerson colored T V console model Excellent condi tion All items listed reduced t o sell quickly Phone Port,[Henry 54f>8661 v 5w2

F O R SAL£—1970 W t i b a d i e r double traiiier, excel lent ' condi laoh Gall Por t flenry, ff46 7603 5w2 '

FOR SALE — '62 Chev. wag­on. New snow tires, new bat­tery, recently inspected. All OK $275. Carney's, Inc. Town. Tel. 585-7717. 4tf

NOTICE TO W P ^ l l l SEALED BIDS f<sa> t%£*>'Iow-

'ng Eire Dept. eqi'iupttfiSSSii;; will e recaived by the.Vi'14a^-of Ti-

ordorogQ B.-' >rd oifjilJRXistees in or b e ^ r e Thu.rsda.yj^Decem-er 10, 1970 .-t 7:30 jpkatn.

1 Scott Air Pn.k I I vtlyh 6 s 'rap 'l.^ad "Jitarrncw 'a.nd c;ts(5.~-Spo'tt Mo-Inl 900000 00 or equ;1:!. .

3 Scottora,m/'c Jsfs4k'f Scot* Model 17042 00, N o substitu-ion avowed. . .

12 Pair Boots, insulated, steel 'oe, steel midsole, wbi te leg '"and. Serves Model 11425 or xjual.

12 F'ach, Ck>at, yellow, Hvna-'on coated nylon with, reflcirivei tniarkings, T F D in reflective' 'ottering. Globe 390 o r equal.

12 Each, Helmet, vellow, ad-instaible sus|>ension plastic "IT' ning. shield holder, chin s'rap, rero hood ami shield. MSA Top-gard or ec]u;'il.

500 Ft., Hose 1 Vi" Df x 50' Lg, 100% Polyester Fibre, 600 !b. test, Forged couplings, NST rian colored, witih 10 year guar­antee.

1 Each, Wood Ladder, fold­ing, attic, 10 Ft. Long.

1 Each, Flecrron'ic .SM'.H, Diet/ Model 237-6504C, Model or equ ad.

2 Each, Harness, Pak-Il Scoit Part No. 800020 02.

2 Each, Adjustable Hydrant Wremch, Akron Part No. 15 oi equal .

2 Each, Nozale, 11/2" ID. NST. adjustable flow, Adjustable Stiream Pattern with revolving T u r b i n e Wheel. Akron Turbo­jet 1715.

6 Each, Electric S| KM light, Wet cell, equal to Koehlcr Mfg. Cx>. Wheat Light Model 264-LASD.

1 Each, Battery (Jiarger, 6 umit, Koehler No. 1557-LAG six Laortp automatic charger or equail.

1 Each, Radio Station, base, citizen's band.

Bids submit ted may be for all or portion of Tterns as so desired.

T h e ViJlage Board reserves the right to accept or rejeu any or all bids submitted. November-25, 1970

Plymouth 'Cricket? Newest %ibc0mpac#.» Due In Jam


nip-sn^nit to P r t III-A of Art e'e V <U?e and Pro .ection r W»ters) o.f the Conservaittiio T/'w, Sidney Pb'tt, Soul' Schroon, New York has Bled at application with the New Yor' Sta> e Conserv:'! ion DepairtimeTM Division of Fish and Game ?• : ,s Regional Office at R;' Brook. New York where the a) nlication a.nd published ride I'IUI regulations for adminisu~ tion of the knv are available fo )Miblit- inspection.

T h e applicant requests tha he be issued a |>ermk to ramov< debris and muck from a 100' > 110' piece of shoreline and lak< bottom in Schroon I«ike at tlv proper' y ol the applicant.

Any person interested in th i application who wishes to be come a "Party in Interest" it this proceeding in accordano with he published rules an* regulations of the Commissio' must notil) the undersigned i: writing on or before die 21s da) of Novem!>er, 1970, s ta ins s|>ecilic areas of interest.

Any Party in Interest will be eligible to l>e heard 'if a public hearing is ultimately held ir connection wi/h the applica tion.

Dirck Benson Local Permit Agent De<pt. Environmental Conservation Region 5-Ray Brook, N Y. 12977

November 5, 1970

T h e 1971 Plymouth Crdce t , 'meric°'s ne,vpi,t su.bccim.o'ot

r. combines wvle, roominess nd comfort w ' h excellent pcr-^mi^nce and f'ie' economv .


pact. Rack

1965 F O R D S T A T I O N WA­G O N for sale. 8cyl., auto, trans., power steering. Good cpndiitiion. Reduced t o sell quickly. Phone Port Henry. 546-7415. 6w2

FOR SALE FOR SALE: 80 Gallon gas wat­

e r heater. GSass l ined. Telephone 585-2298. 45tf


Marjori e M cCorm i c k Village Glerk


B E A U T I F U L T R A I L E R S I T E for rent. Lot 75 fit. x 110 ft. o n DaLano Rd., 1 "^ mi. from new nw'Il. Concrete p a d 60 fit. x 15 ft. Electricity and sewage out­lets. Wa te r provided. $50 per month . Wr i t e Box 7, c /o Sentin­el , or Tel . 585-2531 after 6 p . m. otf_ .

LADIES slacks and tops, $3.99 o r 2 for $7.00. R e d "Heart yafcn, worsted, $1.19, Win tok , $1.29. Adirondack Mercantile, Morialh, N . Y. Closed Sunday & M o n d a y s O p e n "Tuesday through Satur­day , 10 Ja. an. to 5 p* m., Frddaiysi til 8 p . m . . • 6sw2.

F O R -SALE — Stove wodrf; sof,t. Closing out . Reas6naMe1 ' A t lot or.delivered, fttfnc :.„•/.


\o / I f pay. fhwy» to buy • ! ««V'«*


FOR SALE — a yr dld^Paic-. mrno pmio gelcbng Perfect Coin-fumation, t Completely- trained for show, both Western and English CaE LY V-3340 ^2wtf

ATTRAiGTiVE OHRiST "MAS GIFTS for sale? at the "tfrift Shop Many new items; 5ttEh.c i, * ' > *

K ^ i


for beautician, Main Sfc, Port tHenry. Present party vacating Nov 15th Cat Port Henry 546 7426 or LH 6-7009 Iwtf

OFFICES FOR RENT in the Ticonderoga "Coniiminity Build­ing. One office, 13% x 18 ft; one office 18%^ :x 16% ft. Heat , lights a n d j an i to r servicea pro­vided. Fo r fur ther details in­qui re a t office of Village Clerk. 22tf v

ATTRACTIVE. ' R O O M S for rent. Te l . 585>6;093. 42tf

F O R R E N T . — 3 rooms & bath, furnished.1. Heat, lights & hot water included- Suitable for two adults. Te l . 597-3831, Grown Point, N . Y. ..''•' 6w2

T b e CricV^t vP l qroon s,a 'hrysler - Plymouth Division ealershins arrows die country en ' :nning in January. "We be'ieve mot&ri'ts wii'l

n n r e d a t e he s^'lid value ol ' 'is snbeonrrpact." R. K. Brown, division general manager, w.'d. It's low initial nrice and its conomv of operation will .make he Plvmoii'th Cricke a 'best uiv' for rnnnv persons."

T h e Plvmoutih Cricket is an U-new car designed by Chrvs-er C'onx>r?ition stvlists and as-«mbled in F^nsrland bv Ghirysler 'n i ted Kingdom. Ltd. I ' has -een under development since '966.

A .front-engine, four-door edan, the Plymouth Oicke t is mall and agile for driving and Kicking in congested city areas, >ir it also provides comfort and •conomical opera/tion lor long-T trips.

Built on a wheelbave ol 98 |genncs nx'hes, the Cricket is l(i2 inches ong, 62.5 inchc-s wide and 51.fi nche^ high. Front and rear rack are both 51 incluv Curb veight is 1,966 pounds.

T h e Cricke: has an .ill-new, 70 horsepowei, lour-cylinder en­gine w h k b displaces 91.1 cubic 'riches (1500 cc). Compression atio is 8.0 to-1.

T h e standard transmission is a floormounted, loui-sjx^ed manua l box. A three-.s-[x;ecl au­tomatic is optional. T h e axle r a u o is 3.9-to-l.

Boy Scout News

Scouting News Boys of Scout T r o o p 71 are

coiv.-uuU.ig a sales program for the next couple of weeks on a house to house basis. Money earned will be used to take the

in a Mibcom-i boys to Scout camp next sum-j mer and also help to finance

nd pinion s t c e r ' i v i some of their win.ter activities, contributes to C'rickc's ease of| .such as a tr ip to Lake Placid handl ing. Tmni ing diameter i s ' f o r the winter carnival, swim-

T h e < ' r i de r ' s cc'l spring <ns-per'- 'on system, v i t h ro'ul viH-r-.tions insulated hy brge rub­ber mount ings and roll charac-;er:st tes controlled bv :m an. : -•-oil bur. rrovirlcs rid' ;nf cxwn-•o't seldom lound

31 feci. 9 inches. 'The C:T ccnies ecpupped ^vi h

long-wearing, high tension 155 (6.10) x 13 inch radial ply tiies.

BASKETBALL (Continued From Page Five)

both juniois, round out the M ] i > " d .

' I 'om Foi'tino. a senior, who wTin't be with the team for a fO'iple c>l weeks Ix'ciuse of a looiball injur\ , will add valu-;ible evpei ience to the teani when he returns.

T h e Sentinels base been pre-|>arin£ lot this week's game with two scrimmages. Monday the-v played Weeks Scbcol from Vr-r-

V't. ;md looke<l \er \ ^oocl. ^esteiday they played Moriah.

(loach Toloskx expressed ap­preciation to the members ol the tea.rn who base woiked hard in practice and he hopes to ha\e lots ol sup|K>rt and spiiii to ac­company the desire and clti\e of a [xxentiallv g<K>d team lin­ing ;i tough schedule.

M1S-XAMED T h e wall-eyed |>ike is not a

pike at all, but is the largest member of the perch family.

nung trips to various heated pools and winter cookouts. Scoutmaster Charles Smith urg­es the publ ic to look over what the boys have to offer, as they do have some very nice merch­andise at very reasonable prices.

Scout Court of Honor Boy Scout T r o o p 71 will hold

a couit of honor for all of Che boys who have advanced in the troop. T h i s will be held at the American Legion Hall this com­ing Tuesday nite, Nov. 24 at i>:.)U o clock. A pot luck supper will be served and immediately billowing the court of honor will be conducted. • •

Scout Hike I roop 71 had a grand time

on their last few meetings, which consisted of ni te hikes to the base of the Brother 's moun­tains. T h e troop split into two gioups, one of the amibushers and the other ambushed. I n the eery light of the moon, it was a thrill ing experience for the boys as one group tried to invade the other. A marehmal-low roast was enjoyed by all af­ter reaching the mounitain. AIXHU twenty boys under the leadership of Rober t Rich and Scoumaster Charles Smith en­joyed the outings.

S T U D I O A | ^ R T M E N T for rent—.Oomplette*ly furnished q$. 203 the Portagej:. Ticonderoga. Call 585-7134.1/ ^ 6 w l

F O R - R E ^ r T p l S room 3 | g '.nished" .apsiir^ne^S'AH fadlitiesf ' A d i j t » n < ; ^ ^ ^ 5 § 5 ^ 5 ( ) 4 . fy$j

* r e ^ t ; . T ^ ' i p p s r . . . a l l facilities]! •fuMMsned:' 5 l | | | g 5 - 2 5 3 5 ,


Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Part III-A of Arti­cle V (Use and Protection of Waters) of the Conservation Law, Warren F. H listed, Schrbori" Lake, N . Y. has filed an application with the New York State Dept. Environmental Con­servation, Division of Fish and Wildlife at its Regional Office at Ray Brook, N. Y. where the application and published rales and regulat ions for administra­tion of the law are available for public inspection.

T h e applicant requests that he b e issued a permit to dredge a 120 foot by 50 foot area of lake bot tom of soft mud in Schroon Lake at the property of the applicant.

Any person interested in this aipplication who wishes to be­come a "Party in Interest" in this proceeding in accordance with the published rules and regulations of the (*kjmmission must notify the undersigned in writing on or before the 2Sth day of November, 1970, stating specific areas of interest.

Any Par ty in Interest will be eligible to be hea rd if a publ ic hearing is ult imately held in connection witih' the applicat ion. N*o:veihiber *J , -4074—

-' iDiabck. "tension

$^^^^;.jS^f4x^0S(fsent^l Con-.*\-v*erMac»n . •,.

ff0lgl^ob; N::Y. 12977

tractive /•Mj&jip&r at 3 S tan t^ f .Street, T i e o l p l ^ a . Call 58& 6865

R O G ^ ^ R E N T - #^fifliii%o-^/Gk£sr

"Train now to drive semi, track, local and over the1 road Diesel or gas, experience helpful but not necessary You can earn ov er $4 50 per hour after short teaiuntng For interview lind ap pjioatio<ir call 315 453-2769, or Write Safety TJept, Unnted Sys terns, Inc ^Interstate Terman al Building^ 15 Dippold Street, Syracuse, islenv York, 13211 5iv2 4 „


a home. <<m M%msi royi "4 ^ V }

FOR RENT by the week: Sma]| house teculer. •"^mtttble fo* t # ' construction vtoSckers Near new m}ll site oil Delano Rd. Cpokv mg "facilities;^(heat Witlimaid service •HOOOti'lfVithbut $30;00-1 per weeI?^^OMl$>5.7897 ; i A ^ 2 30p ,m f F y M -4tf




Only Used 4 Year*

$4£0,OO This Is Lots Than One-Third of

Tocjlay** Rapkefnient Obijji,, ta i l 585-7869 o rS85.4058

f\ u mmmm*

BisDDMR i. T3e.^a&;'1)rf*jEd!ucatiar>soJ'

B l t H e Towns' 'of l#lSudsion • and

Essex and iflvi'es t he sub-

i ^ i i ^ i o n ^ i i S a i e d 'bids on the

;f j^%lngftfv '" 5 ' ' ' ' •'-:•• ' ' ' | \ 0 ^ ^ < J ^ ^ ^ i J ' ! ^ b * o r ' 1 Laiwn %fi|ctor^^w3t|ii^'t^taary niofwer, | t a o i & i ^ ^ f c ^ n d , . s r i o w blower.

The '^ t iove e q u i p m e n t may be inspected a t *heScGhroon Liake Geli*t3t4. :$^"nti6l Gjajfage. '. AH bids anustfye .enclosed i n a sealed, e n v e l o p and marked Qjaiplt lev^^-R^IIE^R BID.

; ',BiS -wifllM^j&iBned o n D e ceroiber 9 r v l§p . i | i : 8 :0O p . <n: m che S & i ^ a ' l i | # | B f e n i t * a l School Boat fd ,6f -Ea^ 'c^ io i i R o o m . " .ftJhfe ! B f c # t f . ^ ' ^ r i c a t t i o n n&<

. s e n p \ ' ' ;the^}^tM'S%>'-J'fejeot' iM buds,

If You Live In Essex






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