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Standard XI: Biology Content List

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Biology 442 22.34.20

TOTAL 442 22.34.20

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Biology 442 22.34.20

UNIT 01: DIVERSITY OF LIFE 133 06.11.15



187 10.26.15

UNIT 04: UNITS OF LIFE 61 03.00.15


36 01.41.31

TOTAL TOPICS 442 22.34.20

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Topic Name Duration


Chapter 01: Biodiversity

1. Characteristics of living organisms 00.03.12

2. Taxonomy as a science 00.01.19

3. Prokaryotes 00.03.37

4. Classification of eukaryota 00.02.45

5. Prokaryota and eukaryota 00.04.41

6. Taxonomic categories of classification 00.03.57

7. Binomial nomenclature 00.02.25

Chapter 02: Systems of Classification

1. Whittaker's system of classification 00.06.07

2. General characters of kingdom monera 00.01.17

3. Kingdom Protista 00.02.00

4. Types of Fungi 00.03.53

5. Kingdom Plantae or Metaphyta 00.02.16

6. Classification of animals 00.06.29

7. Viruses 00.03.27

8. Lytic and lysogenic cycle in virus 00.03.55

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Topic Name Duration

Chapter 03: Kingdoms Monera, Protista and Fungi

1. General characters of kingdom monera 00.01.17

2. Structure of the prokaryotic cell 00.04.25

3. Bacterial transformation and conjugation 00.02.47

4. Prokaryotes 00.03.37

5. Genetic recombination in bacteria (Transduction) 00.01.35

6. Useful microbes 00.04.23

7. Nitrogen fixation 00.03.34

8. Mycoplasma 00.02.10

9. Oscillatoria 00.00.00

10. Prokaryota and eukaryota 00.04.41

11. Kingdom Protista 00.02.00

12. Algae and diatoms 00.02.59

13. Euglena 00.04.33

14. Protozoans 00.02.39

15. Protista 00.04.40

16. Fungi 00.03.41

17. Structure of fungi 00.01.42

18. Reproduction in fungi (Sexual) 00.02.28

19. Classification of eukaryota 00.02.45

20. Types of Fungi 00.03.53

21. Fungi II 00.01.54

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Topic Name Duration

22. Disease causing organism-Microsporum 00.00.00

23. Liverworts and lichens 00.04.02

Chapter 04: Plant Kingdom

1. Classification of living things 00.02.33

2. Kingdom Plantae or Metaphyta 00.02.16

3. Cryptogams 00.04.21

4. Phanerogams 00.05.33

5. Algae and diatoms 00.02.59

6. Red and Brown Algae 00.01.52

7. Spirogyra 00.00.00

8. Liverworts and lichens 00.04.02

9. Riccia (Liverworts) 00.00.00

10. Funaria (Moss) 00.00.00

11. Pteridophytes 00.02.45

12. Fern 00.00.00

13. Gymnosperms 00.02.27

14. Angiosperms 00.01.31

15. Alternation of generation - spirogyra 00.02.05

16. Alternation of generations in bryophytes 00.02.58

17. Alternation of generation in angiosperms 00.02.49

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Topic Name Duration

Chapter 05: Morphology of Angiosperms

1. Phanerogams 00.05.33

2. Importance of root 00.01.58

3. Root system (Functions and modifications) 00.03.32

4. Root modifications (For vital functions) 00.04.10

5. Anatomy of root 00.02.17

6. Root systems 00.03.26

7. Function of the parts of the plants 00.02.52

8. Branching 00.03.52

9. Aerial stem modifications 00.01.36

10. Underground stem modifications 00.02.57

11. Sub-aerial modifications (Stem) 00.02.59

12. Leaf 00.03.02

13. Structure of the leaf 00.06.12

14. Phyllotaxy 00.04.47

15. Types of leaves I 00.03.02

16. Different kinds of leaves 00.02.01

17. Insectivory 00.03.58

18. Leaf modification in bladderwort 00.01.27

19. Plant modifications (For protection and photosynthesis) 00.03.46

Chapter 06: Animal Kingdom

1. Body organization (Levels) 00.03.27

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2. Body organization (Germ layers and symmetry) 00.03.49

3. Body organization (Coelom) 00.02.01

4. Types of Digestion and Digestive Systems 00.03.04

5. Gaseous exchange in animals 00.02.47

6. Sexual reproduction in animals 00.03.15

7. Classification of animals 00.06.29

8. Eumetazoa (coelenterata) 00.03.11

9. Metazoa (porifera) 00.03.37

10. Body organization (Notochord and vertebral column) 00.02.46

11. Chordata (protochordata) 00.03.16

12. Filter feeding 00.02.27

13. Hydra and sponges 00.02.34

14. Identification of Hydra 00.00.00

15. Phylum Ctenophora 00.04.55

16. Phylum (Platyhelminthes) 00.02.10

17. Fasciola hepatica (Common liver fluke) 00.00.00

18. Worms 00.02.49

19. Phylum (Nemathelminthes) 00.02.14

20. Filariasis 00.02.45

21. Earthworm 00.04.06

22. Phylum Annelida 00.03.30

23. Hirudinaria granulosa (Leech) 00.00.00

24. Pheretima posthuma (Earthworm) 00.00.00

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Topic Name Duration

25. Arthropoda 00.02.00

26. General characteristics of insects 00.05.05

27. Identification of Palaemon (Prawn) 00.00.00

28. Cockroach 00.03.01

29. Bombyx mori (Silk moth) 00.00.00

30. Apis indica (Honey bee) 00.00.00

31. Life cycle of a mosquito 00.02.24

32. Mollusca 00.02.50

33. Phylum Echinodermata 00.01.25

34. Starfish and snail 00.02.57

35. Asterias (Starfish) 00.00.00

36. Hemichordata and chordates 00.02.11

37. Chordates and mammals 00.03.52

38. Subphylum Vertebrata 00.03.37

39. Agnatha 00.01.30

40. Superclass Pisces 00.05.18

41. Osteichthyes and chondrichthyes 00.05.23

42. Bony Fish 00.00.00

43. Scoliodon (Shark) 00.00.00

44. Super class - Tetrapoda 00.04.54

45. Fish and amphibia 00.03.31

46. Identification of Frog 00.00.00

47. Class-Reptilia 00.02.52

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Topic Name Duration

48. Class Aves 00.05.11

49. Bird (Vertebrata) 00.00.00

50. Class-Mammalia 00.04.46

51. Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit) 00.00.00

Chapter 07: Morphology and Anatomy of Cockroach

1. Cockroach 00.03.01

2. Digestive system of cockroach 00.02.39

3. Circulatory system in cockroach 00.04.17

4. Respiration in animals (Hydra and Grasshopper) 00.05.39

5. Excretory system (Cockroach) 00.02.38

6. Nervous system of cockroach 00.01.47

7. Compound eye - Cockroach 00.01.53

8. Reproductive system (Cockroach) 00.02.39


Chapter 08: Mineral Nutrition in Plants

1. Hydroponics 00.03.33

2. Mineral nutrition in plants 00.04.55

3. Identification of deficiency diseases in plants 00.00.00

4. Absorption of mineral salts 00.02.40

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5. Donnan equilibrium 00.04.51

6. Ascent of sap 00.01.31

7. Nitrogen cycle 00.04.08

8. Nitrogen fixation 00.03.34

Chapter 09: Plant Growth and Development

1. Characteristics of growth 00.02.49

2. Phases of growth 00.01.38

3. Measurement of growth 00.01.53

4. Differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation 00.04.16

5. Plant development 00.03.04

6. Growth regulators in plants (Phytohormones) 00.03.01

7. Plant Hormones 00.04.12

8. Plant growth substances 00.02.17

9. Experimental demonstration of apical dominance 00.03.47

10. Abscission 00.01.25

11. Physiology of photoperiodism 00.02.56

12. Conditions required for seed germination 00.01.36

13. Seed germination 00.03.58

14. Monocot seed germination 00.03.40

15. Plant movements 00.02.08

16. Movement and Response Co-ordination in Plants 00.02.43

17. Plant movements (Tropism) 00.04.29

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Topic Name Duration


Chapter 10: Plant Tissues

1. Organization of plant tissue systems 00.01.52

2. Plant tissues (Meristematic tissues) 00.01.58

3. Meristematic tissue 00.02.33

4. Plant tissues (Permanent tissues I) 00.02.50

5. Plant tissues (Permanent tissues II) 00.04.34

6. Simple tissues 00.02.56

7. Complex tissues (Xylem and phloem) 00.04.18

8. Types of xylem 00.02.41

9. Plant tissue system 00.04.11

10. Types of vascular bundles 00.03.25

Chapter 11: Animal Tissues

1. Levels of Organization (Anatomy) 00.03.17

2. Plant and animal tissue 00.02.02

3. Epithelial tissue 00.04.31

4. Exocrine glands and Endocrine glands 00.05.04

5. Connective tissues 00.02.08

6. Areolar connective tissues 00.03.27

7. Adipose tissue 00.02.57

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Topic Name Duration

8. Ligaments 00.02.20

9. Anatomy of the bone 00.03.00

10. Bones 00.03.45

11. Structure of the bone 00.03.26

12. Blood Composition 00.06.13

13. Function and characteristics of leucocytes 00.01.41

14. Study of WBCs 00.03.22

15. Blood - The RBC Story 00.03.42

16. Blood clotting 00.01.37

17. Lymphatic system 00.03.08

18. Types of human muscles 00.02.04

19. Muscle tissues and nervous tissues 00.02.24

20. Ultrastructure of skeletal muscles 00.03.18

21. Structure of neuron 00.03.45

22. Types of neurons 00.05.28

23. Nerve 00.00.00

24. Neuroglial cells 00.02.41

Chapter 12: Nutrition in Human

1. Nutrients in food 00.02.31

2. Nutrients and minerals in common food items 00.01.13

3. Carbohydrates 00.02.07

4. Proteins and Fats 00.02.40

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Topic Name Duration

5. Vitamins 00.01.39

6. Vitamin Deficiency Disorders 00.04.32

7. Mineral deficiency diseases 00.04.37

8. Deficiency diseases (Vitamin A, B₁ , C) 00.02.12

9. Importance of roughage 00.02.29

10. Modes of nutrition 00.04.35

11. Human digestive system 00.02.42

12. Detailed digestive system I 00.05.04

13. Detailed digestive system II 00.02.43

14. Tongue (Organ of taste) 00.04.17

15. Human teeth and tooth decay 00.02.37

16. Accessory digestive organs 00.03.16

17. Physiology of digestion 00.04.31

18. Mobility of human gut 00.03.25

19. Liver 00.05.02

20. Liver and its functions 00.03.31

21. Protein digestion 00.05.04

22. Gallbladder 00.03.03

23. Absorption and assimilation of digested food 00.04.39

24. Egestion 00.02.31

25. Hepatitis B and Jaundice 00.03.53

26. Diarrhoea 00.03.12

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Topic Name Duration

Chapter 13: Respiration in Human

1. Respiration 00.02.06

2. Mechanism of breathing in man 00.02.20

3. Types of respiration 00.02.13

4. Human respiratory system 00.04.28

5. Structure of the lungs 00.02.07

6. Pulmonary air volumes and lung capacities 00.03.22

7. Exchange surfaces 00.02.19

8. Exchange of gases 00.02.25

9. Transport of oxygen 00.01.45

10. Gaseous transport 00.06.33

11. Transport of carbon dioxide (In plasma) 00.02.16

12. Bohr effect and Chloride Shift 00.02.58

13. Regulation of respiration 00.02.50

14. Respiratory system (Larynx) 00.06.09

15. Smoking - A dangerous habit 00.05.30

16. Passive smoking and bronchitis 00.03.20

17. Viral diseases (Influenza and polio) 00.04.42

Chapter 14: Circulation in Human

1. Heart and other parts of Human Circulatory System 00.05.16

2. Heart and blood circulation 00.03.35

3. Circulatory system in cockroach 00.04.17

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Topic Name Duration

4. Blood vascular system - Frog 00.03.37

5. Composition and functions of blood 00.04.13

6. Blood Composition 00.06.13

7. Function and characteristics of leucocytes 00.01.41

8. Study of WBCs 00.03.22

9. Blood - The RBC Story 00.03.42

10. Blood clotting 00.01.37

11. Blood groups 00.03.26

12. Blood vessels 00.02.09

13. Arteries and veins 00.05.19

14. Capillaries 00.03.04

15. Anatomy of heart 00.04.32

16. Heart 00.02.07

17. Valves of the heart 00.02.05

18. Cardiac Pacemaker 00.04.03

19. ECG and EEG 00.04.41

20. Sphygmomanometer 00.02.38

21. Heartbeat, Pulse and Heart sounds 00.02.16

22. Double circulation 00.02.20

23. Disorders of the heart 00.02.13

24. Atherosclerosis (Heart disease) 00.02.04

25. Lymphatic system 00.03.08

26. The thymus gland 00.01.00

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Topic Name Duration

Chapter 15: Excretion in Human

1. Excretion in human beings 00.02.30

2. Filtration rate (Kidney) 00.04.16

3. Urine formation 00.06.13

4. Excretory system (Cockroach) 00.02.38

5. Excretory system (Earthworm) 00.02.26

6. Ultrastructure of kidney 00.02.37

7. Complex tubular excretory system 00.04.10

8. Nephron (Structure and functions) 00.04.22

9. Micturition and constituents of urine 00.02.30

10. Dialysis 00.06.20

11. Thermoregulation by the skin 00.03.51

Chapter 16: Endocrine System in Human

1. Exocrine glands and Endocrine glands 00.05.04

2. Chemical coordination in animals 00.03.23

3. Properties of Hormones 00.02.00

4. Animal hormones I 00.04.05

5. Animal hormones II 00.05.17

6. Hormones of hypothalamus 00.03.59

7. Pituitary and pineal glands 00.05.18

8. Thyroid gland 00.03.43

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Topic Name Duration

9. Thyroxine and related disorders 00.04.01

10. Parathyroid glands 00.04.53

11. The thymus gland 00.01.00

12. Adrenal glands 00.03.19

13. Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) and pancreas 00.02.51

14. Sex hormones 00.02.45

15. Protein digestion 00.05.04

16. Mechanism of hormone action (Insulin) 00.05.31

17. Mechanism of hormone action (Adrenaline) 00.03.50

Chapter 17: Nervous System in Human

1. Human nervous system (Neuron) 00.02.47

2. Muscle tissues and nervous tissues 00.02.24

3. Structure of neuron 00.03.45

4. Types of neurons 00.05.28

5. Neuromuscular junction 00.02.52

6. Nerve 00.00.00

7. Neuroglial cells 00.02.41

8. Types of Nervous system 00.02.28

9. Sub systems of the nervous system (CNS, PNS) 00.01.47

10. Brain (Anatomy and function) 00.04.37

11. Meninges of the brain 00.02.56

12. Structure of the brain: Forebrain 00.05.15

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Topic Name Duration

13. Midbrain and Hindbrain 00.06.01

14. Spinal cord (Myelon) 00.03.31

15. Cranial Nerves 00.01.56

16. Spinal Nerves 00.03.33

17. Reflex action 00.02.07

18. Reflex arc 00.03.03

19. Stimulus response 00.02.08

20. Impulse transmission (Action potential) 00.03.45

21. Impulse transmission 00.02.57

22. Synaptic transmission 00.07.23

23. Sensory reception and processing 00.03.23

24. Eye (Anatomy and physiology) 00.05.05

25. Vision 00.02.23

26. Accommodation of the eye 00.01.51

27. Organs of hearing and balance 00.02.40

28. Mechanism of hearing 00.05.13

29. Skin 00.03.08

30. Thermoregulation by the skin 00.03.51

31. Olfactory system of human beings 00.02.52

32. Tongue (Organ of taste) 00.04.17

Chapter 18: Locomotion and Movement in Human

1. Locomotion in animals 00.02.49

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2. Types of human muscles 00.02.04

3. Types of muscle fibers 00.04.37

4. Ultrastructure of skeletal muscles 00.03.18

5. Mechanism of muscle fibre contraction 00.04.07

6. Actin and myosin filament 00.01.48

7. Role of muscles and bones in movement 00.02.21

8. Role of Muscles in Bone Movement 00.04.09

9. Muscular system 00.02.41

10. Red and white muscle fibres 00.02.01

11. Endoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton 00.03.56

12. Axial skeleton 00.03.46

13. Axial skeleton (Rib cage) 00.02.39

14. Vertebral column 00.01.36

15. Appendicular skeleton (Forelimbs and Hind limbs) 00.04.38

16. Girdle bones 00.02.46

17. Joints 00.03.14

18. Bones 00.03.45

19. Anatomy of the bone 00.03.00

20. Connective tissues 00.02.08

21. Bone disorder (Osteoporosis) 00.03.06

22. Fracture 00.02.46

23. Types of fractures 00.01.46

24. Scoliosis 00.04.27

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Chapter 19: Biomolecules

1. Carbohydrates 00.02.07

2. Monosaccharide and Disaccharide 00.02.56

3. Proteins and Fats 00.02.40

4. Amino Acids 00.06.11

5. Organic molecules of life - Nucleic acids 00.03.25

6. ATP as energy currency 00.02.08

Chapter 20: Enzymes

1. Enzyme 00.01.03

2. Industrial production of enzymes 00.04.09

3. Action of major enzymes in humans 00.06.13

4. Enzymes (The biological catalysts) 00.02.20

5. Extracellular and intracellular enzymes 00.02.56

6. Cofactors 00.03.51

7. Properties of enzymes 00.02.05

8. Enzymes as biocatalysts 00.03.22

9. Effect of pH on enzymes 00.01.42

10. Effect of temperature on enzymatic activity 00.01.32

11. Effect of temperature on the activity of lipase 00.00.00

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12. Enzyme inhibition 00.03.33

13. Mechanism of enzyme action and enzyme inhibitors 00.02.22

Chapter 21: Cell: The Basic Unit of Life

1. Cell and cell theory 00.02.01

2. Application of tissue culture 00.02.55

3. Number and size of cells 00.03.38

4. Cell structure specialization 00.02.09

5. Levels of organization 00.02.48

6. Structure of the prokaryotic cell 00.04.25

7. Eukaryotic cell 00.03.03

8. Comparison of plant and animal cells 00.02.04

9. Cell structure (Plant cell) 00.02.32

10. Cell wall and vacuoles 00.01.36

11. Secondary cell wall 00.01.45

12. The partially permeable cell membrane 00.01.49

13. Physiology of cell membrane 00.05.06

14. Plasma membrane (Structure and functions) 00.04.12

15. Role of components of a cell membrane 00.02.33

16. Diffusion 00.02.16

17. Osmosis 00.03.15

18. Haemolysis and crenation of RBCs 00.04.02

19. Plasmolysis 00.03.00

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Topic Name Duration

20. Transport across membranes 00.03.55

21. The role of ATP in active transport 00.02.19

22. Bulk transport 00.02.50

23. Endocytosis and exocytosis 00.03.19

24. Locomotion in animals 00.02.49

25. Prokaryota and eukaryota 00.04.41

26. Cell organelles (ER, Golgi body) 00.03.59

27. Structure of Mitochondria 00.02.38

28. Nucleus and lysosomes 00.03.03

29. Chromatin structure 00.01.40

30. Cell structure II 00.02.35

31. Plastids 00.04.15

32. Structure of Cilia in Paramecium 00.01.15

33. Cell organelles (Ribosomes, centrioles) 00.04.06

Chapter 22: Cellular Respiration

1. Anaerobic respiration (Cellular) 00.03.10

2. ATP as energy currency 00.02.08

3. Respiration in plants 00.02.26

4. Types of respiration 00.02.13

5. Anaerobic respiration 00.03.10

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Chapter 23: Cell Reproduction

1. Cell cycle-Interphase stage 00.00.00

2. Cell division (Mitosis) 00.04.15

3. Meiosis 00.06.12

4. Cancer 00.03.33


Chapter 24: Ecosystem

1. Ecosystem 00.02.17

2. Factors affecting ecosystem 00.04.13

3. Food chain 00.02.52

4. Pond - The Underwater Ecosystem 00.04.13

5. Soil decomposers 00.02.59

6. Energy flow in an ecosystem 00.03.48

7. Food Web 00.00.00

8. Ecological pyramids 00.05.07

9. Ecological succession in ponds 00.02.56

10. Biogeochemical cycles 00.02.35

11. Carbon cycle 00.02.03

12. Phosphorus cycle 00.03.57

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Chapter 25: Environmental Issues

1. Environmental pollution 00.02.06

2. Pollution 00.02.03

3. Air pollution 00.02.59

4. Sources of Air Pollution 00.01.36

5. Acid rain and its harmful effects 00.02.04

6. Methods of controlling air pollution 00.05.20

7. Water pollution 00.03.16

8. Biomagnification 00.03.47

9. Water pollution and its effect (Eutrophication) 00.03.14

10. Wastewater Treatment 00.05.10

11. Land pollution 00.02.16

12. Plastic recycling 00.02.31

13. Composter 00.01.28

14. Waste disposal (Vermicomposting) 00.02.53

15. Sewage treatment and Sanitation 00.02.12

16. Pesticides and weed control 00.03.05

17. Fertilizers 00.02.18

18. Damage caused by UV radiation 00.01.37

19. Global warming 00.02.25

20. Ozone layer 00.03.37

21. Impact of Human Activities on Environment 00.02.45

22. Soil erosion 00.03.11

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23. Forest 00.02.38

24. Sustainable forest management 00.00.00


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