icons from the life of christ-with fr. stephen gauthier

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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For more than a thousand years the Eastern Church has used icons (“images”) to visually communicate the profound theological truths that underlie each of the key moments in the life of Christ as recounted in the Gospels. This session will examine this rich “visual theology,” from the Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she was to be the mother of the Word Incarnate to the Lord’s return to the Father forty days following his resurrection.


  • 1. Saturday, May 4, 2013 Icons of the Life of Christ

2. Our approach Background What is an icon? Development Basic conventions Traditional use in the Eastern Church Icons of the life of Christ The church calendar Festal icons Conventions of each Theology of each 3. Background 4. What is an icon? 5. Origin and meaning of term Greek = image Specialized meaning = images used in the worship and life of the Eastern Church 6. Image vs. idol Two different Hebrew words translated as image Tselem So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him (Genesis 1:28) Greek translation (Septuagint) = icon Fesel You shall not make for yourself a carved image (Exodus 20:4) Greek translation (Septuagint) = idolon Distinction Icon = true image Idol = false image 7. Usage: East vs. West West = instructional Open to artistic innovation East = liturgical Subject to stringent rules 8. Development 9. Earliest Christian images Pagan images subject to Christian interpretation Hermes the patron of shepherds = good shepherd Old Testament scenes Jonah 10. Hermes the shepherd 11. Jonah 12. Later early Christian images Symbols Vine Fish New Testament scenes Magi Multiplication of loaves 13. Loaves and fish 14. Magi 15. Images after Constantine Traditional imperial motifs reinvested with Christian meanings The philosopher The apotheosis of the emperor The royal entrance The emperor in his court 16. Philosopher 17. Christ the teacher 18. Apotheosis 19. Ascension 20. Triumphal entry 21. Palm Sunday 22. Imperial court 23. Deisis (supplication) 24. Profusion of images in 6th and 7th centuries On model of use of imperial image for legal purposes 25. Iconoclastic controversy (726- 843) Arguments against images Idolatry Christological argument Any image of Christ is necessarily false We can see only his human nature o His divine nature cannot be circumscribed 26. Iconoclastic controversy (cont.) Arguments for images Not idolatrous Old Testament prohibits false images and all images of God were false prior to the incarnation Christological To see the human nature of Christ is to see his divine nature since the two are distinct, but inseparable Witness of the Church (universal practice) Practical value for the illiterate Books in pictures 27. Nicaea II Occurs midway through controversy Adopted in East in 843 Feast of Orthodoxy, (March 11) Theology (quasi-sacramental) Key writers John Damascene Nicephoros of Constantinople Theodore the Studite Not fully accepted in West 28. Subsequent history of images in the Church East Quasi-sacramental Part of liturgy Highly regulated West Purely instructional Decorative Open to artistic interpretation 29. Basic conventions 30. Theoretical anti-naturalism Goal: transcend the natural to the supernatural Specifics Two dimensional Inverted perspective Avoid decorative detail 31. Inverted perspective Table perspective reversed 32. Primacy of doctrine over history Presentation of events that occurred at different times Symbolic alternations of historical scene Psychological perspective 33. Events that occurred at different times Journey of magi Announcement to shepherds Josephs doubts Washing of baby 34. Symbolic alterations of history Fish on Holy Thursday 35. Psychological perspective Size of other Figures 36. Other conventions No natural light sources or shadows Halos represent saving knowledge = righteousness then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Matthew 13:43) Not present prior to understanding Apostles prior to Pentecost Features stylized Always both eyes for saints High forehead = intelligence Tight lips = asceticism 37. High forehead = knowledge 38. Apostles: No halos prior to Pentecost 39. Apostles: Halos after Pentecost 40. Traditional Use in the Eastern Church 41. Location of icons Primarily for use in liturgy Best understood in context of their placement 42. Floor Plan of Eastern Church Modeled on Old Testament tabernacle/temple 43. Outer court Holy place Holy of holies Tabernacle/temple Pattern Veil 44. Looking out toward the Narthex 45. Looking in toward the sanctuary and the altar 46. In the sanctuary 47. Looking through the iconostasis to the Altar 48. Altar proper 49. Christ the Teacher/Door Entry to Nave 50. Abbreviation for Jesus Christ Jesus (IC) Christ (XC) 51. Cross within halo 52. The one who is (O WN) = I AM 53. English adaptation I AM 54. Open book (teacher) 55. Blue (divinity) over red (humanity) (his immortality covers our mortality) RED BLUE 56. Christ the Almighty (Pantocrator) Inside top of dome (rising from East) 57. Somewhat stern aspect (we see the Father through the Son) 58. Rainbow (Revelation 4: 1-3) 59. Closed book (to avoid superfluous detail) 60. Alternate position (if no dome) 61. Iconostasis Reminder of our participation in the heavenly liturgy 62. Developed from chancel screen (practical barrier) 63. West: Rood (cross) screen ROOD 64. East: Addition of images 65. East: Reach up to 5 levels 66. Wider than the Heavens (Platytera) Apse Mary as image of the Church (between heaven and earth) 67. Initials for Mother of God MR = Mother OY = of God 68. Hands in orans (prayer) position 69. Three stars = perpetual virginity 70. Quasi-adult features 71. Overall arrangement 72. Logic We approach the Father only through Jesus Entry = Christ the Teacher The Church militant joins with the Church triumphant Iconostasis And as one Church we transcend this world Wider than the Heavens Praying to the Father through the Son Christ the Ruler of All 73. Ruler of All Wider than the Heavens Iconostasis Directional logic 74. Dormition (Marys falling asleep) Exit to Narthex 75. Christ carries away Marys soul at her death (baby = birth to new life) 76. The Second Coming Exit from Narthex 77. Resurrection on the Last Day 78. Detail of iconostasis 79. Number of levels varies Less for Greeks than Russians Desire not to block view of Wider than the Heavens 80. Levels (bottom to top) Sovereign level Include royal doors (middle) Include deacons doors (both sides) Deesis (intercession) or Festal Icons Deesis or Festal Icons Prophets/Central = Mary of the Sign Patriarchs/Central = Old Testament Trinity 81. Royal doors = Annunciation (first proclamation of Gospel) 82. Royal doors (Expanded to include the Evangelists) Annunciati on = first proclamatio n of Gospel Evangelis ts = Gospel proclaime d to world 83. Deacons doors (angels or saints who were deacons) 84. Jesus and Mary in center positions 85. John the Precursor and patron saint Patron saint John the Precursor 86. Deacons doors (angels, saints who were deacons, or soldier saints) 87. Annunciation Evangelists 88. Annunciation Evangelists 89. Holy hierarchs instead of Evangelists (wrote Eastern Eucharistic Prayers) Basil John Chrysostom 90. John the Precursor (with wings = messenger= angel 91. Deesis Intercession 92. Core= Mary/Christ/John the Precursor 93. Add archangels + Peter/Paul Paul Gabriel Peter Michael 94. Add hierarchs (Basil and John Chrysostom) Basil John Chrysostom 95. Basic Apostles Other Saints 96. Development of the Church Year 97. Seasonal calendar Earliest church Each Sunday = celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Stage 1 Addition of Easter Special annual celebration of death and resurrection of Jesus Rooted in Passover Stage 2 Addition of Christmas/Epiphany Christmas Developed in Western Church Epiphany Developed in Eastern Church 98. Natural expansion Annunciation (Christmas 9 months) Presentation (Christmas + 40 days) = February 2 Holy Week (Week before Easter) Ascension (Easter + 40 days) Pentecost (Easter + 50 days) 99. Seasonal feasts with festal icons Annunciation (March 25) Nativity (December 25) Presentation (February 2) Baptism (January 6) Transfiguration (August 6) Raising of Lazarus (Saturday prior to Palm Sunday) 100. Festal icons Palm Sunday Good Friday Resurrection Ascension (40 days after Easter) Pentecost (50 days after Easter) Dormition (August 15) 101. Annunciation March 25 102. Text = Announceme nt of the good news to the God bearer 103. Text = Archangel Gabriel 104. Initials = Mother of God 105. Drapery = indoors 106. Angels rod = authority 107. Separated feet = movement 108. Vault of heaven 109. Ray = action of the Holy Spirit 110. Halo = enlightene d 111. Marys humanity (red) covers Christs divinity (blue) 112. Theology of annunciation Essence of good news = God, in Christ, has taken on our humanity Born of the Virgin Mary Inseparably joined to us = Immanuel (God with us) Image on royal doors In Jesus, our humanity has entered into the heavenly places (Ascension) 113. December 25 Nativity 114. Text = The Birth of Christ 115. Initials = Mother of God 116. Initials = Jesus Chr 117. Basic elements Central = Mother and child Peripheral Angels Magi Announcement to shepherds Washing of Jesus Joseph 118. Mother and child Angels Magi Announceme nt to the shepherds Joseph tested Washing of Jesus 119. Central Scene Mother and child 120. Cave 121. Mary reclining, at peace 122. Baby in swaddling clothes in stone manger 123. Ox and ass of Isaiah 1:3 124. Miraculous star from heaven 125. Theology - Mary Mother reclining and at peace Pain of childbirth associated with sin in Genesis No sin associated with birth of Christ (new Adam) Completely separate from Joseph = virgin birth Halo = enlightened Red/blue = her humanity covered his divinity 126. Theology - Jesus Christ was born to die for us Swaddling clothes = burial wrapping Manger = sepulcher Cave = tomb Will be rejected by his own Unlike ox and donkey Isaiah 1:3 = The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master's crib, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand. 127. Peripheral scenes 128. Angels Magi Announceme nt to the shepherds Joseph tested Washing of Jesus 129. Angels Sometimes trinity = humanity added to divinity Joy in both heaven and earth (cosmic event) 130. Magi Hope for the Gentiles Type of myrrh-bearing women 131. Shepherds Hope for Israel Hope for outcasts 132. Washing Unbelief/rejection Compare Thomas 133. Testing of Joseph Virgin birth Halo = enlightened (Bible = just man) 134. Whats wrong with this icon? 135. Wise men at scene rather than travellingMary kneeling Joseph with Mary 136. February 2 Presentation (Meeting) 137. The meeting 138. Details Drapery = inside This child made firm Heaven and earth All have halos = Described as righteous or filled with Holy Spirit 139. Theology fulfillment God comes in person into His temple Fulfillment of the Law Same Holy Spirit at work in Old and New Covenants 140. Baptism (or Theophany) January 6 (Eastern Church) Following Sunday (Western Church) 141. Surrounded by water (to emphasize immersion) 142. You broke the heads of the sea monsters on the waters (Psalm 74:13) 143. The sea looked and fled, Jordan turned back (Psalm 114:3) Woman with scepter = s Man with water pot = river 144. Theophany - Trinity Father = vault of heaven Dove = Holy Spirit 145. John looks up at Holy Spirit (John 1:32) 146. Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. (Matthew 3:10) 147. Ministering angels to accompany Jesus 148. Theology Anointing as anointed one (Messiah/Christ) Reversal Others Bring sins to waters Cleansed by waters Relieved of burden of sins Jesus Brings righteousness to waters Cleanses the waters themselves (sanctifies them for baptism) Takes on burden of sins o Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29) 149. August 6 (Gospel of last Sunday before Lent by Anglicans) Transfiguration (Transformation) 150. Christ of Resurrection (anticipation) White robes rather Than blue over red Mandorla 151. Theophany - Trinity Pink geometric shape = Cloud = Holy Spirit 152. Moses and Elijah Moses (with book) Elijah 153. Halos for Moses and Elijah but not apostles 154. Shoe off = holy ground 155. Theology Fulfillment of Law and Prophets Halos = Moses and Elijah discuss Jesus exodus (Greek) Two theophanies as bookends Start of public ministry (baptism) Preceding temptation in desert End of public ministry (transfiguration) Preceding Passion Message of bookends What it truly means to be the anointed one Context for all that follows victory vs. defeat 156. Celebrated the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday Raising of Lazarus (Awakening) 157. The raising (not resurrection) of Lazarus 158. Lazarus still bound by death (bound by burial clothes) 159. Subject to corruption (fourth day in tomb vs. third day for Jesus) Witness holding nose 160. Lazarus with halo (belief) 161. Theology Christ holds power over death Our hope of resurrection is for more than a continuation of this life 162. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday (The Bearing of the Palm Branches) 163. Children = psychological perspective 164. Theology The passion will be Jesus victory as Messiah/King In Lukes narrative, Jesus immediately enters in power into the temple as Messiah/High Priest 165. From Palm Sunday to Holy Thursday Christ the Bridegroom 166. Theology Christ has come for his bride (the church) Repeated image of bridegroom Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? (Matthew 9:15) John describes himself as friend of the bridegroom (John 3:29) Need to be watchful 167. Holy Thursday Mystical Supper 168. Mystical Supper v.LastSupper 169. Fish v. lamb = Food is Christ himself 170. Other details Drapery = Indoor scene Psychological perspective 171. Theology Lords Supper is an ongoing reality True understanding of what is about to take place I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. (John 6:51) 172. Good Friday Crucifixion 173. Inscription = King of Glory (2 Corinthians 2:8) 174. Christ at peace (not suffering) 175. Flesh is healthy color (no corruption) 176. Victory in very place of defeat (death defeated by death) Adams tomb 177. Water from right side = water from right side of temple (Ezekiel 47:1) 178. Centurion with halo (confession of true faith despite appearances) 179. Other details Feet separated in East Only time sun and moon depicted precisely because they are not a source of light 180. Theology Victory (glory) rather than defeat Death defeated by death Christ as Messiah: Victorious king triumphing over enemy = death High priest Priest and victim Birth of Church Water (baptism) and blood (Eucharist) Like Eve taken from side of Adam Bride and mother of all living 181. Christ in the tomb Holy Saturday Great Humility 182. Theology Humbled himself to death on a cross And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:8) 183. Resurrection 184. Resurrected Christ MandorlaResurrection gold/white v. blue over red 185. Dark cave = Hades (death) 186. Gates of death broken down 187. Death itself bound 188. Jesus feet apart (= movement) 189. Release of Adam and Eve 190. Others Old Testament figures John the Precursor David and Solomon Abel Elijah Moses 191. Theology Meaning of resurrection our liberation from death We share in his resurrection Effective across time Saints of the Old Testament 192. Additional Resurrection Icons 193. Touching of Thomas 194. Myrrh-bearing women Burial clothes Left behind 195. Theology Real body Can be touched Same body Wounds still present Changed body No longer limited No longer subject to death (burial clothes left behind) Rock rolled back after resurrection Only to allow disciples to see that the tomb was empty 196. Ascension 197. No halos for apostles (not yet Pentecost) 198. Theology Jesus reigns at the right hand of God His reign has already begun Evidenced by gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost 199. Pentecost 200. Theme of apostolic mission Paul present (prior to Conversion) Addition of non- Apostle evangelists (Mark and Luke) world holds scrolls o Gospel to be carried to nations Mary not pictured (not part of apostolic Mission) 201. Halos on apostles 202. Peter and Paul central Peter Paul 203. Other details Drapery = interior scene Rays from vault of heave 204. Theology Church is born on Calvary Bride taken from side of Christ (like Eve) Jesus continues his mission in his Church 205. Level 4 of iconostasis Prophets (from Moses forward) Virgin of the Sign 206. Ezekiel 207. Isaiah 208. Jonah 209. Elijah 210. Jeremiah 211. Level 5 of iconostasis Patriarchs (prior to Moses) (Old Testament) Trinity 212. Old Testament Trinity (same age = co-eternal) Father Green = Holy Spirit Lord and Giver of Life Jesus (blue over Red) 213. Jacob 214. Patriarchs (Trinity) Prophet s (virgin of the Sign) Deisis Festal icons Sovereign level 215. Other Icons of the Trinity Common but criticized for theological reasons

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