iberian lynx field notebook

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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Cuaderno de campo para estudiantes de secundaria




INTRODUCTION TO THE VISITIhttp://vishub.org/pictures/73.jpgn most respects, the Iberian lynx resembles other species of lynx, with a short tail, tuftedears and a ruff of fur beneath the chin. While the Eurasian lynx bears rather pallid markings, the Iberian lynx has distinctive, leopard-like spots with a coat that is often light grey or various shades of light brownish-yellow. The coat is also noticeably shorter than in other lynxes, which are typically adapted to colder environments.

Some western populations were spotless, although these have recently become extinct. The head and body length is 85 to 110 centimetres (33 to 43 in), with the short tail an additional 12 to 30 centimetres (4.7 to 12 in); the shoulder height is 60 to 70 centimetres (24 to 28 in). The male is larger than the female, with the average weight of males 12.9 kilograms (28 lb) and a maximum of 26.8 kilograms (59 lb), compared to anaverage of 9.4 kilograms (21 lb) for females; this is about half the size of the Eurasian lynx.
This lynx was distributed over the entire Iberian Peninsula as recently as the mid-19th century. It is now restricted to very limited areas of southern Spain,with breeding only confirmed in two areas of Andalucia.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Mapa_distribuicao_lynx_pardinus_2003.png


The Iberian lynx is smaller than its northern relatives, and typically hunts smaller animals, usually no larger than hares. It also differs in habitat choice, with Iberian lynxinhabiting open scrub and Eurasian lynx inhabiting forests.It hunts mammals (including rodents and insectivores), birds, reptiles and amphibians at twilight. The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is its main prey (79.5-86.7%), with (5.9%) hares (Lepus granatensis) and rodents (3.2%) less common. A male requires one rabbit per day; a female bringing up cubs will eat three rabbits per day.


During the mating season the female leaves her territory in search of a male. The typicalgestation period is about two months; the cubs are born between March and September, with a peak of births in March and April. A litter consists of two or three (rarely one, four or five) kittens weighing between 200 and 250 grams (7.1 and 8.8 oz).Thekittens become independent at seven to 10 months old, but remain with the mother until around 20 months old. Survival of the young depends heavily on the availability of prey species. In the wild, both males and females reach sexual maturity at one year old, though in practice they rarely breed until a territory becomes vacant; one female was known not to breed until five years old when its mother died.

POPULATIONSThe Iberian lynx is acritically endangered species;it is the world's most threatened speciesof cat and the most threatened carnivore in Europe. Studies conducted in March 200 have estimated the number of surviving Iberian lynx to be as few as 100,which is down from about 400 in 2000 and down from 4,000 in 1960.
There exist websites like SOS Lynxwhich is a conservation charity based in Portugal, working to prevent the extinction of the Iberian lynx. Its aim is to stop the decline of the Iberian lynx and other lynx species:http://www.soslynx.org/


Write the average of females and males of Iberian Lynx

What requirements must fulfill its habitat?

What feeds almost exclusively this animal?

4- What are the causes of the decline in the numberof rabbits?

5- What two hunting techniques the Iberian Lynx uses? Explain them briefly.

6- What months females give birth?

7- How many offsprings have a litter of Iberian Lynx?

8- Draw an Iberian Lynx forelimb footprint

9- What are the main causes of the decline of the Iberian Lynx in the recent years?

10-Explain what the process of inbreeding is.

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